""" mod_python gateway to cgi-like cobbler web functions Copyright 2007-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ from mod_python import apache from mod_python import Session from mod_python import util import xmlrpclib import cgi import os from cobbler.services import CobblerSvc import yaml # PyYAML version import cobbler.utils as utils #======================================= def handler(req): """ Right now, index serves everything. Hitting this URL means we've already cleared authn/authz but we still need to use the token for all remote requests. """ my_uri = req.uri req.add_common_vars() # process form and qs data, if any fs = util.FieldStorage(req) form = {} for x in fs.keys(): form[x] = str(fs.get(x,'default')) if my_uri.find("?") == -1: # support fake query strings # something log /cobbler/web/op/ks/server/foo # which is needed because of xend parser errors # not tolerating ";" and also libvirt on 5.1 not # tolerating "&" (nor "&"). tokens = my_uri.split("/") tokens = tokens[3:] label = True field = "" for t in tokens: if label: field = t else: form[field] = t label = not label # TESTING.. form.update(req.subprocess_env) #form["REMOTE_ADDR"] = req.headers_in.get("REMOTE_ADDR",None) #form["REMOTE_MAC"] = req.subprocess_env.get("HTTP_X_RHN_PROVISIONING_MAC_0",None) form["REMOTE_MAC"] = form.get("HTTP_X_RHN_PROVISIONING_MAC_0",None) fd = open("/etc/cobbler/settings") data = fd.read() fd.close() ydata = yaml.load(data) remote_port = ydata.get("xmlrpc_port",25151) # instantiate a CobblerWeb object cw = CobblerSvc( apache = apache, server = "" % remote_port ) # check for a valid path/mode # handle invalid paths gracefully mode = form.get('op','index') func = getattr( cw, mode ) content = func( **form ) # apache.log_error("%s:%s ... %s" % (my_user, my_uri, str(form))) req.content_type = "text/plain;charset=utf-8" content = unicode(content).encode('utf-8') if content.find("# *** ERROR ***") != -1: req.write(content) apache.log_error("possible cheetah template error") return apache.HTTP_ERROR elif content.find("# profile not found") != -1 or content.find("# system not found") != -1 or content.find("# object not found") != -1: req.content_type = "text/html;charset=utf-8" req.write(" ") apache.log_error("content not found") return apache.HTTP_NOT_FOUND else: req.write(content) return apache.OK