""" Interface for Cobbler's XMLRPC API(s). there are two: a read-only API that koan uses a read-write API that requires logins Copyright 2007-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import sys import socket import time import os import base64 import SimpleXMLRPCServer import xmlrpclib import random import stat import base64 import fcntl import string import traceback import glob import sub_process as subprocess import api as cobbler_api import utils from cexceptions import * import item_distro import item_profile import item_system import item_repo import item_image from utils import * from utils import _ # FIXME: make configurable? TOKEN_TIMEOUT = 60*60 # 60 minutes OBJECT_TIMEOUT = 60*60 # 60 minutes TOKEN_CACHE = {} OBJECT_CACHE = {} class DataCache: def __init__(self, api): """ Constructor """ self.api = api def update(self,collection_type, name): data = self.api.deserialize_item_raw(collection_type, name) if data is None: return False if collection_type == "distro": obj = item_distro.Distro(self.api._config) obj.from_datastruct(data) self.api.add_distro(obj, False, False) if collection_type == "profile": subprofile = False if data.has_key("parent") and data["parent"] != "": subprofile = True obj = item_profile.Profile(self.api._config, is_subobject = subprofile) obj.from_datastruct(data) self.api.add_profile(obj, False, False) if collection_type == "system": obj = item_system.System(self.api._config) obj.from_datastruct(data) self.api.add_system(obj, False, False, False) if collection_type == "repo": obj = item_repo.Repo(self.api._config) obj.from_datastruct(data) self.api.add_repo(obj, False, False) if collection_type == "image": obj = item_image.Image(self.api._config) obj.from_datastruct(data) self.api.add_image(obj, False, False) def remove(self,collection_type, name): # for security reasons, only remove if actually gone data = self.api.deserialize_item_raw(collection_type, name) if data is None: if collection_type == "distro": self.api.remove_distro(name, delete=False, recursive=True, with_triggers=False) if collection_type == "profile": self.api.remove_profile(name, delete=False, recursive=True, with_triggers=False) if collection_type == "system": self.api.remove_system(name, delete=False, recursive=True, with_triggers=False) if collection_type == "repo": self.api.remove_repo(name, delete=False, recursive=True, with_triggers=False) if collection_type == "image": self.api.remove_image(name, delete=False, recursive=True, with_triggers=False) # ********************************************************************* # ********************************************************************* class CobblerXMLRPCInterface: """ This is the interface used for all XMLRPC methods, for instance, as used by koan or CobblerWeb note: public methods take an optional parameter token that is just here for consistancy with the ReadWrite API. Read write operations do require the token. """ def __init__(self,api,enable_auth_if_relevant): self.api = api self.auth_enabled = enable_auth_if_relevant self.cache = DataCache(self.api) self.logger = self.api.logger self.token_cache = TOKEN_CACHE self.object_cache = OBJECT_CACHE self.timestamp = self.api.last_modified_time() random.seed(time.time()) def __sorter(self,a,b): return cmp(a["name"],b["name"]) def last_modified_time(self): """ Return the time of the last modification to any object so that we can tell if we need to check for any other modified objects via more specific calls. """ return self.api.last_modified_time() def update(self, token=None): # no longer neccessary return True def internal_cache_update(self, collection_type, data): self.cache.update(collection_type, data) return True def internal_cache_remove(self, collection_type, data): self.cache.remove(collection_type, data) return True def ping(self): return True def get_user_from_token(self,token): if not TOKEN_CACHE.has_key(token): raise CX(_("invalid token: %s") % token) else: return self.token_cache[token][1] def _log(self,msg,user=None,token=None,name=None,object_id=None,attribute=None,debug=False,error=False): # add the user editing the object, if supplied m_user = "?" if user is not None: m_user = user if token is not None: try: m_user = self.get_user_from_token(token) except: # invalid or expired token? m_user = "???" msg = "%s; user(%s)" % (msg, m_user) # add the object name being modified, if any oname = "" if name: oname = name elif object_id: try: (objref, time) = self.object_cache[object_id] oname = objref.name if oname == "" or oname is None: oname = "???" except: oname = "*EXPIRED*" if oname != "": msg = "%s; object(%s)" % (msg, oname) # add any attributes being modified, if any if attribute: msg = "%s; attribute(%s)" % (msg, attribute) # log to the correct logger if error: logger = self.logger.error elif debug: logger = self.logger.debug else: logger = self.logger.info logger(msg) def get_size(self,collection_name,**rest): """ Returns the number of entries in a collection (but not the actual collection) for WUI/TUI interfaces that want to paginate the results. """ data = self.__get_all(collection_name) return len(data) def __get_all(self,collection_name,page=None,results_per_page=None): """ Helper method to return all data to the WebUI or another caller without going through the process of loading all the data into objects and recalculating. Supports pagination for WUI or TUI based interfaces. """ # FIXME: a global lock or module around data access loading # would be useful for non-db backed storage if collection_name == "settings": data = self.api.deserialize_raw("settings") return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) else: contents = [] if collection_name.startswith("distro"): contents = self.api.distros() elif collection_name.startswith("profile"): contents = self.api.profiles() elif collection_name.startswith("system"): contents = self.api.systems() elif collection_name.startswith("repo"): contents = self.api.repos() elif collection_name.startswith("image"): contents = self.api.images() else: raise CX("internal error, collection name is %s" % collection_name) # FIXME: speed this up data = contents.to_datastruct() total_items = len(data) data.sort(self.__sorter) if page is not None and results_per_page is not None: page = int(page) results_per_page = int(results_per_page) if page < 0: return [] if results_per_page <= 0: return [] start_point = (results_per_page * page) end_point = (results_per_page * page) + results_per_page if start_point > total_items: start_point = total_items - 1 # correct ??? if end_point > total_items: end_point = total_items data = self.xmlrpc_hacks(data[start_point:end_point]) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) def get_kickstart_templates(self,token=None,**rest): """ Returns all of the kickstarts that are in use by the system. """ self._log("get_kickstart_templates",token=token) #self.check_access(token, "get_kickstart_templates") return utils.get_kickstart_templates(self.api) def is_kickstart_in_use(self,ks,token=None,**rest): self._log("is_kickstart_in_use",token=token) for x in self.api.profiles(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart == ks: return True for x in self.api.systems(): if x.kickstart is not None and x.kickstart == ks: return True return False def generate_kickstart(self,profile=None,system=None,REMOTE_ADDR=None,REMOTE_MAC=None,**rest): self._log("generate_kickstart") return self.api.generate_kickstart(profile,system) def get_settings(self,token=None,**rest): """ Return the contents of /etc/cobbler/settings, which is a hash. """ self._log("get_settings",token=token) results = self.api.settings().to_datastruct() self._log("my settings are: %s" % results) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(results) def get_repo_config_for_profile(self,profile_name,**rest): """ Return the yum configuration a given profile should use to obtain all of it's cobbler associated repos. """ obj = self.api.find_profile(profile_name) if obj is None: return "# object not found: %s" % profile_name return self.api.get_repo_config_for_profile(obj) def get_repo_config_for_system(self,system_name,**rest): """ Return the yum configuration a given profile should use to obtain all of it's cobbler associated repos. """ obj = self.api.find_system(system_name) if obj is None: return "# object not found: %s" % system_name return self.api.get_repo_config_for_system(obj) def get_template_file_for_profile(self,profile_name,path,**rest): """ Return the templated file requested for this profile """ obj = self.api.find_profile(profile_name) if obj is None: return "# object not found: %s" % profile_name return self.api.get_template_file_for_profile(obj,path) def get_template_file_for_system(self,system_name,path,**rest): """ Return the templated file requested for this system """ obj = self.api.find_system(system_name) if obj is None: return "# object not found: %s" % system_name return self.api.get_template_file_for_system(obj,path) def register_new_system(self,info,token=None,**rest): """ If register_new_installs is enabled in settings, this allows /usr/bin/cobbler-register (part of the koan package) to add new system records remotely if they don't already exist. There is a cobbler_register snippet that helps with doing this automatically for new installs but it can also be used for existing installs. See "AutoRegistration" on the Wiki. """ enabled = self.api.settings().register_new_installs if not str(enabled) in [ "1", "y", "yes", "true" ]: raise CX("registration is disabled in cobbler settings") # validate input name = info.get("name","") profile = info.get("profile","") hostname = info.get("hostname","") interfaces = info.get("interfaces",{}) ilen = len(interfaces.keys()) if name == "": raise CX("no system name submitted") if profile == "": raise CX("profile not submitted") if ilen == 0: raise CX("no interfaces submitted") if ilen >= 64: raise CX("too many interfaces submitted") # validate things first name = info.get("name","") inames = interfaces.keys() if self.api.find_system(name=name): raise CX("system name conflicts") if hostname != "" and self.api.find_system(hostname=hostname): raise CX("hostname conflicts") for iname in inames: mac = info["interfaces"][iname].get("mac_address","") ip = info["interfaces"][iname].get("ip_address","") if ip.find("/") != -1: raise CX("no CIDR ips are allowed") if mac == "": raise CX("missing MAC address for interface %s" % iname) if mac != "": system = self.api.find_system(mac_address=mac) if system is not None: raise CX("mac conflict: %s" % mac) if ip != "": system = self.api.find_system(ip_address=ip) if system is not None: raise CX("ip conflict: %s"% ip) # looks like we can go ahead and create a system now obj = self.api.new_system() obj.set_profile(profile) obj.set_name(name) if hostname != "": obj.set_hostname(hostname) obj.set_netboot_enabled(False) for iname in inames: mac = info["interfaces"][iname].get("mac_address","") ip = info["interfaces"][iname].get("ip_address","") netmask = info["interfaces"][iname].get("netmask","") obj.set_mac_address(mac, iname) if hostname != "": obj.set_dns_name(hostname, iname) if ip != "": obj.set_ip_address(ip, iname) if netmask != "": obj.set_subnet(netmask, iname) self.api.add_system(obj) return 0 def disable_netboot(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ This is a feature used by the pxe_just_once support, see manpage. Sets system named "name" to no-longer PXE. Disabled by default as this requires public API access and is technically a read-write operation. """ self._log("disable_netboot",token=token,name=name) # used by nopxe.cgi if not self.api.settings().pxe_just_once: # feature disabled! return False systems = self.api.systems() obj = systems.find(name=name) if obj == None: # system not found! return False obj.set_netboot_enabled(0) # disabling triggers and sync to make this extremely fast. systems.add(obj,save=True,with_triggers=False,with_sync=False,quick_pxe_update=True) return True def upload_log_data(self, sys_name, file, size, offset, data, token=None,**rest): """ This is a logger function used by the "anamon" logging system to upload all sorts of auxilliary data from Anaconda. As it's a bit of a potential log-flooder, it's off by default and needs to be enabled in /etc/cobbler/settings. """ self._log("upload_log_data (file: '%s', size: %s, offset: %s)" % (file, size, offset), token=token, name=sys_name) # Check if enabled in self.api.settings() if not self.api.settings().anamon_enabled: # feature disabled! return False # Find matching system record systems = self.api.systems() obj = systems.find(name=sys_name) if obj == None: # system not found! self._log("upload_log_data - system '%s' not found" % sys_name, token=token, name=sys_name) return False return self.__upload_file(sys_name, file, size, offset, data) def __upload_file(self, sys_name, file, size, offset, data): ''' system: the name of the system name: the name of the file size: size of contents (bytes) data: base64 encoded file contents offset: the offset of the chunk files can be uploaded in chunks, if so the size describes the chunk rather than the whole file. the offset indicates where the chunk belongs the special offset -1 is used to indicate the final chunk''' contents = base64.decodestring(data) del data if offset != -1: if size is not None: if size != len(contents): return False #XXX - have an incoming dir and move after upload complete # SECURITY - ensure path remains under uploadpath tt = string.maketrans("/","+") fn = string.translate(file, tt) if fn.startswith('..'): raise CX(_("invalid filename used: %s") % fn) # FIXME ... get the base dir from cobbler settings() udir = "/var/log/cobbler/anamon/%s" % sys_name if not os.path.isdir(udir): os.mkdir(udir, 0755) fn = "%s/%s" % (udir, fn) try: st = os.lstat(fn) except OSError, e: if e.errno == errno.ENOENT: pass else: raise else: if not stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): raise CX(_("destination not a file: %s") % fn) fd = os.open(fn, os.O_RDWR | os.O_CREAT, 0644) # log_error("fd=%r" %fd) try: if offset == 0 or (offset == -1 and size == len(contents)): #truncate file fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) try: os.ftruncate(fd, 0) # log_error("truncating fd %r to 0" %fd) finally: fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) if offset == -1: os.lseek(fd,0,2) else: os.lseek(fd,offset,0) #write contents fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB, len(contents), 0, 2) try: os.write(fd, contents) # log_error("wrote contents") finally: fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN, len(contents), 0, 2) if offset == -1: if size is not None: #truncate file fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_EX|fcntl.LOCK_NB) try: os.ftruncate(fd, size) # log_error("truncating fd %r to size %r" % (fd,size)) finally: fcntl.lockf(fd, fcntl.LOCK_UN) finally: os.close(fd) return True def run_install_triggers(self,mode,objtype,name,ip,token=None,**rest): """ This is a feature used to run the pre/post install triggers. See CobblerTriggers on Wiki for details """ self._log("run_install_triggers",token=token) if mode != "pre" and mode != "post": return False if objtype != "system" and objtype !="profile": return False # the trigger script is called with name,mac, and ip as arguments 1,2, and 3 # we do not do API lookups here because they are rather expensive at install # time if reinstalling all of a cluster all at once. # we can do that at "cobbler check" time. utils.run_triggers(self.api, None, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/install/%s/*" % mode, additional=[objtype,name,ip]) return True def version(self,token=None,**rest): """ Return the cobbler version for compatibility testing with remote applications. See api.py for documentation. """ self._log("version",token=token) return self.api.version() def extended_version(self,token=None,**rest): """ Returns the full dictionary of version information. See api.py for documentation. """ self._log("version",token=token) return self.api.version(extended=True) def get_distros(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None,**rest): """ Returns all cobbler distros as an array of hashes. """ self._log("get_distros",token=token) return self.__get_all("distro",page,results_per_page) def __find(self,find_function,criteria={},expand=False,token=None): name = criteria.get("name",None) if name is not None: del criteria["name"] if not expand: data = [x.name for x in find_function(name, True, True, **criteria)] else: data = [x.to_datastruct() for x in find_function(name, True, True, **criteria)] return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) def find_distro(self,criteria={},expand=False,token=None,**rest): self._log("find_distro", token=token) # FIXME DEBUG self._log(criteria) data = self.__find(self.api.find_distro,criteria,expand=expand,token=token) # FIXME DEBUG self._log(data) return data def find_profile(self,criteria={},expand=False,token=None,**rest): self._log("find_profile", token=token) data = self.