# This configuration file allows cobbler data # to be accessed over HTTP. AliasMatch ^/cblr(.*)?$ "/var/www/cobbler$1" AliasMatch ^/cobbler_track(.*)?$ "/var/www/cobbler$1" AliasMatch ^/cobbler(.*)?$ "/var/www/cobbler$1" Options Indexes FollowSymLinks Order allow,deny Allow from all ProxyRequests off ProxyPass /cobbler_api http://localhost:25151/ ProxyPassReverse /cobbler_api http://localhost:25151/ BrowserMatch "MSIE" AuthDigestEnableQueryStringHack=On # For misc CGI scripts AllowOverride All Options None Order allow,deny Allow from all # mod_python WebUI/services AuthType Basic AuthName Cobbler Require valid-user SetHandler mod_python PythonAuthenHandler index PythonHandler index PythonPath "sys.path + ['/var/www/cobbler/web/']" PythonDebug on