ZBX_GUEST_USER, 'userid'=>0, 'lang' =>'en_gb', 'type' =>'0', 'node' =>array( 'name' =>'- unknown -', 'nodeid'=>0)); } // INIT MB Strings if it's available init_mbstrings(); /* //Require MB strings, otherwise show warning page. if(!isset($show_setup) && !isset($show_warning) && !init_mbstrings()){ $_REQUEST['warning_msg'] = S_ZABBIX_VER.SPACE.S_REQUIRE_MB_STRING_MODULE; $show_warning = true; } //*/ // Ajax - do not need warnings or Errors if((isset($DENY_GUI) || isset($show_setup) || isset($show_warning)) && (PAGE_TYPE_HTML <> detect_page_type())){ header('Ajax-response: false'); exit(); } //--- if(isset($DENY_GUI)){ unset($show_warning); include_once('warning.php'); } if(isset($show_setup)){ unset($show_setup); include_once('setup.php'); } else if(isset($show_warning)){ unset($show_warning); include_once('warning.php'); } /********** END INITIALIZATION ************/ function init_nodes(){ /* Init CURRENT NODE ID */ global $USER_DETAILS, $ZBX_LOCALNODEID, $ZBX_LOCMASTERID, $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID, $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES, $ZBX_CURMASTERID, $ZBX_NODES,$ZBX_NODES_IDS, $ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES; $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES = array(); $ZBX_NODES_IDS = array(); $ZBX_NODES = array(); if(!defined('ZBX_PAGE_NO_AUTHERIZATION') && ZBX_DISTRIBUTED){ //SDI($_REQUEST); $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID = get_cookie('zbx_current_nodeid', $ZBX_LOCALNODEID); // Selected node $ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES = get_cookie('zbx_with_subnodes', false); // Show elements FROM subnodes if(isset($_REQUEST['switch_node'])){ if($node_data = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE nodeid='.$_REQUEST['switch_node']))){ $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID = $_REQUEST['switch_node']; } unset($node_data); } if(isset($_REQUEST['show_subnodes'])){ $ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES = !empty($_REQUEST['show_subnodes']); } if($node_data = DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT * FROM nodes WHERE nodeid='.$ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID))){ $ZBX_CURMASTERID = $node_data['masterid']; } $sql = 'SELECT nodeid,name,masterid FROM nodes'; $db_nodes = DBselect($sql); while($node = DBfetch($db_nodes)){ $ZBX_NODES_IDS[$node['nodeid']] = $node['nodeid']; $ZBX_NODES[$node['nodeid']] = $node; } if ( !isset($ZBX_NODES[$ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID]) ){ $denyed_page_requested = true; $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID = $ZBX_LOCALNODEID; $ZBX_CURMASTERID = $ZBX_LOCMASTERID; } foreach($ZBX_NODES as $nodeid => $node_data ){ $curr_node = &$node_data; while(($curr_node['masterid']!=0) && (bccomp($curr_node['masterid'],$ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID)!=0)){ $curr_node = &$ZBX_NODES[$curr_node['masterid']]; } if(bccomp($curr_node['masterid'],$ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID)==0){ $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES[$nodeid] = $nodeid; } } zbx_set_post_cookie('zbx_current_nodeid',$ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID); zbx_set_post_cookie('zbx_with_subnodes',$ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES); } else{ $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID = $ZBX_LOCALNODEID; $ZBX_CURMASTERID = $ZBX_LOCMASTERID; $ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES = false; } $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES[$ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID] = $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID; if ( count($ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES) < 2 && !defined('ZBX_DISABLE_SUBNODES') ) define('ZBX_DISABLE_SUBNODES', 1); $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES = get_accessible_nodes_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_LIST, PERM_RES_IDS_ARRAY, $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES); } function get_current_nodeid($forse_with_subnodes = null, $perm = null){ global $USER_DETAILS, $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID, $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES, $ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES; if(!isset($ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID)) init_nodes(); $result = ( is_show_subnodes($forse_with_subnodes) ? $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES : $ZBX_CURRENT_NODEID ); if(!is_null($perm)){ $result = get_accessible_nodes_by_user($USER_DETAILS, PERM_READ_ONLY, PERM_RES_IDS_ARRAY, $ZBX_CURRENT_SUBNODES); } return $result; } function get_node_name_by_elid($id_val, $forse_with_subnodes = null){ global $ZBX_NODES; if ( ! is_show_subnodes($forse_with_subnodes) ) return null; $nodeid = id2nodeid($id_val); if ( !isset($ZBX_NODES[$nodeid]) ) return null; return '['.$ZBX_NODES[$nodeid]['name'].'] '; } function is_show_subnodes($forse_with_subnodes = null){ global $ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES; if(is_null($forse_with_subnodes)){ if(defined('ZBX_DISABLE_SUBNODES')) $forse_with_subnodes = false; else $forse_with_subnodes = $ZBX_WITH_SUBNODES; } return $forse_with_subnodes; } function access_deny(){ include_once "include/page_header.php"; show_error_message(S_NO_PERMISSIONS); include_once "include/page_footer.php"; } function detect_page_type($default=PAGE_TYPE_HTML){ if(isset($_REQUEST['output'])){ switch($_REQUEST['output']){ case 'ajax': return PAGE_TYPE_JS; break; case 'json': return PAGE_TYPE_JS; break; case 'html': return PAGE_TYPE_HTML_BLOCK; break; } } return $default; } function show_messages($bool=TRUE,$okmsg=NULL,$errmsg=NULL){ global $page, $ZBX_MESSAGES; if (! defined('PAGE_HEADER_LOADED')) return; if (!isset($page["type"])) $page["type"] = PAGE_TYPE_HTML; $message = array(); $width = 0; $height= 0; if(!$bool && !is_null($errmsg)) $msg="ERROR: ".$errmsg; else if($bool && !is_null($okmsg)) $msg=$okmsg; if(isset($msg)){ switch($page["type"]){ case PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE: array_push($message, array( 'text' => $msg, 'color' => (!$bool) ? array('R'=>255,'G'=>0,'B'=>0) : array('R'=>34,'G'=>51,'B'=>68), 'font' => 2)); $width = max($width, ImageFontWidth(2) * strlen($msg) + 1); $height += imagefontheight(2) + 1; break; case PAGE_TYPE_XML: echo htmlspecialchars($msg)."\n"; break; case PAGE_TYPE_HTML: default: $msg_tab = new CTable($msg,($bool?'msgok':'msgerr')); $msg_tab->SetCellPadding(0); $msg_tab->SetCellSpacing(0); $msg_col = new CCol(bold($msg),'msg'); $msg_col->AddOption('id','page_msg'); $msg_details = SPACE; if(isset($ZBX_MESSAGES) && !empty($ZBX_MESSAGES)){ $msg_details = new CDiv(S_DETAILS,'pointer'); $msg_details->AddAction('onclick',new CScript("javascript: ShowHide('msg_messages', IE?'block':'table');")); $msg_details->AddOption('title',S_MAXIMIZE.'/'.S_MINIMIZE); } $msg_tab->AddRow(array(new CCol($msg_details,'clr'),$msg_col)); $msg_tab->Show(); break; } } if(isset($ZBX_MESSAGES)){ if($page["type"] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE){ $msg_font = 2; foreach($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg){ if($msg['type'] == 'error'){ array_push($message, array( 'text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R'=>255,'G'=>55,'B'=>55), 'font' => $msg_font)); } else{ array_push($message, array( 'text' => $msg['message'], 'color' => array('R'=>155,'G'=>155,'B'=>55), 'font' => $msg_font)); } $width = max($width, ImageFontWidth($msg_font) * strlen($msg['message']) + 1); $height += imagefontheight($msg_font) + 1; } } else if($page["type"] == PAGE_TYPE_XML){ foreach($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg){ echo '['.$msg['type'].'] '.$msg['message']."