/* ** ZABBIX ** Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SIA Zabbix ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **/ #ifndef ZABBIX_DB_H #define ZABBIX_DB_H /* time_t */ #include #include "config.h" #include "common.h" #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL # include "mysql.h" # include "errmsg.h" # include "mysqld_error.h" # define DB_HANDLE MYSQL #endif /* HAVE_MYSQL */ #ifdef HAVE_ORACLE # include "sqlora.h" #endif /* HAVE_ORACLE */ #ifdef HAVE_POSTGRESQL # include #endif /* HAVE_POSTGRESQL */ #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3 # include #endif /* HAVE_SQLITE3 */ #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3 /* We have to put double % here for sprintf */ # define ZBX_SQL_MOD(x,y) #x "%%" #y #else # define ZBX_SQL_MOD(x,y) "mod(" #x "," #y ")" #endif extern char *CONFIG_DBHOST; extern char *CONFIG_DBNAME; extern char *CONFIG_DBUSER; extern char *CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; extern char *CONFIG_DBSOCKET; extern int CONFIG_DBPORT; #define DB_FULL_DELETE 0 #define DB_PART_DELETE 1 #define DB_ACTION struct zbx_action_type #define DB_ALERT struct zbx_alert_type #define DB_CONDITION struct zbx_condition_type #define DB_EVENT struct zbx_event_type #define DB_FUNCTION struct zbx_function_type #define DB_GRAPH struct zbx_graph_type #define DB_GRAPH_ITEM struct zbx_graph_item_type #define DB_HOST struct zbx_host_type #define DB_HOUSEKEEPER struct zbx_housekeeper_type #define DB_ITEM struct zbx_item_type #define DB_MEDIA struct zbx_media_type #define DB_MEDIATYPE struct zbx_mediatype_type #define DB_TRIGGER struct zbx_trigger_type #define DB_HTTPTEST struct zbx_httptest_type #define DB_HTTPSTEP struct zbx_httpstep_type #define DB_HTTPSTEPITEM struct zbx_httpstepitem_type #define DB_HTTPTESTITEM struct zbx_httptestitem_type #ifdef HAVE_SQLITE3 #include "mutexs.h" #define DB_ROW char ** #define DB_RESULT ZBX_SQ_DB_RESULT* #define DBfree_result SQ_DBfree_result typedef struct zbx_sq_db_result_s { int curow; char **data; int nrow; int ncolumn; DB_ROW values; } ZBX_SQ_DB_RESULT; void SQ_DBfree_result(DB_RESULT result); extern PHP_MUTEX sqlite_access; #endif #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL #define DB_RESULT MYSQL_RES * #define DBfree_result mysql_free_result #define DB_ROW MYSQL_ROW #endif #ifdef HAVE_POSTGRESQL #define DB_ROW char ** #define DB_RESULT ZBX_PG_DB_RESULT* #define DBfree_result PG_DBfree_result typedef struct zbx_pg_db_result_s { PGresult *pg_result; int row_num; int fld_num; int cursor; DB_ROW values; } ZBX_PG_DB_RESULT; void PG_DBfree_result(DB_RESULT result); #endif #ifdef HAVE_ORACLE #define DB_RESULT sqlo_stmt_handle_t #define DBfree_result sqlo_close #define DB_ROW char ** #endif #define MAX_HOST_HOST_LEN 64 #define MAX_ITEM_KEY_LEN 255 #define MAX_ITEM_IP_LEN 15 #define MAX_ITEM_SNMP_COMMUNITY_LEN 64 #define MAX_ITEM_SNMP_OID_LEN 255 /* Trigger related defines */ #define TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION_LEN 255 #define TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION_LEN_MAX TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION_LEN+1 #define TRIGGER_EXPRESSION_LEN 255 #define TRIGGER_EXPRESSION_LEN_MAX TRIGGER_EXPRESSION_LEN+1 #define TRIGGER_URL_LEN 255 #define TRIGGER_URL_LEN_MAX TRIGGER_URL_LEN+1 #define TRIGGER_COMMENTS_LEN 4096 #define TRIGGER_COMMENTS_LEN_MAX TRIGGER_URL_LEN+1 #define CONDITION_VALUE_LEN 255 #define CONDITION_VALUE_LEN_MAX CONDITION_VALUE_LEN+1 #define HOST_HOST_LEN 64 #define HOST_HOST_LEN_MAX HOST_HOST_LEN+1 #define HOST_IP_LEN 15 #define HOST_IP_LEN_MAX HOST_IP_LEN+1 #define HOST_ERROR_LEN 128 #define HOST_ERROR_LEN_MAX HOST_ERROR_LEN+1 #define HOST_ERROR_LEN 128 #define HOST_ERROR_LEN_MAX HOST_ERROR_LEN+1 #define ITEM_KEY_LEN 64 #define ITEM_KEY_LEN_MAX ITEM_KEY_LEN+1 #define GRAPH_NAME_LEN 128 #define GRAPH_NAME_LEN_MAX GRAPH_NAME_LEN+1 #define GRAPH_ITEM_COLOR_LEN 32 #define GRAPH_ITEM_COLOR_LEN_MAX GRAPH_ITEM_COLOR_LEN+1 #define ACTION_SUBJECT_LEN 255 #define ACTION_SUBJECT_LEN_MAX