Changes for 1.3: - fixed srv_status.php: Cannot use object of type CLink ... (Alexei) - added removal of stat file on agent shutdown (Alexei) - added new parameter StatFile to ZABBIX config file (Alexei) - fixed processing of and long data sent by agent (Alexei) - fixed B64 en-decoding of large data (Alexei) - fixed problem with undefined PACKETSZ under Mac OS/X (Alexei) - disabled excessive debug printing for (Alexei) - umask(022) changed to umask(002) (Alexei) - added additional symbols for trigger expressions (slash, space) (Alexei) - fixed permissions of log files when starting as 'root' (Alexei) - fixed agent crash while evaluating proc.mem[] (Alexei) - changed type of lastlogsize to long in structure METRIC (Alexei) - ZABBIX agent to bind even if TIME_WAIT sockets exist (Alexei) - ZABBIX server to bind even if TIME_WAIT sockets exist (Alexei) - fixed notification report for Oracle (Eugene) - fixed large history of alarms displaying (Eugene) - fixed value mapping for latest data (Eugene) - fixed value mapping for screens (Eugene) Changes for 1.1: - timeout for sending emails and SMS was increased to 20 seconds (Alexei) - fixed text history storing for Oracle (Eugene) - fixes in Oracle schema (Alexei) - fixed syntax in (Alexei) - fixed EventLog for Win32 ZABBIX agent, thanks to "bcheese" (Eugene) - developed aggrgated graphs (Eugene) - improved graphs, added selector of data calculation function (Eugene) - fixed popup of trigger selection (Eugene) Changes for 1.1beta12: - added support of serial GSM modems for SMS (Alexei) - fixed SQL requests escaping for oracle server (Eugene) - support of[] (Alexei) - support of[] (Alexei) - support of[] (Alexei) - added whitespaces stripping (Eugene) - improved "[]" key, added | mode (Eugene) - added support of "system.cpu.util[]" key for HPUX (Eugene) - added support of "proc.num[]" key for AIX 4.x (Eugene) - added support of value type Text (Alexei) - fixed "Server info" screen item (Eugene) - fixed "Host info" screen item (Eugene) - fixed "Trigger info" screen item (Eugene) - dropped suport of delays between actions due to bad design (Alexei) - fixed incorrect handling of actions (Alexei) - fixed bad performance of previous beta because of wrong DBselectN() (Alexei) - added support for direct sending of SMS via GSM modem (Alexei) - fixed syncing of graphs with templates (Alexei) - fixed typo in MySQL's schema.sql (Alexei) - fixed applying of actions having Trigger Value in condition (Alexei) - fixed evaluation of aggregate functions (Alexei) Changes for 1.1beta11: - fixed PostgreSQL schema (Alexei) - fixed items grouping of Data overview screen (Eugene) - fixed image storing for oracle (Eugene) - eliminated function DBaffected_rows() (Alexei) - new function DBselectN() to select N records only. (Alexei) - fixed graph duplication (Eugene) - fixed oracle SQL request creating (Eugene) - fixed first host selection from list of accessed hosts (Eugene) - fixed evaluation of action's conditions (Alexei) - fixed in Windows agent (Alexei) - cleaned SQL statements to have mod() instead of % (Alexei) - fixed displaying of graphs for periods more than 24h (Alexei) - modified oracle schema to initialise sequences with 20000 (Alexei) - fixed oracle sql request limitation (Eugene) Changes for 1.1beta10: - fixed 'EventLog' monitoring for Win32 ZABBIX agent (Eugene) - fixed Win32 ZABBIX agent crash (Eugene) - added selection button for item keys (Alexei) - new table 'help_items' (Alexei) - fixed confugration of triggers having logseverity() (Alexei) - changed size of functions.function to varchar(12) (Alexei) - fixed evaluation of simple checks (Alexei) - fixed history cleaning for logs (Eugene) - fixed left axis calculation of graph (Eugene) - fixed Win32 ZABBIX agent log monitoring (Eugene) - renamed screens_items.resource -> resourcetype (Alexei) - renamed screens.rows ->vsize, cols -> hsize (Alexei) - renamed audit.resource -> resourcetype (Alexei) - fixed evaluation of max,min,count,sum for item having integer values (Alexei) - support of special unit "unixtime" (Alexei) - removed unused table stats (Alexei) - removed all references to escalations (Alexei) - table audit renamed to auditlog (Alexei) - speed improvement for Overview screens (Eugene) - developed '[*]' parameter (Eugene) - fixed new map link adding (Eugene) - fixed host group adding (Eugene) - fixed map displaying (Eugene) - fixed 'No permissions' for 'Latest data','Triggers','Alarms' screens (Eugene) - fixed permision deletion (Eugene) - fixed 'get_map_by_sysmapid' function calls(Eugene) - improved php code execution speed (Eugene) - fixed zabbix_sender for sending values from a file (Alexei) - integer values will not be treated a sunsupported for items having type float (Alexei) - fixed is_double() (Alexei) - improved performance of MySQL calls (Alexei) - started development of Oracle support (Alexei) - added server's parameter UnreachableDelay (Alexei) - added server's parameter UnreachablePeriod (Alexei) - fixed wrong logic in processing of timeouts and network errors (Alexei) - added server's parameter UnavailableDelay (Alexei) - improved support