""" Misc heavy lifting functions for cobbler Copyright 2006-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import sys import os import re import socket import glob import random import sub_process import shutil import string import traceback import errno import logging import shutil import tempfile import signal from cexceptions import * import codes import time import netaddr import shlex try: import hashlib as fiver def md5(key): return fiver.md5(key) except ImportError: # for Python < 2.5 import md5 as fiver def md5(key): return fiver.md5(key) CHEETAH_ERROR_DISCLAIMER=""" # *** ERROR *** # # There is a templating error preventing this file from rendering correctly. # # This is most likely not due to a bug in Cobbler and is something you can fix. # # Look at the message below to see what things are causing problems. # # (1) Does the template file reference a $variable that is not defined? # (2) is there a formatting error in a Cheetah directive? # (3) Should dollar signs ($) be escaped that are not being escaped? # # Try fixing the problem and then investigate to see if this message goes # away or changes. # """ #placeholder for translation def _(foo): return foo MODULE_CACHE = {} _re_kernel = re.compile(r'vmlinuz(.*)') _re_initrd = re.compile(r'initrd(.*).img') def setup_logger(name, is_cobblerd=False, log_level=logging.INFO, log_file="/var/log/cobbler/cobbler.log"): if is_cobblerd: log_file = "/var/log/cobbler/cobblerd.log" logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(log_level) try: ch = logging.FileHandler(log_file) except: raise CX(_("No write permissions on log file. Are you root?")) ch.setLevel(log_level) formatter = logging.Formatter("%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(message)s") ch.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(ch) return logger def log_exc(logger): """ Log an exception. """ (t, v, tb) = sys.exc_info() logger.info("Exception occured: %s" % t ) logger.info("Exception value: %s" % v) logger.info("Exception Info:\n%s" % string.join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_tb(tb)))) def get_exc(exc,full=True): (t, v, tb) = sys.exc_info() buf = "" try: getattr(exc, "from_cobbler") buf = str(exc)[1:-1] + "\n" except: if not full: buf = buf + str(t) buf = "%s\n%s" % (buf,v) if full: buf = buf + "\n" + "\n".join(traceback.format_list(traceback.extract_tb(tb))) return buf def print_exc(exc,full=False): buf = get_exc(exc) sys.stderr.write(buf+"\n") return buf def cheetah_exc(exc,full=False): lines = get_exc(exc).split("\n") buf = "" for l in lines: buf = buf + "# %s\n" % l return CHEETAH_ERROR_DISCLAIMER + buf def trace_me(): x = traceback.extract_stack() bar = string.join(traceback.format_list(x)) return bar def pretty_hex(ip, length=8): """ Pads an IP object with leading zeroes so that the result is _length_ hex digits. Also do an upper(). """ hexval = "%x" % ip.value if len(hexval) < length: hexval = '0' * (length - len(hexval)) + hexval return hexval.upper() def get_host_ip(ip, shorten=True): """ Return the IP encoding needed for the TFTP boot tree. """ ip = netaddr.IP(ip) cidr = ip.cidr() if len(cidr) == 1: # Just an IP, e.g. a /32 return pretty_hex(ip) else: pretty = pretty_hex(cidr[0]) if not shorten or len(cidr) <= 8: # not enough to make the last nibble insignificant return pretty else: cutoff = (32 - cidr.prefixlen) / 4 return pretty[0:-cutoff] def _IP(ip): """ Returns a netaddr.IP object representing ip. If ip is already an netaddr.IP instance just return it. Else return a new instance """ if isinstance(ip, netaddr.IP): return ip else: return netaddr.IP(ip) def _CIDR(cidr): """ Returns a netaddr.CIDR object representing cidr. If cidr is already an netaddr.CIDR instance just return it. Else return a new instance """ if isinstance(cidr, netaddr.CIDR): return cidr else: return netaddr.CIDR(cidr) def get_config_filename(sys,interface): """ The configuration file for each system pxe uses is either a form of the MAC address of the hex version of the IP. If none of that is available, just use the given name, though the name given will be unsuitable for PXE configuration (For this, check system.is_management_supported()). This same file is used to store system config information in the Apache tree, so it's still relevant. """ interface = str(interface) if not sys.interfaces.has_key(interface): raise CX(_("internal error: probing an interface that does not exist")) if sys.name == "default": return "default" mac = sys.get_mac_address(interface) ip = sys.get_ip_address(interface) if mac is not None and mac != "": return "01-" + "-".join(mac.split(":")).lower() elif ip is not None and ip != "": return get_host_ip(ip) else: return sys.name def is_ip(strdata): """ Return whether the argument is an IP address. ipv6 needs to be added... """ # needs testcase if strdata is None: return False if re.search(r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}',strdata): return