""" Builds out filesystem trees/data based on the object tree. This is the code behind 'cobbler sync'. Copyright 2006-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import os import os.path import shutil import shlex import time import sys import glob import traceback import errno import sub_process import string import utils from cexceptions import * import templar import item_distro import item_profile import item_repo import item_system import item_image from utils import _ class PXEGen: """ Handles building out PXE stuff """ def __init__(self,config): """ Constructor """ self.config = config self.api = config.api self.distros = config.distros() self.profiles = config.profiles() self.systems = config.systems() self.settings = config.settings() self.repos = config.repos() self.images = config.images() self.templar = templar.Templar(config) self.bootloc = utils.tftpboot_location() self.verbose = False def copy_bootloaders(self): """ Copy bootloaders to the configured tftpboot directory NOTE: we support different arch's if defined in /etc/cobbler/settings. """ dst = self.bootloc # copy syslinux from one of two locations try: utils.copyfile_pattern('/usr/lib/syslinux/pxelinux.0', dst, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) except: utils.copyfile_pattern('/usr/share/syslinux/pxelinux.0', dst, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) # copy memtest only if we find it utils.copyfile_pattern('/boot/memtest*', dst, require_match=False, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) # copy elilo which we include for IA64 targets utils.copyfile_pattern('/var/lib/cobbler/elilo-3.8-ia64.efi', dst, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) # copy menu.c32 as the older one has some bugs on certain RHEL utils.copyfile_pattern('/var/lib/cobbler/menu.c32', dst, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) # copy yaboot which we include for PowerPC targets utils.copyfile_pattern('/var/lib/cobbler/yaboot-1.3.14', dst, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) # copy memdisk as we need it to boot ISOs try: utils.copyfile_pattern('/usr/lib/syslinux/memdisk', dst, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) except: utils.copyfile_pattern('/usr/share/syslinux/memdisk', dst, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) def copy_distros(self): """ A distro is a kernel and an initrd. Copy all of them and error out if any files are missing. The conf file was correct if built via the CLI or API, though it's possible files have been moved since or perhaps they reference NFS directories that are no longer mounted. NOTE: this has to be done for both tftp and http methods """ errors = list() for d in self.distros: # we don't copy the files for windows distros if d.breed == "windows": continue try: if self.verbose: print "- copying files for distro: %s" % d.name self.copy_single_distro_files(d) except CX, e: errors.append(e) print e.value # FIXME: using logging module so this ends up in cobbler.log? def copy_images(self): """ Like copy_distros except for images. """ errors = list() for i in self.images: try: if self.verbose: print "- copying files for image: %s" % i.name self.copy_single_image_files(i) except CX, e: errors.append(e) print e.value # FIXME: using logging module so this ends up in cobbler.log? def copy_single_distro_files(self, d): for dirtree in [self.bootloc, self.settings.webdir]: distros = os.path.join(dirtree, "images") distro_dir = os.path.join(distros,d.name) utils.mkdir(distro_dir) kernel = utils.find_kernel(d.kernel) # full path initrd = utils.find_initrd(d.initrd) # full path if kernel is None or not os.path.isfile(kernel): raise CX(_("kernel not found: %(file)s, distro: %(distro)s") % { "file" : d.kernel, "distro" : d.name }) if initrd is None or not os.path.isfile(initrd): raise CX(_("initrd not found: %(file)s, distro: %(distro)s") % { "file" : d.initrd, "distro" : d.name }) b_kernel = os.path.basename(kernel) b_initrd = os.path.basename(initrd) allow_symlink=False if dirtree == self.settings.webdir: allow_symlink=True dst1 = os.path.join(distro_dir, b_kernel) dst2 = os.path.join(distro_dir, b_initrd) utils.linkfile(kernel, dst1, symlink_ok=allow_symlink, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) utils.linkfile(initrd, dst2, symlink_ok=allow_symlink, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) def copy_single_image_files(self, img): images_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "images2") filename = img.file if not os.path.exists(filename): # likely for virtual usage, cannot use return if not os.path.exists(images_dir): os.makedirs(images_dir) basename = os.path.basename(img.file) newfile = os.path.join(images_dir, img.name) utils.linkfile(filename, newfile, api=self.api, verbose=self.verbose) return