""" Builds out filesystem trees/data based on the object tree. This is the code behind 'cobbler sync'. Copyright 2006-2008, Red Hat, Inc Michael DeHaan This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import os import os.path import shutil import time import yaml # Howell-Clark version import sub_process import sys import glob import traceback import errno import utils from cexceptions import * import templar import pxegen import item_distro import item_profile import item_repo import item_system from Cheetah.Template import Template from utils import _ class BootSync: """ Handles conversion of internal state to the tftpboot tree layout """ def __init__(self,config,verbose=False,dhcp=None,dns=None): """ Constructor """ self.verbose = verbose self.config = config self.api = config.api self.distros = config.distros() self.profiles = config.profiles() self.systems = config.systems() self.settings = config.settings() self.repos = config.repos() self.templar = templar.Templar(config) self.pxegen = pxegen.PXEGen(config) self.dns = dns self.dhcp = dhcp self.bootloc = utils.tftpboot_location() self.pxegen.verbose = verbose self.dns.verbose = verbose self.dhcp.verbose = verbose def run(self): """ Syncs the current configuration file with the config tree. Using the Check().run_ functions previously is recommended """ if not os.path.exists(self.bootloc): raise CX(_("cannot find directory: %s") % self.bootloc) if self.verbose: print "- running pre-sync triggers" # run pre-triggers... utils.run_triggers(self.api, None, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/pre/*") # (paranoid) in case the pre-trigger modified any objects... if self.verbose: print "- loading configuration" self.api.deserialize() self.distros = self.config.distros() self.profiles = self.config.profiles() self.systems = self.config.systems() self.settings = self.config.settings() self.repos = self.config.repos() # execute the core of the sync operation if self.verbose: print "- cleaning trees" self.clean_trees() if self.verbose: print "- copying bootloaders" self.pxegen.copy_bootloaders() if self.verbose: print "- copying distros" self.pxegen.copy_distros() if self.verbose: print "- copying images" self.pxegen.copy_images() self.pxegen.generate_windows_files() for x in self.systems: if self.verbose: print "- copying files for system: %s" % x.name self.pxegen.write_all_system_files(x) if self.settings.manage_dhcp: if self.verbose: print "- rendering DHCP files" self.dhcp.write_dhcp_file() self.dhcp.regen_ethers() if self.settings.manage_dns: if self.verbose: print "- rendering DNS files" self.dns.regen_hosts() self.dns.write_dns_files() if self.verbose: print "- generating PXE menu structure" self.pxegen.make_pxe_menu() self.pxegen.write_tftpd_rules(True) # run post-triggers if self.verbose: print "- running post-sync triggers" utils.run_triggers(self.api, None, "/var/lib/cobbler/triggers/sync/post/*") return True def clean_trees(self): """ Delete any previously built pxelinux.cfg tree and virt tree info and then create directories. Note: for SELinux reasons, some information goes in /tftpboot, some in /var/www/cobbler and some must be duplicated in both. This is because PXE needs tftp, and auto-kickstart and Virt operations need http. Only the kernel and initrd images are duplicated, which is unfortunate, though SELinux won't let me give them two contexts, so symlinks are not a solution. *Otherwise* duplication is minimal. """ # clean out parts of webdir and all of /tftpboot/images and /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg for x in os.listdir(self.settings.webdir): path = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir,x) if os.path.isfile(path): if not x.endswith(".py"): utils.rmfile(path,verbose=self.verbose) if os.path.isdir(path): if not x in ["aux", "web", "webui", "localmirror","repo_mirror","ks_mirror","images","links","repo_profile","repo_system","svc","rendered"] : # delete directories that shouldn't exist utils.rmtree(path,verbose=self.verbose) if x in ["kickstarts","kickstarts_sys","images","systems","distros","profiles","repo_profile","repo_system","rendered"]: # clean out directory contents utils.rmtree_contents(path,verbose=self.verbose) pxelinux_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg") images_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "images") yaboot_bin_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc") yaboot_cfg_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc") s390_dir = os.path.join(self.bootloc, "s390x") rendered_dir = os.path.join(self.settings.webdir, "rendered") if not os.path.exists(pxelinux_dir): utils.mkdir(pxelinux_dir,verbose=self.verbose) if not os.path.exists(images_dir): utils.mkdir(images_dir,verbose=self.verbose) if not os.path.exists(rendered_dir): utils.mkdir(rendered_dir,verbose=self.verbose) if not os.path.exists(yaboot_bin_dir): utils.mkdir(yaboot_bin_dir,verbose=self.verbose) if not os.path.exists(yaboot_cfg_dir): utils.mkdir(yaboot_cfg_dir,verbose=self.verbose) utils.rmtree_contents(os.path.join(self.bootloc, "pxelinux.cfg"),verbose=self.verbose) utils.rmtree_contents(os.path.join(self.bootloc, "images"),verbose=self.verbose) utils.rmtree_contents(os.path.join(self.bootloc, "s390x"),verbose=self.verbose) utils.rmtree_contents(os.path.join(self.bootloc, "ppc"),verbose=self.verbose) utils.rmtree_contents(os.path.join(self.bootloc, "etc"),verbose=self.verbose) utils.rmtree_contents(rendered_dir,verbose=self.verbose)