of proc.num[,] for win32 agent (Eugene) - replaced old naming of items by new naming for win32 agent (Eugene) - fixed action adding (Eugene) - improved 'Latest data' sreen, items grouped by applications (Eugene) - added applications for hosts (Eugene) - added trigger displaying on graphs (Eugene) - added report "Most Busy Triggers Top 100" (Martins) - improved graphs, added 'Working time' displaying (Eugene) - added 'Working time' configuration (Eugene) - added support of history of actions and events for screens (Martins) - fixed server hanging in calculation of aggregate functions (Alexei) - allow item delays up-to 24h (Alexei) - unsupported items can be activated by one click (Eugene) - each graph from history and graphs remember selected period (Eugene) - fixed status changing of triggers when all displayed (Eugene) - added support of proc.mem[] for AIX (Eugene) - added support of proc.num[] for AIX (Eugene) - added Notification Report (Martins) - added 'command line' parameter for Tru64 proc.mem[] (Eugene) - improved proc.num[] for Tru64 (Eugene) - added 'command line' parameter for Solaris proc.mem[] (Eugene) - added 'command line' parameter for Solaris proc.num[] (Eugene) Changes for 1.1beta9: - added support of long name parameters for all ZABBIX applications (Eugene) - added column alerts.userid (Alexei) - slightly optimised code in evaluate_simple (Alexei) - added 'command line' parameter for Linux proc.mem[] (Eugene) - added parameter '-t key' for ZABBIX agent (Eugene) - added parameters '-h' '-v' for all ZABBIX applications (Eugene) - added support of aggregate items (Alexei) - do not display disabled triggers and items in overview screens (Eugene) - vertical hostnames in overview screens (Eugene) - disabling/enabling template items (Eugene) - fixed agregate functions to work with uint data type (Alexei) - parameter StartSuckers renamed to StartPollers (Alexei) - dropped support of experimental parameter NoTimeWait (Alexei) - removed unused escalator (Alexei) - removed escalation tables (Alexei) - fix compilation if no function atoll() (Alexei) - fixed compilation issue in run_command() (Alexei) - added vertical text for OVERVIEW (Eugene) - fixed items status changing of parent hosts (Eugene) - one separated poller process for unreachable hosts (Alexei) - better function is_double() (Alexei) - fixed host conditions in actions (Alexei) - improved filter by hosts and groups (Eugene) - fixed processing of trapped items when a key contains '\' (Alexei) - added latest values filtring/marking of log history (Eugene) - developed multiple log history viewing (Eugene) Changes for 1.1beta8: - moved installation of images to data.sql (Alexei) - fixed highly unefficient check of permissions (Alexei) - developed remote commads execution on specific actions (Eugene) - added "URL" module for screens (Eugene) - added trigger selecton from popup (Eugene) - improved popup selection (Eugene) - improved "IT services" configuration (Eugene) - added "Data overview" for screens (Eugene) - added "Triggers overview" for screens (Eugene) - added blinking into Trigger overview (Eugene) - added screen displaying in other screen (Eugene) - improved Overview table header, vertical text added (Eugene) - developed "ZABBIX Clock" module for screens (Eugene) - developed "ZABBIX server info" module for screens (Eugene) - developed "Triggers info" module for screens (Eugene) - developed "Host info" module for screens (Eugene) - improved screens displaying, added item alignment (Eugene) - improved ZABBIX server report (Eugene) - improved images configuration (Eugene) - added onserver image resizing for thumbs by php (Eugene) - developed acknowledges system (Eugene) - added icons displaying for maps (Eugene) - added maps displaying for maps (Eugene) - improved maps to show status of linked map (Eugene) Changes for 1.1beta7: - added selected item history cleaning (Eugene) - improved housekeeper (Alexei) - added group operations for actions (Eugene) - frontend support for action status (Eugene) - support for action statuses: enable and disabled (Alexei) - added column actions.status (Alexei) - added Hostname for graphs displaying (Eugene) - added hosekeeper support for frontend (Eugene) - added table housekeeper (Alexei) - added value mapping for e-mail content (Eugene) - support of max(#N) for sum,min,max,delta and avg (Alexei) - developed value mapping (Eugene) - added column items.valuemapid (Alexei) - added tables valuemaps and mappings (Alexei) - fix for initial update of host statuses (Alexei) - improved templates logic for graphs (Eugene) - improved templates logic for triggers (Eugene) - added graphs.templateid (Alexei) - added triggers.templateid (Alexei) - fixed navigation bar for Sreens (Eugene) - fixed incorrect groupid error for actions (Eugene) - developed new templates logic for items (Eugene) - speed improvement for proc.num of Tru64 (Eugene) - fixed evaluation of {IPADDRESS} (Alexei) - added hosts.templateid and items.templateid (Alexei) Changes for 1.1beta6: - fixed synchronisation of template graphs when using a template (Alexei) - added new server parameter