'Download speed for step \'$2\' of scenario \'$1\'', 'key_' => 'web.test.in['.$testname.','.$name.',bps]', 'type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, 'units' => 'bps', 'httpstepitemtype'=> HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN), array( 'description' => 'Response time for step \'$2\' of scenario \'$1\'', 'key_' => 'web.test.time['.$testname.','.$name.',resp]', 'type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, 'units' => 's', 'httpstepitemtype'=> HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_TIME), array( 'description' => 'Response code for step \'$2\' of scenario \'$1\'', 'key_' => 'web.test.rspcode['.$testname.','.$name.']', 'type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, 'units' => '', 'httpstepitemtype'=> HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_RSPCODE), ); foreach($monitored_items as $item) { $item_data = DBfetch(DBselect('select i.itemid,i.history,i.trends,i.status,i.delta,i.valuemapid '. ' from items i, httpstepitem hi '. ' where hi.httpstepid='.$httpstepid.' and hi.itemid=i.itemid '. ' and hi.type='.$item['httpstepitemtype'])); if(!$item_data) { $item_data = DBfetch(DBselect('select i.itemid,i.history,i.trends,i.status,i.delta,i.valuemapid '. ' from items i where i.key_='.zbx_dbstr($item['key_']).' and i.hostid='.$hostid)); } if(!$item_data) { if (!($itemid = add_item($item['description'], $item['key_'], $hostid, $delay, $history, ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST, '', '', $item['type'], 'localhost', 161, $item['units'], 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '0', $trends, '', 0, '', '', array($applicationid)))) return false; } else { $itemid = $item_data['itemid']; if (!(update_item($itemid, $item['description'], $item['key_'], $hostid, $delay, $item_data['history'], $item_data['status'], ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST, '', '', $item['type'], 'localhost', 161, $item['units'], 0, 0, $item_data['delta'], 0, '', '', '0', $item_data['trends'], '', $item_data['valuemapid'], '', '', array($applicationid)))) return false; } $httpstepitemid = get_dbid('httpstepitem', 'httpstepitemid'); DBexecute('delete from httpstepitem where itemid='.$itemid); if (!DBexecute('insert into httpstepitem'. ' (httpstepitemid, httpstepid, itemid, type) '. ' values ('.$httpstepitemid.','.$httpstepid.','.$itemid.','.$item['httpstepitemtype'].')' )) return false; } return $httpstepid; } function db_save_httptest($httptestid, $hostid, $application, $name, $delay, $status, $agent, $macros, $steps) { $history = 30; // TODO !!! Allow user set this parametr $trends = 90; // TODO !!! Allow user set this parametr if (!eregi('^([0-9a-zA-Z\_\.[.-.]\$ ]+)$', $name)) { error("Scenario name should contain '0-9a-zA-Z_.$ '- characters only"); return false; } DBstart(); if($applicationid = DBfetch(DBselect('select applicationid from applications '. ' where name='.zbx_dbstr($application). ' and hostid='.$hostid))) { $applicationid = $applicationid['applicationid']; } else { $applicationid = add_application($application, $hostid); if(!$applicationid) { error('Can\'t add new application. ['.$application.']'); return false; } } if(isset($httptestid)) { $result = DBexecute('update httptest set '. ' applicationid='.$applicationid.', name='.zbx_dbstr($name).', delay='.$delay.','. ' status='.$status.', agent='.zbx_dbstr($agent).', macros='.zbx_dbstr($macros).','. ' error='.zbx_dbstr('').', curstate='.HTTPTEST_STATE_UNKNOWN. ' where httptestid='.$httptestid); } else { $httptestid = get_dbid("httptest","httptestid"); if(DBfetch(DBselect('select t.httptestid from httptest t, applications a where t.applicationid=a.applicationid '. ' and a.hostid='.$hostid.' and t.name='.zbx_dbstr($name)))) { error('Scenario with name ['.$name.'] already exist'); return false; } $result = DBexecute('insert into httptest'. ' (httptestid, applicationid, name, delay, status, agent, macros, curstate) '. ' values ('.$httptestid.','.$applicationid.','.zbx_dbstr($name).','. $delay.','.$status.','.zbx_dbstr($agent).','.zbx_dbstr($macros).','.HTTPTEST_STATE_UNKNOWN.')' ); $test_added = true; } if($result) { $httpstepids = array(); foreach($steps as $sid => $s) { if(!isset($s['name'])) $s['name'] = ''; if(!isset($s['timeout'])) $s['timeout'] = 15; if(!isset($s['url'])) $s['url'] = ''; if(!isset($s['posts'])) $s['posts'] = ''; if(!isset($s['required'])) $s['required'] = ''; if(!isset($s['status_codes'])) $s['status_codes'] = ''; $result = db_save_step($hostid, $applicationid, $httptestid, $name, $s['name'], $sid+1, $s['timeout'], $s['url'], $s['posts'], $s['required'],$s['status_codes'], $delay, $history, $trends); if(!$result) break; $httpstepids[$result] = $result; } if($result) { /* clean unneeded steps */ $db_steps = DBselect('select httpstepid from httpstep where httptestid='.$httptestid); while($step_data = DBfetch($db_steps)) { if(isset($httpstepids[$step_data['httpstepid']])) continue; delete_httpstep($step_data['httpstepid']); } } } if($result) { $monitored_items = array( array( 'description' => 'Download speed for scenario \'$1\'', 'key_' => 'web.test.in['.