True def generate_windows_files(self): utils.mkdir(os.path.join(self.bootloc, "profiles")) for p in self.profiles: distro = p.get_conceptual_parent() if distro and distro.breed != "windows": continue else: self.generate_windows_profile_pxe(p) utils.mkdir(os.path.join(self.bootloc, "systems")) for s in self.systems: profile = s.get_conceptual_parent() if profile: distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() if distro and distro.breed != "windows": continue else: self.generate_windows_system_pxe(s) def generate_windows_profile_pxe(self, profile): distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() dest_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "profiles", profile.name) utils.mkdir(dest_dir) utils.cabextract(distro.kernel, dest_dir, self.api) src_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "startrom.n12") dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "winpxe.0") cmd = [ "/bin/sed", "-i", "-e", "s/ntldr/L%s/gi" % profile.random_id, src_file ] sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=False) os.rename(src_file, dest_file) utils.cabextract(distro.initrd, dest_dir, self.api) src_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "setupldr.exe") dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "NTLDR") cmd = [ "/bin/sed", "-i", "-e", "s/winnt\\.sif/w%s.sif/gi" % profile.random_id, src_file ] sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=False) cmd = [ "/bin/sed", "-i", "-e", "s/ntdetect\\.com/ntd_%s.com/gi" % profile.random_id, src_file ] sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=False) os.rename(src_file, dest_file) src_dir = os.path.dirname(distro.kernel) src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "ntdetect.com") file_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, "ntdetect.com") utils.copyfile(src_file, file_name, self.api) template = profile.kickstart fd = open(template, "r") template_data = fd.read() fd.close() blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, profile) blended['next_server'] = self.settings.next_server ksmeta = blended.get("ks_meta",{}) del blended["ks_meta"] blended.update(ksmeta) # make available at top level # this is a workaround for a dumb bug in cheetah... # a backslash before a variable is always treated as # escaping the $, so things are not rendered correctly. # The only option is to use another variable for # backslashes when leading another variable. i.e.: # \\$variable blended['bsp'] = '\\' data = self.templar.render(template_data, blended, None) # write .sif to self.bootloc/profiles/$name/winnt.sif file_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, "winnt.sif") fd = open(file_name, "w") fd.write(data) fd.close() return True def generate_windows_system_pxe(self, system): profile = system.get_conceptual_parent() if not profile: return False distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() dest_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "systems", system.name) utils.mkdir(dest_dir) utils.cabextract(distro.kernel, dest_dir, self.api) src_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "startrom.n12") dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "winpxe.0") cmd = [ "/bin/sed", "-i", "-e", "s/ntldr/L%s/gi" % system.random_id, src_file ] sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=False) os.rename(src_file, dest_file) utils.cabextract(distro.initrd, dest_dir, self.api) src_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "setupldr.exe") dest_file = os.path.join(dest_dir, "NTLDR") cmd = [ "/bin/sed", "-i", "-e", "s/winnt\\.sif/w%s.sif/gi" % system.random_id, src_file ] sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=False) cmd = [ "/bin/sed", "-i", "-e", "s/ntdetect\\.com/ntd_%s.com/gi" % system.random_id, src_file ] sub_process.call(cmd, shell=False, close_fds=False) os.rename(src_file, dest_file) src_dir = os.path.dirname(distro.kernel) src_file = os.path.join(src_dir, "ntdetect.com") file_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, "ntdetect.com") utils.copyfile(src_file, file_name, self.api) template = system.kickstart if template == "<>": template = profile.kickstart fd = open(template, "r") template_data = fd.read() fd.close() blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, system) blended['next_server'] = self.settings.next_server ksmeta = blended.get("ks_meta",{}) del blended["ks_meta"] blended.update(ksmeta) # make available at top level # this is a workaround for a dumb bug in cheetah... # a backslash before a variable is always treated as # escaping the $, so things are not rendered correctly. # The only option is to use another variable for # backslashes when leading another variable. i.e.: # \\$variable blended['bsp'] = '\\' data = self.templar.render(template_data, blended, None) # write .sif