UnavailablePeriod (Alexei) - dropped column hosts.network_errors (Alexei) - added column hosts.errors_from (Alexei) - GUI made immune to SQL injection attacks (Alexei) - added Check All functionality (Eugene) - added support of icon label locations (Alexei) - added new column sysmaps.label_location (Alexei) - better processing of server startup/shutdown (Alexei) - improved proc.num for Linux, added parameter 'comm' (Eugene) - fixed two different units in two graph axes (Alexei) - renamed latestalarms.php and alerts.php (Alexei) - fix crash in processing of autoregistration (Alexei) - added (Alexei) - minor fix for schema of table 'rights' (Alexei) - fixed trigger linkage form (Alexei) - possibly fixed processing of SNMP Counter32 metrics (Alexei) - added HTML classes into PHP framework (Eugene) - new trigger functions: logseverity and logsource (Alexei) - Overview screen won't show disabled triggers (Alexei) - support of macro {TRIGGER.KEY} (Alexei) - fixed error when deleting a trigger (Alexei) - new popup selections for forms (Alexei) - fixed rare server crash when processing log[] (Alexei) - fix for compilation issues of SNMP support (Alexei) - fix of processing of item's multiplier (Alexei) Changes for 1.1beta5: - improved proc.num for Tru64, added parameter 'comm' (Eugene) - fixed span handling for screens (Alexei) - dropped original spancheck patch. No more warnings. (Alexei) - screens and actions will not be under control of templates (Alexei) - minor fix for enabling recovered hosts (Alexei) - new trigger function: regexp (Alexei) - support of function str() for item type 'log' (Alexei) - terminology change: trigger's 'description' -> 'name' (Alexei) - new macro for actions {TRIGGER.NAME} (Alexei) - added Graphs synchronization for linked hosts (Eugene) - fixed processing of Delta (Alexei) - minor fixes for SNMP handling (Alexei) - make possible combination of FLOAT and UINT history in a graph (Alexei) - use english translation if cannot find local phrase (Alexei) - added Chinese translation. (Alexei) - updated German translation. Thanks to Julian. (Alexei) - fixed processing of icmpping and icmppingsec (Alexei) - seperartion of LDFLAGS and LIBS in all (Alexei) - fixed MySQL-related configuration and making issues (Alexei) - fixed incorrect handling of retrieved values in zabbix_get (Alexei) - fixed processing of simple checks (Alexei) - new concept of defenition of actions, one screen (Alexei) - new fields for table 'actions' (Alexei) - new item value type: integer 64bit (Alexei) - improved Triggers synchronization for linked hosts (Eugene) - added Actions synchronization for linked hosts (Eugene) - calculated minimum Y in graphs (Alexei) - added configurable number of plain text elements for screens (Alexei) - added screens_items.elements (Alexei) - escalations removed from GUI (Alexei) - fixed typo in tr_comments.php (Alexei) Changes for 1.1beta4: - fixed system.swap.size (Eugene) - fixed vm.memory.size (Eugene) - fixed configuration file parsing for user specifed functions (Eugene) - added support of system.cpu.load for Tru64 (Eugene) - added support of system.cpu.util for Tru64 (Eugene) - added support of vm.memory.size for Tru64 (Eugene) - added support of proc.num for Tru64 (Eugene) - fixed processing of UserParameters which are pre/postfixed with spaces (Alexei) - fixed processing of SNMP and simple checks (Alexei) - fixed compilation with --with-ldap (Alexei) - SNMP string values to be automatically converted to numeric (Alexei) - fixed nodata() processing when used with host 'status' (Alexei) - fixed conflict with MySQL headers (Eugene) Changes for 1.1beta3: - improved support vfs.file.time[filename,] (Eugene) - calculate MAX of Y axis based on average values (Alexei) - automatic recovery of unsupported items (Alexei) - added config.refresh_unsupported (Alexei) - added housekeeping for history_uint (Alexei) - double sided graphs (Alexei) - added "SET__RESULT" macross (Eugene) - new W32 un/install floppy. (Eugene) - added script for GUI regression testing (Alexei) - reverted multiple server patch (Alexei) - fixed autoregistration (Alexei) - added preliminary bulk host and bulk user loader. (James) - applied Graph Dropdown fix. Thanks to Elkor (James) - applied SNMPv3 fix. Thanks to Sauron (James) -- Please note I do not have any SNMPv3 items to test this with, but it did complete and server runs after build. - added column graphs_items.yaxisside (Alexei) - startup script for Tru64 (Alexei) - added parameters support for user specifed functions "$1 $2 .. $9" (Eugene) - added table history_uint (Alexei) - fixed memory leak for windows agent (Eugene) - fixed windows agent hanging (Eugene) - reverted graph generation fix (Alexei) - improved loging to file for windows (Eugene) - added support of system.cpu.intr for Linux (Eugene) - added support of kernel.maxfiles for Linux (Eugene) - added support of[*] for Linux (Eugene) - added support of[*] for Linux (Eugene) - fixed vfs.file.regmatch[*] (Alexei) - added support of net.if.collisions[*] for Linux (Eugene) - added support of[*] for Linux (Eugene) - added support of net.if.out[*] for