$name.',,bps]', 'type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_FLOAT, 'units' => 'bps', 'httptestitemtype'=> HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_IN), array( 'description' => 'Failed step of scenario \'$1\'', 'key_' => 'web.test.fail['.$name.']', 'type' => ITEM_VALUE_TYPE_UINT64, 'units' => '', 'httptestitemtype'=> HTTPSTEP_ITEM_TYPE_LASTSTEP) ); foreach($monitored_items as $item) { $item_data = DBfetch(DBselect('select i.itemid,i.history,i.trends,i.status,i.delta,i.valuemapid '. ' from items i, httptestitem hi '. ' where hi.httptestid='.$httptestid.' and hi.itemid=i.itemid '. ' and hi.type='.$item['httptestitemtype'])); if(!$item_data) { $item_data = DBfetch(DBselect('select i.itemid,i.history,i.trends,i.status,i.delta,i.valuemapid '. ' from items i where i.key_='.zbx_dbstr($item['key_']).' and i.hostid='.$hostid)); } if(!$item_data) { if (!($itemid = add_item($item['description'], $item['key_'], $hostid, $delay, $history, ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE, ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST, '', '', $item['type'], 'localhost', 161, $item['units'], 0, 0, '', 0, '', '', '0', $trends, '', 0, '', '', array($applicationid)))) { $result = false; break; } } else { $itemid = $item_data['itemid']; if (!(update_item($itemid, $item['description'], $item['key_'], $hostid, $delay, $item_data['history'], $item_data['status'], ITEM_TYPE_HTTPTEST, '', '', $item['type'], 'localhost', 161, $item['units'], 0, 0, $item_data['delta'], 0, '', '', '0', $item_data['trends'], '', $item_data['valuemapid'], '', '', array($applicationid)))) { $result = false; break; } } $httptestitemid = get_dbid('httptestitem', 'httptestitemid'); DBexecute('delete from httptestitem where itemid='.$itemid); if (!DBexecute('insert into httptestitem'. ' (httptestitemid, httptestid, itemid, type) '. ' values ('.$httptestitemid.','.$httptestid.','.$itemid.','.$item['httptestitemtype'].')' )) { $result = false; break; } } } if(!$result && isset($test_added)) delete_httptest($httptestid); else $restult = $httptestid; DBend($result); return $result; } function add_httptest($hostid, $application, $name, $delay, $status, $agent, $macros, $steps) { $result = db_save_httptest(null, $hostid, $application, $name, $delay, $status, $agent, $macros, $steps); if($result) info("Sceanrio '".$name."' added"); return $result; } function update_httptest($httptestid, $hostid, $application, $name, $delay, $status, $agent, $macros, $steps) { $result = db_save_httptest($httptestid, $hostid, $application, $name, $delay, $status, $agent, $macros, $steps); if($result) info("Sceanrio '".$name."' updated"); return $result; } function delete_httpstep($httpstepid) { $db_httpstepitems = DBselect('select distinct * from httpstepitem where httpstepid='.$httpstepid); while($httpstepitem_data = DBfetch($db_httpstepitems)) { if(!DBexecute('delete from httpstepitem where httpstepitemid='.$httpstepitem_data['httpstepitemid'])) return false; if(!delete_item($httpstepitem_data['itemid'])) return false; } return DBexecute('delete from httpstep where httpstepid='.$httpstepid); } function delete_httptest($httptestid) { if (!($httptest = DBfetch(DBselect('select * from httptest where httptestid='.$httptestid)))) return false; $db_httpstep = DBselect('select distinct s.httpstepid from httpstep s '. ' where s.httptestid='.$httptestid); while($httpstep_data = DBfetch($db_httpstep)) { delete_httpstep($httpstep_data['httpstepid']); } if(!DBexecute('delete from httptest where httptestid='.$httptestid)) return false; info("Sceanrio '".$httptest["name"]."' deleted"); return true; } function activate_httptest($httptestid) { return DBexecute('update httptest set status='.HTTPTEST_STATUS_ACTIVE.' where httptestid='.$httptestid); } function disable_httptest($httptestid) { return DBexecute('update httptest set status='.HTTPTEST_STATUS_DISABLED.' where httptestid='.$httptestid); } function delete_history_by_httptestid($httptestid) { $db_items = DBselect('select distinct i.itemid from items i, httpstepitem si, httpstep s '. ' where s.httptestid='.$httptestid.' and si.httpstepid=s.httpstepid and i.itemid=si.itemid'); while($item_data = DBfetch($db_items)) { if(!delete_history_by_itemid($item_data['itemid'], 0 /* use housekeeper */)) return false; } return true; } function get_httptest_by_httptestid($httptestid) { return DBfetch(DBselect('select * from httptest where httptestid='.$httptestid)); } function &get_httpsteps_by_httptestid($httptestid) { return DBselect('select * from httpstep where httptestid='.$httptestid); } function get_httpstep_by_httpstepid($httpstepid) { return DBfetch(DBselect('select * from httpstep where httpstepid='.$httpstepid)); } function get_httpstep_by_no($httptestid, $no) { return DBfetch(DBselect('select * from httpstep where httptestid='.$httptestid.' and no='.$no)); } ?>