DASD=100-101,200 SUBCHANNELS=0.0.0600,0.0.0601,0.0.0602 NETTYPE=qeth #if $interfaces.has_key("eth0") $set $hostname=$interfaces['eth0'].get('hostname','') #set $ip=$interfaces['eth0'].get('ip_address','') #set $netmask=$interfaces['eth0'].get('subnet','') #set $gateway=$interfaces['eth0'].get('gateway','') #set $nameservers=':'.join($interfaces['eth0'].get('nameservers','')) #set $dnssearch=':'.join($interfaces['eth0'].get('dnssearch','')) #if $ip != '' #set $tokens = $ip.split('.') #set $tokens = $tokens[0:-1] #set $broadcast = " ".join($tokens) + ".255" #else #set $broadcast = "" #end if #else #set $hostname="" #set $ip="" #set $netmask="" #set $gateway="" #set $nameservers="" #set $dnssearch="" #set $broadcast = "" #end if #if $hostname != '' HOSTNAME=$hostname #end if #if $ip != '' IPADDR=$ip #end if ## FIXME: don't know what to do with this? ## NETWORK= #if $netmask != '' NETMASK=$netmask #end if #if $dnssearch != '' SEARCHDNS=$dnssearch #end if #if $gateway != '' GATEWAY=$gateway #end if #if $nameservers != '' DNS=$name_servers #end if ## FIXME: the hack that generates this assumes ip with 255 as last octet ## FIXME: if this is wrong, don't change here, change at the top where it's set #if $broadcast != '' BROADCAST=$broadcast #end if MTU=1500 PORTNAME=UNASSIGNED LAYER2=0