True return False def is_mac(strdata): """ Return whether the argument is a mac address. """ # needs testcase if strdata is None: return False if re.search(r'[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F0-9]{2}:[A-F:0-9]{2}:[A-F:0-9]{2}',strdata, re.IGNORECASE): return True return False def get_random_mac(api_handle): """ Generate a random MAC address. from xend/server/netif.py Generate a random MAC address. Uses OUI 00-16-3E, allocated to Xensource, Inc. Last 3 fields are random. return: MAC address string """ mac = [ 0x00, 0x16, 0x3e, random.randint(0x00, 0x7f), random.randint(0x00, 0xff), random.randint(0x00, 0xff) ] mac = ':'.join(map(lambda x: "%02x" % x, mac)) systems = api_handle.systems() while ( systems.find(mac_address=mac) ): mac = get_random_mac(api_handle) return mac def resolve_ip(strdata): """ Resolve the IP address and handle errors... """ try: return socket.gethostbyname(strdata) except: return None def find_matching_files(directory,regex): """ Find all files in a given directory that match a given regex. Can't use glob directly as glob doesn't take regexen. """ files = glob.glob(os.path.join(directory,"*")) results = [] for f in files: if regex.match(os.path.basename(f)): results.append(f) return results def find_highest_files(directory,unversioned,regex): """ Find the highest numbered file (kernel or initrd numbering scheme) in a given directory that matches a given pattern. Used for auto-booting the latest kernel in a directory. """ files = find_matching_files(directory, regex) get_numbers = re.compile(r'(\d+).(\d+).(\d+)') def max2(a, b): """Returns the larger of the two values""" av = get_numbers.search(os.path.basename(a)).groups() bv = get_numbers.search(os.path.basename(b)).groups() ret = cmp(av[0], bv[0]) or cmp(av[1], bv[1]) or cmp(av[2], bv[2]) if ret < 0: return b return a if len(files) > 0: return reduce(max2, files) # couldn't find a highest numbered file, but maybe there # is just a 'vmlinuz' or an 'initrd.img' in this directory? last_chance = os.path.join(directory,unversioned) if os.path.exists(last_chance): return last_chance return None def find_kernel(path): """ Given a directory or a filename, find if the path can be made to resolve into a kernel, and return that full path if possible. """ if path is None: return None if os.path.isfile(path): #filename = os.path.basename(path) #if _re_kernel.match(filename): # return path #elif filename == "vmlinuz": # return path return path elif os.path.isdir(path): return find_highest_files(path,"vmlinuz",_re_kernel) return None def remove_yum_olddata(path): """ Delete .olddata files that might be present from a failed run of createrepo. """ trythese = [ ".olddata", ".repodata/.olddata", "repodata/.oldata", "repodata/repodata" ] for pathseg in trythese: olddata = os.path.join(path, pathseg) if os.path.exists(olddata): print _("- removing: %s") % olddata shutil.rmtree(olddata, ignore_errors=False, onerror=None) def find_initrd(path): """ Given a directory or a filename, see if the path can be made to resolve into an intird, return that full path if possible. """ # FUTURE: try to match kernel/initrd pairs? if path is None: return None if os.path.isfile(path): #filename = os.path.basename(path) #if _re_initrd.match(filename): # return path #if filename == "initrd.img" or filename == "initrd": # return path return path elif os.path.isdir(path): return find_highest_files(path,"initrd.img",_re_initrd) return None def find_kickstart(url): """ Check if a kickstart url looks like an http, ftp, nfs or local path. If a local path is used, cobbler will copy the kickstart and serve it over http. """ if url is None: return None x = url.lower() for y in ["http://","nfs://","ftp://","/"]: if x.startswith(y): if x.startswith("/") and not os.path.isfile(url): return None return url return None def input_string_or_list(options,delim=","): """ Accepts a delimited list of stuff or a list, but always returns a list. """ if options is None or options == "" or options == "delete": return [] elif type(options) == list: return options elif type(options) == str: tokens = options.split(delim) if delim == ",": tokens = [t.lstrip().rstrip() for t in tokens] return tokens else: raise CX(_("invalid input type")) def input_string_or_hash(options,delim=",",allow_multiples=True): """ Older cobbler files stored configurations in a flat way, such that all values for strings. Newer versions of cobbler allow dictionaries. This function is used to allow loading of older value formats so new users of cobbler aren't broken in an upgrade. """ if options == "<>": options = {} if options is None or options == "delete": return (True, {}) elif type(options) == list: raise CX(_("No idea what to do with list: %s") % options) elif type(options) == str: new_dict = {} tokens = shlex.split(options) for t in tokens: tokens2 = t.split("=",1) if len(tokens2) == 1: # this is