\n"; } } else{ $lst_error = new CList(null,'messages'); foreach($ZBX_MESSAGES as $msg){ $lst_error->AddItem($msg['message'], $msg['type']); $bool &= ('error' != strtolower($msg['type'])); } //message scroll if needed $msg_show = 6; $msg_font_size = 6; $msg_count = count($ZBX_MESSAGES) + 1; if($msg_count > $msg_show) $msg_count = $msg_show; $msg_count = ($msg_count * $msg_font_size * 4); $lst_error->AddOption('style','font-size: '.$msg_font_size.'pt; height: '.$msg_count.'px;'); $tab = new CTable(null,($bool?'msgok':'msgerr')); $tab->SetCellPadding(0); $tab->SetCellSpacing(0); $tab->AddOption('id','msg_messages'); $tab->AddOption('style','width: 100%;'); if(isset($msg_tab)){ $tab->AddOption('style','display: none;'); } $tab->AddRow(new CCol($lst_error,'msg')); $tab->Show(); //--- } $ZBX_MESSAGES = null; } if($page["type"] == PAGE_TYPE_IMAGE && count($message) > 0){ $width += 2; $height += 2; $canvas = imagecreate($width, $height); ImageFilledRectangle($canvas,0,0,$width,$height, ImageColorAllocate($canvas, 255, 255, 255)); foreach($message as $id => $msg){ $message[$id]['y'] = 1 + (isset($previd) ? $message[$previd]['y'] + $message[$previd]['h'] : 0 ); $message[$id]['h'] = imagefontheight($msg['font']); ImageString( $canvas, $msg['font'], 1, $message[$id]['y'], $msg['text'], ImageColorAllocate($canvas, $msg['color']['R'], $msg['color']['G'], $msg['color']['B']) ); $previd = $id; } ImageOut($canvas); ImageDestroy($canvas); } } function show_message($msg){ show_messages(TRUE,$msg,''); } function show_error_message($msg){ show_messages(FALSE,'',$msg); } function info($msg){ global $ZBX_MESSAGES; if(is_null($ZBX_MESSAGES)) $ZBX_MESSAGES = array(); array_push($ZBX_MESSAGES, array('type' => 'info', 'message' => $msg)); } function error($msg){ global $ZBX_MESSAGES; if(is_null($ZBX_MESSAGES)) $ZBX_MESSAGES = array(); array_push($ZBX_MESSAGES, array('type' => 'error', 'message' => $msg)); } function clear_messages(){ global $ZBX_MESSAGES; $ZBX_MESSAGES = null; } function fatal_error($msg){ include_once "include/page_header.php"; show_error_message($msg); include_once "include/page_footer.php"; } // The hash has form , function calc_trigger_hash(){ $priority = array(0=>0, 1=>0, 2=>0, 3=>0, 4=>0, 5=>0); $triggerids=""; $result=DBselect('SELECT t.triggerid,t.priority from triggers t,hosts h,items i,functions f'. ' WHERE t.value=1 and f.itemid=i.itemid and h.hostid=i.hostid and t.triggerid=f.triggerid and i.status=0'); while($row=DBfetch($result)){ $ack = get_last_event_by_triggerid($row["triggerid"]); if($ack["acknowledged"] == 1) continue; $triggerids="$triggerids,".$row["triggerid"]; $priority[$row["priority"]]++; } $md5sum=md5($triggerids); $priorities=0; for($i=0;$i<=5;$i++) $priorities += pow(100,$i)*$priority[$i]; return "$priorities,$md5sum"; } function parse_period($str){ $out = NULL; $str = trim($str,';'); $periods = split(';',$str); foreach($periods as $preiod){ if(!ereg('^([1-7])-([1-7]),([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})$', $preiod, $arr)) return NULL; for($i = $arr[1]; $i <= $arr[2]; $i++){ if(!isset($out[$i])) $out[$i] = array(); array_push($out[$i], array( 'start_h' => $arr[3], 'start_m' => $arr[4], 'end_h' => $arr[5], 'end_m' => $arr[6] )); } } return $out; } function find_period_start($periods,$time){ $date = getdate($time); $wday = $date['wday'] == 0 ? 7 : $date['wday']; $curr = $date['hours']*100+$date['minutes']; if(isset($periods[$wday])){ $next_h = -1; $next_m = -1; foreach($periods[$wday] as $period){ $per_start = $period['start_h']*100+$period['start_m']; if($per_start > $curr) { if(($next_h == -1 && $next_m == -1) || ($per_start < ($next_h*100 + $next_m))) { $next_h = $period['start_h']; $next_m = $period['start_m']; } continue; } $per_end = $period['end_h']*100+$period['end_m']; if($per_end <= $curr) continue; return $time; } if($next_h >= 0 && $next_m >= 0){ return mktime($next_h, $next_m, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']); } } for($days=1; $days < 7 ; ++$days){ $new_wday = (($wday + $days - 1)%7 + 1); if(isset($periods[$new_wday ])){ $next_h = -1; $next_m = -1; foreach($periods[$new_wday] as $period) { $per_start = $period['start_h']*100+$period['start_m']; if(($next_h == -1 && $next_m == -1) || ($per_start < ($next_h*100 + $next_m))) { $next_h = $period['start_h']; $next_m = $period['start_m']; } } if($next_h >= 0 && $next_m >= 0) { return mktime($next_h, $next_m, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'] + $days, $date['year']); } } } return -1; } function find_period_end($periods,$time,$max_time){ $date = getdate($time); $wday = $date['wday'] == 0 ? 