array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, P_SYS, IN("0,1"), null), /* 0 - export, 1 - import */ "groupid"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), "hosts"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), "items"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), "triggers"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), "graphs"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), "update"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), "rules"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null), /*, "screens"=> array(T_ZBX_INT, O_OPT, null, DB_ID, null) */ /* actions */ "preview"=> array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS|P_ACT, NULL, NULL), "export"=> array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS|P_ACT, NULL, NULL), "import"=> array(T_ZBX_STR, O_OPT, P_SYS|P_ACT, NULL, NULL) ); check_fields($fields); $preview = isset($_REQUEST['preview']) ? true : false; $config = get_request('config', 0); $update = get_request('update', null); update_profile("web.exp_imp.config", $config); ?> $val) { $arr[$id] = $val + $inc_size; } return $arr; } $hosts = zbx_array_val_inc(array_flip(array_intersect(array_keys($hosts), $available_hosts))); $items = zbx_array_val_inc(array_flip(array_intersect(array_keys($items), array_keys($hosts)))); $graphs = zbx_array_val_inc(array_flip(array_intersect(array_keys($graphs), array_keys($hosts)))); $triggers = zbx_array_val_inc(array_flip(array_intersect(array_keys($triggers), array_keys($hosts)))); if(count($hosts)==0) $hosts[-1] = 1; $available_hosts = implode(',', $available_hosts); } if(isset($EXPORT_DATA)) { include_once "include/"; $exporter = new CZabbixXMLExport(); $exporter->Export($hosts,$items,$triggers,$graphs); unset($exporter); } ?> AddItem(0, S_EXPORT); $cmbConfig->AddItem(1, S_IMPORT); $form->AddItem($cmbConfig); show_table_header($title, $form); echo BR; if($config == 1) { if(isset($_FILES['import_file'])) { include_once "include/"; $importer = new CZabbixXMLImport(); $importer->SetRules($rules['host'],$rules['item'],$rules['trigger'],$rules['graph']); $importer->Parse($_FILES['import_file']['tmp_name']); unset($importer); } show_messages(); $form = new CFormTable($frm_title,null,"post","multipart/form-data"); $form->AddVar('config', $config); $form->AddRow(S_IMPORT_FILE, new CFile('import_file')); $table = new CTable(); $table->SetHeader(array(S_ELEMENT, S_EXISTING, S_MISSING),'bold'); foreach(array( 'host' => S_HOST, 'item' => S_ITEM, 'trigger' => S_TRIGGER, 'graph' => S_GRAPH) as $key => $title) { $cmbExist = new CComboBox('rules['.$key.'][exist]', $rules[$key]['exist']); $cmbExist->AddItem(0, S_UPDATE); $cmbExist->AddItem(1, S_SKIP); $cmbMissed = new CComboBox('rules['.$key.'][missed]', $rules[$key]['missed']); $cmbMissed->AddItem(0, S_ADD); $cmbMissed->AddItem(1, S_SKIP); $table->AddRow(array($title, $cmbExist, $cmbMissed)); } $form->AddRow(S_RULES, $table); $form->AddItemToBottomRow(new CButton('import', S_IMPORT)); $form->Show(); } else { if($preview) { $table = new CTableInfo(S_NO_DATA_FOR_EXPORT); $table->SetHeader(array(S_HOST, S_ELEMENTS)); $table->ShowStart(); $db_hosts = DBselect('select * from hosts where hostid in ('.implode(',',array_keys($hosts)).')'); while($host = DBfetch($db_hosts)) { $el_table = new CTableInfo(S_ONLY_HOST_INFO); $sqls = array( S_ITEM => !isset($items[$host['hostid']]) ? null : ' select hostid, description as info, 1 as cnt from items'. ' where hostid='.$host['hostid'], S_TRIGGER => !isset($triggers[$host['hostid']]) ? null : 'select i.hostid, t.description as info, count(distinct i.hostid) as cnt'. ' from functions f, items i, triggers t'. ' where t.triggerid=f.triggerid and f.itemid=i.itemid'. ' group by f.triggerid, i.hostid, t.description', S_GRAPH => !isset($graphs[$host['hostid']]) ? null : 'select as info, i.hostid, count(distinct i.hostid) as cnt'. ' from graphs_items gi, items i, graphs g '. ' where g.graphid=gi.graphid and gi.itemid=i.itemid'. ' group by gi.graphid, i.hostid' ); foreach($sqls as $el_type => $sql) { if(!isset($sql)) continue; $db_els = DBselect($sql); while($el = DBfetch($db_els)) { if($el['cnt'] != 1 || $el['hostid'] != $host['hostid']) continue; $el_table->AddRow(array($el_type, $el['info'])); } } $table->ShowRow(array(new CCol($host['host'], 'top'),$el_table)); unset($el_table); } $form = new CForm(null,'post'); $form->SetName('hosts'); $form->AddVar("config", $config); $form->AddVar('update', true); $form->AddVar('hosts', $hosts); $form->AddVar('items', $items); $form->AddVar('graphs', $graphs); $form->AddVar('triggers', $triggers); $form->AddItem(array( new CButton('back', S_BACK), new CButton('preview', S_UPDATE), new CButton('export', S_EXPORT) )); $table->SetFooter(new CCol($form)); $table->ShowEnd(); } else { /* table HOSTS */ $form = new CForm(null,'post'); $form->SetName('hosts'); $form->AddVar("config",$config); $form->AddVar('update', true); $cmbGroups = new CComboBox("groupid",get_request("groupid",0),"submit()"); $cmbGroups->AddItem(0,S_ALL_SMALL); $result=DBselect("select distinct g.groupid, from groups g,hosts_groups hg,hosts h". " where h.hostid in (".