a singleton option, no value key = tokens2[0] value = None else: key = tokens2[0] value = tokens2[1] # if we're allowing multiple values for the same key, # check to see if this token has already been # inserted into the dictionary of values already if key in new_dict.keys() and allow_multiples: # if so, check to see if there is already a list of values # otherwise convert the dictionary value to an array, and add # the new value to the end of the list if type(new_dict[key]) == list: new_dict[key].append(value) else: new_dict[key] = [new_dict[key], value] else: new_dict[key] = value # make sure we have no empty entries new_dict.pop('', None) return (True, new_dict) elif type(options) == dict: options.pop('',None) return (True, options) else: raise CX(_("invalid input type")) def input_boolean(value): value = str(value) if value.lower() in [ "true", "1", "on", "yes", "y" ]: return True else: return False def grab_tree(api_handle, obj): """ Climb the tree and get every node. """ settings = api_handle.settings() results = [ obj ] parent = obj.get_parent() while parent is not None: results.append(parent) parent = parent.get_parent() results.append(settings) return results def blender(api_handle,remove_hashes, root_obj): """ Combine all of the data in an object tree from the perspective of that point on the tree, and produce a merged hash containing consolidated data. """ settings = api_handle.settings() tree = grab_tree(api_handle, root_obj) tree.reverse() # start with top of tree, override going down results = {} for node in tree: __consolidate(node,results) # hack -- s390 nodes get additional default kernel options arch = results.get("arch","?") if arch.startswith("s390"): keyz = settings.kernel_options_s390x.keys() for k in keyz: if not results.has_key(k): results["kernel_options"][k] = settings.kernel_options_s390x[k] # determine if we have room to add kssendmac to the kernel options line kernel_txt = hash_to_string(results["kernel_options"]) if len(kernel_txt) < 244: results["kernel_options"]["kssendmac"] = None # convert post kernel options to string if results.has_key("kernel_options_post"): results["kernel_options_post"] = hash_to_string(results["kernel_options_post"]) # make interfaces accessible without Cheetah-voodoo in the templates # EXAMPLE: $ip == $ip0, $ip1, $ip2 and so on. if root_obj.COLLECTION_TYPE == "system": for (name,interface) in root_obj.interfaces.iteritems(): for key in interface.keys(): results["%s_%s" % (key,name)] = interface[key] # just to keep templates backwards compatibile if name == "intf0": # prevent stomping on profile variables, which really only happens # with the way we check for virt_bridge, which is a profile setting # and an interface setting if not results.has_key(key): results[key] = interface[key] http_port = results.get("http_port",80) if http_port != 80: results["http_server"] = "%s:%s" % (results["server"] , http_port) else: results["http_server"] = results["server"] mgmt_parameters = results.get("mgmt_parameters",{}) mgmt_parameters.update(results.get("ks_meta", {})) results["mgmt_parameters"] = mgmt_parameters # sanitize output for koan and kernel option lines, etc if remove_hashes: results = flatten(results) # the password field is inputed as escaped strings but Cheetah # does weird things when expanding it due to multiple dollar signs # so this is the workaround if results.has_key("default_password_crypted"): results["default_password_crypted"] = results["default_password_crypted"].replace("\$","$") # add in some variables for easier templating # as these variables change based on object type if results.has_key("interfaces"): # is a system object results["system_name"] = results["name"] results["profile_name"] = results["profile"] if results.has_key("distro"): results["distro_name"] = results["distro"] elif results.has_key("image"): results["distro_name"] = "N/A" results["image_name"] = results["image"] elif results.has_key("distro"): # is a profile or subprofile object results["profile_name"] = results["name"] results["distro_name"] = results["distro"] elif results.has_key("kernel"): # is a distro object results["distro_name"] = results["name"] elif results.has_key("file"): # is an image object results["distro_name"] = "N/A" results["image_name"] = results["name"] return results def flatten(data): # convert certain nested hashes to strings. # this is only really done for the ones koan needs as strings # this should not be done for everything if data.has_key("kernel_options"): data["kernel_options"] = hash_to_string(data["kernel_options"]) if data.has_key("kernel_options_post"): data["kernel_options_post"] = hash_to_string(data["kernel_options_post"]) if data.has_key("yumopts"): data["yumopts"] = hash_to_string(data["yumopts"]) if data.has_key("ks_meta"): data["ks_meta"] = hash_to_string(data["ks_meta"]) if data.has_key("template_files"): data["template_files"] = hash_to_string(data["template_files"]) if