#the purpose of that module is to make widget automation #for registered minion modules so we dont hace to write #that same boring stuff for every added module ! from turbogears.widgets.base import Widget,WidgetsList from turbogears import widgets class WidgetListFactory(object): """ The class is responsible for taking the method arguments and converting them to the appropriate widget equivalents Examples : """ #which type matches for which InputWidget __convert_table={ 'int':{ 'default_value':"TextField", }, 'string':{ 'default_value':"TextField", 'options':"SingleSelectField"}, 'boolean':{ 'default_value':"CheckBox"}, 'float':{ 'default_value':"TextField", }, 'hash':{ 'type':"RepeatingFieldSet"}, 'list':{ 'type':"RepeatingFieldSet"} } #will contain the input widget created in that class def __init__(self,argument_dict,minion=None,module=None,method=None): """ Initiated with argument_dict of a method to return back a WidgetsList object to be placed into a form object @param:argument_dict : The structure we got here is like {'arg1':{'type':'int'..},'arg2':{'min':111} ...} """ self.__argument_dict = argument_dict self.__widget_list={} #these fields will be passed ass hidden so we need them self.minion = minion self.module = module self.method = method def __add_general_widget(self): #key is the argument_name and the argument are options for key,argument in self.__argument_dict.iteritems(): #get the type of the argument current_type = argument['type'] act_special = False #if it has some special parameters #it should be passed to its specialized method,if it has #for example options in its key it should be shown as a #SingleSelectField not a TextFiled for type_match in self.__convert_table[current_type].keys(): if type_match!='default_value' and argument.has_key(type_match): act_special = True # print key,argument if act_special: #calling for example __add_specialized_string(..) getattr(self,"_%s__add_specialized_%s"%(self.__class__.__name__,current_type))(argument,key) else: temp_object = getattr(widgets,self.__convert_table[current_type]['default_value'])() #add common options to it self.__add_commons_to_object(temp_object,argument,key) #add a new entry to final list self.__widget_list[key]=temp_object #print "That have the object :",getattr(self.__widget_list[key],"default") del temp_object #print "That have the object :",getattr(self.__widget_list["list_default"],"default") #adding the hidden fields (that part wass adde later can be made more generic) if self.minion: self.__widget_list['minion']= getattr(widgets,'HiddenField')(name="minion",default=self.minion) if self.module: self.__widget_list['module']= getattr(widgets,'HiddenField')(name="module",default=self.module) if self.method: self.__widget_list['method']= getattr(widgets,'HiddenField')(name="method",default=self.method) def __add_specialized_string(self,argument,argument_name): """ Specialized option adder, called when the type:string is used with option 'options' so we should create a new SingleSelectField that one canno be created like others because user should supply options in the constructor of the SingleSelectField so it becomes a special one @param : argument : the argument options, @param : argument_name : the name of the argument also the name of the widget @return : Nothing """ #allittle bit difficult to follow but that structure does #temp_object = SingleSelectField() for example temp_object = getattr(widgets,self.__convert_table[argument['type']]['options'])(options = argument['options']) self.__add_commons_to_object(temp_object,argument,argument_name) #add a new entry to final list self.__widget_list[argument_name]=temp_object del temp_object def __add_specialized_hash(self,argument,argument_name): """ Specialized option adder for hash, we need it to be diffferent because the hash and list objects uses an advanced type of widgets which make them to be able to add, remove fields during using the web UI. It uses the RepeatingFieldSet which is able to contain the other normal input widgets. It will have two fields (TextFields) one for key : keyfield and other for value : valuefield Also the validator addition is a little bit different and should be done in that method also ... @param : argument : the argument options, @param : argument_name : the name of the argument also the name of the widget @return : Nothing """ hash_repeat_data = { 'template':"funcweb.templates.repeater_form",#may change that if someone doesnt like my design :) 'fields': [ widgets.TextField(name="keyfield",label="Key Field"), widgets.TextField(name="valuefield",label="Value Field") ], } #create the RepeatingFieldSet object and add it to global list like you do for others temp_object = getattr(widgets,self.__convert_table[argument['type']]['type'])(**hash_repeat_data) #print temp_object.fields #add the common options self.__add_commons_to_object(temp_object,argument,argument_name) #add a new entry to final list self.