7 : $date['wday']; $curr = $date['hours']*100+$date['minutes']; if(isset($periods[$wday])){ $next_h = -1; $next_m = -1; foreach($periods[$wday] as $period){ $per_start = $period['start_h']*100+$period['start_m']; $per_end = $period['end_h']*100+$period['end_m']; if($per_start > $curr) continue; if($per_end < $curr) continue; if(($next_h == -1 && $next_m == -1) || ($per_end > ($next_h*100 + $next_m))) { $next_h = $period['end_h']; $next_m = $period['end_m']; } } if($next_h >= 0 && $next_m >= 0){ $new_time = mktime($next_h, $next_m, 0, $date['mon'], $date['mday'], $date['year']); if($new_time == $time) return $time; if($new_time > $max_time) return $max_time; $next_time = find_period_end($periods,$new_time,$max_time); if($next_time < 0) return $new_time; else return $next_time; } } return -1; } function validate_period(&$str){ $str = trim($str,';'); $out = ""; $periods = split(';',$str); foreach($periods as $preiod){ // arr[idx] 1 2 3 4 5 6 if(!ereg('^([1-7])-([1-7]),([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})-([0-9]{1,2}):([0-9]{1,2})$', $preiod, $arr)) return false; if($arr[1] > $arr[2]) // check week day return false; if($arr[3] > 23 || $arr[3] < 0 || $arr[5] > 24 || $arr[5] < 0) // check hour return false; if($arr[4] > 59 || $arr[4] < 0 || $arr[6] > 59 || $arr[6] < 0) // check min return false; if(($arr[5]*100 + $arr[6]) > 2400) // check max time 24:00 return false; if(($arr[3] * 100 + $arr[4]) >= ($arr[5] * 100 + $arr[6])) // check time period return false; $out .= sprintf("%d-%d,%02d:%02d-%02d:%02d",$arr[1],$arr[2],$arr[3],$arr[4],$arr[5],$arr[6]).';'; } $str = $out; //parse_period($str); return true; } function validate_float($str){ // echo "Validating float:$str
"; if (eregi('^[ ]*([0-9]+)((\.)?)([0-9]*[KMG]{0,1})[ ]*$', $str, $arr)) { return 0; } else{ return -1; } } // Check if str has format # or function validate_ticks($str){ // echo "Validating float:$str
"; if (eregi('^[ ]*#([0-9]+)((\.)?)([0-9]*)[ ]*$', $str, $arr)) { return 0; } else return validate_float($str); } /****************************************************************************** * * * Purpose: Reset nextcheck for related items * * * * Comments: !!! Don't forget sync code with C !!! * * * ******************************************************************************/ function reset_items_nextcheck($triggerid){ $sql="SELECT itemid from functions WHERE triggerid=$triggerid"; $result=DBselect($sql); while($row=DBfetch($result)){ $sql="update items set nextcheck=0 WHERE itemid=".$row["itemid"]; DBexecute($sql); } } function get_status(){ // global $DB; $status = array(); // server if( (exec('ps -ef|grep zabbix_server|grep -v grep|wc -l')>0) || (exec('ps -ax|grep zabbix_server|grep -v grep|wc -l')>0) ){ $status["zabbix_server"] = S_YES; } else{ $status["zabbix_server"] = S_NO; } // history & trends /* if ($DB['DB_TYPE'] == "MYSQL"){ $row=DBfetch(DBselect('show table status like "history"')); $status["history_count"] = $row["Rows"]; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('show table status like "history_log"')); $status["history_count"] += $row["Rows"]; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('show table status like "history_str"')); $status["history_count"] += $row["Rows"]; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('show table status like "history_uint"')); $status["history_count"] += $row["Rows"]; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('show