data.has_key("repos") and type(data["repos"]) == list: data["repos"] = " ".join(data["repos"]) if data.has_key("rpm_list") and type(data["rpm_list"]) == list: data["rpm_list"] = " ".join(data["rpm_list"]) # note -- we do not need to flatten "interfaces" as koan does not expect # it to be a string, nor do we use it on a kernel options line, etc... return data def uniquify(seq, idfun=None): # credit: http://www.peterbe.com/plog/uniqifiers-benchmark # FIXME: if this is actually slower than some other way, overhaul it if idfun is None: def idfun(x): return x seen = {} result = [] for item in seq: marker = idfun(item) if marker in seen: continue seen[marker] = 1 result.append(item) return result def __consolidate(node,results): """ Merge data from a given node with the aggregate of all data from past scanned nodes. Hashes and arrays are treated specially. """ node_data = node.to_datastruct() # if the node has any data items labelled <> we need to expunge them. # so that they do not override the supernodes. node_data_copy = {} for key in node_data: value = node_data[key] if value != "<>": if type(value) == type({}): node_data_copy[key] = value.copy() elif type(value) == type([]): node_data_copy[key] = value[:] else: node_data_copy[key] = value for field in node_data_copy: data_item = node_data_copy[field] if results.has_key(field): # now merge data types seperately depending on whether they are hash, list, # or scalar. fielddata = results[field] if type(fielddata) == dict: # interweave hash results results[field].update(data_item.copy()) elif type(fielddata) == list or type(fielddata) == tuple: # add to lists (cobbler doesn't have many lists) # FIXME: should probably uniqueify list after doing this results[field].extend(data_item) results[field] = uniquify(results[field]) else: # just override scalars results[field] = data_item else: results[field] = data_item # now if we have any "!foo" results in the list, delete corresponding # key entry "foo", and also the entry "!foo", allowing for removal # of kernel options set in a distro later in a profile, etc. hash_removals(results,"kernel_options") hash_removals(results,"kernel_options_post") hash_removals(results,"ks_meta") hash_removals(results,"template_files") def hash_removals(results,subkey): if not results.has_key(subkey): return scan = results[subkey].keys() for k in scan: if str(k).startswith("!") and k != "!": remove_me = k[1:] if results[subkey].has_key(remove_me): del results[subkey][remove_me] del results[subkey][k] def hash_to_string(hash): """ Convert a hash to a printable string. used primarily in the kernel options string and for some legacy stuff where koan expects strings (though this last part should be changed to hashes) """ buffer = "" if type(hash) != dict: return hash for key in hash: value = hash[key] if value is None: buffer = buffer + str(key) + " " elif type(value) == list: # this value is an array, so we print out every # key=value for item in value: buffer = buffer + str(key) + "=" + str(item) + " " else: buffer = buffer + str(key) + "=" + str(value) + " " return buffer def run_triggers(api,ref,globber,additional=[]): """ Runs all the trigger scripts in a given directory. ref can be a cobbler object, if not None, the name will be passed to the script. If ref is None, the script will be called with no argumenets. Globber is a wildcard expression indicating which triggers to run. Example: "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/blah/*" As of Cobbler 1.5.X, this also runs cobbler modules that match the globbing paths. """ # Python triggers first, before shell modules = api.get_modules_in_category(globber) for m in modules: arglist = [] if ref: arglist.append(ref.name) for x in additional: arglist.append(x) rc = m.run(api, arglist) if rc != 0: raise CX("cobbler trigger failed: %s" % m.__name__) # now do the old shell triggers, which are usually going to be slower, but are easier to write # and support any language triggers = glob.glob(globber) triggers.sort() for file in triggers: try: if file.startswith(".") or file.find(".rpm") != -1: # skip dotfiles or .rpmnew files that may have been installed # in the triggers directory continue arglist = [ file ] if ref: arglist.append(ref.name) for x in additional: arglist.append(x) rc = sub_process.call(arglist, shell=False, close_fds=True) except: print _("Warning: failed to execute trigger: %s" % file) continue if rc != 0: raise CX(_("cobbler trigger failed: %(file)s returns %(code)d") % { "file" : file, "code" : rc }) def fix_mod_python_select_submission(repos): """ WARNING: this is a heinous hack to convert mod_python submitted form data to something usable. Ultimately we need to fix the root cause of this which doesn't seem to happen on all versions of python/mp. """ # should be nice regex, but this is readable :) repos = str(repos) repos = repos.replace("'repos'","") repos = repos.replace("'","") repos = repos.replace("[","") repos = repos.replace("]","") repos = repos.replace("Field(","") repos = repos.replace(")","") repos = repos.replace(",","") repos = repos.replace('"',"") repos = repos.lstrip().rstrip() return repos def check_dist(): """ Determines what distro we're running under. """ if os.path.exists("/etc/debian_version"): return "debian" elif os.path.exists("/etc/SuSE-release"): return "suse" else: # valid for Fedora and all Red Hat / Fedora derivatives return "redhat" def os_release(): if check_dist() == "redhat": if not os.path.exists("/bin/rpm"): return ("unknown", 0) args = ["/bin/rpm", "-q", "--whatprovides", "redhat-release", "--queryformat", "%"+"{name}"+"-%" + "{version}" + "-%" + "{release}"] cmd = sub_process.Popen(args,shell=False,stdout=sub_process.PIPE,close_fds=True) data = cmd.communicate()[0] data = data.rstrip().lower() make = "other" if data.find("redhat") != -1: make = "redhat" elif data.find("centos") != -1: make = "centos" elif data.find("fedora") != -1: make = "fedora" version = data.split("release-")[-1] rest = 0 if version.find("-"): parts = version.split("-") version = parts[0] rest = parts[1] try: version = float(version) except: version = float(version[0]) return (make, float(version), rest) elif check_dist() == "debian": fd = open("/etc/debian_version") parts = fd.read().split(".") version = parts[0] rest = parts[1] make = "debian" return (make, float(version), rest) elif check_dist() == "suse": fd = open("/etc/SuSE-release") for line in fd.read().split("\n"): if line.find("VERSION") != -1: version = line.replace("VERSION = ","") if line.find("PATCHLEVEL") != -1: rest = line.replace("PATCHLEVEL = ","") make = "suse" return (make, float(version), rest) else: return ("unknown",0) def tftpboot_location(): # if possible, read from TFTP config file to get the location if os.path.exists("/etc/xinetd.d/tftp"): fd = open("/etc/xinetd.d/tftp") lines = fd.read().split("\n") for line in lines: if line.find("server_args") != -1: tokens = line.split(None) mark = False for t in tokens: if t == "-s": mark = True elif mark: return t # otherwise, guess based on the distro (make,version,rest) = os_release() if make == "fedora" and version >= 9: return "/var/lib/tftpboot" return "/tftpboot" def can_do_public_content(api): """ Returns whether we can use public_content_t which greatly simplifies SELinux usage. """ (dist, ver) = api.get_os_details() if dist == "redhat" and ver <= 4: return False return True def is_safe_to_hardlink(src,dst,api): (dev1, path1) = get_file_device_path(src) (dev2, path2) = get_file_device_path(dst) if dev1 != dev2: return False if dev1.find(":") != -1: # is remoted return False # note: this is very cobbler implementation specific! if not api.is_selinux_enabled(): return True if src.find("initrd") != -1: return True if src.find("vmlinuz") != -1: return True # we're dealing with SELinux and files that are not safe to chcon return False def linkfile(src, dst, symlink_ok=False, api=None, verbose=False): """ Attempt to create a link dst that points to src. Because file systems suck we attempt several different methods or bail to copyfile() """ if api is None: # FIXME: this really should not be a keyword # arg raise "Internal error: API handle is required" is_remote = is_remote_file(src) if os.path.exists(dst): # if the destination exists, is it right in terms of accuracy # and context? if os.path.samefile(src, dst): if not is_safe_to_hardlink(src,dst,api): # may have to remove old hardlinks for SELinux reasons # as previous implementations were not complete if verbose: print "- removing: %s" % dst os.remove(dst) else: # restorecon(dst,api=api,verbose=verbose) return True elif os.path.islink(dst): # existing path exists and is a symlink, update the symlink if verbose: print "- removing: %s" % dst os.remove(dst) if is_safe_to_hardlink(src,dst,api): # we can try a hardlink if the destination isn't to NFS or Samba # this will help save space and sync time. try: if verbose: print "- trying hardlink %s -> %s" % (src,dst) rc = os.link(src, dst) # restorecon(dst,api=api,verbose=verbose) return rc except (IOError, OSError): # hardlink across devices, or link already exists # we'll just symlink it if we can # or otherwise copy it pass if symlink_ok: # we can symlink anywhere except for /tftpboot because # that is run chroot, so if we can symlink now, try it. try: if verbose: print "- trying symlink %s -> %s" % (src,dst) rc = os.symlink(src, dst) # restorecon(dst,api=api,verbose=verbose) return rc except (IOError, OSError): pass # we couldn't hardlink and we couldn't symlink so we must copy return copyfile(src, dst, api=api, verbose=verbose) def copyfile(src,dst,api=None,verbose=False): try: if verbose: print "- copying: %s -> %s" % (src,dst) rc = shutil.copyfile(src,dst) # restorecon(dst,api,verbose=verbose) return rc except: if not os.access(src,os.R_OK): raise