=head1 NAME certmaster-request -- requests SSL certs from a certmasster Fedora Unified Network Controller. =head1 SYNOPSIS certmaster-request [--server certmaster.example.com] [--port port] [ --wait infinite/seconds ] =head1 DESCRIPTION FIXME: To be added later once we split this out from func. =head1 API Note: Many applications will want to use the XMLRPC API (see source) or import the Python code to request certs. For those that don't want to do that, this command line tool is available. Explore the other options if they make more sense for your application. =head1 EXIT_STATUS non-zero upon failure. =head1 ADDITONAL RESOURCES See https://fedorahosted.org/certmaster for more information See also the manpages for "certmaster", and "certmaster-ca". =head1 AUTHOR Various. See https://fedorahosted.org/func