array( 'attribures' => array( 'host' => 'name'), 'elements' => array( 'useip' => '', 'dns' => '', 'ip' => '', 'port' => '', 'status' => '') ), XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY => array( 'attribures' => array( 'dependency' => 'description'), 'elements' => array( 'depends' => '') ), XML_TAG_HOSTPROFILE => array( 'attribures' => array(), 'elements' => array( 'devicetype' => '', 'name' => '', 'os' => '', 'serialno' => '', 'tag' => '', 'macaddress' => '', 'hardware' => '', 'software' => '', 'contact' => '', 'location' => '', 'notes' => '') ), XML_TAG_ITEM => array( 'attribures' => array( 'type' => '', 'key_' => 'key', 'value_type' => ''), 'elements' => array( 'description' => '', 'delay' => '', 'history' => '', 'trends' => '', 'status' => '', 'units' => '', 'multiplier' => '', 'delta' => '', 'formula' => '', 'lastlogsize' => '', 'logtimefmt' => '', 'delay_flex' => '', 'params' => '', 'trapper_hosts' => '', 'snmp_community' => '', 'snmp_oid' => '', 'snmp_port' => '', 'snmpv3_securityname' => '', 'snmpv3_securitylevel' => '', 'snmpv3_authpassphrase' => '', 'snmpv3_privpassphrase' => '') ), XML_TAG_TRIGGER => array( 'attribures' => array(), 'elements' => array( 'description' => '', 'type' => '', 'expression' => '', 'url' => '', 'status' => '', 'priority' => '', 'comments' => '') ), XML_TAG_GRAPH => array( 'attribures' => array( 'name' => '', 'width' => '', 'height' => ''), 'elements' => array( 'yaxistype' => '', 'show_work_period' => '', 'show_triggers' => '', 'graphtype' => '', 'yaxismin' => '', 'yaxismax' => '', 'show_legend' => '', 'show_3d' => '') ), XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT => array( 'attribures' => array( 'item' => ''), 'elements' => array( 'drawtype' => '', 'sortorder' => '', 'color' => '', 'yaxisside' => '', 'calc_fnc' => '', 'type' => '', 'periods_cnt' => '') ) ); function zbx_xmlwriter_open_memory(){ return array('tabs' => 0, 'tag'=>array()); } function zbx_xmlwriter_set_indent($mem, $val){ return true; } function zbx_xmlwriter_start_document(&$mem, $ver){ echo ''."\n".str_repeat("\t",$mem['tabs']).'<'.$tag; $mem['tabs']++; return true; } function zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute(&$mem, $name, $val){ echo ' '.$name.'="'.htmlspecialchars($val).'"'; return true; } function zbx_xmlwriter_end_element(&$mem){ $teg = array_pop($mem['tag']); $mem['tabs']--; echo '>'."\n".str_repeat("\t",$mem['tabs']).''; } function zbx_xmlwriter_write_element(&$mem, $name, $val){ echo '>'."\n".str_repeat("\t",$mem['tabs']).'<'.$name.'>'.htmlspecialchars($val).' $xml_name){ if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } foreach($map['elements'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(!isset($data[$db_name])) continue; if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } if( !empty($data['valuemapid']) && $valuemap = DBfetch(DBselect('select name from valuemaps where valuemapid='.$data['valuemapid']))){ zbx_xmlwriter_write_element($memory, 'valuemap', $valuemap['name']); } $db_applications=DBselect('select distinct from applications a,items_applications ia '. ' where ia.applicationid=a.applicationid and ia.itemid='.$itemid); if($application = DBfetch($db_applications)){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_APPLICATIONS); do { zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, XML_TAG_APPLICATION, $application['name']); } while($application = DBfetch($db_applications)); zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_APPLICATIONS } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_ITEM } function export_trigger(&$memory, $triggerid){ global $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP; $data = DBfetch(DBselect('select * from triggers where triggerid='.$triggerid)); if(!$data) return false; $data['expression'] = explode_exp($data["expression"],0,true); zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_TRIGGER); $map =& $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP[XML_TAG_TRIGGER]; foreach($map['attribures'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } foreach($map['elements'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(!isset($data[$db_name])) continue; if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_TRIGGER } function export_graph_element(&$memory, $gitemid){ global $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP; $sql = 'select gi.*,i.key_, '. ' from graphs_items gi, items i, hosts h'. ' where h.hostid=i.hostid '. ' and i.itemid=gi.itemid '. ' and gi.gitemid='.$gitemid; $data = DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); if(!$data) return false; $data['item'] = '{HOSTNAME}:'.$data['key_']; zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT); $map =& $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP[XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT]; foreach($map['attribures'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } foreach($map['elements'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(!isset($data[$db_name])) continue; if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENT } function export_graph(&$memory, $graphid){ global $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP; $data = DBfetch(DBselect('select * from graphs where graphid='.$graphid)); if(!$data) return false; zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_GRAPH); $map =& $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP[XML_TAG_GRAPH]; foreach($map['attribures'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } foreach($map['elements'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(!isset($data[$db_name])) continue; if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENTS); $db_elements = DBselect('select gitemid from graphs_items where graphid='.$graphid); while($element = DBfetch($db_elements)){ $this->export_graph_element($memory, $element['gitemid']); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_GRAPH_ELEMENTS zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_GRAPH } function export_host(&$memory, $hostid, $export_templates, $export_items, $export_triggers, $export_graphs){ global $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP; $data = DBfetch(DBselect('select * from hosts where hostid='.