AddOption('align','center'); $tr = new CRow($td); $tr->AddOption('bgcolor','#dddddd'); $table = new CTable(); $table->AddOption('width','100%'); $table->AddOption('bgcolor','#cccccc'); $table->AddOption('cellspacing','1'); $table->AddOption('cellpadding','3'); $table->AddRow($tr); $table->Show(); echo SBR; } function get_graphitem_by_gitemid($gitemid){ $result=DBselect("SELECT * FROM graphs_items WHERE gitemid=$gitemid"); $row=DBfetch($result); if($row){ return $row; } error("No graph item with gitemid=[$gitemid]"); return $result; } function get_graphitem_by_itemid($itemid){ $result = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT * FROM graphs_items WHERE itemid='.$itemid)); $row=DBfetch($result); if($row) { return $row; } return $result; } function get_graph_by_graphid($graphid){ $result=DBselect("SELECT * FROM graphs WHERE graphid=$graphid"); $row=DBfetch($result); if($row){ return $row; } error("No graph with graphid=[$graphid]"); return false; } function get_graphs_by_templateid($templateids){ zbx_value2array($templateids); return DBselect('SELECT * FROM graphs WHERE '.DBcondition('templateid',$templateids)); } /* * Function: get_same_graphitems_for_host * * Description: * Replace items for specified host * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * Only PHP: * $error= true : rise Error if item doesn't exists(error generated), false: special processing (NO error generated) */ function get_same_graphitems_for_host($gitems, $dest_hostid, $error=true){ $result = array(); foreach($gitems as $gitem){ $sql = 'SELECT src.itemid '. ' FROM items src, items dest '. ' WHERE dest.itemid='.$gitem['itemid']. ' AND src.key_=dest.key_ '. ' AND src.hostid='.$dest_hostid; $db_item = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); if (!$db_item && $error){ $item = get_item_by_itemid($gitem['itemid']); $host = get_host_by_hostid($dest_hostid); error('Missed key "'.$item['key_'].'" for host "'.$host['host'].'"'); return false; } else if(!$db_item){ continue; // $gitem['itemid'] = 0; } else{ $gitem['itemid'] = $db_item['itemid']; } $result[] = $gitem; } return $result; } /* * Function: add_graph * * Description: * Add graph without items and recursion for templates * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function add_graph($name,$width,$height,$yaxistype,$yaxismin,$yaxismax,$showworkperiod,$showtriggers,$graphtype,$legend,$graph3d,$templateid=0) { $graphid = get_dbid("graphs","graphid"); $result=DBexecute('INSERT INTO graphs '. ' (graphid,name,width,height,yaxistype,yaxismin,yaxismax,templateid,show_work_period,show_triggers,graphtype,show_legend,show_3d) '. " values ($graphid,".zbx_dbstr($name).",$width,$height,$yaxistype,$yaxismin,". " $yaxismax,$templateid,$showworkperiod,$showtriggers,$graphtype,$legend,$graph3d)"); return ( $result ? $graphid : $result); } /* * Function: add_graph_with_items * * Description: * Add graph with items and recursion for templates * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function add_graph_with_items($name,$width,$height,$yaxistype,$yaxismin,$yaxismax,$showworkperiod,$showtriggers,$graphtype,$legend,$graph3d,$gitems=array(),$templateid=0) { $result = false; if ( !is_array($gitems) || count($gitems) < 1 ) { error('Missed items for graph "'.$name.'"'); return $result; } /* check items for template graph */ unset($new_host_is_template); $host_list = array(); $itemid = array(0); foreach($gitems as $gitem) $itemid[] = $gitem['itemid']; $db_item_hosts = DBselect('select distinct h.hostid,,h.status '. ' from items i, hosts h where h.hostid=i.hostid and i.itemid in ('.implode(',', $itemid).')'); while($db_item_host = DBfetch($db_item_hosts)) { $host_list[] = '"'.$db_item_host['host'].'"'; if ( HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE == $db_item_host['status'] ) $new_host_is_template = true; } if ( isset($new_host_is_template) && count($host_list) > 1 ) { error('Graph "'.