table status like "trends"')); $status["trends_count"] = $row["Rows"]; } else{ $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(itemid) as cnt from history')); $status["history_count"] = $row["cnt"]; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(itemid) as cnt from history_log')); $status["history_count"] += $row["cnt"]; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(itemid) as cnt from history_str')); $status["history_count"] += $row["cnt"]; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(itemid) as cnt from history_uint')); $status["history_count"] += $row["cnt"]; $result=DBselect('SELECT COUNT(itemid) as cnt from trends'); $row=DBfetch($result); $status["trends_count"]=$row["cnt"]; }*/ // events /* $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(eventid) as cnt from events')); $status["events_count"]=$row["cnt"];*/ // alerts /* $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(alertid) as cnt from alerts")); $status["alerts_count"]=$row["cnt"];*/ // triggers $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT t.triggerid) as cnt '. ' FROM triggers t, functions f, items i, hosts h'. ' WHERE t.triggerid=f.triggerid '. ' AND f.itemid=i.itemid '. ' AND i.status='.ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid '. ' AND h.status='.HOST_STATUS_MONITORED; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); $status['triggers_count']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and t.status=0')); $status['triggers_count_enabled']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and t.status=1')); $status['triggers_count_disabled']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and t.status=0 and t.value=0')); $status['triggers_count_off']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and t.status=0 and t.value=1')); $status['triggers_count_on']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and t.status=0 and t.value=2')); $status['triggers_count_unknown']=$row['cnt']; // items $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT i.itemid) as cnt '. ' FROM items i, hosts h '. ' WHERE i.hostid=h.hostid '. ' AND h.status='.HOST_STATUS_MONITORED; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); $status['items_count']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and i.status=0')); $status['items_count_monitored']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and i.status=1')); $status['items_count_disabled']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and i.status=3')); $status['items_count_not_supported']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql.' and i.type=2')); $status['items_count_trapper']=$row['cnt']; // hosts $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(hostid) as cnt '. ' FROM hosts '. ' WHERE status IN ('.HOST_STATUS_MONITORED.','.HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED.','.HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE.','.HOST_STATUS_DELETED.' )'; $row=DBfetch(DBselect($sql)); $status['hosts_count']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(hostid) as cnt FROM hosts WHERE status='.HOST_STATUS_MONITORED)); $status['hosts_count_monitored']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(hostid) as cnt FROM hosts WHERE status='.HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED)); $status['hosts_count_not_monitored']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(hostid) as cnt FROM hosts WHERE status='.HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE)); $status['hosts_count_template']=$row['cnt']; $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(hostid) as cnt FROM hosts WHERE status='.HOST_STATUS_DELETED)); $status['hosts_count_deleted']=$row['cnt']; // users $row=DBfetch(DBselect('SELECT COUNT(userid) as cnt FROM users')); $status['users_count']=$row['cnt']; $status['users_online']=0; $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT s.userid '. ' FROM sessions