__find(self.api.find_profile,criteria,expand=expand,token=token) return data def find_system(self,criteria={},expand=False,token=None,**rest): self._log("find_system", token=token) data = self.__find(self.api.find_system,criteria,expand=expand,token=token) return data def find_repo(self,criteria={},expand=False,token=None,**rest): self._log("find_repo", token=token) data = self.__find(self.api.find_repo,criteria,expand=expand,token=token) return data def find_image(self,criteria={},expand=False,token=None,**rest): self._log("find_image", token=token) data = self.__find(self.api.find_image,criteria,expand=expand,token=token) return data def get_distros_since(self,mtime): """ Return all of the distro objects that have been modified after mtime. """ data = self.api.get_distros_since(mtime, collapse=True) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) def get_profiles_since(self,mtime): """ See documentation for get_distros_since """ data = self.api.get_profiles_since(mtime, collapse=True) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) def get_systems_since(self,mtime): """ See documentation for get_distros_since """ data = self.api.get_systems_since(mtime, collapse=True) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) def get_repos_since(self,mtime): """ See documentation for get_distros_since """ data = self.api.get_repos_since(mtime, collapse=True) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) def get_images_since(self,mtime): """ See documentation for get_distros_since """ data = self.api.get_images_since(mtime, collapse=True) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(data) def get_profiles(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None,**rest): """ Returns all cobbler profiles as an array of hashes. """ self._log("get_profiles",token=token) return self.__get_all("profile",page,results_per_page) def get_systems(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None,**rest): """ Returns all cobbler systems as an array of hashes. """ self._log("get_systems",token=token) return self.__get_all("system",page,results_per_page) def get_repos(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None,**rest): """ Returns all cobbler repos as an array of hashes. """ self._log("get_repos",token=token) return self.__get_all("repo",page,results_per_page) def get_repos_compatible_with_profile(self,profile=None,token=None,**rest): """ Get repos that can be used with a given profile name """ self._log("get_repos_compatible_with_profile",token=token) profile = self.api.find_profile(profile) if profile is None: return -1 results = [] distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() repos = self.get_repos() for r in repos: # there be dragons! # accept all repos that are src/noarch # but otherwise filter what repos are compatible # with the profile based on the arch of the distro. if r["arch"] is None or r["arch"] in [ "", "noarch", "src" ]: results.append(r) else: # some backwards compatibility fuzz # repo.arch is mostly a text field # distro.arch is i386/x86_64/ia64/s390x/etc if r["arch"] in [ "i386", "x86", "i686" ]: if distro.arch in [ "i386", "x86" ]: results.append(r) elif r["arch"] in [ "x86_64" ]: if distro.arch in [ "x86_64" ]: results.append(r) elif r["arch"].startswith("s390"): if distro.arch in [ "s390x" ]: results.append(r) else: if distro.arch == r["arch"]: results.append(r) return results def get_images(self,page=None,results_per_page=None,token=None,**rest): """ Returns all cobbler images as an array of hashes. """ self._log("get_images",token=token) return self.__get_all("image",page,results_per_page) def __get_specific(self,collection_type,name,flatten=False): """ Internal function to return a hash representation of a given object if it exists, otherwise an empty hash will be returned. """ result = self.api.deserialize_item_raw(collection_type, name) if result is None: return {} if flatten: result = utils.flatten(result) return self.xmlrpc_hacks(result) def get_distro(self,name,flatten=False,token=None,**rest): """ Returns the distro named "name" as a hash. """ self._log("get_distro",token=token,name=name) return self.__get_specific("distro",name,flatten=flatten) def get_profile(self,name,flatten=False,token=None,**rest): """ Returns the profile named "name" as a hash. """ self._log("get_profile",token=token,name=name) return self.__get_specific("profile",name,flatten=flatten) def get_system(self,name,flatten=False,token=None,**rest): """ Returns the system named "name" as a hash. """ self._log("get_system",name=name,token=token) return self.__get_specific("system",name,flatten=flatten) # this is used by the puppet external nodes feature def find_system_by_dns_name(self,dns_name): # FIXME: implement using api.py's find API # and expose generic finds for other methods # WARNING: this function is /not/ expected to stay in cobbler long term systems = self.get_systems() for x in systems: for y in x["interfaces"]: if x["interfaces"][y]["dns_name"] == dns_name: name = x["name"] return self.get_system_for_koan(name) return {} def get_repo(self,name,flatten=False,token=None,**rest): """ Returns the repo named "name" as a hash. """ self._log("get_repo",name=name,token=token) return self.__get_specific("repo",name,flatten=flatten) def get_image(self,name,flatten=False,token=None,**rest): """ Returns the repo named "name" as a hash. """ self._log("get_image",name=name,token=token) return self.__get_specific("image",name,flatten=flatten) def get_distro_as_rendered(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Return the distribution as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_distro_for_koan(self,name) def get_distro_for_koan(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Same as get_distro_as_rendered. """ self._log("get_distro_as_rendered",name=name,token=token) obj = self.api.find_distro(name=name) if obj is not None: return self.xmlrpc_hacks(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self.xmlrpc_hacks({}) def get_profile_as_rendered(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Return the profile as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_profile_for_koan(name,token) def get_profile_for_koan(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Same as get_profile_as_rendered """ self._log("get_profile_as_rendered", name=name, token=token) obj = self.api.find_profile(name=name) if obj is not None: return self.xmlrpc_hacks(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self.xmlrpc_hacks({}) def get_system_as_rendered(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Return the system as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_system_for_koan(self,name) def get_system_for_koan(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Same as get_system_as_rendered. """ self._log("get_system_as_rendered",name=name,token=token) obj = self.api.find_system(name=name) if obj is not None: return self.xmlrpc_hacks(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self.xmlrpc_hacks({}) def get_repo_as_rendered(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Return the repo as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_repo_for_koan(self,name) def get_repo_for_koan(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Same as get_repo_as_rendered. """ self._log("get_repo_as_rendered",name=name,token=token) obj = self.api.find_repo(name=name) if obj is not None: return self.xmlrpc_hacks(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self.xmlrpc_hacks({}) def get_image_as_rendered(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Return the image as passed through cobbler's inheritance/graph engine. Shows what would be installed, not the input data. """ return self.get_image_for_koan(self,name) def get_image_for_koan(self,name,token=None,**rest): """ Same as get_image_as_rendered. """ self._log("get_image_as_rendered",name=name,token=token) obj = self.api.find_image(name=name) if obj is not None: return self.xmlrpc_hacks(utils.blender(self.api, True, obj)) return self.xmlrpc_hacks({}) def get_random_mac(self,token=None,**rest): """ Wrapper for utils.get_random_mac Used in the webui """ self._log("get_random_mac",token=None) return utils.get_random_mac(self.api) def xmlrpc_hacks(self,data): """ Convert None in XMLRPC to just '~' to make extra sure a client that can't allow_none can deal with this. ALSO: a weird hack ensuring that when dicts with integer keys (or other types) are transmitted with string keys. """ if data is None: data = '~' elif type(data) == list: data = [ self.xmlrpc_hacks(x) for x in data ] elif type(data) == dict: data2 = {} for key in data.keys(): keydata = data[key] data2[str(key)] = self.xmlrpc_hacks(data[key]) return data2 return data def get_status(self,**rest): """ Returns the same information as `cobbler status` """ return self.api.status() ###### # READ WRITE METHODS BELOW REQUIRE A TOKEN, use login() # TO OBTAIN ONE ###### def __next_id(self,retry=0): """ Used for keeping track of temporary objects. The return value is a semi-unique key and has no bearing on reality. """ if retry > 10: # I have no idea why this would happen but I want to be through :) raise CX(_("internal error, retry exceeded")) next_id = self.