$name.'" with template host can not contain items from other hosts.'); return $result; } if ( ($graphid = add_graph($name,$width,$height,$yaxistype,$yaxismin,$yaxismax,$showworkperiod,$showtriggers,$graphtype,$legend,$graph3d,$templateid)) ) { $result = true; foreach($gitems as $gitem) { if ( ! ($result = add_item_to_graph( $graphid, $gitem['itemid'], $gitem['color'], $gitem['drawtype'], $gitem['sortorder'], $gitem['yaxisside'], $gitem['calc_fnc'], $gitem['type'], $gitem['periods_cnt'])) ) { break; } } } if ( $result ){ info('Graph "'.$name.'" added to hosts '.implode(',',$host_list)); /* add graphs for child hosts */ $tmp_hosts = get_hosts_by_graphid($graphid); $host = DBfetch($tmp_hosts); $chd_hosts = get_hosts_by_templateid($host['hostid']); while($chd_host = DBfetch($chd_hosts)){ copy_graph_to_host($graphid, $chd_host['hostid'], false); } } if ( !$result && $graphid ){ delete_graph($graphid); $graphid = false; } return $graphid; } /* * Function: update_graph * * Description: * Update graph without items and recursion for template * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function update_graph($graphid,$name,$width,$height,$yaxistype,$yaxismin,$yaxismax,$showworkperiod,$showtriggers,$graphtype,$legend,$graph3d,$templateid=0) { $g_graph = get_graph_by_graphid($graphid); if ( ($result = DBexecute( 'UPDATE graphs '. 'SET name='.zbx_dbstr($name).',width='.$width.',height='.$height. ',yaxistype='.$yaxistype.',yaxismin='.$yaxismin.',yaxismax='.$yaxismax.',templateid='.$templateid. ',show_work_period='.$showworkperiod.',show_triggers='.$showtriggers.',graphtype='.$graphtype. ',show_legend='.$legend.',show_3d='.$graph3d. ' WHERE graphid='.$graphid)) ) { if($g_graph['graphtype'] != $graphtype && $graphtype == GRAPH_TYPE_STACKED) { $result = DBexecute('UPDATE graphs_items SET calc_fnc='.CALC_FNC_AVG.',drawtype=1,type='.GRAPH_ITEM_SIMPLE. ' WHERE graphid='.$graphid); } } return $result; } /* * Function: update_graph_with_items * * Description: * Update graph with items and recursion for template * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function update_graph_with_items($graphid,$name,$width,$height,$yaxistype,$yaxismin,$yaxismax,$showworkperiod,$showtriggers,$graphtype,$legend,$graph3d,$gitems=array(),$templateid=0) { $result = false; if ( !is_array($gitems) || count($gitems) < 1 ) { error('Missed items for graph "'.$name.'"'); return $result; } /* check items for template graph */ $tmp_hosts = get_hosts_by_graphid($graphid); $host = DBfetch($tmp_hosts); if ( $host["status"] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE ){ unset($new_hostid); $itemid = array(0); foreach($gitems as $gitem) $itemid[] = $gitem['itemid']; $db_item_hosts = DBselect('select distinct hostid from items where itemid in ('.implode(',', $itemid).')'); while($db_item = DBfetch($db_item_hosts)) { if ( isset($new_hostid) ) { error('Can not use multiple host items for template graph "'.$name.'"'); return $result; } $new_hostid = $db_item['hostid']; } if ( (bccomp($host['hostid'] ,$new_hostid ) != 0)) { error('You must use items only from host "'.$host['host'].'" for template graph "'.$name.'"'); return $result; } } /* firstly update child graphs */ $chd_graphs = get_graphs_by_templateid($graphid); while($chd_graph = DBfetch($chd_graphs)) { $tmp_hosts = get_hosts_by_graphid($chd_graph['graphid']); $chd_host = DBfetch($tmp_hosts); if ( !($new_gitems = get_same_graphitems_for_host($gitems, $chd_host['hostid'])) ) { /* skip host with missed items */ error('Can not update graph "'.$name.'" for host "'.$chd_host['host'].'"'); return $result; } if ( ! ($result = update_graph_with_items($chd_graph['graphid'], $name, $width, $height, $yaxistype, $yaxismin, $yaxismax, $showworkperiod, $showtriggers, $graphtype, $legend, $graph3d, $new_gitems, $graphid)) ) { return $result; } } DBexecute('delete from graphs_items where graphid='.