CX(_("Cannot read: %s") % src) if not os.path.samefile(src,dst): # accomodate for the possibility that we already copied # the file as a symlink/hardlink raise # traceback.print_exc() # raise CX(_("Error copying %(src)s to %(dst)s") % { "src" : src, "dst" : dst}) def cabextract(src,dst,api=None): """ Extract a cab file, used for importing off of Windows based cds """ try: if not os.path.isdir(dst): raise CX(_("Error in cabextract: the destination (%s) must be a directory") % dst) cmd = [ "/usr/bin/cabextract", "-d", dst, src ] rc = sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=True) return rc except: if not os.access(src,os.R_OK): raise CX(_("Cannot read: %s") % src) if not os.path.samefile(src,dst): # accomodate for the possibility that we already copied # the file as a symlink/hardlink raise # traceback.print_exc() # raise CX(_("Error copying %(src)s to %(dst)s") % { "src" : src, "dst" : dst}) def bindmount(src,dst): """ Use mount --bind as an alternative to linking. This is required for things in the tftp root since in.tftpd will not follow symlinks and you cannot hard link directories (or across partitions). """ try: if not os.path.isdir(src): raise CX(_("Error in bindmount: the source (%s) must be a directory") % src) if not os.path.isdir(dst): raise CX(_("Error in bindmount: the destination (%s) must be a directory") % dst) cmd = [ "/bin/mount", "--bind", dst, src ] rc = sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=True) return rc except: if not os.access(src,os.R_OK): raise CX(_("Cannot read: %s") % src) if not os.access(dst,os.R_OK): raise CX(_("Cannot read: %s") % dst) if not os.path.samefile(src,dst): # accomodate for the possibility that we already copied # the file as a symlink/hardlink raise # traceback.print_exc() # raise CX(_("Error bind-mounting %(src)s to %(dst)s") % { "src" : src, "dst" : dst}) def check_openfiles(src): """ Used to check for open files on a mounted partition. """ try: if not os.path.isdir(src): raise CX(_("Error in check_openfiles: the source (%s) must be a directory") % src) cmd = [ "/usr/sbin/lsof", "+D", src, "-Fn", "|", "wc", "-l" ] handle = sub_process.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=sub_process.PIPE, close_fds=True) out = handle.stdout results = out.read() return int(results) except: if not os.access(src,os.R_OK): raise CX(_("Cannot read: %s") % src) if not os.path.samefile(src,dst): # accomodate for the possibility that we already copied # the file as a symlink/hardlink raise # traceback.print_exc() # raise CX(_("Error bind-mounting %(src)s to %(dst)s") % { "src" : src, "dst" : dst}) def umount(src): """ Used for unmounting things created by bindmount """ try: if not os.path.isdir(src): raise CX(_("Error in umount: the source (%s) must be a directory") % src) cmd = [ "/bin/umount", "--force", src ] rc = sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=True) return rc except: if not os.access(src,os.R_OK): raise CX(_("Cannot read: %s") % src) if not os.path.samefile(src,dst): # accomodate for the possibility that we already copied # the file as a symlink/hardlink raise # traceback.print_exc() # raise CX(_("Error bind-mounting %(src)s to %(dst)s") % { "src" : src, "dst" : dst}) def copyfile_pattern(pattern,dst,require_match=True,symlink_ok=False,api=None, verbose=False): files = glob.glob(pattern) if require_match and not len(files) > 0: raise CX(_("Could not find files matching %s") % pattern) for file in files: base = os.path.basename(file) dst1 = os.path.join(dst,os.path.basename(file)) linkfile(file,dst1,symlink_ok=symlink_ok,api=api,verbose=verbose) # restorecon(dst1,api=api,verbose=verbose) #def restorecon(dest, api, verbose=False): # # """ # Wrapper around functions to manage SELinux contexts. # Use chcon public_content_t where we can to allow # hardlinking between /var/www and tftpboot but use # restorecon everywhere else. # """ # # if not api.is_selinux_enabled(): # return True # # tdest = os.path.realpath(dest) # # remoted = is_remote_file(tdest) # # cmd = [ "/sbin/restorecon",dest ] # if verbose: # print "- %s" % " ".join(cmd) # rc = sub_process.call(cmd,shell=False,close_fds=True) # if rc != 0: # raise CX("restorecon operation failed: %s" % cmd) # # return 0 def rmfile(path,verbose=False): try: if verbose: print "- removing: %s" % path os.unlink(path) return True except OSError, ioe: if not ioe.errno == errno.ENOENT: # doesn't exist traceback.print_exc() raise CX(_("Error deleting %s") % path) return True def rmtree_contents(path,verbose=False): what_to_delete = glob.glob("%s/*" % path) for x in what_to_delete: rmtree(x,verbose=verbose) def rmtree(path,verbose=False): try: if os.path.isfile(path): return rmfile(path,verbose=verbose) else: if verbose: print "- removing: %s" % path return shutil.rmtree(path,ignore_errors=True) except OSError, ioe: traceback.print_exc() if not ioe.errno == errno.ENOENT: # doesn't exist raise