CREATE TABLE hosts_templates_tmp ( hosttemplateid bigint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, hostid bigint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, templateid bigint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hosttemplateid) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hosts_templates_1 on hosts_templates_tmp (hostid,templateid); insert into hosts_templates_tmp select NULL,hostid,templateid from hosts_templates; drop table hosts_templates; alter table hosts_templates_tmp rename to hosts_templates; CREATE TABLE hosts_templates_tmp ( hosttemplateid bigint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, hostid bigint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, templateid bigint DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hosttemplateid) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hosts_templates_1 on hosts_templates_tmp (hostid,templateid); insert into hosts_templates_tmp select * from hosts_templates; drop table hosts_templates; alter table hosts_templates_tmp rename to hosts_templates;