$graphid); foreach($gitems as $gitem){ if ( ! ($result = add_item_to_graph( $graphid, $gitem['itemid'], $gitem['color'], $gitem['drawtype'], $gitem['sortorder'], $gitem['yaxisside'], $gitem['calc_fnc'], $gitem['type'], $gitem['periods_cnt'])) ) { return $result; } } if ($result = update_graph($graphid,$name,$width,$height,$yaxistype,$yaxismin,$yaxismax,$showworkperiod, $showtriggers,$graphtype,$legend,$graph3d,$templateid)) { $host_list = array(); $db_hosts = get_hosts_by_graphid($graphid); while($db_host = DBfetch($db_hosts)){ $host_list[] = '"'.$db_host["host"].'"'; } info('Graph "'.$name.'" updated for hosts '.implode(',',$host_list)); } return $result; } /* * Function: delete_graph * * Description: * De;ete graph with templates * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function delete_graph($graphids){ zbx_value2array($graphids); $result = true; $graphs = array(); $host_lists = array(); foreach($graphids as $id => $graphid){ $graphs[] = get_graph_by_graphid($graphid); $host_list[$graphid] = array(); $db_hosts = get_hosts_by_graphid($graphid); while($db_host = DBfetch($db_hosts)){ $host_list[$graphid] = '"'.$db_host['host'].'"'; } } // firstly remove child graphs $del_chd_graphs = array(); $chd_graphs = get_graphs_by_templateid($graphids); while($chd_graph = DBfetch($chd_graphs)){ /* recursion */ $del_chd_graphs[$chd_graph['graphid']] = $chd_graph['graphid']; } if(!empty($del_chd_graphs)){ $result &= delete_graph($del_chd_graphs); } $result &= DBexecute('DELETE FROM screens_items WHERE '.DBcondition('resourceid',$graphids).' AND resourcetype='.SCREEN_RESOURCE_GRAPH); /* delete graph */ $result &= DBexecute('DELETE FROM graphs_items WHERE '.DBcondition('graphid',$graphids)); $result &= DBexecute('DELETE FROM graphs WHERE '.DBcondition('graphid',$graphids)); $result &= DBexecute("DELETE FROM profiles WHERE idx='web.favorite.graphids' AND source='graphid' AND ".DBcondition('value_id',$graphids)); if($result){ foreach($graphs as $graphid => $graph){ if(isset($host_list[$graphid])) info('Graph "'.$graph['name'].'" deleted from hosts '.implode(',',$host_list[$graphid])); } } return $result; } /* * Function: cmp_graphitems * * Description: * Compare two graph items * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function cmp_graphitems(&$gitem1, &$gitem2) { if($gitem1["drawtype"] != $gitem2["drawtype"]) return 1; if($gitem1["sortorder"] != $gitem2["sortorder"]) return 2; if($gitem1["color"] != $gitem2["color"]) return 3; if($gitem1["yaxisside"] != $gitem2["yaxisside"]) return 4; $item1 = get_item_by_itemid($gitem1["itemid"]); $item2 = get_item_by_itemid($gitem2["itemid"]); if($item1["key_"] != $item2["key_"]) return 5; return 0; } /* * Function: add_item_to_graph * * Description: * Add item to graph * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function add_item_to_graph($graphid,$itemid,$color,$drawtype,$sortorder,$yaxisside,$calc_fnc,$type,$periods_cnt) { $gitemid = get_dbid('graphs_items','gitemid'); $result = DBexecute('insert into graphs_items'. ' (gitemid,graphid,itemid,color,drawtype,sortorder,yaxisside,calc_fnc,type,periods_cnt)'. ' values ('.$gitemid.','.$graphid.','.$itemid.','.zbx_dbstr($color).','.$drawtype.','. $sortorder.','.$yaxisside.','.$calc_fnc.','.$type.','.$periods_cnt.')'); return ( $result ? $gitemid : $result ); } /* * Function: delete_template_graphs * * Description: * Delete template graph from specified host * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function delete_template_graphs($hostid, $templateids = null /* array format 'arr[id]=name' */, $unlink_mode = false){ zbx_value2array($templateids); $db_graphs = get_graphs_by_hostid($hostid); while($db_graph = DBfetch($db_graphs)){ if($db_graph['templateid'] == 0) continue; if(!is_null($templateids)){ $tmp_hhosts = get_hosts_by_graphid($db_graph['templateid']); $tmp_host = DBfetch($tmp_hhosts); if( !uint_in_array($tmp_host['hostid'], $templateids)) continue; } if($unlink_mode){ if(DBexecute('UPDATE graphs SET templateid=0 WHERE graphid='.$db_graph['graphid'])){ info('Graph "'.