__get_random(25) if self.object_cache.has_key(next_id): return self.__next_id(retry=retry+1) return next_id def __get_random(self,length): urandom = open("/dev/urandom") b64 = base64.encodestring(urandom.read(25)) urandom.close() return b64 def __make_token(self,user): """ Returns a new random token. """ b64 = self.__get_random(25) self.token_cache[b64] = (time.time(), user) return b64 def __invalidate_expired_objects(self): """ Deletes any objects that are floating around in the cache after a reasonable interval. """ timenow = time.time() for object_id in self.object_cache.keys(): (reference, object_time) = self.object_cache[object_id] if (timenow > object_time + OBJECT_TIMEOUT): self._log("expiring object reference: %s" % id,debug=True) del self.object_cache[object_id] def __invalidate_expired_tokens(self): """ Deletes any login tokens that might have expired. """ timenow = time.time() for token in self.token_cache.keys(): (tokentime, user) = self.token_cache[token] if (timenow > tokentime + TOKEN_TIMEOUT): self._log("expiring token",token=token,debug=True) del self.token_cache[token] def __validate_user(self,input_user,input_password): """ Returns whether this user/pass combo should be given access to the cobbler read-write API. For the system user, this answer is always "yes", but it is only valid for the socket interface. FIXME: currently looks for users in /etc/cobbler/auth.conf Would be very nice to allow for PAM and/or just Kerberos. """ return self.api.authenticate(input_user,input_password) def __validate_token(self,token): """ Checks to see if an API method can be called when the given token is passed in. Updates the timestamp of the token automatically to prevent the need to repeatedly call login(). Any method that needs access control should call this before doing anything else. """ self.__invalidate_expired_tokens() self.__invalidate_expired_objects() #if not self.auth_enabled: # user = self.get_user_from_token(token) # # old stuff, preserving for future usage # # if user == "": # # self.token_cache[token] = (time.time(), user) # update to prevent timeout # # return True if self.token_cache.has_key(token): user = self.get_user_from_token(token) if user == "": # system token is only valid over Unix socket return False self.token_cache[token] = (time.time(), user) # update to prevent timeout return True else: self._log("invalid token",token=token) raise CX(_("invalid token: %s" % token)) def __name_to_object(self,resource,name): if resource.find("distro") != -1: return self.api.find_distro(name) if resource.find("profile") != -1: return self.api.find_profile(name) if resource.find("system") != -1: return self.api.find_system(name) if resource.find("repo") != -1: return self.api.find_repo(name) return None def check_access_no_fail(self,token,resource,arg1=None,arg2=None): """ This is called by the WUI to decide whether an element is editable or not. It differs form check_access in that it is supposed to /not/ log the access checks (TBA) and does not raise exceptions. """ need_remap = False for x in [ "distro", "profile", "system", "repo" ]: if arg1 is not None and resource.find(x) != -1: need_remap = True break if need_remap: # we're called with an object name, but need an object arg1 = self.__name_to_object(resource,arg1) try: self.check_access(token,resource,arg1,arg2) return True except: utils.log_exc(self.logger) return False def check_access(self,token,resource,arg1=None,arg2=None): validated = self.__validate_token(token) user = self.get_user_from_token(token) if not self.auth_enabled: # for public read-only XMLRPC, permit access self._log("permitting read-only access") return True rc = self.__authorize(token,resource,arg1,arg2) self._log("authorization result: %s" % rc) if not rc: raise CX(_("authorization failure for user %s" % user)) return rc def login(self,login_user,login_password): """ Takes a username and password, validates it, and if successful returns a random login token which must be used on subsequent method calls. The token will time out after a set interval if not used. Re-logging in permitted. """ self._log("login attempt", user=login_user) if self.__validate_user(login_user,login_password): token = self.__make_token(login_user) self._log("login succeeded",user=login_user) return token else: self._log("login failed",user=login_user) raise CX(_("login failed: %s") % login_user) def __authorize(self,token,resource,arg1=None,arg2=None): user = self.get_user_from_token(token) args = [ resource, arg1, arg2 ] self._log("calling authorize for resource %s" % args, user=user) rc = self.api.authorize(user,resource,arg1,arg2) if rc: return True else: raise CX(_("user does not have access to resource: %s") % resource) def logout(self,token): """ Retires a token ahead of the timeout. """ self._log("logout", token=token) if self.token_cache.has_key(token): del self.token_cache[token] return True return False def token_check(self,token): """ This is a demo function that does not return anything useful. """ self.__validate_token(token) return True def __store_object(self,reference): """ Helper function to create a new object and store it in the object cache. """ if reference is None: # this is undoubtedly from a get_*_handle call raise CX(_("no object found")) object_id = self.__next_id() self.object_cache[object_id] = (reference, time.time()) return object_id def __get_object(self,object_id): """ Helper function to load an object from the object cache. Raises an exception if there is no object as specified. """ if self.object_cache.has_key(object_id): return self.object_cache[object_id][0] raise CX(_("No such object for ID: %s") % object_id) def sync(self,token): """ Run sync code, which should complete before XMLRPC timeout. We can't do reposync this way. Would be nice to send output over AJAX/other later. """ # FIXME: performance self._log("sync",token=token) self.check_access(token,"sync") return self.api.sync() def new_distro(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) distro object. It works something like this: token = remote.login("user","pass") distro_id = remote.new_distro(token) remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'name', 'example-distro', token) remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'kernel', '/foo/vmlinuz', token) remote.modify_distro(distro_id, 'initrd', '/foo/initrd.img', token) remote.save_distro(distro_id, token) """ self._log("new_distro",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_distro") return self.__store_object(item_distro.Distro(self.api._config)) def new_profile(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) profile object. See the documentation for new_distro as it works exactly the same. """ self._log("new_profile",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_profile") return self.__store_object(item_profile.Profile(self.api._config)) def new_subprofile(self,token): """ A subprofile is a profile that inherits directly from another profile, not a distro. In addition to the normal profile setup, setting the parent variable to the name of an existing profile is also mandatory. Systems can be assigned to subprofiles just like they were regular profiles. The same XMLRPC API methods work on them as profiles also. """ self._log("new_subprofile",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_subprofile") return self.__store_object(item_profile.Profile(self.api._config,is_subobject=True)) def new_system(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) system object. See the documentation for new_distro as it works exactly the same. """ self._log("new_system",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_system") return self.__store_object(item_system.System(self.api._config)) def new_repo(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) repo object. See the documentation for new_distro as it works exactly the same. """ self._log("new_repo",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_repo") return self.