$available_hosts.") ". " and g.groupid=hg.groupid and h.hostid=hg.hostid". " order by"); while($row=DBfetch($result)) { $cmbGroups->AddItem($row["groupid"],$row["name"]); if($row["groupid"] == $_REQUEST["groupid"]) $correct_host = 1; } if(!isset($correct_host)) { unset($_REQUEST["groupid"]); $cmbGroups->SetValue(0); } $header =& get_table_header(S_HOSTS_BIG, array(S_GROUP.SPACE, $cmbGroups)); $form->AddItem($header); $table = new CTableInfo(S_NO_HOSTS_DEFINED); $table->SetHeader(array( array( new CCheckBox("all_hosts",true, "CheckAll('".$form->GetName()."','all_hosts','hosts');"), S_NAME), S_DNS, S_IP, S_PORT, S_STATUS, array( new CCheckBox("all_items",true, "CheckAll('".$form->GetName()."','all_items','items');"), S_ITEMS), array( new CCheckBox("all_triggers",true, "CheckAll('".$form->GetName()."','all_triggers','triggers');"), S_TRIGGERS), array( new CCheckBox("all_graphs",true, "CheckAll('".$form->GetName()."','all_graphs','graphs');"), S_GRAPHS) /* array( new CCheckBox("all_screens",true, "CheckAll('".$form->GetName()."','all_screens','screens');") S_GRAPHS) */ )); $sql = "select h.* from"; if(isset($_REQUEST["groupid"])) { $sql .= " hosts h,hosts_groups hg where"; $sql .= " hg.groupid=".$_REQUEST["groupid"]." and hg.hostid=h.hostid and"; } else $sql .= " hosts h where"; $sql .= " h.hostid in (".$available_hosts.") ". " order by"; $result=DBselect($sql); while($row=DBfetch($result)) { $host=new CCol(array( new CCheckBox('hosts['.$row['hostid'].']', isset($hosts[$row['hostid']]) || !isset($update), NULL,true), SPACE, $row["host"] )); if($row["status"] == HOST_STATUS_MONITORED){ $status=new CSpan(S_MONITORED, "off"); } else if($row["status"] == HOST_STATUS_NOT_MONITORED) { $status=new CSpan(S_NOT_MONITORED, "on"); } else if($row["status"] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) $status=new CCol(S_TEMPLATE,"unknown"); else if($row["status"] == HOST_STATUS_DELETED) $status=new CCol(S_DELETED,"unknown"); else $status=S_UNKNOWN; /* calculate items */ $item_cnt = DBfetch(DBselect('select count(itemid) as cnt from items where hostid='.$row['hostid'])); if($item_cnt['cnt'] > 0) { $item_cnt = array(new CCheckBox('items['.$row['hostid'].']', isset($items[$row['hostid']]) || !isset($update), NULL,true), $item_cnt['cnt']); } else { $item_cnt = '-'; } /* calculate triggers */ $trigger_cnt = 0; $db_triggers = DBselect('select f.triggerid, i.hostid, count(distinct i.hostid) as cnt from functions f, items i '. ' where f.itemid=i.itemid group by f.triggerid, i.hostid'); while($db_tr = DBfetch($db_triggers)) if($db_tr['cnt'] == 1 && $db_tr['hostid'] == $row['hostid']) $trigger_cnt++; if($trigger_cnt > 0) { $trigger_cnt = array(new CCheckBox('triggers['.$row['hostid'].']', isset($triggers[$row['hostid']]) || !isset($update), NULL,true), $trigger_cnt); } else { $trigger_cnt = '-'; } /* calculate graphs */ $graph_cnt = 0; $db_graphs = DBselect('select gi.graphid, i.hostid, count(distinct i.hostid) as cnt'. ' from graphs_items gi, items i '. ' where gi.itemid=i.itemid group by gi.graphid, i.hostid'); while($db_tr = DBfetch($db_graphs)) if($db_tr['cnt'] == 1 && $db_tr['hostid'] == $row['hostid']) $graph_cnt++; if($graph_cnt > 0) { $graph_cnt = array(new CCheckBox('graphs['.$row['hostid'].']', isset($graphs[$row['hostid']]) || !isset($update), NULL,true), $graph_cnt); } else { $graph_cnt = '-'; } /* $screens = 0; */ if($row["status"] == HOST_STATUS_TEMPLATE) { $ip = $dns = $port = '-'; } else { $ip = $row["ip"]; $dns = $row["dns"]; if($row["useip"]==1) $ip = bold($ip); else $dns = bold($dns); $port = $row["port"]; } $table->AddRow(array( $host, $dns, $ip, $port, $status, $item_cnt, $trigger_cnt, $graph_cnt /*, array(new CCheckBox('screens['.$row['hostid'].']', isset($screens[$row['hostid']]) || !isset($update), NULL,true), $screens)*/ )); $table->SetFooter(new CCol(array( new CButton('preview', S_PREVIEW), new CButton('export', S_EXPORT) ))); } $form->AddItem($table); $form->Show(); } } ?>