__widget_list[argument_name]=temp_object del temp_object def __add_specialized_list(self,argument,argument_name): """ Very similar to __add_specialized_hash except it has one field that is repeated so that provides a dynamic numbers of fields into the web UI. TODO : combine the 2 methods into a one generic they are very similar @param : argument : the argument options, @param : argument_name : the name of the argument also the name of the widget @return : Nothing """ list_repeat_data = { 'template':"funcweb.templates.repeater_form",#may change that if someone doesnt like my design :) 'fields' : [ widgets.TextField(name="listfield",label="List Field") ], } #create the RepeatingFieldSet object and add it to global list like you do for others temp_object = getattr(widgets,self.__convert_table[argument['type']]['type'])(**list_repeat_data) #add the commno options self.__add_commons_to_object(temp_object,argument,argument_name) #add a new entry to final list self.__widget_list[argument_name]=temp_object del temp_object def __add_commons_to_object(self,object,argument,argument_name): """ As it was thought all input widgets have the same common parameters they take so that method will add them to instantiated object for ex (TextField) if they occur into the argument ... @param object : instantiated inputwidget object @param method argument to lookup {type:'int','max':12 ...} @return :None """ #firstly set the name of the argument setattr(object,"name",argument_name) setattr(object,"label",pretty_label(argument_name)) #print "The argument name is :",argument_name #print "The argument options are :",argument if argument.has_key('default'): setattr(object,"default",argument["default"]) if argument.has_key('description'): setattr(object,'help_text',argument['description']) def get_widgetlist(self): """ Return back a dictionay with argument_name : input_widget pairs. That method may not be called directly,get_widgetlist_object is better for using in web interface """ #compute the list self.__add_general_widget() return self.__widget_list def get_widgetlist_object(self): """ Method return back the final widgetlist object which is turbogears.widgets.WidgetsList """ #print self.__widget_list if len(self.__widget_list.keys())==0: self.__add_general_widget() #not very efficient widget_list_object = widgets.WidgetsList() for name,input_widget in self.__widget_list.iteritems(): #it is a list indeed widget_list_object.append(input_widget) #get the object back #print widget_list_object return widget_list_object #################################################################################################################### from turbogears.widgets.base import CoreWD from turbogears.widgets import RemoteForm from turbogears import validators, expose class RemoteFormAutomation(CoreWD): """ Base class for ajaxian Form creation """ name = "Ajaxian Minion Submit Form" template = """
""" full_class_name = "funcweb.controllers.Root" def __init__(self,generated_fields,validator_schema,*args,**kwarg): """ The constructor part same as normal one except it takes a WidgetsList object into generated_fields which is generated by WidgetListFactory """ #call the master :) super(RemoteFormAutomation,self).__init__(*args,**kwarg) self.for_widget = RemoteForm( fields = generated_fields, validator = validator_schema, name = "minion_form", update = "col5", before='getElement(\'loading\').innerHTML=toHTML(IMG({src:\'../static/images/loading.gif\',width:\'100\',height:\'100\'}));', on_complete='getElement(\'loading\' ).innerHTML=\'Done!\';', ) #################################################################################################### class RemoteFormFactory(object): """ Gets the WidgetListFactory object and return back a RemoteForm the same as above just for testing """ #some values that may want to change later name = "minion_form", update = "col5", before='getElement(\'loading\').innerHTML=toHTML(IMG({src:\'../static/images/loading.gif\',width:\'100\',height:\'100\'}));', on_complete='getElement(\'loading\' ).innerHTML=\'Done!\';', submit_text = "Send Minion Form" action = "/post_form" def __init__(self,wlist_object,validator_schema): self.wlist_object = wlist_object self.validator_schema = validator_schema def get_remote_form(self): #print self.wlist_object return RemoteForm( name = self.name, fields = self.wlist_object, before = self.before, on_complete = self.on_complete, update = self.update, submit_text = self.submit_text, action = self.action, validator = self.validator_schema ) class RemoteLinkFactory(CoreWD): """ A rpc executer for the methods without arguments """ name = "Minion Remote Link Executer" template ="""
Minion Result
""" def __init__(self,*args,**kwargs): """The init part here""" super(SomeRemoteLink,self).__init__(*args,**kwargs) self.for_widget = LinkRemoteFunction( name = "catexecuter", action = "/catlister", data = dict(give_all="all"), update = "items" ) ############################################################################################# def pretty_label(name_to_label): """ Simple util method to show the labels better without __ things and other ugly looking stuff """ tmp = None split_tokens = ('__','_','-') for st in split_tokens: tmp = name_to_label.split(st) if len(tmp)>1: break if tmp : name_to_label = " ".join([s.capitalize() for s in tmp]) else: name_to_label = name_to_label.capitalize() return name_to_label