__store_object(item_repo.Repo(self.api._config)) def new_image(self,token): """ Creates a new (unconfigured) image object. See the documentation for new_distro as it works exactly the same. """ self._log("new_image",token=token) self.check_access(token,"new_image") return self.__store_object(item_image.Image(self.api._config)) def get_distro_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of an distro (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_distro() or save_distro() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self._log("get_distro_handle",token=token,name=name) self.check_access(token,"get_distro_handle") found = self.api.find_distro(name) return self.__store_object(found) def get_profile_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of a profile (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_profile() or save_profile() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self._log("get_profile_handle",token=token,name=name) self.check_access(token,"get_profile_handle") found = self.api.find_profile(name) return self.__store_object(found) def get_system_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of an system (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_system() or save_system() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self._log("get_system_handle",name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token,"get_system_handle") found = self.api.find_system(name) return self.__store_object(found) def get_repo_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of an repo (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_repo() or save_repo() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self._log("get_repo_handle",name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token,"get_repo_handle") found = self.api.find_repo(name) return self.__store_object(found) def get_image_handle(self,name,token): """ Given the name of an image (or other search parameters), return an object id that can be passed in to modify_image() or save_image() commands. Raises an exception if no object can be matched. """ self._log("get_image_handle",name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token,"get_image_handle") found = self.api.find_image(name) return self.__store_object(found) def save_distro(self,object_id,token,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified distro object to disk. """ self._log("save_distro",object_id=object_id,token=token) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_distro",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.add_distro(obj,check_for_duplicate_names=True) else: return self.api.add_distro(obj) def save_profile(self,object_id,token,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified profile object to disk. """ self._log("save_profile",token=token,object_id=object_id) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_profile",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.add_profile(obj,check_for_duplicate_names=True) else: return self.api.add_profile(obj) def save_system(self,object_id,token,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified system object to disk. """ self._log("save_system",token=token,object_id=object_id) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_system",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.add_system(obj,check_for_duplicate_names=True,check_for_duplicate_netinfo=True) elif editmode == "edit": return self.api.add_system(obj,check_for_duplicate_netinfo=True) else: return self.api.add_system(obj) def save_repo(self,object_id,token=None,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified repo object to disk. """ self._log("save_repo",object_id=object_id,token=token) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_repo",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.add_repo(obj,check_for_duplicate_names=True) else: return self.api.add_repo(obj) def save_image(self,object_id,token=None,editmode="bypass"): """ Saves a newly created or modified repo object to disk. """ self._log("save_image",object_id=object_id,token=token) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token,"save_image",obj) if editmode == "new": return self.api.add_image(obj,check_for_duplicate_names=True) else: return self.api.add_image(obj) ## FIXME: refactor out all of the boilerplate stuff like ^^ def copy_distro(self,object_id,newname,token=None): """ All copy methods are pretty much the same. Get an object handle, pass in the new name for it. """ self._log("copy_distro",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_distro") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_distro(obj,newname) def copy_profile(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("copy_profile",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_profile") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_profile(obj,newname) def copy_system(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("copy_system",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_system") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_system(obj,newname) def copy_repo(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("copy_repo",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_repo") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_repo(obj,newname) def copy_image(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("copy_image",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"copy_image") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.copy_image(obj,newname) def rename_distro(self,object_id,newname,token=None): """ All rename methods are pretty much the same. Get an object handle, pass in a new name for it. Rename will modify dependencies to point them at the new object. """ self._log("rename_distro",object_id=object_id,token=token) obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_distro(obj,newname) def rename_profile(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("rename_profile",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"rename_profile") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_profile(obj,newname) def rename_system(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("rename_system",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"rename_system") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_system(obj,newname) def rename_repo(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("rename_repo",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"rename_repo") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_repo(obj,newname) def rename_image(self,object_id,newname,token=None): self._log("rename_image",object_id=object_id,token=token) self.check_access(token,"rename_image") obj = self.__get_object(object_id) return self.api.rename_image(obj,newname) def __call_method(self, obj, attribute, arg): """ Internal function used by the modify routines. """ method = obj.remote_methods().get(attribute, None) if method == None: raise CX(_("object has no method: %s") % attribute) return method(arg) def modify_distro(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing distro object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_distro", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def modify_profile(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing profile object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_profile", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def modify_system(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing system object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_system", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def modify_repo(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing repo object handle. """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_repo", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def modify_image(self,object_id,attribute,arg,token): """ Allows modification of certain attributes on newly created or existing image object handle. """ ## FIXME: lots of boilerplate to remove here, move to utils.py obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "modify_image", obj, attribute) return self.