"; ?> "; echo ""; echo ""; if(isset($sysmapid)) { $map="\n"; $result=DBselect("select h.host,sh.shostid,sh.sysmapid,sh.hostid,sh.label,sh.x,sh.y,h.status from sysmaps_hosts sh,hosts h where sh.sysmapid=$sysmapid and h.hostid=sh.hostid"); for($i=0;$i"; } $map=$map."\n"; echo $map; echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; show_table_header("DISPLAYED HOSTS"); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $result=DBselect("select h.host,sh.shostid,sh.sysmapid,sh.hostid,sh.label,sh.x,sh.y,sh.icon from sysmaps_hosts sh,hosts h where sh.sysmapid=$sysmapid and h.hostid=sh.hostid order by h.host"); echo "
"; $col=0; for($i=0;$i"; $col=0; } else { echo "
"; $col=1; } $host=DBget_field($result,$i,0); $shostid_=DBget_field($result,$i,1); $sysmapid_=DBget_field($result,$i,2); $hostid_=DBget_field($result,$i,3); $label_=DBget_field($result,$i,4); $x_=DBget_field($result,$i,5); $y_=DBget_field($result,$i,6); $icon_=DBget_field($result,$i,7); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
$host$label_$x_$y_$icon_Change - Delete
"; ?> "; echo "Host 1"; echo "Host 2"; echo "Actions"; echo ""; $result=DBselect("select linkid,shostid1,shostid2 from sysmaps_links where sysmapid=$sysmapid order by linkid"); echo "
"; $col=0; for($i=0;$i"; $col=0; } else { echo ""; $col=1; } $linkid=DBget_field($result,$i,0); $shostid1=DBget_field($result,$i,1); $shostid2=DBget_field($result,$i,2); $result1=DBselect("select label from sysmaps_hosts where shostid=$shostid1"); $label1=DBget_field($result1,0,0); $result1=DBselect("select label from sysmaps_hosts where shostid=$shostid2"); $label2=DBget_field($result1,0,0); echo "$label1"; echo "$label2"; echo "Delete"; echo ""; } echo ""; ?> "; echo ""; if(isset($shostid)) { $result=DBselect("select hostid,label,x,y,icon from sysmaps_hosts where shostid=$shostid"); $hostid=DBget_field($result,0,0); $label=DBget_field($result,0,1); $x=DBget_field($result,0,2); $y=DBget_field($result,0,3); $icon=DBget_field($result,0,4); } else { $label=""; $x=0; $y=0; } show_table2_header_begin(); echo "New host to display"; show_table2_v_delimiter(); echo "
"; if(isset($shostid)) { echo ""; } echo "Host"; show_table2_h_delimiter(); $result=DBselect("select hostid,host from hosts order by host"); echo ""; show_table2_v_delimiter(); echo "Icon"; show_table2_h_delimiter(); echo ""; show_table2_v_delimiter(); echo "Label"; show_table2_h_delimiter(); echo ""; show_table2_v_delimiter(); echo "Coordinate X"; show_table2_h_delimiter(); echo ""; show_table2_v_delimiter(); echo "Coordinate Y"; show_table2_h_delimiter(); echo ""; show_table2_v_delimiter2(); echo ""; if(isset($shostid)) { echo ""; } show_table2_header_end(); ?> "; show_table2_header_begin(); echo "New connector"; show_table2_v_delimiter(); echo ""; echo "Host 1"; show_table2_h_delimiter(); $result=DBselect("select shostid,label from sysmaps_hosts where sysmapid=$sysmapid order by label"); echo ""; show_table2_v_delimiter(); echo ""; echo "Host 2"; show_table2_h_delimiter(); $result=DBselect("select shostid,label from sysmaps_hosts where sysmapid=$sysmapid order by label"); echo ""; show_table2_v_delimiter2(); echo ""; show_table2_header_end(); ?>