#!/usr/bin/python ## func command line interface & client lib ## ## Copyright 2007,2008 Red Hat, Inc ## Adrian Likins ## +AUTHORS ## ## This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU ## general public license. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. ## # this module lets you define groups of systems to work with from the # commandline. It uses an "ini" style config parser like: #[groupname] #host = foobar, baz, blip #subgroup = blippy import ConfigParser import sys GROUP_FILE = "/etc/func/groups" class Groups(object): def __init__(self, filename=None): """ Get the file into the memory """ if filename: self.__filename = filename else: self.__filename = GROUP_FILE self.__groups = {} self.__parse() def __parse(self): self.cp = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser() self.cp.read(self.__filename) #loop through the group_names for section in self.cp.sections(): options = self.cp.options(section) for option in options: if option == "host": self.add_hosts_to_group(section, self.cp.get(section, option)) #not implemented yet do we need it ? if option == "subgroup": continue def show(self): print self.cp.sections() print self.__groups def __parse_hoststrings(self, hoststring): hosts = [] #the host string maybe in 2 forms #the first one is i it can be comma separated into the #configuration file #the second one is it can be ; separated and entered from #commandline so should consider both situations if hoststring.find(';') != -1: bits = hoststring.split(';') elif hoststring.find(',') != -1: bits = hoststring.split(',') else: #sometimes we have only one entry there so that will be a problem if dont have #a control for it will be missed otherwise :) if len(hoststring)!=0: hosts.append(hoststring) return hosts #now append the god ones for bit in bits: bit = bit.strip().split(' ') for host in bit: if host not in hosts: hosts.append(host.strip()) return hosts def add_hosts_to_group(self, group, hoststring,save = False): """ Here you can add more than one hosts to a given group """ hosts = self.__parse_hoststrings(hoststring) #the user may left the host = empty at the beginning if not hosts: self.__groups[group] = [] return for host in hosts: self.add_host_to_group(group, host) def add_host_to_group(self, group, host,save = False): """ Add a single host to group """ if not self.__groups.has_key(group): self.__groups[group] = [] #dont want duplicates if not host in self.__groups[group]: self.__groups[group].append(host) def add_host_list(self,group,host_list,save = False): """ Similar as other add methods but accepts a list of hosts instead of some strings """ if type(host_list) != list: sys.stderr.write("We accept only lists for for add_host_list method") return for host in host_list: self.add_host_to_group(group,host) if save: self.save_changes() def get_groups(self): """ Simple getter """ return self.__groups def get_group_names(self): """ Getting the groups names """ return self.__groups.keys() def get_hosts_by_group_glob(self, group_glob_str): """ What is that one ? """ #split it if we have more than one group_gloobs = group_glob_str.split(';') hosts = [] for group_gloob in group_gloobs: #the group globs are signed by @ if not group_gloob[0] == "@": continue if self.__groups.has_key(group_gloob[1:]): hosts.extend(self.__groups[group_gloob[1:]]) else: sys.stderr.write("group %s not defined\n" % group_gloob) #get the hosts return hosts def save_changes(self): """ Write changes to disk """ for group_name,group_hosts in self.__groups.iteritems(): #if we have added a new group add it to config object if not group_name in self.cp.sections(): self.cp.add_section(group_name) self.cp.set(group_name,"host",",".join(group_hosts)) #print "Im in save changes and here i have : ",self.cp.get(group_name,"host") #store tha changes conf_file = open(self.__filename, "w") self.cp.write(conf_file) conf_file.close() def remove_group(self,group_name,save=False): """ Removing a group if needed """ if not self.__groups.has_key(group_name): return False #delete that entry if group_name in self.cp.sections(): #if we have it also here should remove it if self.cp.has_section(group_name): self.cp.remove_section(group_name) #delete the entry del self.__groups[group_name] #Do you want to store it ? if save: self.save_changes() return True def remove_host(self,group_name,host,save=False): """ Removes a proper host from the conf file """ if not self.__groups.has_key(group_name) or not host in self.__groups[group_name]: return False #remove the machine from there self.__groups[group_name].remove(host) #save to config file if save: self.save_changes() return True def remove_host_list(self,group,host_list,save = False): """ Remove a whole list from the conf file of hosts """ if type(host_list) != list: sys.stderr.write("We accept only lists for for add_host_list method") return False for host in host_list: self.remove_host(group,host,save = False) if save: self.save_changes() def add_group(self,group_name,save=False): """ Adding a new group """ if self.__groups.has_key(group_name): return False #create with an empty list self.__groups[group_name] = [] if save: self.save_changes() return True #success def main(): g = Groups("/tmp/testgroups") print g.show() if __name__ == "__main__": main()