CX(_("Error deleting %s") % path) return True def mkdir(path,mode=0777,verbose=False): try: if verbose: "- mkdir: %s" % path return os.makedirs(path,mode) except OSError, oe: if not oe.errno == 17: # already exists (no constant for 17?) traceback.print_exc() print oe.errno raise CX(_("Error creating") % path) def set_redhat_management_key(self,key): self.redhat_management_key = key return True def set_redhat_management_server(self,server): self.redhat_management_server = server return True def set_arch(self,arch,repo=False): if arch is None or arch == "" or arch == "standard" or arch == "x86": arch = "i386" if repo: valids = [ "i386", "x86_64", "ia64", "ppc", "ppc64", "s390", "s390x", "noarch", "src" ] else: valids = [ "i386", "x86_64", "ia64", "ppc", "ppc64", "s390", "s390x" ] if arch in valids: self.arch = arch return True raise CX("arch choices include: %s" % ", ".join(valids)) def set_os_version(self,os_version): if os_version == "" or os_version is None: self.os_version = "" return True self.os_version = os_version.lower() if self.breed is None or self.breed == "": raise CX(_("cannot set --os-version without setting --breed first")) if not self.breed in codes.VALID_OS_BREEDS: raise CX(_("fix --breed first before applying this setting")) matched = codes.VALID_OS_VERSIONS[self.breed] if not os_version in matched: nicer = ", ".join(matched) raise CX(_("--os-version for breed %s must be one of %s, given was %s") % (self.breed, nicer, os_version)) self.os_version = os_version return True def set_breed(self,breed): valid_breeds = codes.VALID_OS_BREEDS if breed is not None and breed.lower() in valid_breeds: self.breed = breed.lower() return True nicer = ", ".join(valid_breeds) raise CX(_("invalid value for --breed, must be one of %s, different breeds have different levels of support") % nicer) def set_repo_breed(self,breed): valid_breeds = codes.VALID_REPO_BREEDS if breed is not None and breed.lower() in valid_breeds: self.breed = breed.lower() return True nicer = ", ".join(valid_breeds) raise CX(_("invalid value for --breed, must be one of %s, different breeds have different levels of support") % nicer) def set_repos(self,repos,bypass_check=False): # WARNING: hack repos = fix_mod_python_select_submission(repos) # allow the magic inherit string to persist if repos == "<>": # FIXME: this is not inheritable in the WebUI presently ? self.repos = "<>" return # store as an array regardless of input type if repos is None: repolist = [] elif type(repos) != list: # allow backwards compatibility support of string input repolist = repos.split(None) else: repolist = repos # make sure there are no empty strings try: repolist.remove('') except: pass self.repos = [] # if any repos don't exist, fail the set operation # unless called from the deserializer stage in which # case we have a soft error that check can report ok = True for r in repolist: if bypass_check: self.repos.append(r) else: if self.config.repos().find(name=r) is not None: self.repos.append(r) else: raise CX(_("repo %s is not defined") % r) return True def set_virt_file_size(self,num): """ For Virt only. Specifies the size of the virt image in gigabytes. Older versions of koan (x<0.6.3) interpret 0 as "don't care" Newer versions (x>=0.6.4) interpret 0 as "no disks" """ # num is a non-negative integer (0 means default) # can also be a comma seperated list -- for usage with multiple disks if num is None or num == "": self.virt_file_size = 0 return True if num == "<>": self.virt_file_size = "<>" return True if type(num) == str and num.find(",") != -1: tokens = num.split(",") for t in tokens: # hack to run validation on each self.set_virt_file_size(t) # if no exceptions raised, good enough self.virt_file_size = num return True try: inum = int(num) if inum != float(num): return CX(_("invalid virt file size")) if inum >= 0: self.virt_file_size = inum return True raise CX(_("invalid virt file size")) except: raise CX(_("invalid virt file size")) return True def set_virt_ram(self,num): """ For Virt only. Specifies the size of the Virt RAM in MB. 0 tells Koan to just choose a reasonable default. """ if num == "<>": self.virt_ram = "<>" return True # num is a non-negative integer (0 means default) try: inum = int(num) if inum != float(num): return CX(_("invalid virt ram size")) if inum >= 0: self.virt_ram = inum return True return CX(_("invalid virt ram size")) except: return CX(_("invalid virt ram size")) return True def set_virt_type(self,vtype): """ Virtualization preference, can be overridden by koan. """ if vtype == "<>": self.virt_type == "<>" return True if vtype.lower() not in [ "qemu", "xenpv", "xenfv", "vmware", "vmwarew", "auto" ]: raise CX(_("invalid virt type")) self.virt_type = vtype return True def set_virt_bridge(self,vbridge): """ The default bridge for all virtual interfaces under this profile. """ if vbridge is None or vbridge == "": vbridge = self.settings.default_virt_bridge