s, users u '. ' WHERE u.userid=s.userid '. ' AND u.autologout>0 '. ' AND (s.lastaccess+u.autologout)>'.time(); $result=DBselect($sql); while(DBfetch($result)) $status['users_online']++; $result=DBselect('SELECT DISTINCT s.userid '. ' FROM sessions s, users u '. ' WHERE u.userid=s.userid '. ' AND u.autologout=0'); while(DBfetch($result)) $status['users_online']++; $result=DBselect('SELECT i.type, i.delay, count(*),count(*)/i.delay as qps '. ' FROM items i,hosts h '. ' WHERE i.status='.ITEM_STATUS_ACTIVE. ' AND i.hostid=h.hostid '. ' AND h.status='.HOST_STATUS_MONITORED. ' GROUP BY i.type,i.delay '. ' ORDER BY i.type, i.delay'); $status['qps_total']=0; while($row=DBfetch($result)){ $status['qps_total']+=$row['qps']; } return $status; } function get_resource_name($permission,$id){ $res='-'; if($permission=='Graph'){ if(isset($id)&&($id!=0)){ if($graph=get_graph_by_graphid($id)) $res=$graph['name']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All graphs'; } } else if($permission=='Host'){ if(isset($id)&&($id!=0)){ if($host=get_host_by_hostid($id)) $res=$host['host']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All hosts'; } } else if($permission=='Screen'){ if(isset($id)&&($id!=0)){ if($screen=get_screen_by_screenid($id)) $res=$screen['name']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All screens'; } } else if($permission=='Item'){ if(isset($id)&&($id!=0)){ if($item=get_item_by_itemid($id)) if($host=get_host_by_hostid($item['hostid'])) $res=$host['host'].':'.$item['description']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All items'; } } else if($permission=='User'){ if(isset($id)&&($id!=0)){ if($user=get_user_by_userid($id)) $res=$user['alias']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All users'; } } else if($permission=='Network map'){ if(isset($id)&&($id!=0)){ if($user=get_sysmap_by_sysmapid($id)) $res=$user['name']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All maps'; } } else if($permission=='Application'){ if(isset($id)&&($id > 0)){ if($app = get_application_by_applicationid($id)) $res = $app['name']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All applications'; } } else if($permission=='Service'){ if(isset($id)&&($id > 0)){ if($service = get_service_by_serviceid($id)) $res = $service['name']; } else if(!isset($id) || $id == 0){ $res='All services'; } } if($res == '-' && isset($id) && ($id > 0)) $res = $id; return $res; } /* Use ImageSetStyle+ImageLIne instead of bugged ImageDashedLine */ if(function_exists('imagesetstyle')){ function DashedLine($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color){ // Style for dashed lines // $style = array($color, $color, $color, $color, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT); $style = array($color, $color, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT, IMG_COLOR_TRANSPARENT); ImageSetStyle($image, $style); ImageLine($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,IMG_COLOR_STYLED); } } else{ function DashedLine($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color){ ImageDashedLine($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color); } } function DashedRectangle($image,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$color){ DashedLine($image, $x1,$y1,$x1,$y2,$color); DashedLine($image, $x1,$y2,$x2,$y2,$color); DashedLine($image, $x2,$y2,$x2,$y1,$color); DashedLine($image, $x2,$y1,$x1,$y1,$color); } function set_image_header($format=null){ global $IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT; if(is_null($format)) $format = $IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT; if(IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG == $format) Header( "Content-type: image/jpeg"); if(IMAGE_FORMAT_TEXT == $format) Header( "Content-type: text/html"); else Header( "Content-type: image/png"); Header( "Expires: Mon, 17 Aug 1998 12:51:50 GMT"); } function ImageOut($image,$format=NULL){ global $IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT; if(is_null($format)) $format = $IMAGE_FORMAT_DEFAULT; if(IMAGE_FORMAT_JPEG == $format) ImageJPEG($image); else ImagePNG($image); imagedestroy($image); } function encode_log($data){ if(defined('ZBX_LOG_ENCODING_DEFAULT') && function_exists('mb_convert_encoding')){ $new=mb_convert_encoding($data, S_HTML_CHARSET, ZBX_LOG_ENCODING_DEFAULT); } else{ $new = $data; } return $new; } /*************** VALUE MAPPING ******************/ function add_mapping_to_valuemap($valuemapid, $mappings){ DBexecute("delete FROM mappings WHERE valuemapid=$valuemapid"); foreach($mappings as $map){ $mappingid = get_dbid("mappings","mappingid"); $result = DBexecute("insert into mappings (mappingid,valuemapid, value, newvalue)". " values (".$mappingid.",".$valuemapid.",".zbx_dbstr($map["value"]).",". zbx_dbstr($map["newvalue"]).")"); if(!$result) return $result; } return TRUE; } function add_valuemap($name, $mappings){ if(!is_array($mappings)) return FALSE; $valuemapid = get_dbid("valuemaps","valuemapid"); $result = DBexecute("insert into valuemaps (valuemapid,name) values ($valuemapid,".zbx_dbstr($name).")"); if(!$result) return $result; $result = add_mapping_to_valuemap($valuemapid, $mappings); if(!$result){ delete_valuemap($valuemapid); } else{ $result = $valuemapid; } return $result; } function update_valuemap($valuemapid, $name, $mappings){ if(!is_array($mappings)) return FALSE; $result = DBexecute("update valuemaps set name=".zbx_dbstr($name). " WHERE valuemapid=$valuemapid"); if(!$result) return $result; $result = add_mapping_to_valuemap($valuemapid, $mappings); if(!$result){ delete_valuemap($valuemapid); } return $result; } function delete_valuemap($valuemapid){ DBexecute("delete FROM mappings WHERE valuemapid=$valuemapid"); DBexecute("delete FROM valuemaps WHERE valuemapid=$valuemapid"); return TRUE; } function replace_value_by_map($value, $valuemapid){ if($valuemapid < 1) return $value; $result = DBselect("SELECT newvalue FROM mappings". " WHERE valuemapid=".zbx_dbstr($valuemapid)." and value=".zbx_dbstr($value)); $row = DBfetch($result); if($row){ return $row["newvalue"]." "."($value)"; } return $value; } /*************** END VALUE MAPPING ******************/ /*************** CONVERTING ******************/ function zbx_stripslashes($value){ if(is_array($value)){ foreach($value as $id => $data) $value[$id] = zbx_stripslashes($data); // $value = array_map('zbx_stripslashes',$value); /* don't use 'array_map' it buggy with indexes */ } elseif (is_string($value)){ $value = stripslashes($value); } return $value; } function empty2null($var){ return ($var == "") ? null : $var; } function str2mem($val){ $val = trim($val); $last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1}); switch($last){ // The 'G' modifier is available since PHP 5.1.0 case 'g': $val *= 1024; case 'm': $val *= 1024; case 'k': $val *= 1024; } return $val; } function mem2str($size){ $prefix = 'B'; if($size > 1048576) { $size = $size/1048576; $prefix = 'M'; } elseif($size > 1024) { $size = $size/1024; $prefix = 'K'; } return round($size, 6).$prefix; } /* Do not forget to sync it with add_value_suffix in evalfunc.c! */ function convert_units($value,$units){ // Special processing for unix timestamps if($units=="unixtime"){ $ret=date("Y.m.d H:i:s",$value); return $ret; } //Special processing of uptime if($units=="uptime"){ $ret=""; $days=floor($value/(24*3600)); if($days>0){ $value=$value-$days*(24*3600); } $hours=floor($value/(3600)); if($hours>0){ $value=$value-$hours*3600; } $min=floor($value/(60)); if($min>0){ $value=$value-$min*(60); } if($days==0){ $ret = sprintf("%02d:%02d:%02d", $hours, $min, $value); } else{ $ret = sprintf("%d days, %02d:%02d:%02d", $days, $hours, $min, $value); } return $ret; } // Special processing for seconds if($units=="s"){ $ret=""; $t=floor($value/(365*24*3600)); if($t>0){ $ret=$t."y"; $value=$value-$t*(365*24*3600); } $t=floor($value/(30*24*3600)); if($t>0){ $ret=$ret.