package org.fedorahosted.cobbler.test; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import static org.junit.Assert.*; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.autogen.*; import org.fedorahosted.cobbler.*; public class FinderTests { public static final String user = "testing"; public static final String pass = "testing"; public static CobblerConnection cobblercon; @BeforeClass public static void establishConnection() { cobblercon = new CobblerConnection("", user, pass); } @Test public void findSomething() { Finder finder = Finder.getInstance(); // TODO: Will fail if your cobbler server has no distros: List d = (List)finder.listItems(cobblercon, ObjectType.DISTRO); // Ideally we'd check that some were returned, but we can't guarantee // the cobbler server we're testing against has any distro's available. } }