to self.bootloc/systems/$name/winnt.sif file_name = os.path.join(dest_dir, "winnt.sif") fd = open(file_name, "w") fd.write(data) fd.close() return True def write_all_system_files(self,system): profile = system.get_conceptual_parent() if profile is None: raise CX(_("system %(system)s references a missing profile %(profile)s") % { "system" : system.name, "profile" : system.profile}) distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() image_based = False image = None if distro is None: if profile.COLLECTION_TYPE == "profile": raise CX(_("profile %(profile)s references a missing distro %(distro)s") % { "profile" : system.profile, "distro" : profile.distro}) else: image_based = True image = profile # hack: s390 generates files per system not per interface if not image_based and distro.arch.startswith("s390"): # Always write a system specific _conf and _parm file f2 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "s390x", "s_%s" % system.name) cf = "%s_conf" % f2 pf = "%s_parm" % f2 template_cf = open("/etc/cobbler/pxe/s390x_conf.template") template_pf = open("/etc/cobbler/pxe/s390x_parm.template") blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system) self.templar.render(template_cf, blended, cf) # FIXME: profiles also need this data! # FIXME: the _conf and _parm files are limited to 80 characters in length kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/system/%s" % (blended["http_server"], system.name) # gather default kernel_options and default kernel_options_s390x kopts = blended.get("kernel_options","") hkopts = shlex.split(utils.hash_to_string(kopts)) blended["kickstart_expanded"] = "ks=%s" % kickstart_path blended["kernel_options"] = hkopts self.templar.render(template_pf, blended, pf) # Write system specific zPXE file if system.is_management_supported(): self.write_pxe_file(f2,system,profile,distro,distro.arch) else: # ensure the file doesn't exist utils.rmfile(f2) return # generate one record for each described NIC .. for (name,interface) in system.interfaces.iteritems(): ip = interface["ip_address"] f1 = utils.get_config_filename(system,interface=name) if image_based: working_arch = image.arch else: working_arch = distro.arch if working_arch is None: raise "internal error, invalid arch supplied" # for tftp only ... if working_arch in [ "i386", "x86", "x86_64", "standard"]: # pxelinux wants a file named $name under pxelinux.cfg f2 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", f1) elif working_arch == "ia64": # elilo expects files to be named "$name.conf" in the root # and can not do files based on the MAC address if ip is not None and ip != "": print _("Warning: Itanium system object (%s) needs an IP address to PXE") % system.name filename = "%s.conf" % utils.get_config_filename(system,interface=name) f2 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, filename) elif working_arch.startswith("ppc"): # Determine filename for system-specific yaboot.conf filename = "%s" % utils.get_config_filename(system, interface=name).lower() f2 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc", filename) # Link to the yaboot binary f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc", filename) if os.path.lexists(f3): utils.rmfile(f3) os.symlink("../yaboot-1.3.14", f3) else: continue if system.is_management_supported(): if not image_based: self.write_pxe_file(f2,system,profile,distro,working_arch) else: self.write_pxe_file(f2,system,None,None,working_arch,image=profile) else: # ensure the file doesn't exist utils.rmfile(f2) def make_pxe_menu(self): self.make_s390_pseudo_pxe_menu() self.make_actual_pxe_menu() def make_s390_pseudo_pxe_menu(self): s390path = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "s390x") if not os.path.exists(s390path): utils.mkdir(s390path) profile_list = [profile for profile in self.profiles] image_list = [image for image in self.images] def sort_name(a,b): return cmp(a.name,b.name) profile_list.sort(sort_name) image_list.sort(sort_name) listfile = open(os.path.join(s390path, "profile_list"),"w+") for profile in profile_list: distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() if distro is None: raise CX(_("profile is missing distribution: %s, %s") % (profile.name, profile.distro)) if distro.arch.startswith("s390"): listfile.write("%s\n" % profile.name) f2 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "s390x", "p_%s" % profile.name) self.write_pxe_file(f2,None,profile,distro,distro.arch) cf = "%s_conf" % f2 pf = "%s_parm" % f2 template_cf = open("/etc/cobbler/pxe/s390x_conf.template") template_pf = open("/etc/cobbler/pxe/s390x_parm.template") blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, profile) self.templar.render(template_cf, blended, cf) # FIXME: profiles also need this data! # FIXME: the _conf and _parm files are limited to 