ACTION_SUBJECT_LEN+1 #define ZBX_SQL_ITEM_SELECT "i.itemid,i.key_,h.host,h.port,i.delay,i.description,i.nextcheck,i.type,i.snmp_community,i.snmp_oid,h.useip,h.ip,i.history,i.lastvalue,i.prevvalue,i.hostid,h.status,i.value_type,h.errors_from,i.snmp_port,i.delta,i.prevorgvalue,i.lastclock,i.units,i.multiplier,i.snmpv3_securityname,i.snmpv3_securitylevel,i.snmpv3_authpassphrase,i.snmpv3_privpassphrase,i.formula,h.available,i.status,i.trapper_hosts,i.logtimefmt,i.valuemapid,i.delay_flex from hosts h, items i" #define ZBX_MAX_SQL_LEN 65535 DB_EVENT { zbx_uint64_t eventid; zbx_uint64_t triggerid; int clock; int value; int acknowledged; char trigger_description[TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION_LEN_MAX]; int trigger_priority; char trigger_url[TRIGGER_URL_LEN_MAX]; char trigger_comments[TRIGGER_COMMENTS_LEN_MAX]; }; DB_HOST { zbx_uint64_t hostid; char host[HOST_HOST_LEN_MAX]; int useip; char ip[HOST_IP_LEN_MAX]; int port; int status; int disable_until; int errors_from; char error[HOST_ERROR_LEN_MAX]; int available; }; DB_GRAPH { zbx_uint64_t graphid; char name[GRAPH_NAME_LEN_MAX]; int width; int height; int yaxistype; double yaxismin; double yaxismax; }; DB_GRAPH_ITEM { zbx_uint64_t gitemid; zbx_uint64_t graphid; zbx_uint64_t itemid; int drawtype; int sortorder; char color[GRAPH_ITEM_COLOR_LEN_MAX]; }; DB_ITEM { zbx_uint64_t itemid; zbx_uint64_t hostid; zbx_item_type_t type; zbx_item_status_t status; char *description; char key[ITEM_KEY_LEN_MAX]; char *host; int host_status; int host_available; int host_errors_from; int useip; char *ip; char *shortname; char *snmp_community; char *snmp_oid; int snmp_port; char *trapper_hosts; int port; int delay; int history; int trends; char *prevorgvalue_str; double prevorgvalue_dbl; zbx_uint64_t prevorgvalue_uint64; int prevorgvalue_null; char *lastvalue_str; double lastvalue_dbl; zbx_uint64_t lastvalue_uint64; int lastclock; int lastvalue_null; char *prevvalue_str; double prevvalue_dbl; zbx_uint64_t prevvalue_uint64; int prevvalue_null; time_t lastcheck; time_t nextcheck; zbx_item_value_type_t value_type; int delta; int multiplier; char *units; char *snmpv3_securityname; int snmpv3_securitylevel; char *snmpv3_authpassphrase; char *snmpv3_privpassphrase; char *formula; int lastlogsize; int timestamp; int eventlog_severity; char *eventlog_source; char *logtimefmt; zbx_uint64_t valuemapid; char *delay_flex; }; DB_FUNCTION { zbx_uint64_t functionid; zbx_uint64_t itemid; zbx_uint64_t triggerid; double lastvalue; int lastvalue_null; char *function; /* int parameter;*/ char *parameter; }; DB_MEDIA { zbx_uint64_t mediaid; /* char *type;*/ zbx_uint64_t mediatypeid; char *sendto; char *period; int active; int severity; }; DB_MEDIATYPE { zbx_uint64_t mediatypeid; zbx_alert_type_t type; char *description; char *smtp_server; char *smtp_helo; char *smtp_email; char *exec_path; char *gsm_modem; }; DB_TRIGGER { zbx_uint64_t triggerid; char expression[TRIGGER_EXPRESSION_LEN_MAX]; char description[TRIGGER_DESCRIPTION_LEN_MAX]; char url[TRIGGER_URL_LEN_MAX]; char comments[TRIGGER_COMMENTS_LEN_MAX]; int status; int value; // int prevvalue; int priority; }; DB_ACTION { zbx_uint64_t actionid; int actiontype; zbx_uint64_t userid; /* int delay;*/ int lastcheck; int recipient; char subject[ACTION_SUBJECT_LEN_MAX]; /* don't use pointer, cose sizeof is used */ char *message; int message_len; int maxrepeats; int repeatdelay; char scripts[MAX_STRING_LEN]; }; DB_CONDITION { zbx_uint64_t conditionid; zbx_uint64_t actionid; zbx_condition_type_t conditiontype; zbx_condition_op_t operator; char *value; }; DB_ALERT { zbx_uint64_t alertid; zbx_uint64_t actionid; int clock; /* char *type;*/ zbx_uint64_t mediatypeid; char *sendto; char *subject; char *message; zbx_alert_status_t status; int retries; int delay; }; DB_HOUSEKEEPER { zbx_uint64_t housekeeperid; char *tablename; char *field; zbx_uint64_t value; }; DB_HTTPTEST { zbx_uint64_t httptestid; char *name; zbx_uint64_t applicationid; int nextcheck; int status; int delay; char *macros; char *agent; double speed; double