/* ** ZABBIX ** Copyright (C) 2000-2005 SIA Zabbix ** ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ** (at your option) any later version. ** ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ** GNU General Public License for more details. ** ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ** Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. **/ // Title: tigra menu // Description: See the demo at url // URL: http://www.softcomplex.com/products/tigra_menu/ // Version: 2.0 (commented source) // Date: 04-05-2003 (mm-dd-yyyy) // Tech. Support: http://www.softcomplex.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=40 // Notes: This script is free. Visit official site for further details. // This script adapted by Eugene Grigorjev for using as popup menu // of ZABBIX software. See http://www.zabbix.com. //debugger; function show_popup_menu(e, content, width) { if(!width) width = 170; var pos = [ {'block_top': -12, 'block_left': -5, 'width': width}, {'block_top': 5, 'block_left': width-5, 'width': width} ]; var cursor = get_cursor_position(e); new popup_menu (content, pos, cursor.x, cursor.y); return false; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // global collection containing all menus on current page var A_MENUS = []; // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // menu class function popup_menu (a_items, a_tpl, x, y) { // browser check if (!document.body || !document.body.style) return; this.n_scroll_left = get_scroll_pos()[0]; this.n_scroll_top = get_scroll_pos()[1]; if(document.body.clientWidth) { this.n_scr_width = document.body.clientWidth; this.n_scr_height = document.body.clientHeight; } else { this.n_scr_width = document.width; this.n_scr_height = document.height; } // store items structure this.a_config = a_items; // store template structure this.a_tpl = a_tpl; // get menu id this.n_id = A_MENUS.length; // declare collections this.a_index = []; this.a_children = []; // assigh methods and event handlers this.expand = menu_expand; this.collapse = menu_collapse; this.onclick = menu_onclick; this.onmouseout = menu_onmouseout; this.onmouseover = menu_onmouseover; this.onmousedown = menu_onmousedown; this.getstyle = mitem_getstyle; this.set_x_direction = mitem_set_x_direction; this.get_x_direction = mitem_get_x_direction; this.set_y_direction = mitem_set_y_direction; this.get_y_direction = mitem_get_y_direction; // default level scope description structure this.a_tpl_def = { 'block_top' : 0, 'block_left' : 0, 'top' : 23, 'left' : 0, 'width' : 170, 'height' : 24, 'hide_delay' : 200, 'expd_delay' : 200 }; /* default css */ this.a_css_def = { 'outer' : ['pum_o_item'], 'inner' : ['pum_i_item'] }; // assign methods and properties required to imulate parent item this.getprop = function (s_key) { return this.a_tpl_def[s_key]; }; this.o_root = this; this.n_depth = -1; this.n_x = x; this.n_y = y; // init items recursively for (n_order = 0; n_order < a_items.length; n_order++) new menu_item(this, n_order); // register self in global collection A_MENUS[this.n_id] = this; // make root level visible for (var n_order = 0; n_order < this.a_children.length; n_order++) this.a_children[n_order].e_oelement.style.visibility = 'visible'; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function mitem_set_x_direction(n_val) { this.n_x_direction = n_val; } function mitem_get_x_direction() { return (this.n_x_direction ? this.n_x_direction : null); } function mitem_set_y_direction(n_val) { this.n_y_direction = n_val; } function mitem_get_y_direction() { return (this.n_y_direction ? this.n_y_direction : null); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_collapse (n_id) { // cancel item open delay clearTimeout(this.o_showtimer); // by default collapse all levels var n_tolevel = (n_id ? this.a_index[n_id].n_depth : -1); if(-1 == n_tolevel){ for (n_id = 0; n_id < this.a_index.length; n_id++){ var o_curritem = this.a_index[n_id]; if(o_curritem){ var e_oelement = document.getElementById(o_curritem.e_oelement.id); if(e_oelement != null){ document.body.removeChild(e_oelement); } } } A_MENUS.splice(this.o_root.n_id); } else { // hide all items over the level specified for (n_id = 0; n_id < this.a_index.length; n_id++) { var o_curritem = this.a_index[n_id]; if (o_curritem && o_curritem.n_depth > n_tolevel && o_curritem.b_visible) { o_curritem.e_oelement.style.visibility = 'hidden'; o_curritem.b_visible = false; } } } // reset