$db_graph['name'].'" unlinked'); } } else{ delete_graph($db_graph['graphid']); } } } /* * Function: copy_template_graphs * * Description: * Copy all graphs to the specified host * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function copy_template_graphs($hostid, $templateid = null /* array format 'arr[id]=name' */, $copy_mode = false) { if($templateid == null) { $templateid = get_templates_by_hostid($hostid); } if(is_array($templateid)) { foreach($templateid as $id => $name) copy_template_graphs($hostid, $id, $copy_mode); // attention recursion return; } $db_graphs = get_graphs_by_hostid($templateid); while($db_graph = DBfetch($db_graphs)){ copy_graph_to_host($db_graph["graphid"], $hostid, $copy_mode); } } /* * Function: copy_graph_to_host * * Description: * Copy specified graph to the specified host * * Author: * Eugene Grigorjev * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * */ function copy_graph_to_host($graphid, $hostid, $copy_mode = false){ $result = false; $gitems = array(); $db_graph_items = get_graphitems_by_graphid($graphid); while( $db_gitem = DBfetch($db_graph_items) ){ $gitems[] = array( 'itemid' => $db_gitem['itemid'], 'color' => $db_gitem['color'], 'drawtype' => $db_gitem['drawtype'], 'sortorder' => $db_gitem['sortorder'], 'yaxisside' => $db_gitem['yaxisside'], 'calc_fnc' => $db_gitem['calc_fnc'], 'type' => $db_gitem['type'], 'periods_cnt' => $db_gitem['periods_cnt'] ); } $db_graph = get_graph_by_graphid($graphid); if ( ($new_gitems = get_same_graphitems_for_host($gitems, $hostid)) ){ unset($chd_graphid); $chd_graphs = get_graphs_by_hostid($hostid); while( !isset($chd_graphid) && $chd_graph = DBfetch($chd_graphs)){ /* compare graphs */ if ( $chd_graph['templateid'] != 0 ) continue; unset($equal); $chd_gitems = get_graphitems_by_graphid($chd_graph["graphid"]); while($chd_gitem = DBfetch($chd_gitems)){ unset($gitem_equal); foreach($new_gitems as $new_gitem){ if(cmp_graphitems($new_gitem, $chd_gitem)) continue; $gitem_equal = true; break; } if(!isset($gitem_equal)){ unset($equal); break; } /* founded equal graph item */ if(!isset($equal))$equal = 0; $equal++; } if(isset($equal) && (count($new_gitems) == $equal)){ /* founded equal graph */ $chd_graphid = $chd_graph["graphid"]; break; } } if(isset($chd_graphid)){ $result = update_graph_with_items($chd_graphid, $db_graph['name'], $db_graph['width'], $db_graph['height'], $db_graph['yaxistype'], $db_graph['yaxismin'], $db_graph['yaxismax'], $db_graph['show_work_period'], $db_graph['show_triggers'], $db_graph['graphtype'], $db_graph['show_legend'], $db_graph['show_3d'], $new_gitems, ($copy_mode ? 0: $db_graph['graphid'])); } else{ $result = add_graph_with_items($db_graph['name'], $db_graph['width'], $db_graph['height'], $db_graph['yaxistype'], $db_graph['yaxismin'], $db_graph['yaxismax'], $db_graph['show_work_period'], $db_graph['show_triggers'], $db_graph['graphtype'], $db_graph['show_legend'], $db_graph['show_3d'], $new_gitems, ($copy_mode ? 0: $db_graph['graphid'])); } } else{ $host = get_host_by_hostid($hostid); info('Skipped coping of graph "'.$db_graph["name"].'" to host "'.$host['host'].'"'); } return $result; } function navigation_bar_calc(){ if(!isset($_REQUEST["period"])) $_REQUEST["period"]=ZBX_PERIOD_DEFAULT; if(!isset($_REQUEST["from"])) $_REQUEST["from"]=0; if(!isset($_REQUEST["stime"])) $_REQUEST["stime"]=null; if($_REQUEST['period'] ZBX_MAX_PERIOD){ show_message(S_WARNING.'. '.S_TIME_PERIOD.SPACE.S_MAX_VALUE_SMALL.': '.ZBX_MAX_PERIOD.' ('.