Linux (Eugene) - Applied MySQL reconnect patch. (James) - Applied multiple server patch. (James) - Applied graph generation fix. Thanks to Elkor (James) - Updated displayed version in UI to 1.1beta3 (James) - Applied span inconsistency patch. Thanks to Elkor (James) - Added dbpatches to support 'User Configurable Refresh' (James) - integrated 'OpenBSD3.7.c' functionality (Eugene) - Applied ServerByName patch. (James) - First pass at optimization of MySQL queries on reports page. (James) - Fixed Groupid selection in triggers page (James) - Fixed Update Profile in profiles page (James) - Fixed Number Of Hosts in reports page (James) - optimized sysinfo functions for solaris system (Eugene) - optimized sysinfo functions for linux system (Eugene) - grouped commands in to the new command with parameters for linux (Eugene) - developed new interface for sysinfo functions. Result returns with srtuct (Eugene) - recreated process() function. (Eugene) - fixed several warnings when compiling with -Wall flag (Alexei) - added new item parameter: message (Eugene) - configurable refresh rate. Thanks to James Wells. (Alexei) - update images. Thanks to James Wells. (Alexei) - all $_GET and $_POST replaced by $_REQUEST. Thanks to James Wells. (Alexei) - added new item status: NOT AVAILABLE (Alexei) - fixed autoheader warnings (Eugene) - removed file acconfig.h (Eugene) - added support of[*] (Eugene) - added support of[*] (Eugene) - added support of net.if.out[*] (Eugene) - added support of[*] (Eugene) - added support of net.if.collisions[*] (Eugene) - added support of system.cpu.util[*] (Eugene) - added support of net.tcp.listen[*] (Eugene) - changed system.uptime (Eugene) - fixed processing of SNMP counter64 objects (Alexei) - improved support of proc.num[,,] (Eugene) - improved support of proc.mem[,,] (Eugene) - added support of (Eugene) - added support of system.swap.out (Eugene) - added support of system.cpu.intr (Eugene) - added support of system.cpu.switches (Eugene) - added support of kernel.maxproc (Eugene) - fixed compilation warnings under HP-UX 11.00 (Alexei) - Japanese translation. Thanks to Kodai Terashima. (Alexei) - added processing of SNMP counter64 (Alexei) Changes for 1.1beta2: - added support of service.ntp,host,port (Alexei) - added support of proc.mem[process,user,mode] (Eugene) - added columns actions.maxrepeats, actions.repeatdelay (Alexei) - improved support of proc.num[process,] (Eugene) - added columns alerts.[triggerid,repeats,maxrepeats,nextcheck,delay] (Alexei) - added columns alerts.[triggerid,repeats,maxrepeats,nextcheck] (Alexei) - fixed compilation issues under FreeBSD (Alexei) - fixed compilation of hstrerror() under misc platforms (Alexei) - fixed compilation issues of Unix agent on non-Linux platforms (Alexei) - added support of autoregistration of new hosts (Alexei) - fixed "Add items from template" functionality (Alexei) - do not show deleted hosts in host selection (Alexei) - fixed crash of zabbix_sender (Alexei) - added new table autoreg (Alexei) - added support of vfs.file.regmatch[] and vfs.file.regexp[] (Alexei) - added mass-delete function for IT Services (Alexei) - fixed compilation of LDAP functionality (Alexei) - new parameter for zabbix_agentd, show list of supported parameters (Alexei) - added path to SNMP headers in Makefiles (Alexei) Changes for 1.1beta1: - fixed never logout option (Alexei) - support of function fuzzytime(). Thanks to James Wells. (Alexei) - added menu structure for configuration management (Alexei) - added support of macros $1,..., $9 (Alexei) - added support for dns[ip,domain] (Alexei) - added screen Host Profiles (Alexei) - new server configuration parameter DBPort (Alexei) - added column triggers.error (Alexei) - added error reason if trigger is in UNKNOWN state (Alexei) - added column items.logtimefmt (Alexei) - added support of timestamp format for log files (Alexei) - all network load related metrics renamed to (Alexei) - all swap-related metrics renamed to (Alexei) - all CPU-related metrics renamed to (Alexei) - misc fixes for host-templates linkage (Alexei) - fixed addition of triggers to linked hosts (Alexei) - group functions for item manipulations (Alexei) - changes umask(0) to umask(022) to prevent world-wrtie access (Alexei) - updated vfs.file.md5sum and vfs.file.cksum (Alexei) - misc usability fixes for PHP interface (Alexei) - updated system.uname, system.uptime, system.users.num (Alexei) - parameter system[uptime] renamed to system.uptime[] (Alexei) - added parameter vfs.file.atime[] (Alexei) - added parameter vfs.file.ctime[] (Alexei) - added parameter vfs.file.mtime[] (Alexei) - parameter file[] renamed to vfs.file.exists[] (Alexei) - parameter filesize[] renamed to vfs.file.size[] (Alexei) - added parameter system.localtime (Alexei) - parameter Hostname is optional. If not specified, real hostname is used. (Alexei) - fixed processing of W32 performance counters. Problem with long computer names. (Alexei) - fixed crash of WIN32 agent when processing eventlog[]. Many thanks to Simon Lund. (Alexei) - fixed update of triggers in certain situations (Alexei) - French translation (Alexei) - German translation. Thanks to J. Pawlowski (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha12: - time-related functions will be calculated regardless of host status (Alexei) - added support of hosts profiles (Alexei) - column history_log.value altered to TEXT (Alexei) - fixed zabbix_get to correctly parse command line parameters (Alexei) - fixed compilation issues (hstrerror) under Solaris (Alexei) - added column history_log.severity (Alexei) - added column history_log.source (Alexei) - added column history_log.timestamp (Alexei) - support of monitoring of W32 Event Logs: eventlog[Applications/Security/System] (Alexei) - Italian translation (Alexei) - Spanish translation (Alexei) - fixed compilation of inodes.c under *BSD (Alexei) - support of option --enable-agent (Alexei) - support of all types of SNMP metrics (Alexei) - fixed src/zabbix_server/ for SNMP-enabled compilation (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha11: - new configuration optio --enable-server (Alexei) - new XML based protocol between hosts and agents. Backward compatible. (Alexei) - WIN32 agent: support of active checks (Alexei) - fixed addition of complex triggers for linked hosts (Alexei) - housekeeper improved to delete hosts sequentially (Alexei) - new utility zabbix_get (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_get/* (Alexei) - user timeout time is configurable (Alexei) - added support of locales on user level (Alexei) - added support of user profiles (Alexei) - removed include/ - added include/locales/.htaccess (Alexei) - added include/locales/ (Alexei) - added include/locales/ (Alexei) - added include/locales/ (Alexei) - added column users.lang (Alexei) - added column users.autologout (Alexei) - added frontends/php/profile.php (Alexei) - performance optimization: do not update functions and triggers if same value received (Alexei) - do not show deleted hosts/items and triggers (Alexei) - draw graph's timeline even if no data exists (Alexei) - added support of system[procload] under AIX. Thanks to Moisio Juha. (Alexei) - fixed selection of IT Service calculation algorithm (Alexei) - added column escalation_log.actiontype (Alexei) - time related function 'nodata','date','dayofweek','time','now' will be periodically updated (Alexei) - update of functions optimised. Do not update if same value. (Alexei) - better support of automake (Alexei) - better modulatisation of code (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_server/escalator.[ch] (Alexei) - nodata() will be calculated regardless of its previous value (Alexei) - simplified code for trigger status updated (Alexei) - better read loop in active.c (Alexei) - added parameter DisableActive for zabbix_agentd (Alexei) - trigger expressions may contain spaces (Alexei) - improvements for snprintf.c (Alexei) - added table escalation_rules (Alexei) - fixed parameter of strncpy() in active.c (Alexei) - added column screens_items.rowspan (Alexei) - support of rowspan in screens (Alexei) - fixed selection of host in Event History (Alexei) - fixed short php tags in PHP frontend (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha10: - improved monitoring of log files (Alexei) - removed all pthread code (Alexei) - added column items.lastlogsize (Alexei) - added column screens_items.colspan (Alexei) - support of colspan in screens (Alexei) - added column media.period (Alexei) - activity period for medias (Alexei) - updated startup scripts for SuSE 9.2 and 9.3. Thanks to Andre. (Alexei) - added selection of hosts for event history (Alexei) - new item type - 'log' (Alexei) - added table 'history_log' (Alexei) - fixed issue with high agent's CPU usage for active checks (Alexei) - minor modifications of DB schema. Unnecessary indexes dropped. (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha9: - changed copyright to SIA Zabbix (Alexei) - added basic support for log[*] (Alexei) - fixed processing of traps having character ':' (Alexei) - added logfiles.h and logfiles.c (Alexei) - group level start/stop monitoring (Alexei) - fixed read loop in active.c. (Alexei) - better readability of php code (Alexei) - support of file[*] (Alexei) - improved history.php (Alexei) - delete items from linked hosts when using checkboxes (Alexei) - changed definition of services.goodsla to double(5.2) (Alexei) - minor fix for users.php (Alexei) - fixed graph.php. Thanks to Michael Durket. (Alexei) - added SuSE 9.2 startup scripts. Thanks to Kiepe Andre. (Alexei) - changed MAX_STRING_LEN to MAX_BUF_LEN in memset() in active.c (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha8: - better error reporting for GUI (Alexei) - daily/weekly/monthly/yearly SLA statistics (Alexei) - added parameter ServerPort to zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - added parameter RefreshActiveChecks to zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - better report3.php (Alexei) - better alarms.php (Alexei) - new item type: active check (Alexei) - new mandatory parameter for zabbix_agentd.conf - Hostname (Alexei) - started development of active agent checks (Alexei) - hard-linked templates