current item if mouse has gone out of items if (!n_id) this.o_current = null; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_expand (n_id) { // expand only when mouse is over some menu item if (this.o_hidetimer) return; // lookup current item var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; // close previously opened items if (this.o_current && this.o_current.n_depth >= o_item.n_depth) this.collapse(o_item.n_id); this.o_current = o_item; // exit if there are no children to open if (!o_item.a_children) return; // show direct child items for (var n_order = 0; n_order < o_item.a_children.length; n_order++) { var o_curritem = o_item.a_children[n_order]; o_curritem.e_oelement.style.visibility = 'visible'; o_curritem.b_visible = true; } } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_onclick (n_id) { // don't go anywhere if item has no link defined // lookup new item's object if(Boolean(this.a_index[n_id].a_config[1])){ // lookup new item's object var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; // apply rollout o_item.e_oelement.className = o_item.getstyle(0, 0); o_item.e_ielement.className = o_item.getstyle(1, 0); // update status line o_item.upstatus(7); this.o_hidetimer = setTimeout('A_MENUS['+ this.n_id +'].collapse();', 100);//o_item.getprop('hide_delay')); //this.collapse(); //alert(A_MENUS[this.n_id].a_config[1][1]); return true; } return false; } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_onmouseout (n_id) { // lookup new item's object var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; // apply rollout o_item.e_oelement.className = o_item.getstyle(0, 0); o_item.e_ielement.className = o_item.getstyle(1, 0); // update status line o_item.upstatus(7); // run mouseover timer this.o_hidetimer = setTimeout('A_MENUS['+ this.n_id +'].collapse();', o_item.getprop('hide_delay')); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_onmouseover (n_id) { // cancel mouseoute menu close and item open delay clearTimeout(this.o_hidetimer); this.o_hidetimer = null; clearTimeout(this.o_showtimer); // lookup new item's object var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; // update status line o_item.upstatus(); // apply rollover o_item.e_oelement.className = o_item.getstyle(0, 1); o_item.e_ielement.className = o_item.getstyle(1, 1); // if onclick open is set then no more actions required if (o_item.getprop('expd_delay') < 0) return; // run expand timer this.o_showtimer = setTimeout('A_MENUS['+ this.n_id +'].expand(' + n_id + ');', o_item.getprop('expd_delay')); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // called when mouse button is pressed on menu item // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function menu_onmousedown (n_id) { // lookup new item's object var o_item = this.a_index[n_id]; // apply mouse down style o_item.e_oelement.className = o_item.getstyle(0, 2); o_item.e_ielement.className = o_item.getstyle(1, 2); this.expand(n_id); // this.items[id].switch_style('onmousedown'); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // menu item Class function menu_item (o_parent, n_order) { // store parameters passed to the constructor this.n_depth = o_parent.n_depth + 1; var item_offset = this.n_depth ? 4 : 0; this.a_config = o_parent.a_config[n_order + item_offset]; // return if required parameters are missing if (!this.a_config || !this.a_config[0]) { return; } // store info from parent item this.o_root = o_parent.o_root; this.o_parent = o_parent; this.n_order = n_order; // register in global and parent's collections this.n_id = this.o_root.a_index.length + 1; this.o_root.a_index[this.n_id] = this; o_parent.a_children[n_order] = this; // calculate item's coordinates var o_root = this.o_root, a_tpl = this.o_root.a_tpl; this.a_css = this.a_config[3] ? this.a_config[3] : null; // assign methods this.getprop = mitem_getprop; this.getstyle = mitem_getstyle; this.upstatus = mitem_upstatus; this.set_x_direction = mitem_set_x_direction; this.get_x_direction = mitem_get_x_direction; this.set_y_direction = mitem_set_y_direction; this.get_y_direction = mitem_get_y_direction; if(!o_parent.n_x_direction && !n_order) { // calculate menu direction in first element o_parent.set_x_direction( (this.getprop('width') + o_parent.n_x + this.getprop('block_left') > o_root.n_scr_width + o_root.n_scroll_left) ? -1 : 1 ); } this.n_x = n_order ? o_parent.a_children[n_order - 1].n_x + this.getprop('left') * o_parent.get_x_direction() : o_parent.n_x + this.getprop('block_left') * o_parent.get_x_direction(); if(-1 == o_parent.get_x_direction() && o_parent == o_root && !n_order) { this.n_x -= this.getprop('width'); } if(!o_parent.n_y_direction && !n_order) { //alert("w: " +this.getprop('height') +" i:" + (o_parent.a_config.length - item_offset) ); // calculate menu direction in first element o_parent.set_y_direction( (this.getprop('height') * (o_parent.a_config.length - item_offset) + o_parent.n_y + this.getprop('block_top') > o_root.n_scr_height + o_root.n_scroll_top) ? -1 : 1 ); } this.n_y = n_order ? o_parent.a_children[n_order - 1].n_y + this.getprop('top') : o_parent.n_y + this.getprop('block_top') * (o_parent == o_root ? o_parent.get_y_direction() : 1); if(-1 == o_parent.get_y_direction() && !n_order) { this.n_y -= this.getprop('height') * (o_parent.a_config.length - item_offset); } // generate item's HMTL var el = document.createElement("a"); el.setAttribute('id', 'e' + o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + 'o'); el.setAttribute('href', this.a_config[1]); if(this.a_config[2] && this.a_config[2]['tw']) el.setAttribute('target', this.a_config[2]['tw']); el.className = this.getstyle(0, 0); el.style.position = 'absolute'; el.style.top = this.n_y + 'px'; el.style.left = this.n_x + 'px'; el.style.width = this.getprop('width') + 'px'; el.style.height = this.getprop('height') + 'px'; el.style.visibility = 'hidden'; el.style.zIndex = this.n_depth; el.o_root_n_id = o_root.n_id; el.this_n_id = this.n_id; el.onclick = A_MENUS_onclick; el.onmouseout = A_MENUS_onmouseout; el.onmouseover = A_MENUS_onmouseover; el.onmousedown = A_MENUS_onmousedown; el.innerHTML = '
' + this.a_config[0] + '
'; // console.log(el,el.innerHTML); document.body.appendChild(el); this.e_ielement = document.getElementById('e' + o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + 'i'); this.e_oelement = document.getElementById('e' + o_root.n_id + '_' + this.n_id + 'o'); this.b_visible = !this.n_depth; // no more initialization if leaf if (this.a_config.length < item_offset) return; // node specific methods and properties this.a_children = []; // init downline recursively for (var n_order = 0; n_order < this.a_config.length - item_offset; n_order++) new menu_item(this, n_order); } function A_MENUS_onclick(){ return A_MENUS[this.o_root_n_id].onclick(this.this_n_id); } function A_MENUS_onmouseout(){ return A_MENUS[this.o_root_n_id].onmouseout(this.this_n_id); }//false;}// function A_MENUS_onmouseover(){ return A_MENUS[this.o_root_n_id].onmouseover(this.this_n_id); } function A_MENUS_onmousedown(){ return A_MENUS[this.o_root_n_id].onmousedown(this.this_n_id); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reads property from template file, inherits from parent level if not found // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function mitem_getprop (s_key) { // check if value is defined for current level var s_value = null, a_level = this.o_root.a_tpl[this.n_depth]; // return value if explicitly defined if (a_level) s_value = a_level[s_key]; // request recursively from parent levels if not defined return (s_value == null ? this.o_parent.getprop(s_key) : s_value); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // reads property from template file, inherits from parent level if not found // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function mitem_getstyle (n_pos, n_state) { var a_css = this.a_css; // request recursively from parent levels if not defined if(!a_css) a_css = this.o_root.a_css_def; //var a_css = this.o_root.a_css; var a_oclass = a_css[n_pos ? 'inner' : 'outer']; // same class for all states if (typeof(a_oclass) == 'string') return a_oclass; // inherit class from previous state if not explicitly defined for (var n_currst = n_state; n_currst >= 0; n_currst--){ if(a_oclass[n_currst]) return a_oclass[n_currst]; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // updates status bar message of the browser // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function mitem_upstatus (b_clear) { window.setTimeout("window.status=unescape('" + (b_clear ? '' : (this.a_config[2] && this.a_config[2]['sb'] ? escape(this.a_config[2]['sb']) : escape(this.a_config[0]) + (this.a_config[1] ? ' ('+ escape(this.a_config[1]) + ')' : ''))) + "')", 10); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // that's all folks