TOP PRIORITY: - improve graphing capabilities - support for net-snmp - SNMP trapping BUGS: - graphs and maps are not displayed properly sometimes - BUG. Agent return unsupported in case if UserParameter ends by timeout. - add protection from IT Service looping - BUG. No horizontal lines. Replace ImageDashedLine() to gdImageLine() plus ImageSetStyle() PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENTS: - remove lastvalue, lastclock, prevvalue from table ITEMS DIFFERENT TASKS: - better monitoring of log files - SNMP trapping - SNMP v3 - auto-discovery - Native Windows GUI - distributed monitoring - use JS in forms - audit log - backup/restore scripts for server. Backup all (DB, configs, etc). - IT Helpdesk - monitoring of log files - high-performance, optimised zabbix_suckerd and zabbix_trapperd - personalisation (refresh rate, graph size, default graph period, etc) - encryption - automated report generation - SNMP-walk in WEB interface - add UserParameter without restart of an agent - write white-paper - prepare Power Point presentation TODO: - Agent 1. An API so that I can build and active agent into the centralized monitoring point of my application. 2. max/min/average values during the poll pause along with last value to catch CPU spikes otherwise invisible (have had these problems with BMC Patrol). 3. Ability to add a library of userwritten c-functions with dlopen/dlsym to the agent with a predefined API that can return values to suckerd. Not ready yet: - mass-adding of actions - BUG. zabbix_sucker should accept parameter regardless of "\n" at the end of line - update docs related to WIN32 agent - get rid of long select lists in user forms - do not send notifications at certain periods of time. Do not monitor services at certain periods of time. - decrease number of TCP connections between server and agent - add triggers for all hosts at once - check Rickard's multithreaded agent - check new Mariusz patches - improve performance of Alarms and Alerts in PHP frontend - default user name for DB acess should be the same (root) - add support for downtimes, user availablity, etc - get rid of false warning messages (like unable to insert ...) - BUG. Avoid situations when PID file is not deleted. HB: - test everything under Explorer and Netscape. Especially Graphs,Charts and Maps. - BUG. history graph goes left - Graphs for specified period and date and time - personalisation (refresh rate, graph size, default graph period, etc) - Tree like in old Zabbix - LDAP authorisation (should work with MSWindows LDAP) - Reports: - more customizable (graphs time range: 1 mont, etc) WIN32 Agent: - Support for timeout parameter - Support for user-configurable data collection (like CPU utilization, but for any performance counter) - Support for external program execution - API for sub-agents - Add logging to system log PLUS: - Network discovery daemon (?) - backup/restore scripts for server. Backup all (DB, configs, etc). - Network topology database - Automatic network map generation from topology database - Support for MD5 checksums OTHER: - support for netload under other platforms - support for disk loads - round MIN/MAX/AVG numbers for graphs - dashed grid somethimes is out of rectangle for graphs - calculate MIN value for graphs (do not use '0') - use JS in forms - make kstat structure local (instead of static) - collect network and other statistics using kstat() - apply Mariusz's patches - link map's line to a trigger - support for complex reports - support for check_service[samba] - ability to execute command on server monitored - support for tcp_ping[] which returns number of ms spent - support for OS X (network loads, disk loads) - check for function parameters in evaluate_simple_expression - make links look different if something is already registered (as for medias, actions, etc) - update trigger status to UNKNOWN if cannot evaluate function - when doing UserParameter do not return FAIL in case of timeout LATER: - setup demo site - add user groups - look for cool icons - different sound files for different severity - rename "Alerts" to "Notifications" - add numeric constants to trigger expressions - get rid of problems with ' and " - think about service node types (some nodes will automatically register problem) - restructure sources (no C files in include/, move some sources into lib, etc)