works when deleting graph element (Alexei) - hard-linked templates works when adding graph element (Alexei) - support of memory[free] under OS/X (Alexei) - support of memory[total] under OS/X (Alexei) - fixed compilation of agent under OS/X (Alexei) - fixed memory[total] for HP-UX when >4GB of memory (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha7: - fixed memory[free] for HP-UX when >4GB of memory (Alexei) - hard-linked templates works when deleting an action (Alexei) - hard-linked templates works when adding an action (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - hard-linked templates works when deleting a trigger (Alexei) - hard-linked templates works when adding a trigger (Alexei) - no warning about uninitialised function_str (Alexei) - fixed simple checks (Alexei) - fixed startup of housekeeper (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - Overview and Details mode for screen Queue (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha6: - show both hostname and lable in ALT for map icons (Alexei) - added propagation of template item change to related hosts (Alexei) - modified data.sql to exclude zabbix_suckerd and zabbix_agentd (Alexei) - fixed SQL warning when updating actions (Alexei) - fixed change of plain text data in screens (Alexei) - fixed mouse navigation for multiple maps in one screen (Alexei) - configurable timestamp format in (Alexei) - support for no labels and no status in network maps (Alexei) - fix for startup of housekeeping process (Alexei) - fix of agent crash on 64 bit platforms in CKSUM() (Alexei) - added frontends/php/overview.php (Alexei) - removed link to unexistant trends.php (Alexei) - support for unlimited number of user parameters (Alexei) - support of passing of parameters to user-defined commands (Alexei) - improved zabbix.spec. Thanks to Dirk Datzert. (Alexei) - fixed detection of __va_copy() (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha5: - fixed mouse navigation for multiple maps in one screen (Alexei) - fixed unmodified item parameter "Keep trends (in days)" (Alexei) - fixed support of negative values for SNMP integers (Alexei) - added support of function dayofweek() for triggers (Alexei) - configurable format of icon labels for maps (Alexei) - added column sysmaps.label_type (Alexei) - keep host selection when adding/deleting/updating item (Alexei) - fix for complation of the agent under Solaris (Alexei) - do not use hardcoded port 161 when adding from template (Alexei) - changed logic update host.available instead of host.status (Alexei) - added column hosts.available (Alexei) - added link to ZABBIX Manual v1.1 into page header (Alexei) - fixed evaluation of nodata(). Thanks to Igor Micko. (Alexei) - fixed time selection for custom graphs (Alexei) - configurable format of map output (png, jpg) (Alexei) - special processing of 'b' and 'bps' (bytes). Take 1000 for Kilos (Alexei) - fix of crash of zabbix_server when processing notification macros (Alexei) - added form for managing images (Alexei) - added frontends/image.php (Alexei) - added table 'hosts_templates' (Alexei) - added table 'escalations' (Alexei) - selection of configuration areas in config.php (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha4: - fixed problem with blank graphs (Alexei) - support of plain text value for screens (Alexei) - fixed parsing of command line parameters. Thanks to Slix. (Alexei) - added special item zabbix[log] (Alexei) - calculate items.nextcheck as nextcheck+delay (Alexei) - fixed time navigation for user-defined graphs (Alexei) - added link to ZABBIX manual from all forms (Alexei) - icmppingsec to return '0' if cannot ping (Alexei) - added error reason for unsupported items (Alexei) - added error reason for unreachable hosts (Alexei) - added hosts.error (Alexei) - added items.error (Alexei) - added alerts.error (Alexei) - added error reason for undelivered alerts (Alexei) - added upgrades/dbpatches/1.1alpha3_to_1.1alpha4 (Alexei) - fixed empty macros in alert messages if '.' in key (Alexei) - do not show menu item if no permissions (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha3: - fixed wrong use of multiplier for items (Alexei) - remover src/zabbix_sucker and src/zabbix_trapper (Alexei) - one common process for sucker and trapper: zabbix_server (Alexei) - removed column items.lastdelete (Alexei) - do not use items.lastdelete in housekeeping process (Alexei) - do not draw straight lines in graphs if no data (Alexei) - fixes for PHP5 (Alexei) - fix for crash of zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha2: - support for cpu[idleX], cpu[userX], cpu[niceX], cpu[systemX] (Alexei) - fix for custom multiplier (Alexei) - use checkbox instead of lists in users.php (Alexei) - removed thread-related configuration options from (Alexei) - fixed audit log for graph elements (Alexei) - do not reference ZABBIX logo from (Alexei) - fixed addition of network maps (Alexei) Changes for 1.1alpha1: - agent will return ZBX_UNSUPPORTED in case if execute command returned EOL only (Alexei) - support of diskfree_perc[],diskused_perc[], inodefree_perc[]. (Alexei) - support