__call_method(obj, attribute, arg) def remove_distro(self,name,token,recursive=1): """ Deletes a distro from a collection. Note that this just requires the name of the distro, not a handle. """ self._log("remove_distro (%s)" % recursive,name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token, "remove_distro", name) rc = self.api.remove_distro(name,recursive=True) return rc def remove_profile(self,name,token,recursive=1): """ Deletes a profile from a collection. Note that this just requires the name """ self._log("remove_profile (%s)" % recursive,name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token, "remove_profile", name) rc = self.api.remove_profile(name,recursive=True) return rc def remove_system(self,name,token,recursive=1): """ Deletes a system from a collection. Note that this just requires the name of the distro, not a handle. """ self._log("remove_system (%s)" % recursive,name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token, "remove_system", name) rc = self.api.remove_system(name) return rc def remove_repo(self,name,token,recursive=1): """ Deletes a repo from a collection. Note that this just requires the name of the repo, not a handle. """ self._log("remove_repo (%s)" % recursive,name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token, "remove_repo", name) rc = self.api.remove_repo(name, recursive=True) return rc def remove_image(self,name,token,recursive=1): """ Deletes a image from a collection. Note that this just requires the name of the image, not a handle. """ self._log("remove_image (%s)" % recursive,name=name,token=token) self.check_access(token, "remove_image", name) rc = self.api.remove_image(name, recursive=True) return rc def read_or_write_kickstart_template(self,kickstart_file,is_read,new_data,token): """ Allows the WebUI to be used as a kickstart file editor. For security reasons we will only allow kickstart files to be edited if they reside in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/ or /etc/cobbler. This limits the damage doable by Evil who has a cobbler password but not a system password. Also if living in /etc/cobbler the file must be a kickstart file. """ if is_read: what = "read_kickstart_template" else: what = "write_kickstart_template" self._log(what,name=kickstart_file,token=token) self.check_access(token,what,kickstart_file,is_read) if kickstart_file.find("..") != -1 or not kickstart_file.startswith("/"): raise CX(_("tainted file location")) if not kickstart_file.startswith("/etc/cobbler/") and not kickstart_file.startswith("/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts"): raise CX(_("unable to view or edit kickstart in this location")) if kickstart_file.startswith("/etc/cobbler/"): if not kickstart_file.endswith(".ks") and not kickstart_file.endswith(".cfg"): # take care to not allow config files to be altered. raise CX(_("this does not seem to be a kickstart file")) if not is_read and not os.path.exists(kickstart_file): raise CX(_("new files must go in /var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts")) if is_read: fileh = open(kickstart_file,"r") data = fileh.read() fileh.close() return data else: if new_data == -1: # delete requested if not self.is_kickstart_in_use(kickstart_file,token): os.remove(kickstart_file) else: raise CX(_("attempt to delete in-use file")) else: fileh = open(kickstart_file,"w+") fileh.write(new_data) fileh.close() return True def power_system(self,object_id,power=None,token=None): """ Allows poweron/poweroff/reboot of a system """ obj = self.__get_object(object_id) self.check_access(token, "power_system", obj) if power=="on": rc=self.api.power_on(obj) elif power=="off": rc=self.api.power_off(obj) elif power=="reboot": rc=self.api.reboot(obj) else: raise CX(_("invalid power mode '%s', expected on/off/reboot" % power)) return rc # ********************************************************************************* # ********************************************************************************* class CobblerXMLRPCServer(SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer): def __init__(self, args): self.allow_reuse_address = True SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self,args) # ********************************************************************************* # ********************************************************************************* class ProxiedXMLRPCInterface: def __init__(self,api,proxy_class,enable_auth_if_relevant=True): self.proxied = proxy_class(api,enable_auth_if_relevant) self.logger = self.proxied.api.logger def _dispatch(self, method, params, **rest): if not hasattr(self.proxied, method): self.logger.error("remote:unknown method %s" % method) raise CX(_("Unknown remote method")) method_handle = getattr(self.proxied, method) try: return method_handle(*params) except Exception, e: utils.log_exc(self.logger) raise e # ********************************************************************* # ********************************************************************* def _test_setup_modules(authn="authn_testing",authz="authz_allowall",pxe_once=1): # rewrite modules.conf so we know we can use the testing module # for xmlrpc rw testing (Makefile will put the user value back) import yaml import Cheetah.Template as Template MODULES_TEMPLATE = "installer_templates/modules.conf.template" DEFAULTS = "installer_templates/defaults" fh = open(DEFAULTS) data = yaml.load(fh.read()) fh.close() data["authn_module"] = authn data["authz_module"] = authz data["pxe_once"] = pxe_once t = Template.Template(file=MODULES_TEMPLATE, searchList=[data]) open("/etc/cobbler/modules.conf","w+").write(t.respond()) def _test_setup_settings(pxe_once=1): # rewrite modules.conf so we know we can use the testing module # for xmlrpc rw testing (Makefile will put the user value back) import yaml import Cheetah.Template as Template MODULES_TEMPLATE = "installer_templates/settings.template" DEFAULTS = "installer_templates/defaults" fh = open(DEFAULTS) data = yaml.load(fh.read()) fh.close() data["pxe_once"] = pxe_once t = Template.Template(file=MODULES_TEMPLATE, searchList=[data]) open("/etc/cobbler/settings","w+").write(t.respond()) def _test_bootstrap_restart(): rc1 = subprocess.call(["/sbin/service","cobblerd","restart"],shell=False,close_fds=True) assert rc1 == 0 rc2 = subprocess.call(["/sbin/service","httpd","restart"],shell=False,close_fds=True) assert rc2 == 0 time.sleep(5) _test_remove_objects() def _test_remove_objects(): api = cobbler_api.BootAPI() # local handle # from ro tests d0 = api.find_distro("distro0") i0 = api.find_image("image0") r0 = api.find_image("repo0") # from rw tests d1 = api.find_distro("distro1") i1 = api.find_image("image1") r1 = api.find_image("repo1") if d0 is not None: api.remove_distro(d0, recursive = True) if i0 is not None: api.remove_image(i0) if r0 is not None: api.remove_repo(r0) if d1 is not None: api.remove_distro(d1, recursive = True) if i1 is not None: api.remove_image(i1) if r1 is not None: api.remove_repo(r1) def test_xmlrpc_ro(): _test_bootstrap_restart() server = xmlrpclib.Server("") time.sleep(2) # delete all distributions distros = server.get_distros() profiles = server.get_profiles() systems = server.get_systems() repos = server.get_repos() images = server.get_systems() settings = server.get_settings() assert type(distros) == type([]) assert type(profiles) == type([]) assert type(systems) == type([]) assert type(repos) == type([]) assert type(images) == type([]) assert type(settings) == type({}) # now populate with something more useful # using the non-remote API api = cobbler_api.BootAPI() # local handle before_distros = len(api.distros()) before_profiles = len(api.profiles()) before_systems = len(api.systems()) before_repos = len(api.repos()) before_images = len(api.images()) fake = open("/tmp/cobbler.fake","w+") fake.write("") fake.close() distro = api.new_distro() distro.set_name("distro0") distro.set_kernel("/tmp/cobbler.fake") distro.set_initrd("/tmp/cobbler.fake") api.add_distro(distro) repo = api.new_repo() repo.set_name("repo0") if not os.path.exists("/tmp/empty"): os.mkdir("/tmp/empty",770) repo.set_mirror("/tmp/empty") files = glob.glob("rpm-build/*.rpm") if len(files) == 0: raise Exception("Tests must be run from the cobbler checkout directory.") subprocess.call("cp rpm-build/*.rpm /tmp/empty",shell=True,close_fds=True) api.add_repo(repo) profile = api.new_profile() profile.set_name("profile0") profile.set_distro("distro0") profile.set_kickstart("/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.ks") profile.set_repos(["repo0"]) api.add_profile(profile) system = api.new_system() system.set_name("system0") system.set_hostname("hostname0") system.set_gateway("") system.set_profile("profile0") system.set_dns_name("hostname0","eth0") api.add_system(system) image = api.new_image() image.set_name("image0") image.set_file("/tmp/cobbler.fake") api.add_image(image) # reposync is required in order to create the repo config files api.reposync(name="repo0") # FIXME: the following tests do not yet look to see that all elements # retrieved match what they were created with, but we presume this # all works. It is not a high priority item to test but do not assume # this is a complete test of access functions. def comb(haystack, needle): for x in haystack: if x["name"] == needle: return True return False distros = server.get_distros() assert len(distros) == before_distros + 1 assert comb(distros, "distro0") profiles = server.get_profiles() print "BEFORE: %s" % before_profiles print "CURRENT: %s" % len(profiles) for p in profiles: print " PROFILES: %s" % p["name"] for p in api.profiles(): print " API : %s" % p.name assert len(profiles) == before_profiles + 1 assert comb(profiles, "profile0") systems = server.get_systems() # assert len(systems) == before_systems + 1 assert comb(systems, "system0") repos = server.get_repos() # FIXME: disable temporarily # assert len(repos) == before_repos + 1 assert comb(repos, "repo0") images = server.get_images() # assert len(images) == before_images + 1 assert comb(images, "image0") # now test specific gets distro = server.get_distro("distro0") assert distro["name"] == "distro0" assert type(distro["kernel_options"] == type({})) profile = server.get_profile("profile0") assert profile["name"] == "profile0" assert type(profile["kernel_options"] == type({})) system = server.get_system("system0") assert system["name"] == "system0" assert type(system["kernel_options"] == type({})) repo = server.get_repo("repo0") assert repo["name"] == "repo0" image = server.get_image("image0") assert image["name"] == "image0" # now test the calls koan uses # the difference is that koan's object types are flattened somewhat # and also that they are passed through utils.blender() so they represent # not the object but the evaluation of the object tree at that object. server.update() # should be unneeded distro = server.get_distro_for_koan("distro0") assert distro["name"] == "distro0" assert type(distro["kernel_options"] == type("")) profile = server.get_profile_for_koan("profile0") assert profile["name"] == "profile0" assert type(profile["kernel_options"] == type("")) system = server.get_system_for_koan("system0") assert system["name"] == "system0" assert type(system["kernel_options"] == type("")) repo = server.get_repo_for_koan("repo0") assert repo["name"] == "repo0" image = server.get_image_for_koan("image0") assert image["name"] == "image0" # now test some of the additional webui calls # compatible profiles, etc assert server.ping() == True assert server.get_size("distros") == 1 assert server.get_size("profiles") == 1 assert server.get_size("systems") == 1 assert server.get_size("repos") == 1 assert server.get_size("images") == 1 templates = server.get_kickstart_templates("???") assert "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.ks" in templates assert server.is_kickstart_in_use("/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.ks","???") == True assert server.is_kickstart_in_use("/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/legacy.ks","???") == False generated = server.generate_kickstart("profile0") assert type(generated) == type("") assert generated.find("ERROR") == -1 assert generated.find("url") != -1 assert generated.find("network") != -1 yumcfg = server.get_repo_config_for_profile("profile0") assert type(yumcfg) == type("") assert yumcfg.find("ERROR") == -1 assert yumcfg.find("http://") != -1 yumcfg = server.get_repo_config_for_system("system0") assert type(yumcfg) == type("") assert yumcfg.find("ERROR") == -1 assert yumcfg.find("http://") != -1 server.register_mac("CC:EE:FF:GG:AA:AA","profile0") systems = server.get_systems() found = False for s in systems: if s["name"] == "CC:EE:FF:GG:AA:AA": for iname in s["interfaces"]: if s["interfaces"]["iname"].get("mac_address") == "CC:EE:FF:GG:AA:AA": found = True break if found: break # FIXME: mac registration test code needs a correct settings file in order to # be enabled. # assert found == True # FIXME: the following tests don't work if pxe_just_once is disabled in settings so we need # to account for this by turning it on... # basically we need to rewrite the settings file # system = server.get_system("system0") # assert system["netboot_enabled"] == "True" # rc = server.disable_netboot("system0") # assert rc == True # ne = server.get_system("system0")["netboot_enabled"] # assert ne == False # FIXME: tests for new built-in configuration management feature # require that --template-files attributes be set. These do not # retrieve the kickstarts but rather config files (see Wiki topics). # This is probably better tested at the URL level with urlgrabber, one layer # up, in a different set of tests.. # FIXME: tests for rendered kickstart retrieval, same as above assert server.run_install_triggers("pre","profile","profile0","") assert server.run_install_triggers("post","profile","profile0","") assert server.run_install_triggers("pre","system","system0","") assert server.run_install_triggers("post","system","system0","") ver = server.version() assert (str(ver)[0] == "?" or str(ver).find(".") != -1) # do removals via the API since the read-only API can't do them # and the read-write tests are seperate _test_remove_objects() # this last bit mainly tests the tests, to ensure we've left nothing behind # not XMLRPC. Tests polluting the user config is not desirable even though # we do save/restore it. # assert (len(api.distros()) == before_distros) # assert (len(api.profiles()) == before_profiles) # assert (len(api.systems()) == before_systems) # assert (len(api.images()) == before_images) # assert (len(api.repos()) == before_repos) def test_xmlrpc_rw(): # ideally we need tests for the various auth modes, not just one # and the ownership module, though this will provide decent coverage. _test_setup_modules(authn="authn_testing",authz="authz_allowall") _test_bootstrap_restart() server = xmlrpclib.Server("") # remote api = cobbler_api.BootAPI() # local instance, /DO/ ping cobblerd # note if authn_testing is not engaged this will not work # test getting token, will raise remote exception on fail token = server.login("testing","testing") # create distro did = server.new_distro(token) server.modify_distro(did, "name", "distro1", token) server.modify_distro(did, "kernel", "/tmp/cobbler.fake", token) server.modify_distro(did, "initrd", "/tmp/cobbler.fake", token) server.modify_distro(did, "kopts", { "dog" : "fido", "cat" : "fluffy" }, token) # hash or string server.modify_distro(did, "ksmeta", "good=sg1 evil=gould", token) # hash or string server.modify_distro(did, "breed", "redhat", token) server.modify_distro(did, "os-version", "rhel5", token) server.modify_distro(did, "owners", "sam dave", token) # array or string server.modify_distro(did, "mgmt-classes", "blip", token) # list or string server.modify_distro(did, "template-files", "/tmp/cobbler.fake=/tmp/a /etc/fstab=/tmp/b",token) # hash or string server.modify_distro(did, "comment", "...", token) server.modify_distro(did, "redhat_management_key", "ALPHA", token) server.modify_distro(did, "redhat_management_server", "rhn.example.com", token) server.save_distro(did, token) # use the non-XMLRPC API to check that it's added seeing we tested XMLRPC RW APIs above # this makes extra sure it's been committed to disk. api.deserialize() assert api.find_distro("distro1") != None pid = server.new_profile(token) server.modify_profile(pid, "name", "profile1", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "distro", "distro1", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "enable-menu", True, token) server.modify_profile(pid, "kickstart", "/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.ks", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "kopts", { "level" : "11" }, token) server.modify_profile(pid, "kopts-post", "noapic", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "virt-file-size", 20, token) server.modify_profile(pid, "virt-ram", 2048, token) server.modify_profile(pid, "repos", [], token) server.modify_profile(pid, "template-files", {}, token) server.modify_profile(pid, "virt-path", "VolGroup00", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "virt-bridge", "virbr1", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "virt-cpus", 