$t."m"; $value=$value-$t*(30*24*3600); } $t=floor($value/(24*3600)); if($t>0){ $ret=$ret.$t."d"; $value=$value-$t*(24*3600); } $t=floor($value/(3600)); if($t>0){ $ret=$ret.$t."h"; $value=$value-$t*(3600); } $t=floor($value/(60)); if($t>0){ $ret=$ret.$t."m"; $value=$value-$t*(60); } $ret=$ret.round($value, 2)."s"; return $ret; } $u=""; // Special processing for bits (kilo=1000, not 1024 for bits) if( ($units=="b") || ($units=="bps")){ $abs=abs($value); if($abs<1000){ $u=""; } else if($abs<1000*1000){ $u="K"; $value=$value/1000; } else if($abs<1000*1000*1000){ $u="M"; $value=$value/(1000*1000); } else{ $u="G"; $value=$value/(1000*1000*1000); } if(round($value) == round($value,2)){ $s=sprintf("%.0f",$value); } else{ $s=sprintf("%.2f",$value); } return "$s $u$units"; } if($units==""){ if(round($value) == round($value,2)){ return sprintf("%.0f",$value); } else{ return sprintf("%.2f",$value); } } $abs=abs($value); if($abs<1024){ $u=""; } else if($abs<1024*1024){ $u="K"; $value=$value/1024; } else if($abs<1024*1024*1024){ $u="M"; $value=$value/(1024*1024); } else if($abs<1024*1024*1024*1024){ $u="G"; $value=$value/(1024*1024*1024); } else{ $u="T"; $value=$value/(1024*1024*1024*1024); } if(round($value) == round($value,2)){ $s=sprintf("%.0f",$value); } else{ $s=sprintf("%.2f",$value); } return "$s $u$units"; } /*************** END CONVERTING ******************/ /*************** TABLE SORTING ******************/ /* function: * validate_sort_and_sortorder * * description: * Checking,setting and saving sort params * * author: Aly */ function validate_sort_and_sortorder($sort=NULL,$sortorder=ZBX_SORT_UP){ global $page; $_REQUEST['sort'] = get_request('sort',get_profile('web.'.$page["file"].'.sort',$sort)); $_REQUEST['sortorder'] = get_request('sortorder',get_profile('web.'.$page["file"].'.sortorder',$sortorder)); if(!is_null($_REQUEST['sort'])){ $_REQUEST['sort'] = eregi_replace('[^a-z\.\_]','',$_REQUEST['sort']); update_profile('web.'.$page["file"].'.sort', $_REQUEST['sort']); } if(!str_in_array($_REQUEST['sortorder'],array(ZBX_SORT_DOWN,ZBX_SORT_UP))) $_REQUEST['sortorder'] = ZBX_SORT_UP; update_profile('web.'.$page["file"].'.sortorder', $_REQUEST['sortorder']); } /* function: * make_sorting_link * * description: * Creates links for sorting in table header * * author: Aly */ function make_sorting_link($obj,$tabfield,$url=''){ global $page; $sortorder = (isset($_REQUEST['sortorder']) && ($_REQUEST['sortorder'] == ZBX_SORT_UP))?ZBX_SORT_DOWN:ZBX_SORT_UP; if(empty($url)){ $url='?'; $url_params = explode('&',$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); foreach($url_params as $id => $param){ if(zbx_empty($param)) continue; list($name,$value) = explode('=',$param); if(zbx_empty($name) || ($name == 'sort') || (($name == 'sortorder'))) continue; $url.=$param.'&'; } } else{ $url.='&'; } $url.='sort='.$tabfield.'&sortorder='.$sortorder; if(($page['type'] != PAGE_TYPE_HTML) && defined('ZBX_PAGE_MAIN_HAT')){ $link = new CLink($obj,$url,null,"javascript: return updater.onetime_update('".ZBX_PAGE_MAIN_HAT."','".$url."');"); } else{ $link = new CLink($obj,$url); } if(isset($_REQUEST['sort']) && ($tabfield == $_REQUEST['sort'])){ if($sortorder == ZBX_SORT_UP){ $img = new CImg('images/general/sort_downw.gif','down',10,10); } else{ $img = new CImg('images/general/sort_upw.gif','up',10,10); } $img->AddOption('style','line-height: 18px; vertical-align: middle;'); $link = array($link,SPACE,$img); } return $link; } function order_by($def,$allways=''){ global $page; if(!empty($allways)) $allways = ','.$allways; $sortable = explode(',',$def); $tabfield = get_request('sort',get_profile('web.'.$page["file"].'.sort',null)); if(is_null($tabfield)) return ' ORDER BY '.$def.$allways; if(!str_in_array($tabfield,$sortable)) return ' ORDER BY '.$def.$allways; $sortorder = get_request('sortorder',get_profile('web.'.$page["file"].'.sortorder',ZBX_SORT_UP)); return ' ORDER BY '.$tabfield.' '.$sortorder.$allways; } ?>