-- -- Zabbix -- Copyright (C) 2000,2001,2002,2003 Alexei Vladishev -- -- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- -- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License -- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software -- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. -- -- -- Table structure for table 'hosts' -- \connect zabbix CREATE TABLE hosts ( hostid serial, host varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, useip int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, ip varchar(15) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, port int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, status int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, disable_until int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, network_errors int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hostid) ); CREATE INDEX hosts_status on hosts (status); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hosts_host on hosts (host); -- -- Table structure for table 'items' -- CREATE TABLE items ( itemid serial, type int4 NOT NULL, snmp_community varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, snmp_oid varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, snmp_port int4 DEFAULT '161' NOT NULL, hostid int4 NOT NULL, description varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, key_ varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, delay int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, history int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, lastdelete int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, nextcheck int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, lastvalue varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, lastclock int4 DEFAULT NULL, prevvalue varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL, status int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value_type int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, trapper_hosts varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, units varchar(10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, multiplier int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (itemid), FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX items_hostid_key on items (hostid,key_); CREATE INDEX items_hostid on items (hostid); CREATE INDEX items_nextcheck on items (nextcheck); CREATE INDEX items_status on items (status); -- -- Table structure for table 'config' -- CREATE TABLE config ( -- smtp_server varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, -- smtp_helo varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, -- smtp_email varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, -- password_required int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, alert_history int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, alarm_history int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL ); -- -- Table structure for table 'groups' -- CREATE TABLE groups ( groupid serial, name varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (groupid), UNIQUE (name) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX groups_name on groups (name); -- -- Table structure for table 'hosts_groups' -- CREATE TABLE hosts_groups ( hostid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, groupid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (hostid,groupid) ); --CREATE UNIQUE INDEX hosts_groups_name on hosts_groups (hostid,groupid); -- -- Table structure for table 'triggers' -- CREATE TABLE triggers ( triggerid serial, expression varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, description varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, url varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, status int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, priority int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, lastchange int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, dep_level int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, comments text, PRIMARY KEY (triggerid) ); CREATE INDEX triggers_istrue on triggers (istrue); -- -- Table structure for table 'trigger_depends' -- CREATE TABLE trigger_depends ( triggerid_down int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, triggerid_up int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (triggerid_down, triggerid_up) ); CREATE INDEX trigger_depends_down on trigger_depends (triggerid_down); CREATE INDEX trigger_depends_up on trigger_depends (triggerid_up); -- -- Table structure for table 'users' -- CREATE TABLE users ( userid serial, alias varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, name varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, surname varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, passwd char(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (userid) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX users_alias on users (alias); -- -- Table structure for table 'actions' -- CREATE TABLE actions ( actionid serial, triggerid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, userid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, scope int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, severity int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, good int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, delay int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, subject varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, message text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, nextcheck int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (actionid), FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers, FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users ); -- -- Table structure for table 'media_type' -- CREATE TABLE media_type ( mediatypeid serial, type int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, description varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, smtp_server varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, smtp_helo varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, smtp_email varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, exec_path varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY(mediatypeid) ); -- -- Table structure for table 'alerts' -- CREATE TABLE alerts ( alertid serial, actionid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, clock int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, status int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, retries int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, -- type varchar(10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, mediatypeid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, sendto varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, subject varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, message text DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (alertid), FOREIGN KEY (actionid) REFERENCES actions, FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type ); CREATE INDEX alerts_actionid on alerts (actionid); CREATE INDEX alerts_clock on alerts (clock); CREATE INDEX alerts_status_retires on alerts (status,retries); -- -- Table structure for table 'alarms' -- CREATE TABLE alarms ( alarmid serial, triggerid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, clock int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, istrue int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (alarmid), FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers ); CREATE INDEX alarms_triggerid_clock on alarms (triggerid, clock); CREATE INDEX alarms_clock on alarms (clock); -- -- Table structure for table 'functions' -- CREATE TABLE functions ( functionid serial, itemid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, triggerid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, lastvalue varchar(255), function varchar(10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, parameter varchar(255) DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (functionid), FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items, FOREIGN KEY (triggerid) REFERENCES triggers ); CREATE INDEX