2, token) server.modify_profile(pid, "owners", [ "sam", "dave" ], token) server.modify_profile(pid, "mgmt-classes", "one two three", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "comment", "...", token) server.modify_profile(pid, "name_servers", ["one","two"], token) server.modify_profile(pid, "name_servers_search", ["one","two"], token) server.modify_profile(pid, "redhat_management_key", "BETA", token) server.modify_distro(did, "redhat_management_server", "sat.example.com", token) server.save_profile(pid, token) api.deserialize() assert api.find_profile("profile1") != None sid = server.new_system(token) server.modify_system(sid, 'name', 'system1', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'hostname', 'system1', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'gateway', '', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'profile', 'profile1', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'kopts', { "dog" : "fido" }, token) server.modify_system(sid, 'kopts-post', { "cat" : "fluffy" }, token) server.modify_system(sid, 'kickstart', '/var/lib/cobbler/kickstarts/sample.ks', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'netboot-enabled', True, token) server.modify_system(sid, 'virt-path', "/opt/images", token) server.modify_system(sid, 'virt-type', 'qemu', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'name_servers', 'one two three four', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'name_servers_search', 'one two three four', token) server.modify_system(sid, 'modify-interface', { "macaddress-eth0" : "AA:BB:CC:EE:EE:EE", "ipaddress-eth0" : "", "gateway-eth0" : "", "virtbridge-eth0" : "virbr0", "dnsname-eth0" : "foo.example.com", "static-eth0" : False, "dhcptag-eth0" : "section2", "staticroutes-eth0" : "a:b:c d:e:f" }, token) server.modify_system(sid, 'modify-interface', { "static-eth1" : False, "staticroutes-eth1" : [ "g:h:i", "j:k:l" ] }, token) server.modify_system(sid, "mgmt-classes", [ "one", "two", "three"], token) server.modify_system(sid, "template-files", {}, token) server.modify_system(sid, "comment", "...", token) server.modify_system(sid, "power_address", "power.example.org", token) server.modify_system(sid, "power_type", "ipmitool", token) server.modify_system(sid, "power_user", "Admin", token) server.modify_system(sid, "power_pass", "magic", token) server.modify_system(sid, "power_id", "7", token) server.modify_system(sid, "redhat_management_key", "GAMMA", token) server.modify_distro(did, "redhat_management_server", "spacewalk.example.com", token) server.save_system(sid,token) api.deserialize() assert api.find_system("system1") != None # FIXME: add some checks on object contents iid = server.new_image(token) server.modify_image(iid, "name", "image1", token) server.modify_image(iid, "image-type", "iso", token) server.modify_image(iid, "breed", "redhat", token) server.modify_image(iid, "os-version", "rhel5", token) server.modify_image(iid, "arch", "x86_64", token) server.modify_image(iid, "file", "nfs://server/path/to/x.iso", token) server.modify_image(iid, "owners", [ "alex", "michael" ], token) server.modify_image(iid, "virt-cpus", 1, token) server.modify_image(iid, "virt-file-size", 5, token) server.modify_image(iid, "virt-bridge", "virbr0", token) server.modify_image(iid, "virt-path", "VolGroup01", token) server.modify_image(iid, "virt-ram", 1024, token) server.modify_image(iid, "virt-type", "xenpv", token) server.modify_image(iid, "comment", "...", token) server.save_image(iid, token) api.deserialize() assert api.find_image("image1") != None # FIXME: add some checks on object contents # FIXME: repo adds rid = server.new_repo(token) server.modify_repo(rid, "name", "repo1", token) server.modify_repo(rid, "arch", "x86_64", token) server.modify_repo(rid, "mirror", "http://example.org/foo/x86_64", token) server.modify_repo(rid, "keep-updated", True, token) server.modify_repo(rid, "priority", "50", token) server.modify_repo(rid, "rpm-list", [], token) server.modify_repo(rid, "createrepo-flags", "--verbose", token) server.modify_repo(rid, "yumopts", {}, token) server.modify_repo(rid, "owners", [ "slash", "axl" ], token) server.modify_repo(rid, "mirror-locally", True, token) server.modify_repo(rid, "environment", {}, token) server.modify_repo(rid, "comment", "...", token) server.save_repo(rid, token) api.deserialize() assert api.find_repo("repo1") != None # FIXME: add some checks on object contents # test handle lookup did = server.get_distro_handle("distro1", token) assert did != None rid = server.get_repo_handle("repo1", token) assert rid != None iid = server.get_image_handle("image1", token) assert iid != None # test renames rc = server.rename_distro(did, "distro2", token) assert rc == True # object has changed due to parent rename, get a new handle pid = server.get_profile_handle("profile1", token) assert pid != None rc = server.rename_profile(pid, "profile2", token) assert rc == True # object has changed due to parent rename, get a new handle sid = server.get_system_handle("system1", token) assert sid != None rc = server.rename_system(sid, "system2", token) assert rc == True rc = server.rename_repo(rid, "repo2", token) assert rc == True rc = server.rename_image(iid, "image2", token) assert rc == True # FIXME: make the following code unneccessary api.clear() api.deserialize() assert api.find_distro("distro2") != None assert api.find_profile("profile2") != None assert api.find_repo("repo2") != None assert api.find_image("image2") != None assert api.find_system("system2") != None # BOOKMARK: currently here in terms of test testing. for d in api.distros(): print "FOUND DISTRO: %s" % d.name assert api.find_distro("distro1") == None assert api.find_profile("profile1") == None assert api.find_repo("repo1") == None assert api.find_image("image1") == None assert api.find_system("system1") == None did = server.get_distro_handle("distro2", token) assert did != None pid = server.get_profile_handle("profile2", token) assert pid != None rid = server.get_repo_handle("repo2", token) assert rid != None sid = server.get_system_handle("system2", token) assert sid != None iid = server.get_image_handle("image2", token) assert iid != None # test copies server.copy_distro(did, "distro1", token) server.copy_profile(pid, "profile1", token) server.copy_repo(rid, "repo1", token) server.copy_image(iid, "image1", token) server.copy_system(sid, "system1", token) api.deserialize() assert api.find_distro("distro2") != None assert api.find_profile("profile2") != None assert api.find_repo("repo2") != None assert api.find_image("image2") != None assert api.find_system("system2") != None assert api.find_distro("distro1") != None assert api.find_profile("profile1") != None assert api.find_repo("repo1") != None assert api.find_image("image1") != None assert api.find_system("system1") != None assert server.last_modified_time() > 0 print server.get_distros_since(2) assert len(server.get_distros_since(2)) > 0 assert len(server.get_profiles_since(2)) > 0 assert len(server.get_systems_since(2)) > 0 assert len(server.get_images_since(2)) > 0 assert len(server.get_repos_since(2)) > 0 assert len(server.get_distros_since(2)) > 0 now = time.time() the_future = time.time() + 99999 assert len(server.get_distros_since(the_future)) == 0 # it would be cleaner to do this from the distro down # and the server.update calls would then be unneeded. server.remove_system("system1", token) server.update() server.remove_profile("profile1", token) server.update() server.remove_distro("distro1", token) server.remove_repo("repo1", token) server.remove_image("image1", token) server.remove_system("system2", token) # again, calls are needed because we're deleting in the wrong # order. A fix is probably warranted for this. server.update() server.remove_profile("profile2", token) server.update() server.remove_distro("distro2", token) server.remove_repo("repo2", token) server.remove_image("image2", token) # have to update the API as it has changed api.update() d1 = api.find_distro("distro1") assert d1 is None assert api.find_profile("profile1") is None assert api.find_repo("repo1") is None assert api.find_image("image1") is None assert api.find_system("system1") is None for x in api.distros(): print "DISTRO REMAINING: %s" % x.name assert api.find_distro("distro2") is None assert api.find_profile("profile2") is None assert api.find_repo("repo2") is None assert api.find_image("image2") is None assert api.find_system("system2") is None # FIXME: should not need cleanup as we've done it above _test_remove_objects()