#!/usr/bin/python """ Virt management features Copyright 2007, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ # warning: virt management is rather complicated # to see a simple example of func, look at the # service control module. API docs on how # to use this to come. # other modules import os import sub_process import libvirt # our modules import codes import func_module VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP = { 0 : "running", 1 : "running", 2 : "running", 3 : "paused", 4 : "shutdown", 5 : "shutdown", 6 : "crashed" } class FuncLibvirtConnection(): def __init__(self): cmd = sub_process.Popen("uname -r", shell=True, stdout=sub_process.PIPE) output = cmd.communicate()[0] if output.find("xen") != -1: conn = libvirt.open(None) else: conn = libvirt.open("qemu:///system") if not conn: raise codes.FuncException("hypervisor connection failure") self.conn = conn def find_vm(self, vmid): """ Extra bonus feature: vmid = -1 returns a list of everything """ conn = self.conn vms = [] # this block of code borrowed from virt-manager: # get working domain's name ids = conn.listDomainsID(); for id in ids: vm = conn.lookupByID(id) vms.append(vm) # get defined domain names = conn.listDefinedDomains() for name in names: vm = conn.lookupByName(name) vms.append(vm) if vmid == -1: return vms for vm in vms: if vm.name() == vmid: return vm raise codes.FuncException("virtual machine %s not found" % needle) def shutdown(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).shutdown() def pause(self, vmid): return suspend(self.conn,vmid) def unpause(self, vmid): return resume(self.conn,vmid) def suspend(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).suspend() def resume(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).resume() def create(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).create() def destroy(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).destroy() def undefine(self, vmid): return self.find_vm(vmid).undefine() def get_status2(self, vm): state = vm.info()[0] # print "DEBUG: state: %s" % state return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state,"unknown") def get_status(self, vmid): state = self.find_vm(vmid).info()[0] return VIRT_STATE_NAME_MAP.get(state,"unknown") class Virt(func_module.FuncModule): def __init__(self): """ Constructor. Register methods and make them available. """ self.methods = { "install" : self.install, "shutdown" : self.shutdown, "destroy" : self.destroy, "start" : self.create, "pause" : self.pause, "unpause" : self.unpause, "delete" : self.undefine, "status" : self.get_status, "list_vms" : self.list_vms, } func_module.FuncModule.__init__(self) def get_conn(self): self.conn = FuncLibvirtConnection() return self.conn def list_vms(self): self.conn = self.get_conn() vms = self.conn.find_vm(-1) results = [] for x in vms: try: results.append(x.name()) except: pass return results def install(self, server_name, target_name, system=False): """ Install a new virt system by way of a named cobbler profile. """ # Example: # install("bootserver.example.org", "fc7webserver", True) conn = self.get_conn() if conn is None: raise codes.FuncException("no connection") if not os.path.exists("/usr/bin/koan"): raise codes.FuncException("no /usr/bin/koan") target = "profile" if system: target = "system" # TODO: FUTURE: set --virt-path in cobbler or here koan_args = [ "/usr/bin/koan", "--virt", "--virt-graphics", # enable VNC "--%s=%s" % (target, target_name), "--server=%s" % server_name ] rc = sub_process.call(koan_args,shell=False) if rc == 0: return 0 else: raise codes.FuncException("koan returned %d" % rc) def shutdown(self, vmid): """ Make the machine with the given vmid stop running. Whatever that takes. """ self.get_conn() self.conn.shutdown(vmid) return 0 def pause(self, vmid): """ Pause the machine with the given vmid. """ self.get_conn() self.conn.suspend(vmid) return 0 def unpause(self, vmid): """ Unpause the machine with the given vmid. """ self.get_conn() self.conn.resume(vmid) return 0 def create(self, vmid): """ Start the machine via the given mac address. """ self.get_conn() self.conn.create(vmid) return 0 def destroy(self, vmid): """ Pull the virtual power from the virtual domain, giving it virtually no time to virtually shut down. """ self.get_conn() self.conn.destroy(vmid) return 0 def undefine(self, vmid): """ Stop a domain, and then wipe it from the face of the earth. by deleting the disk image and it's configuration file. """ self.get_conn() self.conn.undefine(vmid) return 0 def get_status(self, vmid): """ Return a state suitable for server consumption. Aka, codes.py values, not XM output. """ self.get_conn() return self.conn.get_status(vmid) methods = Virt() register_rpc = methods.register_rpc