""" pyyaml legacy Copyright (c) 2001 Steve Howell and Friends; All Rights Reserved (see open source license information in docs/ directory) """ import re, string from implicit import convertImplicit from inline import InlineTokenizer from klass import DefaultResolver from stream import YamlLoaderException, FileStream, StringStream, NestedDocs try: iter(list()) # is iter supported by this version of Python? except: # XXX - Python 2.1 does not support iterators class StopIteration: pass class iter: def __init__(self,parser): self._docs = [] try: while 1: self._docs.append(parser.next()) except StopIteration: pass self._idx = 0 def __len__(self): return len(self._docs) def __getitem__(self,idx): return self._docs[idx] def next(self): if self._idx < len(self._docs): ret = self._docs[self._idx] self._idx = self._idx + 1 return ret raise StopIteration def loadFile(filename, typeResolver=None): return loadStream(FileStream(filename),typeResolver) def load(str, typeResolver=None): return loadStream(StringStream(str), typeResolver) def l(str): return load(str).next() def loadStream(stream, typeResolver): return iter(Parser(stream, typeResolver)) def tryProductions(productions, value): for production in productions: results = production(value) if results: (ok, result) = results if ok: return (1, result) def dumpDictionary(): return {} class Parser: def __init__(self, stream, typeResolver=None): try: self.dictionary = dict except: self.dictionary = dumpDictionary self.nestedDocs = NestedDocs(stream) self.aliases = {} if typeResolver: self.typeResolver = typeResolver else: self.typeResolver = DefaultResolver() def error(self, msg): self.nestedDocs.error(msg, self.line) def nestPop(self): line = self.nestedDocs.pop() if line is not None: self.line = line return 1 def value(self, indicator): return getToken(indicator+"\s*(.*)", self.line) def getNextDocument(self): raise "getNextDocument() deprecated--use next()" def next(self): line = self.nestedDocs.popDocSep() indicator = getIndicator(line) if indicator: return self.parse_value(indicator) if line: self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine() return self.parseLines() raise StopIteration def __iter__(self): return self def parseLines(self): peekLine = self.nestedDocs.peek() if peekLine: if re.match("\s*-", peekLine): return self.parse_collection([], self.parse_seq_line) else: return self.parse_collection(self.dictionary(), self.parse_map_line) raise StopIteration def parse_collection(self, items, lineParser): while self.nestPop(): if self.line: lineParser(items) return items def parse_seq_line(self, items): value = self.value("-") if value is not None: items.append(self.parse_seq_value(value)) else: self.error("missing '-' for seq") def parse_map_line(self, items): if (self.line == '?'): self.parse_map_line_nested(items) else: self.parse_map_line_simple(items, self.line) def parse_map_line_nested(self, items): self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine() key = self.parseLines() if self.nestPop(): value = self.value(':') if value is not None: items[tuple(key)] = self.parse_value(value) return self.error("key has no value for nested map") def parse_map_line_simple(self, items, line): map_item = self.key_value(line) if map_item: (key, value) = map_item key = convertImplicit(key) if items.has_key(key): self.error("Duplicate key "+key) items[key] = self.parse_value(value) else: self.error("bad key for map") def is_map(self, value): # XXX - need real tokenizer if len(value) == 0: return 0 if value[0] == "'": return 0 if re.search(':(\s|$)', value): return 1 def parse_seq_value(self, value): if self.is_map(value): return self.parse_compressed_map(value) else: return self.parse_value(value) def parse_compressed_map(self, value): items = self.dictionary() line = self.line token = getToken("(\s*-\s*)", line) self.nestedDocs.nestBySpecificAmount(len(token)) self.parse_map_line_simple(items, value) return self.parse_collection(items, self.parse_map_line) def parse_value(self, value): (alias, value) = self.testForRepeatOfAlias(value) if alias: return value (alias, value) = self.testForAlias(value) value = self.parse_unaliased_value(value) if alias: self.aliases[alias] = value return value def parse_unaliased_value(self, value): match = re.match(r"(!\S*)(.*)", value) if match: (url, value) = match.groups() value = self.parse_untyped_value(value) if url[:2] == '!!': return self.typeResolver.resolveType(value, url) else: # XXX - allows syntax, but ignores it return value return self.parse_untyped_value(value) def parseInlineArray(self, value): if re.match("\s*\[", value): return self.parseInline([], value, ']', self.parseInlineArrayItem) def parseInlineHash(self, value): if re.match("\s*{", value): return self.parseInline(self.dictionary(), value, '}', self.parseInlineHashItem) def parseInlineArrayItem(self, result, token): return result.append(convertImplicit(token)) def parseInlineHashItem(self, result, token): (key, value) = self.key_value(token) result[key] = value def parseInline(self, result, value, end_marker, itemMethod): tokenizer = InlineTokenizer(value) tokenizer.next() while 1: token = tokenizer.next() if token == end_marker: break itemMethod(result, token) return (1, result) def parseSpecial(self, value): productions = [ self.parseMultiLineScalar, self.parseInlineHash, self.parseInlineArray, ] return tryProductions(productions, value) def parse_untyped_value(self, value): parse = self.parseSpecial(value) if parse: (ok, data) = parse return data token = getToken("(\S.*)", value) if token: lines = [token] + \ pruneTrailingEmpties(self.nestedDocs.popNestedLines()) return convertImplicit(joinLines(lines)) else: self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine() return self.parseLines() def parseNative(self, value): return (1, convertImplicit(value)) def parseMultiLineScalar(self, value): if value == '>': return (1, self.parseFolded()) elif value == '|': return (1, joinLiteral(self.parseBlock())) elif value == '|+': return (1, joinLiteral(self.unprunedBlock())) def parseFolded(self): data = self.parseBlock() i = 0 resultString = '' while i < len(data)-1: resultString = resultString + data[i] resultString = resultString + foldChar(data[i], data[i+1]) i = i + 1 return resultString + data[-1] + "\n" def unprunedBlock(self): self.nestedDocs.nestToNextLine() data = [] while self.nestPop(): data.append(self.line) return data def parseBlock(self): return pruneTrailingEmpties(self.unprunedBlock()) def testForAlias(self, value): match = re.match("&(\S*)\s*(.*)", value) if match: return match.groups() return (None, value) def testForRepeatOfAlias(self, value): match = re.match("\*(\S+)", value) if match: alias = match.groups()[0] if self.aliases.has_key(alias): return (alias, self.aliases[alias]) else: self.error("Unknown alias") return (None, value) def key_value(self, str): if str[-1] == ' ': self.error("Trailing spaces not allowed without quotes.") # XXX This allows mis-balanced " vs. ' stuff match = re.match("[\"'](.+)[\"']\s*:\s*(.*)", str) if match: (key, value) = match.groups() return (key, value) match = re.match("(.+?)\s*:\s*(.*)", str) if match: (key, value) = match.groups() if len(value) and value[0] == '#': value = '' return (key, value) def getToken(regex, value): match = re.search(regex, value) if match: return match.groups()[0] def pruneTrailingEmpties(data): while len(data) > 0 and data[-1] == '': data = data[:-1] return data def foldChar(line1, line2): if re.match("^\S", line1) and re.match("^\S", line2): return " " return "\n" def getIndicator(line): if line: header = r"(#YAML:\d+\.\d+\s*){0,1}" match = re.match("--- "+header+"(\S*.*)", line) if match: return match.groups()[-1] def joinLines(lines): result = '' for line in lines[:-1]: if line[-1] == '\\': result = result + line[:-1] else: result = result + line + " " return result + lines[-1] def joinLiteral(data): return string.join(data,"\n") + "\n"