$hostid)); if(!$data) return false; zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_HOST); $map =& $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP[XML_TAG_HOST]; foreach($map['attribures'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } foreach($map['elements'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(!isset($data[$db_name])) continue; if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } // based on mod by scricca $data = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT hp.* FROM hosts_profiles hp WHERE hp.hostid='.$hostid)); if($data){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_HOSTPROFILE); $map =& $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP[XML_TAG_HOSTPROFILE]; foreach($map['attribures'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } foreach($map['elements'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(empty($data[$db_name])) continue; if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_element($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_HOSTPROFILE } //-- $sql = 'select '. ' from groups g, hosts_groups hg '. ' where g.groupid=hg.groupid '. ' and hg.hostid='.$hostid; if($db_groups = DBselect()){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_GROUPS); while($group = DBfetch($db_groups)){ zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, XML_TAG_GROUP, $group['name']); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_GROUP } if($export_templates){ $sql = 'SELECT '. ' FROM hosts t, hosts_templates ht '. ' WHERE t.hostid=ht.templateid '. ' AND ht.hostid='.$hostid; if($db_templates = DBselect($sql)){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_TEMPLATES); while($template = DBfetch($db_templates)){ zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, XML_TAG_TEMPLATE, $template['host']); } } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_TEMPLATES } if($export_items){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_ITEMS); $db_items=DBselect('select itemid from items where hostid='.$hostid); while($item_id = DBfetch($db_items)){ $this->export_item($memory, $item_id['itemid']); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_ITEMS } if($export_triggers){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_TRIGGERS); $db_triggers = DBselect('select f.triggerid, i.hostid, count(distinct i.hostid) as cnt '. ' from functions f, items i '. ' where f.itemid=i.itemid '. ' group by f.triggerid, i.hostid'); while($trigger = DBfetch($db_triggers)){ if((bccomp($trigger['hostid'] , $hostid) != 0) || $trigger['cnt']!=1) continue; $this->export_trigger($memory, $trigger['triggerid']); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_TRIGGERS } if($export_graphs){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory, XML_TAG_GRAPHS); $db_graphs = DBselect('select gi.graphid, i.hostid, count(distinct i.hostid) as cnt '. ' from graphs_items gi, items i '. ' where gi.itemid=i.itemid '. ' group by gi.graphid, i.hostid'); while($graph = DBfetch($db_graphs)){ if((bccomp($graph['hostid'] , $hostid) != 0) || $graph['cnt']!=1) continue; $this->export_graph($memory, $graph['graphid']); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_GRAPHS } /* export screens */ zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_HOST return true; } function export_dependency(&$memory, $triggerid, $host, $description){ global $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP; if(!$triggerid) return false; $data['dependency'] = $host.':'.$description; zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY); $map =& $ZBX_EXPORT_MAP[XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY]; foreach($map['attribures'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } $sql = 'SELECT t.triggerid, t.description,'. ' FROM trigger_depends td, triggers t, items i, hosts h, functions f '. ' WHERE td.triggerid_down='.$triggerid. ' AND t.triggerid=td.triggerid_up '. ' AND f.triggerid=t.triggerid '. ' AND i.itemid=f.itemid '. ' AND h.hostid=i.hostid '. ' GROUP BY t.triggerid, t.description'; $res = DBselect($sql); while($data = DBfetch($res)){ $data['depends'] = $data['host'].':'.$data['description']; foreach($map['elements'] as $db_name => $xml_name){ if(!isset($data[$db_name])) continue; if(empty($xml_name)) $xml_name = $db_name; zbx_xmlwriter_write_element ($memory, $xml_name, $data[$db_name]); } } //-- /* export screens */ zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_DEPENDENCY return true; } function Export(&$hosts, &$templates, &$items, &$triggers, &$graphs){ $memory = zbx_xmlwriter_open_memory(); zbx_xmlwriter_set_indent($memory, true); zbx_xmlwriter_start_document($memory,'1.0'); zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_ZABBIX_EXPORT); zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, 'version', '1.0'); zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, 'date', date('d.m.y')); zbx_xmlwriter_write_attribute($memory, 'time', date('H.i')); zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_HOSTS); foreach($hosts as $hostid => $val){ $this->export_host( $memory, $hostid, isset($templates[$hostid]), isset($items[$hostid]), isset($triggers[$hostid]), isset($graphs[$hostid]) ); } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_HOSTS if(!empty($triggers)){ zbx_xmlwriter_start_element ($memory,XML_TAG_DEPENDENCIES); foreach($triggers as $hostid => $val){ $sql = 'SELECT, t.description, t.triggerid '. ' FROM trigger_depends td, triggers t, functions f, items i, hosts h '. ' WHERE h.hostid='.$hostid. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid '. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid '. ' AND t.triggerid=f.triggerid '. ' AND td.triggerid_down=t.triggerid '. ' GROUP BY t.triggerid, t.description'; $dependent_triggers = DBselect($sql); while($deps = DBfetch($dependent_triggers)){ $this->export_dependency( $memory, $deps['triggerid'], $deps['host'], $deps['description'] ); } } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_DEPENDENCIES } zbx_xmlwriter_end_element($memory); // XML_TAG_ZABBIX_EXPORT die(zbx_xmlwriter_output_memory($memory,true)); } } ?>