""" A cobbler distribution. A distribution is a kernel, and initrd, and potentially some kernel options. Copyright 2006, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This software may be freely redistributed under the terms of the GNU general public license. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. """ import utils import item import weakref import os from cexceptions import * from utils import _ class Distro(item.Item): TYPE_NAME = _("distro") COLLECTION_TYPE = "distro" def clear(self,is_subobject=False): """ Reset this object. """ self.name = None self.owners = self.settings.default_ownership self.kernel = (None, '<>')[is_subobject] self.initrd = (None, '<>')[is_subobject] self.kernel_options = ({}, '<>')[is_subobject] self.ks_meta = ({}, '<>')[is_subobject] self.arch = ('i386', '<>')[is_subobject] self.breed = ('redhat', '<>')[is_subobject] self.source_repos = ([], '<>')[is_subobject] self.depth = 0 def make_clone(self): ds = self.to_datastruct() cloned = Distro(self.config) cloned.from_datastruct(ds) return cloned def get_parent(self): """ Return object next highest up the tree. NOTE: conceptually there is no need for subdistros """ return None def from_datastruct(self,seed_data): """ Modify this object to take on values in seed_data """ self.parent = self.load_item(seed_data,'parent') self.name = self.load_item(seed_data,'name') self.owners = self.load_item(seed_data,'owners',self.settings.default_ownership) self.kernel = self.load_item(seed_data,'kernel') self.initrd = self.load_item(seed_data,'initrd') self.kernel_options = self.load_item(seed_data,'kernel_options') self.ks_meta = self.load_item(seed_data,'ks_meta') self.arch = self.load_item(seed_data,'arch','i386') self.breed = self.load_item(seed_data,'breed','redhat') self.source_repos = self.load_item(seed_data,'source_repos',[]) self.depth = self.load_item(seed_data,'depth',0) # backwards compatibility enforcement self.set_arch(self.arch) if self.kernel_options != "<>" and type(self.kernel_options) != dict: self.set_kernel_options(self.kernel_options) if self.ks_meta != "<>" and type(self.ks_meta) != dict: self.set_ksmeta(self.ks_meta) self.set_owners(self.owners) return self def set_kernel(self,kernel): """ Specifies a kernel. The kernel parameter is a full path, a filename in the configured kernel directory (set in /etc/cobbler.conf) or a directory path that would contain a selectable kernel. Kernel naming conventions are checked, see docs in the utils module for find_kernel. """ if utils.find_kernel(kernel): self.kernel = kernel return True raise CX(_("kernel not found")) def set_breed(self, breed): if breed is not None and breed.lower() in [ "redhat", "debian", "suse" ]: self.breed = breed.lower() return True raise CX(_("invalid value for --breed, see manpage")) def set_initrd(self,initrd): """ Specifies an initrd image. Path search works as in set_kernel. File must be named appropriately. """ if utils.find_initrd(initrd): self.initrd = initrd return True raise CX(_("initrd not found")) def set_source_repos(self, repos): """ A list of http:// URLs on the cobbler server that point to yum configuration files that can be used to install core packages. Use by cobbler import only. """ self.source_repos = repos def set_arch(self,arch): """ The field is mainly relevant to PXE provisioning. Should someone have Itanium machines on a network, having syslinux (pxelinux.0) be the only option in the config file causes problems. Using an alternative distro type allows for dhcpd.conf templating to "do the right thing" with those systems -- this also relates to bootloader configuration files which have different syntax for different distro types (because of the bootloaders). This field is named "arch" because mainly on Linux, we only care about the architecture, though if (in the future) new provisioning types are added, an arch value might be something like "bsd_x86". Update: (7/2008) this is now used to build fake PXE trees for s390x also """ return utils.set_arch(self,arch) def is_valid(self): """ A distro requires that the kernel and initrd be set. All other variables are optional. """ # NOTE: this code does not support inheritable distros at this time. # this is by design because inheritable distros do not make sense. if self.name is None: raise CX(_("name is required")) if self.kernel is None: raise CX(_("kernel is required")) if self.initrd is None: raise CX(_("initrd is required")) return True def to_datastruct(self): """ Return a serializable datastructure representation of this object. """ return { 'name' : self.name, 'kernel' : self.kernel, 'initrd' : self.initrd, 'kernel_options' : self.kernel_options, 'ks_meta' : self.ks_meta, 'arch' : self.arch, 'breed' : self.breed, 'source_repos' : self.source_repos, 'parent' : self.parent, 'depth' : self.depth, 'owners' : self.owners } def printable(self): """ Human-readable representation. """ kstr = utils.find_kernel(self.kernel) istr = utils.find_initrd(self.initrd) buf = _("distro : %s\n") % self.name buf = buf + _("breed : %s\n") % self.breed buf = buf + _("architecture : %s\n") % self.arch buf = buf + _("initrd : %s\n") % istr buf = buf + _("kernel : %s\n") % kstr buf = buf + _("kernel options : %s\n") % self.kernel_options buf = buf + _("ks metadata : %s\n") % self.ks_meta buf = buf + _("owners : %s\n") % self.owners return buf def remote_methods(self): return { 'name' : self.set_name, 'kernel' : self.set_kernel, 'initrd' : self.set_initrd, 'kopts' : self.set_kernel_options, 'arch' : self.set_arch, 'ksmeta' : self.set_ksmeta, 'breed' : self.set_breed, 'owners' : self.set_owners }