80 characters in length kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/profile/%s" % (blended["http_server"], profile.name) # gather default kernel_options and default kernel_options_s390x kopts = blended.get("kernel_options","") hkopts = shlex.split(utils.hash_to_string(kopts)) blended["kickstart_expanded"] = "ks=%s" % kickstart_path blended["kernel_options"] = hkopts self.templar.render(template_pf, blended, pf) listfile.close() def make_actual_pxe_menu(self): # only do this if there is NOT a system named default. default = self.systems.find(name="default") if default is not None: return fname = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", "default") # read the default template file template_src = open(os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxedefault.template")) template_data = template_src.read() # sort the profiles profile_list = [profile for profile in self.profiles] def sort_name(a,b): return cmp(a.name,b.name) profile_list.sort(sort_name) # sort the images image_list = [image for image in self.images] image_list.sort(sort_name) # build out the menu entries pxe_menu_items = "" for profile in profile_list: if not profile.enable_menu: # This profile has been excluded from the menu continue distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() # xen distros can be ruled out as they won't boot if distro.name.find("-xen") != -1 or distro.arch not in ["i386", "x86_64"]: # can't PXE Xen continue contents = self.write_pxe_file(None,None,profile,distro,distro.arch,include_header=False) if contents is not None: pxe_menu_items = pxe_menu_items + contents + "\n" # image names towards the bottom for image in image_list: if os.path.exists(image.file): contents = self.write_pxe_file(None,None,None,None,image.arch,image=image) if contents is not None: pxe_menu_items = pxe_menu_items + contents + "\n" # if we have any memtest files in images, make entries for them # after we list the profiles memtests = glob.glob(self.bootloc + "/images/memtest*") if len(memtests) > 0: pxe_menu_items = pxe_menu_items + "\n\n" for memtest in glob.glob(self.bootloc + '/images/memtest*'): base = os.path.basename(memtest) contents = self.write_memtest_pxe("/images/%s" % base) pxe_menu_items = pxe_menu_items + contents + "\n" # save the template. metadata = { "pxe_menu_items" : pxe_menu_items } outfile = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg", "default") self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, outfile, None) template_src.close() def write_memtest_pxe(self,filename): """ Write a configuration file for memtest """ # FIXME: this should be handled via "cobbler image add" now that it is available, # though it would be nice if there was a less-manual way to add those as images. # just some random variables template = None metadata = {} buffer = "" template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxeprofile.template") # store variables for templating metadata["menu_label"] = "MENU LABEL %s" % os.path.basename(filename) metadata["profile_name"] = os.path.basename(filename) metadata["kernel_path"] = "/images/%s" % os.path.basename(filename) metadata["initrd_path"] = "" metadata["append_line"] = "" # get the template template_fh = open(template) template_data = template_fh.read() template_fh.close() # return results buffer = self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, None) return buffer def write_pxe_file(self,filename,system,profile,distro,arch,image=None,include_header=True): """ Write a configuration file for the boot loader(s). More system-specific configuration may come in later, if so that would appear inside the system object in api.py NOTE: relevant to tftp and pseudo-PXE (s390) only ia64 is mostly the same as syslinux stuff, s390 is a bit short-circuited and simpler. All of it goes through the templating engine, see the templates in /etc/cobbler for more details """ if arch is None: raise "missing arch" if image and not os.path.exists(image.file): return None # nfs:// URLs or something, can't use for TFTP # --- # just some random variables template = None metadata = {} buffer = "" # --- kickstart_path = None kernel_path = None initrd_path = None if image is None: # not image based, it's something normalish if distro is not None and distro.breed == "windows": # this is to support linux-ris if system: kernel_path = "systems/%s/winpxe.0" % system.name elif profile: kernel_path = "profiles/%s/winpxe.0" % profile.name else: kernel_path = os.path.join("/images",distro.name,os.path.basename(distro.kernel)) initrd_path = os.path.join("/images",distro.name,os.path.basename(distro.initrd)) # Find the kickstart if we inherit from another profile if system: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system) else: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, profile) kickstart_path = blended["kickstart"] else: # this is an image we are making available, not kernel+initrd if image.image_type == "direct": kernel_path = os.path.join("/images2",image.name) elif image.image_type == "memdisk": kernel_path = "/memdisk" initrd_path = os.path.join("/images2",image.name) else: # CD-ROM ISO or virt-clone image? We can't PXE boot it. kernel_path = None initrd_path = None # --- # choose a template if system: if system.netboot_enabled: if distro is not None and distro.breed == "windows": template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxesystem_win.template") else: template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxesystem.template") if arch.startswith("s390"): template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxesystem_s390x.template") elif arch == "ia64": template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxesystem_ia64.template") elif arch.startswith("ppc"): template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxesystem_ppc.template") else: # local booting on ppc requires removing the system-specific dhcpd.conf filename if arch is not None and arch.startswith("ppc"): # Disable yaboot network booting for all interfaces on the system for (name,interface) in system.interfaces.iteritems(): filename = "%s" % utils.get_config_filename(system, interface=name).lower() # Remove symlink to the yaboot binary f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc", filename) if os.path.lexists(f3): utils.rmfile(f3) # Remove the interface-specific config file f3 = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc", filename) if os.path.lexists(f3): utils.rmfile(f3) # Yaboot/OF doesn't support booting locally once you've # booted off the network, so nothing left to do return None elif arch is not None and arch.startswith("s390"): template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxelocal_s390x.template") else: template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxelocal.template") else: # not a system record, so this is a profile record if distro is not None and distro.breed == "windows": template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxeprofile_win.template") elif arch.startswith("s390"): template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxeprofile_s390x.template") else: template = os.path.join(self.settings.pxe_template_dir,"pxeprofile.template") # now build the kernel command line if system is not None: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, system) elif profile is not None: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, profile) else: blended = utils.blender(self.api, True, image) kopts = blended.get("kernel_options","") # generate the append line hkopts = utils.hash_to_string(kopts) if initrd_path and (not arch or arch not in ["ia64", "ppc", "ppc64"]): append_line = "append initrd=%s %s" % (initrd_path, hkopts) else: append_line = "append %s" % hkopts # FIXME - the append_line length limit is architecture specific if len(append_line) >= 255 + len("append "): print _("warning: kernel option length exceeds 255") # kickstart path rewriting (get URLs for local files) if kickstart_path is not None and kickstart_path != "": # FIXME: need to make shorter rewrite rules for these URLs if system is not None and kickstart_path.startswith("/"): kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/system/%s" % (blended["http_server"], system.name) elif kickstart_path.startswith("/"): kickstart_path = "http://%s/cblr/svc/op/ks/profile/%s" % (blended["http_server"], profile.name) if distro.breed is None or distro.breed == "redhat": append_line = "%s ks=%s" % (append_line, kickstart_path) elif distro.breed == "suse": append_line = "%s autoyast=%s" % (append_line, kickstart_path) elif distro.breed == "debian": append_line = "%s auto=true url=%s" % (append_line, kickstart_path) # interface=bootif causes a failure # append_line = append_line.replace("ksdevice","interface") if arch.startswith("ppc") or arch.startswith("s390"): # remove the prefix "append" append_line = append_line[7:] # store variables for templating metadata["menu_label"] = "" if profile: if not arch in [ "ia64", "ppc", "ppc64", "s390", "s390x" ]: metadata["menu_label"] = "MENU LABEL %s" % profile.name metadata["profile_name"] = profile.name elif image: metadata["menu_label"] = "MENU LABEL %s" % image.name metadata["profile_name"] = image.name if system: metadata["system_name"] = system.name if kernel_path is not None: metadata["kernel_path"] = kernel_path if initrd_path is not None: metadata["initrd_path"] = initrd_path metadata["append_line"] = append_line # get the template if kernel_path is not None: template_fh = open(template) template_data = template_fh.read() template_fh.close() else: # this is something we can't PXE