# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from setuptools import setup, find_packages from turbogears.finddata import find_package_data import os execfile(os.path.join("funcweb", "release.py")) packages=find_packages() package_data = find_package_data(where='funcweb', package='funcweb') if os.path.isdir('locales'): packages.append('locales') package_data.update(find_package_data(where='locales', exclude=('*.po',), only_in_packages=False)) #adding to the virtual part of the apache etcpath = "/etc/httpd/conf.d" #having a manual part for funcweb may add more things there in the future self_etcpath = "/etc/funcweb" #the init path for starting and stoping the server ! initpath = "/etc/init.d" #the log path logpath = "/var/log/funcweb" rotpath = "/etc/logrotate.d" #the pam path pampath = "/etc/pam.d/" #the setup part setup( name="funcweb", version=version, description=description, author=author, author_email=email, url=url, license=license, install_requires=[ "TurboGears >=", ], zip_safe=False, packages=packages, package_data=package_data, keywords=[ # Use keywords if you'll be adding your package to the # Python Cheeseshop # if this has widgets, uncomment the next line # 'turbogears.widgets', # if this has a tg-admin command, uncomment the next line # 'turbogears.command', # if this has identity providers, uncomment the next line # 'turbogears.identity.provider', # If this is a template plugin, uncomment the next line # 'python.templating.engines', # If this is a full application, uncomment the next line # 'turbogears.app', ], classifiers=[ 'Development Status :: 3 - Alpha', 'Operating System :: OS Independent', 'Programming Language :: Python', 'Topic :: Software Development :: Libraries :: Python Modules', 'Framework :: TurboGears', # if this is an application that you'll distribute through # the Cheeseshop, uncomment the next line # 'Framework :: TurboGears :: Applications', # if this is a package that includes widgets that you'll distribute # through the Cheeseshop, uncomment the next line # 'Framework :: TurboGears :: Widgets', ], test_suite='nose.collector', entry_points = { 'console_scripts': [ 'funcwebd = funcweb.commands:start', ], 'turbogears.identity.provider' : [ 'pam = funcweb.identity.pamprovider:PAMIdentityProvider' ], 'turbogears.visit.manager' : [ 'funcvisit = funcweb.identity.visit:FuncWebVisitManager' ], }, # Uncomment next line and create a default.cfg file in your project dir # if you want to package a default configuration in your egg. data_files = [ (etcpath,['etc/funcweb.conf']), (self_etcpath,['etc/prod.cfg']), (initpath,['init-scripts/funcwebd']), (logpath,[]), (rotpath,['etc/funcweb_rotate']), (pampath,['etc/pam.d/funcweb']) ], )