funtions_triggerid on functions (triggerid); CREATE INDEX functions_i_f_p on functions (itemid,function,parameter); -- -- Table structure for table 'history' -- CREATE TABLE history ( itemid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, clock int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value float8 DEFAULT '0.0000' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (itemid,clock), FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items ); -- -- Table structure for table 'history_str' -- CREATE TABLE history_str ( itemid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, clock int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (itemid,clock), FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items ); -- -- Table structure for table 'items_template' -- CREATE TABLE items_template ( itemtemplateid int4 NOT NULL, description varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, key_ varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, delay int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value_type int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (itemtemplateid) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX items_template_p_k on items_template (key_); -- -- Table structure for table 'triggers_template' -- CREATE TABLE triggers_template ( triggertemplateid int4 NOT NULL, itemtemplateid int4 NOT NULL, description varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, expression varchar(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (triggertemplateid), FOREIGN KEY (itemtemplateid) REFERENCES items_template ); -- -- Table structure for table 'media' -- CREATE TABLE media ( mediaid serial, userid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, -- type varchar(10) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, mediatypeid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, sendto varchar(100) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, active int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, severity int4 DEFAULT '63' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (mediaid), FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users, FOREIGN KEY (mediatypeid) REFERENCES media_type, ); -- -- Table structure for table 'sysmaps' -- CREATE TABLE sysmaps ( sysmapid serial, name varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, width int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, height int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sysmapid) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX sysmaps_name on sysmaps (name); -- -- Table structure for table 'sysmaps_hosts' -- CREATE TABLE sysmaps_hosts ( shostid serial, sysmapid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, hostid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, icon varchar(32) DEFAULT 'Server' NOT NULL, label varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, x int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, y int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (shostid), FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps, FOREIGN KEY (hostid) REFERENCES hosts ); -- -- Table structure for table 'sysmaps_links' -- CREATE TABLE sysmaps_links ( linkid serial, sysmapid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, shostid1 int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, shostid2 int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, -- may be NULL triggerid int4, PRIMARY KEY (linkid), FOREIGN KEY (sysmapid) REFERENCES sysmaps, FOREIGN KEY (shostid1) REFERENCES sysmaps_hosts, FOREIGN KEY (shostid2) REFERENCES sysmaps_hosts ); -- -- Table structure for table 'graphs' -- CREATE TABLE graphs ( graphid serial, name varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, width int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, height int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (graphid), UNIQUE (name) ); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX graphs_name on graphs (name); -- -- Table structure for table 'graphs_items' -- CREATE TABLE graphs_items ( gitemid serial, graphid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, itemid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, drawtype int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, color varchar(32) DEFAULT 'Dark Green' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (gitemid), FOREIGN KEY (graphid) REFERENCES graphs, FOREIGN KEY (itemid) REFERENCES items ); -- -- Table structure for table 'services' -- CREATE TABLE services ( serviceid serial, name varchar(128) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, status int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, algorithm int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, triggerid int4, showsla int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, goodsla float8 DEFAULT '99.9' NOT NULL, sortorder int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (serviceid) ); -- -- Table structure for table 'services_links' -- CREATE TABLE services_links ( linkid serial, serviceupid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, servicedownid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, soft int2 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (linkid) ); CREATE INDEX services_links_serviceupid on services_links (serviceupid); CREATE INDEX services_links_servicedownid on services_links (servicedownid); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX services_links_upidownid on services_links (serviceupid, servicedownid); CREATE TABLE rights ( rightid serial, userid int4 DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, name char(255) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, permission char(1) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, id int4, PRIMARY KEY (rightid) ); CREATE TABLE sessions ( sessionid varchar(32) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, userid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, lastaccess int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (sessionid), FOREIGN KEY (userid) REFERENCES users ); -- -- Table structure for table 'services_alarms' -- CREATE TABLE service_alarms ( servicealarmid serial, serviceid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, clock int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (servicealarmid) ); CREATE INDEX services_alarms_serviceid_clock on service_alarms (serviceid,clock); CREATE INDEX services_alarms_clock on service_alarms (clock); -- -- Table structure for table 'profiles' -- CREATE TABLE profiles ( profileid serial, userid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, idx varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, value varchar(64) DEFAULT '' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (profileid) ); CREATE INDEX profiles_userid on profiles (userid); CREATE UNIQUE INDEX profiles_userid_idx on profiles (userid,idx); -- -- Table structure for table 'screens' -- CREATE TABLE screens ( screenid serial, name varchar(255) DEFAULT 'Screen' NOT NULL, cols int4 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, rows int4 DEFAULT '1' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (screenid) ); -- -- Table structure for table 'screens_items' -- CREATE TABLE screens_items ( screenitemid serial, screenid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, graphid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, width int4 DEFAULT '320' NOT NULL, height int4 DEFAULT '200' NOT NULL, x int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, y int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (screenitemid) ); -- -- Table structure for table 'stats' -- CREATE TABLE stats ( itemid int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, year int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, month int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, day int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, hour int4 DEFAULT '0' NOT NULL, value_max float8 DEFAULT '0.0000' NOT NULL, value_min float8 DEFAULT '0.0000' NOT NULL, value_avg float8 DEFAULT '0.0000' NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (itemid,year,month,day,hour) ); VACUUM ANALYZE;