time; }; DB_HTTPSTEP { zbx_uint64_t httpstepid; zbx_uint64_t httptestid; int no; char *name; char url[MAX_STRING_LEN]; int timeout; char posts[MAX_STRING_LEN]; char required[MAX_STRING_LEN]; }; DB_HTTPSTEPITEM { zbx_uint64_t httpstepitemid; zbx_uint64_t httpstepid; zbx_uint64_t itemid; zbx_httpitem_type_t type; }; DB_HTTPTESTITEM { zbx_uint64_t httptestitemid; zbx_uint64_t httptestid; zbx_uint64_t itemid; zbx_httpitem_type_t type; }; void DBconnect(void); void DBconnect(void); void DBclose(void); void DBvacuum(void); int DBexecute(const char *fmt, ...); DB_RESULT DBselect(const char *fmt, ...); DB_RESULT DBselectN(char *query, int n); DB_ROW DBfetch(DB_RESULT result); zbx_uint64_t DBget_nextid(char *table, char *field); zbx_uint64_t DBinsert_id(int exec_result, const char *table, const char *field); int DBis_null(char *field); void DBbegin(); void DBcommit(); void DBrollback(); zbx_uint64_t DBget_maxid(char *table, char *field); int DBget_function_result(double *result,char *functionid); void DBupdate_host_availability(zbx_uint64_t hostid,int available,int clock,char *error); int DBupdate_item_status_to_notsupported(zbx_uint64_t itemid, char *error); int DBadd_trend(zbx_uint64_t itemid, double value, int clock); int DBadd_history(zbx_uint64_t itemid, double value, int clock); int DBadd_history_log(zbx_uint64_t itemid, char *value, int clock, int timestamp, char *source, int severity); int DBadd_history_str(zbx_uint64_t itemid, char *value, int clock); int DBadd_history_text(zbx_uint64_t itemid, char *value, int clock); int DBadd_history_uint(zbx_uint64_t itemid, zbx_uint64_t value, int clock); int DBadd_service_alarm(zbx_uint64_t serviceid,int status,int clock); int DBadd_alert(zbx_uint64_t actionid, zbx_uint64_t triggerid, zbx_uint64_t userid, zbx_uint64_t mediatypeid, char *sendto, char *subject, char *message, int maxrepeats, int repeatdelay); void DBupdate_triggers_status_after_restart(void); int DBget_prev_trigger_value(zbx_uint64_t triggerid); /*int DBupdate_trigger_value(int triggerid,int value,int clock);*/ int DBupdate_trigger_value(DB_TRIGGER *trigger, int new_value, int now, char *reason); int DBget_items_count(void); int DBget_items_unsupported_count(void); int DBget_history_count(void); int DBget_history_str_count(void); int DBget_trends_count(void); int DBget_triggers_count(void); int DBget_queue_count(void); void DBescape_string(char *from, char *to, int maxlen); void DBget_item_from_db(DB_ITEM *item,DB_ROW row); zbx_uint64_t DBadd_host(char *server, int port, int status, int useip, char *ip, int disable_until, int available); int DBhost_exists(char *server); int DBget_host_by_hostid(int hostid,DB_HOST *host); int DBsync_host_with_templates(int hostid); int DBsync_host_with_template(int hostid,int templateid,int items,int triggers,int graphs); int DBadd_templates_to_host(int hostid,int host_templateid); int DBadd_template_linkage(int hostid,int templateid,int items,int triggers,int graphs); int DBget_item_by_itemid(int itemid,DB_ITEM *item); int DBadd_item_to_linked_hosts(int itemid, int hostid); int DBadd_item(char *description, char *key, int hostid, int delay, int history, int status, int type, char *snmp_community, char *snmp_oid,int value_type,char *trapper_hosts,int snmp_port,char *units,int multiplier,int delta, char *snmpv3_securityname,int snmpv3_securitylevel,char *snmpv3_authpassphrase,char *snmpv3_privpassphrase,char *formula,int trends,char *logtimefmt); int DBadd_action_to_linked_hosts(int actionid,int hostid); int DBget_trigger_by_triggerid(int triggerid,DB_TRIGGER *trigger); int DBadd_trigger_to_linked_hosts(int triggerid,int hostid); void DBdelete_triggers_by_itemid(zbx_uint64_t itemid); void DBdelete_sysmaps_hosts_by_hostid(zbx_uint64_t hostid); int DBadd_graph(char *name, int width, int height, int yaxistype, double yaxismin, double yaxismax); int DBget_graph_item_by_gitemid(int gitemid, DB_GRAPH_ITEM *graph_item); int DBget_graph_by_graphid(int graphid, DB_GRAPH *graph); int DBadd_graph_item_to_linked_hosts(int gitemid,int hostid); #endif