boot template_data = "\n" # save file and/or return results, depending on how called. buffer = self.templar.render(template_data, metadata, None) if filename is not None: fd = open(filename, "w") fd.write(buffer) fd.close() return buffer def write_templates(self,obj,write_file=False,path=None): """ A semi-generic function that will take an object with a template_files hash {source:destiation}, and generate a rendered file. The write_file option allows for generating of the rendered output without actually creating any files. The return value is a hash of the destination file names (after variable substitution is done) and the data in the file. """ results = {} try: templates = obj.template_files except: return results blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, obj) ksmeta = blended.get("ks_meta",{}) del blended["ks_meta"] blended.update(ksmeta) # make available at top level templates = blended.get("template_files",{}) del blended["template_files"] blended.update(templates) # make available at top level (success, templates) = utils.input_string_or_hash(templates) if not success: return results for template in templates.keys(): dest = templates[template] if dest is None: continue # Run the source and destination files through # templar first to allow for variables in the path template = self.templar.render(template, blended, None).strip() dest = self.templar.render(dest, blended, None).strip() # Get the path for the destination output dest_dir = os.path.dirname(dest) # If we're looking for a single template, skip if this ones # destination is not it. if not path is None and path != dest: continue # If we are writing output to a file, force all templated # configs into the rendered directory to ensure that a user # granted cobbler privileges via sudo can't overwrite # arbitrary system files (This also makes cleanup easier). if os.path.isabs(dest_dir): if write_file: raise CX(_(" warning: template destination (%s) is an absolute path, skipping.") % dest_dir) continue else: dest_dir = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "rendered", dest_dir) dest = os.path.join(dest_dir, os.path.basename(dest)) if not os.path.exists(dest_dir): utils.mkdir(dest_dir) # Check for problems if not os.path.exists(template): raise CX(_("template source %s does not exist") % template) continue elif write_file and not os.path.isdir(dest_dir): raise CX(_("template destination (%s) is invalid") % dest_dir) continue elif write_file and os.path.exists(dest): raise CX(_("template destination (%s) already exists") % dest) continue elif write_file and os.path.isdir(dest): raise CX(_("template destination (%s) is a directory") % dest) continue elif template == "" or dest == "": raise CX(_("either the template source or destination was blank (unknown variable used?)") % dest) continue template_fh = open(template) template_data = template_fh.read() template_fh.close() buffer = self.templar.render(template_data, blended, None) results[dest] = buffer if write_file: fd = open(dest, "w") fd.write(buffer) fd.close() # print _(" template %s created ok") % dest return results def write_tftpd_rules(self,write_file=False): buffer = "" template = "/etc/cobbler/tftpd-rules.template" rules_dst = self.settings.tftpd_rules ldr_rule_line = "re\t^L$random_id\t\t%s/$name/NTLDR\n" sif_rule_line = "re\t/.*w$random_id\\.sif\t%s/$name/winnt.sif\n" ntd_rule_line = "re\t/.*ntd_$random_id\.com\t%s/$name/ntdetect.com\n" fd = open(template, "r") buffer = fd.read() fd.close() buffer += "\n" for profile in self.profiles: try: effective_distro = profile.get_conceptual_parent() if effective_distro.breed != "windows": continue except: print _(" warning: could not determine distro for profile %s") % profile.name continue try: blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, profile) buffer += self.templar.render(ldr_rule_line % "profiles", blended, None) buffer += self.templar.render(sif_rule_line % "profiles", blended, None) buffer += self.templar.render(ntd_rule_line % "profiles", blended, None) except: print _(" warning: could not generate tftpd rules for profile %s") % profile.name for system in self.systems: try: effective_distro = system.get_conceptual_parent().get_conceptual_parent() if effective_distro.breed != "windows": continue except: print _(" warning: could not determine distro for system %s") % system.name continue try: blended = utils.blender(self.api, False, system) buffer += self.templar.render(ldr_rule_line % "systems", blended, None) buffer += self.templar.render(sif_rule_line % "systems", blended, None) buffer += self.templar.render(ntd_rule_line % "systems", blended, None) except: print _(" warning: could not generate tftpd rules for system %s") % system.name if write_file: fd = open(rules_dst, "w") fd.write(buffer) fd.close() return buffer