self.virt_bridge = vbridge return True def set_virt_path(self,path,for_system=False): """ Virtual storage location suggestion, can be overriden by koan. """ if path is None: path = "" if for_system: if path == "": path = "<>" self.virt_path = path return True def set_virt_cpus(self,num): """ For Virt only. Set the number of virtual CPUs to give to the virtual machine. This is fed to virtinst RAW, so cobbler will not yelp if you try to feed it 9999 CPUs. No formatting like 9,999 please :) """ if num == "" or num is None: self.virt_cpus = 1 return True if num == "<>": self.virt_cpus = "<>" return True try: num = int(str(num)) except: raise CX(_("invalid number of virtual CPUs")) self.virt_cpus = num return True def get_kickstart_templates(api): files = {} for x in api.profiles(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart != "" and x.kickstart != "<>": if os.path.exists(x.kickstart): files[x.kickstart] = 1 for x in api.systems(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart != "" and x.kickstart != "<>": if os.path.exists(x.kickstart): files[x.kickstart] = 1 for x in glob.glob("/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/*"): if os.path.isfile(x): files[x] = 1 for x in glob.glob("/etc/cobbler/*.ks"): if os.path.isfile(x): files[x] = 1 return files.keys() def safe_filter(var): if var is None: return if var.find("/") != -1 or var.find(";") != -1: raise CX("Invalid characters found in input") def is_selinux_enabled(): if not os.path.exists("/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled"): return False args = "/usr/sbin/selinuxenabled" selinuxenabled = sub_process.call(args,close_fds=True) if selinuxenabled == 0: return True else: return False import os import sys import random # We cache the contents of /etc/mtab ... the following variables are used # to keep our cache in sync mtab_mtime = None mtab_map = [] class MntEntObj(object): mnt_fsname = None #* name of mounted file system */ mnt_dir = None #* file system path prefix */ mnt_type = None #* mount type (see mntent.h) */ mnt_opts = None #* mount options (see mntent.h) */ mnt_freq = 0 #* dump frequency in days */ mnt_passno = 0 #* pass number on parallel fsck */ def __init__(self,input=None): if input and isinstance(input, str): (self.mnt_fsname, self.mnt_dir, self.mnt_type, self.mnt_opts, \ self.mnt_freq, self.mnt_passno) = input.split() def __dict__(self): return {"mnt_fsname": self.mnt_fsname, "mnt_dir": self.mnt_dir, \ "mnt_type": self.mnt_type, "mnt_opts": self.mnt_opts, \ "mnt_freq": self.mnt_freq, "mnt_passno": self.mnt_passno} def __str__(self): return "%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (self.mnt_fsname, self.mnt_dir, self.mnt_type, \ self.mnt_opts, self.mnt_freq, self.mnt_passno) def get_mtab(mtab="/etc/mtab", vfstype=None): global mtab_mtime, mtab_map mtab_stat = os.stat(mtab) if mtab_stat.st_mtime != mtab_mtime: '''cache is stale ... refresh''' mtab_mtime = mtab_stat.st_mtime mtab_map = __cache_mtab__(mtab) # was a specific fstype requested? if vfstype: mtab_type_map = [] for ent in mtab_map: if ent.mnt_type == "nfs": mtab_type_map.append(ent) return mtab_type_map return mtab_map def __cache_mtab__(mtab="/etc/mtab"): global mtab_mtime f = open(mtab) mtab = [MntEntObj(line) for line in f.read().split('\n') if len(line) > 0] f.close() return mtab def get_file_device_path(fname): '''What this function attempts to do is take a file and return: - the device the file is on - the path of the file relative to the device. For example: /boot/vmlinuz -> (/dev/sda3, /vmlinuz) /boot/efi/efi/redhat/elilo.conf -> (/dev/cciss0, /elilo.conf) /etc/fstab -> (/dev/sda4, /etc/fstab) ''' # resolve any symlinks fname = os.path.realpath(fname) # convert mtab to a dict mtab_dict = {} for ent in get_mtab(): mtab_dict[ent.mnt_dir] = ent.mnt_fsname # find a best match fdir = os.path.dirname(fname) match = mtab_dict.has_key(fdir) while not match: fdir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(fdir, os.path.pardir)) match = mtab_dict.has_key(fdir) # construct file path relative to device if fdir != os.path.sep: fname = fname[len(fdir):] return (mtab_dict[fdir], fname) def is_remote_file(file): (dev, path) = get_file_device_path(file) if dev.find(":") != -1: return True else: return False def popen2(args, **kwargs): """ Leftovers from borrowing some bits from Snake, replace this function with just the subprocess call. """ p = sub_process.Popen(args, stdout=sub_process.PIPE, stdin=sub_process.PIPE, **kwargs) return (p.stdout, p.stdin) if __name__ == "__main__": # print redhat_release() # print tftpboot_location() #print get_host_ip("") #for x in range(32,1,-1): # value = get_host_ip("" % x, shorten=False) # value2 = get_host_ip("" % x, shorten=True) # print "%s -> %s" % (value,value2) #no_ctrl_c() #ctrl_c_ok() print get_file_device_path("/mnt/engarchive2/released/F-10/GOLD/Fedora/i386/os/images/pxeboot/vmlinuz")