(int)(ZBX_MAX_PERIOD/86400).'d)'); $_REQUEST['period'] = ZBX_MAX_PERIOD; } if(isset($_REQUEST["stime"])){ $bstime = $_REQUEST['stime']; $time = mktime(substr($bstime,8,2),substr($bstime,10,2),0,substr($bstime,4,2),substr($bstime,6,2),substr($bstime,0,4)); if(($time+$_REQUEST['period']) > time()) unset($_REQUEST['stime']); } return $_REQUEST["period"]; } function navigation_bar($url,$ext_saved_request=NULL){ $saved_request = array("screenid","itemid","action","from","fullscreen"); if(is_array($ext_saved_request)) $saved_request = array_merge($saved_request, $ext_saved_request); elseif(is_string($ext_saved_request)) array_push($saved_request,$ext_saved_request); $form = new CForm($url); $form->SetMethod('get'); $form->AddItem(S_PERIOD.SPACE); $period = get_request('period',ZBX_PERIOD_DEFAULT); if(uint_in_array($period,array(3600,2*3600,4*3600,8*3600,12*3600,24*3600,7*24*3600,31*24*3600,365*24*3600))) $custom_per = ZBX_MIN_PERIOD; else $custom_per = $period; $cmbPeriod = new CComboBox("period",$period,"submit()"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem($custom_per,"custom"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(3600,"1h"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(2*3600,"2h"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(4*3600,"4h"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(8*3600,"8h"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(12*3600,"12h"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(24*3600,"24h"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(7*24*3600,"week"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(31*24*3600,"month"); $cmbPeriod->AddItem(365*24*3600,"year"); $form->AddItem($cmbPeriod); $cmbDec = new CComboBox("dec",0,"submit()"); $cmbDec->AddItem(0,S_DECREASE); $cmbDec->AddItem(3600,"-1h"); $cmbDec->AddItem(4*3600,"-4h"); $cmbDec->AddItem(24*3600,"-24h"); $cmbDec->AddItem(7*24*3600,"-week"); $cmbDec->AddItem(31*24*3600,"-month"); $cmbDec->AddItem(365*24*3600,"-year"); $form->AddItem($cmbDec); $cmbInc = new CComboBox("inc",0,"submit()"); $cmbInc->AddItem(0,S_INCREASE); $cmbInc->AddItem(3600,"+1h"); $cmbInc->AddItem(4*3600,"+4h"); $cmbInc->AddItem(24*3600,"+24h"); $cmbInc->AddItem(7*24*3600,"+week"); $cmbInc->AddItem(31*24*3600,"+month"); $cmbInc->AddItem(365*24*3600,"+year"); $form->AddItem($cmbInc); $form->AddItem(SPACE.S_MOVE.SPACE); $cmbLeft = new CComboBox("left",0,"submit()"); $cmbLeft->AddItem(0,S_LEFT_DIR); $cmbLeft->AddItem(1,"-1h"); $cmbLeft->AddItem(4,"-4h"); $cmbLeft->AddItem(24,"-24h"); $cmbLeft->AddItem(7*24,"-week"); $cmbLeft->AddItem(31*24,"-month"); $cmbLeft->AddItem(365*24,"-year"); $form->AddItem($cmbLeft); $cmbRight = new CComboBox("right",0,"submit()"); $cmbRight->AddItem(0,S_RIGHT_DIR); $cmbRight->AddItem(1,"+1h"); $cmbRight->AddItem(4,"+4h"); $cmbRight->AddItem(24,"+24h"); $cmbRight->AddItem(7*24,"+week"); $cmbRight->AddItem(31*24,"+month"); $cmbRight->AddItem(365*24,"+year"); $form->AddItem($cmbRight); $form->AddItem(array(SPACE, new CTextBox("stime","yyyymmddhhmm",12),SPACE, new CButton("action","go"), new CButton("reset","reset"))); foreach($saved_request as $item) if(isset($_REQUEST[$item])) $form->AddVar($item,$_REQUEST[$item]); show_table_header( S_NAVIGATE, $form); return; } /* * Function: * make_array_from_gitems * * Description: * Creates array with items params for preapare_url function * * Author: * Aly * * Comments * */ function make_url_from_gitems($gitems){ $gurl=array(); $ifields = array( 'itemid' => 1, 'drawtype' => 1, 'sortorder' => 1, 'color' => 1, 'yaxisside' => 1, 'calc_fnc' => 1, 'type' => 1, 'periods_cnt'=>1 ); foreach($gitems as $gitem){ foreach($gitem as $name => $value){ if(isset($ifields[$name])){ $gurl['items['.$gitem['itemid'].']['.$name.']']=$value; } } } return prepare_url($gurl); } /* * Function: * make_array_from_graphid * * Description: * Creates array with graph params for preapare_url function * * Author: * Aly * * Comments * $full= false: for screens(WITHOUT width && height), true=all params */ function make_url_from_graphid($graphid,$full=false){ $gurl=array(); if($full){ $gparams = array(); } else{ $gparams = array( 'height'=> 1, 'width' => 1 ); } $graph=get_graph_by_graphid($graphid); if($graph){ foreach($graph as $name => $value){ if(!is_numeric($name) && !isset($gparams[$name])) $gurl[$name]=$value; } } $url = prepare_url($gurl); if(!empty($url)){ $url=((($gurl['graphtype']==GRAPH_TYPE_PIE) || ($gurl['graphtype']==GRAPH_TYPE_EXPLODED))?'chart7.php?':'chart3.php?').trim($url,'&'); } return $url; } ?>