of check_service[ldap] and check_service_perf[ldap]. Thanks to Andreas Brenk. (Alexei) - fixed incorrect setting of ICMP-related triggers to UNKNOWN state (Alexei) - added table audit (Alexei) - added audit.php (Alexei) - new default port numbers for agent and trapper, 10050 and 10051 (Alexei) - better internal coding standard for ZABBIX agent (Alexei) - added support for md5sum for files less than 64M (Alexei) - added include md5.c and md5.h (Alexei) - remove trends.php, trend.php (Alexei) - remove compare.php, chart3.php (Alexei) - show trigger dependencies in list of configuration of triggers (Alexei) - make Zabbix reset nextcheck for items when updating or adding a trigger (Alexei) - minimum value of PingerFrequency changed to 1 (Alexei) - different icons depending on a triger status for sysmaps (Alexei) - added column sysmaps_hosts.icon_on (Alexei) - hierarchial maps (Alexei) - added column sysmaps_hosts.url (Alexei) - upgrades/dbpatches/1.0_to_1.1alpha1/data/images/ (Alexei) - added support for custom multiplier (Alexei) - added column items.formula (Alexei) - added support of SNMPv3 (Alexei) - added columns snmpv3_* to table items (Alexei) - increased max number of network interfaces to 16 for zabbix_agentd (Alexei) - added command line parameters -c and -h to zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - added command line parameters -c and -h to zabbix_agentd (Alexei) - added command line parameters -c and -h to zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - added support for customised Y axis for graphs (Alexei) - added columns graphs.(yaxistype|yaxismin|yaxismax) (Alexei) - send date as part of email alerts (Alexei) - added SuSE 9.1 startup scripts. Thanks to A.Tophofen. (Alexei) - change of architecture to multi-threaded model (Alexei) - fixed typo: getuid() -> getgid() in daemon_init() (Alexei) - added housekeeping of trends (Alexei) - added column items.trends (Alexei) - added escaping of SQL statements where needed (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_sucker/checks_agent.[h,c] (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_sucker/checks_internal.[h,c] (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_sucker/checks_snmp.[h,c] (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_sucker/checks_simple.[h,c] (Alexei) - send alert when trigger changes its value to TRUE for the first time (Alexei) - added support of zabbix[history_str] (Alexei) - use $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE to be PHP5-compatible. Thanks to Martin MOHNHAUP. (Alexei) - added table 'images' (Alexei) - added small icons for maps (Alexei) - added basic support of background images (Alexei) - added frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - added support for real delta. (Alexei) - new selection for triggers.php (Alexei) - new selection for items.php (Alexei) - removed helpdesk.php (Alexei) - fixed check of permissions for screenedit.php (Alexei) - new selection for graphs in charts.php (Alexei) - new selection of maps in maps.php (Alexei) - new selection of group and host for latest.php (Alexei) - added support for macro {IPADDRESS} (Alexei) - added support of localisation (Alexei) - added file frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - fixed check of NNTP service (Alexei) - show metrics (3.01 Gb) in alert messages (Alexei) - added support for configurable after-login screen (Alexei) - added column users.url (Alexei) - email routines moved to email.c (Alexei) - fixed hosts.php. Changed ' (Alexei) - added template 'Application.MySQL' (Alexei) - added button "add items from template" (Alexei) - added template 'Host.SNMP'. Thanks to Kenneth Durrant. (Alexei) - fixed host statistics in report1.php (Alexei) - templates were renamed to "Host.Unix", "Host.Win32" and "Host.Standalone" (Alexei) - fixed problem with undefined socklen_t under Solaris (Alexei) - show user groups in the list of users. Thanks to Igor (Alexei) - fixed sql statement in trigger definition form (Alexei) - changed all versions from 1.0beta14 to 1.0 (Alexei) - converted redhat scripts from DOS to UNIX format (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta14: - added DB patches for migration to 1.0beta14 (Alexei) - changed logic of actions: scope=1 (triggerid=hostid), 2 (triggerid=0) (Alexei) - fixed compilation of --with-pgsql on non-GCC platforms (Alexei) - fixed refresh in actions screen (Alexei) - show severity of triggers in the list (Alexei) - fixed trigger update. Value of the trigger sets to UNKNOWN. (Alexei) - fixed --with-[net|ucd]-snmp to work with various paths (Alexei) - changed css.css to follow W3C standard (Alexei) - changed DB schema. Dropped foreign key for table actions (Alexei) - fixed handling of special chars in adding from templates (Alexei) - fixed output of special characters in maps (Alexei) - fixed permission check for screens (Alexei) - delete sysmap information on host removal (Alexei) - fixed compilation of the agent under HP-UX (Alexei) - fixed simple checks to return NOTSUPPORTED (Alexei) - removed primary keys for both 'history' and 'history_str' (Alexei) - added