""" Cobbler app-wide settings Copyright 2006-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import serializable import utils from utils import _ TESTMODE = False # defaults is to be used if the config file doesn't contain the value # we need. DEFAULTS = { "anamon_enabled" : 0, "allow_duplicate_hostnames" : 0, "allow_duplicate_macs" : 0, "allow_duplicate_ips" : 0, "bind_bin" : "/usr/sbin/named", "build_reporting_enabled" : 0, "build_reporting_to_address" : "", "build_reporting_sender" : "", "build_reporting_subject" : "", "build_reporting_smtp_server" : "localhost", "cheetah_import_whitelist" : [ "re", "random", "time" ], "cobbler_master" : '', "default_kickstart" : "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/default.ks", "default_name_servers" : '', "default_name_servers_search" : '', "default_password_crypted" : "\$1\$mF86/UHC\$WvcIcX2t6crBz2onWxyac.", "default_virt_bridge" : "xenbr0", "default_virt_type" : "auto", "default_virt_file_size" : "5", "default_virt_ram" : "512", "default_ownership" : [ "admin" ], "dhcpd_conf" : "/etc/dhcpd.conf", "dhcpd_bin" : "/usr/sbin/dhcpd", "dnsmasq_bin" : "/usr/sbin/dnsmasq", "dnsmasq_conf" : "/etc/dnsmasq.conf", "enable_menu" : 1, "func_master" : "overlord.example.org", "func_auto_setup" : 0, "httpd_bin" : "/usr/sbin/httpd", "http_port" : "80", "isc_set_host_name" : 0, "ldap_server" : "grimlock.devel.redhat.com", "ldap_base_dn" : "DC=devel,DC=redhat,DC=com", "ldap_port" : 389, "ldap_tls" : "on", "ldap_anonymous_bind" : 1, "ldap_search_bind_dn" : '', "ldap_search_passwd" : '', "ldap_search_prefix" : 'uid=', "kerberos_realm" : "EXAMPLE.COM", "kernel_options" : { "lang" : " ", "text" : None, "ksdevice" : "eth0" }, "kernel_options_s390x" : {}, "manage_dhcp" : 0, "manage_dns" : 0, "manage_ris_linuxd" : 0, "manage_xinetd" : 0, "manage_forward_zones" : [], "manage_reverse_zones" : [], "mgmt_classes" : [], "mgmt_parameters" : {}, "named_conf" : "/etc/named.conf", "next_server" : "", "omapi_enabled" : 0, "omapi_port" : 647, "omshell_bin" : "/usr/bin/omshell", "power_management_default_type" : "ipmitool", "power_template_dir" : "/etc/cobbler/power", "pxe_just_once" : 0, "pxe_template_dir" : "/etc/cobbler/pxe", "redhat_management_permissive" : 0, "redhat_management_type" : "off", "redhat_management_key" : "", "redhat_management_server" : "xmlrpc.rhn.redhat.com", "register_new_installs" : 0, "restart_dns" : 1, "restart_dhcp" : 1, "restart_ris_linuxd" : 1, "restart_xinetd" : 1, "ris_linuxd_dir" : "/tftpboot/drivers", "ris_linuxd_flags" : "", "run_install_triggers" : 1, "scm_track_enabled" : 0, "scm_track_mode" : "git", "server" : "", "snippetsdir" : "/var/lib/cobbler/snippets", "tftpd_bin" : "/usr/sbin/in.tftpd", "tftpd_conf" : "/etc/xinetd.d/tftp", "tftpd_rules" : "/var/lib/cobbler/cobbler-tftpd.rules", "vsftpd_bin" : "/usr/sbin/vsftpd", "webdir" : "/var/www/cobbler", "xmlrpc_port" : 25151, "yum_post_install_mirror" : 1, "yumdownloader_flags" : "--resolve", "yumreposync_flags" : "-l" } class Settings(serializable.Serializable): def collection_type(self): return "settings" def __init__(self): """ Constructor. """ self.clear() def clear(self): """ Reset this object to reasonable default values. """ self._attributes = DEFAULTS def printable(self): buf = "" buf = buf + _("defaults\n") buf = buf + _("kernel options : %s\n") % self._attributes['kernel_options'] return buf def to_datastruct(self): """ Return an easily serializable representation of the config. """ return self._attributes def from_datastruct(self,datastruct): """ Modify this object to load values in datastruct. """ if datastruct is None: print _("warning: not loading empty structure for %s") % self.filename() return self._attributes = DEFAULTS self._attributes.update(datastruct) return self def __getattr__(self,name): if self._attributes.has_key(name): if name == "kernel_options": # backwards compatibility -- convert possible string value to hash (success, result) = utils.input_string_or_hash(self._attributes[name], " ",allow_multiples=False) self._attributes[name] = result return result return self._attributes[name] elif DEFAULTS.has_key(name): lookup = DEFAULTS[name] self._attributes[name] = lookup return lookup else: raise AttributeError, name