"; echo "Show previous 100] "; echo "["; echo "Show next 100]"; } else { echo "["; echo "Show next 100]"; } show_table_header_end(); echo "
"; show_table_header("ALERTS"); ?> 0,$row["max"],0); if(!isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["start"])) { $sql="select a.alertid,a.clock,mt.description,a.sendto,a.subject,a.message,ac.triggerid,a.status,a.retries from alerts a,actions ac,media_type mt where a.actionid=ac.actionid and mt.mediatypeid=a.mediatypeid and a.alertid>$maxalertid-200 order by a.clock desc limit 200"; } else { $sql="select a.alertid,a.clock,mt.description,a.sendto,a.subject,a.message,ac.triggerid,a.status,a.retries from alerts a,actions ac,media_type mt where a.actionid=ac.actionid and mt.mediatypeid=a.mediatypeid and a.alertid>$maxalertid-200-".$HTTP_GET_VARS["start"]." order by a.clock desc limit ".($HTTP_GET_VARS["start"]+500); } $result=DBselect($sql); echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; $col=0; $zzz=0; while($row=DBfetch($result)) { $zzz++; if(isset($HTTP_GET_VARS["start"])&&($zzz<$HTTP_GET_VARS["start"])) { continue; } if(!check_right_on_trigger("R",$row["triggerid"])) { continue; } if($col++%2==0) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } if($col>100) break; echo ""; echo ""; if($row["status"] == 1) { echo ""; } else { echo ""; } echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; cr(); } if(DBnum_rows($result)==0) { echo ""; echo ""; echo ""; } echo "
".date("Y.M.d H:i:s",$row["clock"])."".$row["description"]."sentnot sent".htmlspecialchars($row["sendto"])."
"; echo "
"; // for($i=0;$i"; // } // else // { // echo $row["message"][$i]; // } // } echo "
-No alerts-
"; ?>