support for system[proccount] under FreeBSD (Alexei) - remove trailing zeroes in function evaluation routines (Alexei) - added support for proc_cnt[*] under FreeBSD (Alexei) - special processing of unit 's' (Alexei) - added W32 install floppy. Thanks to Fabricio Ferrari. (Alexei) - new action type: "ON or OFF" (Alexei) - added support of macro {STATUS} (Alexei) - pinger to work for all hosts (ip and hostname-based) (Alexei) - fixed memory[cached] to work for both linux 2.4 and 2.6 (Alexei) - do not link crypt and crypto to the agent (Alexei) - fixed report1.php to work under FreeBSD (Alexei) - fixed displaying of string value in the Latest Values (Alexei) - fixed simple check when port specified. Order of IP and PORT is arbitrary now (Alexei) - fixed pinger to correc calculate number of seconds (Alexei) - fixed selection of "Dark Yellow" for graphs and map links (Alexei) - fixed removal of trigger dependency (Alexei) - added substitution of macros for all actions (Alexei) - added escaping of 'special' characters before SQL insert statements (Alexei) - fixed removal of sysmaps hosts and links when deleting item (Alexei) - fixed Use IP address in host definition form (Alexei) - fixed audio in Status of Triggers (Alexei) - fixed change of action subject if it contains special characters (Alexei) - fixed creation of actions from templates (Alexei) - Battery.png has been renamed to UPS.png (Alexei) - fixed removal of an item under PostgreSQL (Alexei) - fixed patch for PostgreSQL (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta13: - fixed sending of alerts when PostgreSQL is used (Alexei) - sprintf() was replaced with snprintf() (Alexei) - fix for prefixes K,M and G (Alexei) - strncpy() was replaced with secure strscpy() where possible (Alexei) - fixed support for situation when one of graph's metrics has no values (Alexei) - added '2>/dev/null' to fping to get rid of message on the console (Alexei) - new icons and icon types for sysmaps (Alexei) - added columns color_on,color_off,drawtype_on,drawtype_off to table sysmaps_links (Alexei) - do not show group having no hosts in Latest Values (Alexei) - better management of host groups (Alexei) - added support of macro {HOSTNAME}, removed support of %s (Alexei) - added support of macros {DATE} and {TIME} in alerts (Alexei) - fixed selection of multiplier in item definition form (Alexei) - support for 'icmppingsec' (Alexei) - added support of symbol '-' in keys used for trigger expressions (Alexei) - added information about table 'trends' to 'Status of Zabbix' screen (Alexei) - transparency for graphs on GD 2.x platforms (Alexei) - added timestamp and header to maps (Alexei) - fixes for screens.php (Alexei) - fixes for screenedit.php (Alexei) - added parameter DisablePinger (Alexei) - correct processing of RCPT TO responses from SMTP servers (Alexei) - correct processing of unsupported internal checks (Alexei) - processing of DB stopped situations for MySQL (Alexei) - housekeeper to delete hosts_groups entries (Alexei) - deleted host to be renamed to " [DELETED]" (Alexei) - added function now() (Alexei) - fixed action maintenance screen (Alexei) - redesigned availablity chart (Alexei) - support for zabbix[trends] (Alexei) - added table 'trends' (Alexei) - cosmetic changes for IT Services screen (Alexei) - change of color schema for SLA graphs and report (Alexei) - redesigned IT Service availability chart (Alexei) - fix for get_last_service_value(). Thanks to Sebastien "Slix" Linard. (Alexei) - fix for chart_sla.php. Thanks to Sebastien "Slix" Linard. (Alexei) - proper timeout handling for SNMP connect (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta12: - fixed add services (Alexei) - fixed simple *_perf checks (Alexei) - data.sql was modified to include usrgrp records (Alexei) - fixed update of special items 'status'. Thanks to Sebastien "Slix" Linard. (Alexei) - fixes for graph time navigation (Alexei) - fixed processing of trapped values, fixed pinger. Thanks to Sebastien "Slix" Linard. (Alexei) - fixed UserParameter when it replaces existing one. Thanks to Sebastien "Slix" Linard. (Alexei) - fixed PostgreSQL schema (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta11: - added support for user groups (Alexei) - added column actions.recipient (Alexei) - added support of system[proccount] under Solaris (Alexei) - support for swap sizes >2Gb under Solaris. Thanks to Franky Van Liedekerke. (Alexei) - add actions when using templates. (Alexei) - fixed refresh of status of triggers. (Alexei) - updated RedHat start-up scripts in misc/init.d/redhat. Thanks to Charlie. (Alexei) - fix for flexible SNMP port name (Alexei) - fixed permissions of PHP screens (Alexei) - period in graphs. Thanks to Igor Micko. (Alexei) - date in graphs (Alexei) - no refresh for charts.php if period is set (Alexei) - new navigation for charts.php. Thanks to Igor Micko. (Alexei) - fixed (Alexei) - IRC support channel #zabbix on (Alexei) - fix for dashed lines under some broken GD (Alexei) - was changed to (Alexei) - support of delta flag in item definition (Alexei) - added column,prevorgvalue (Alexei) - support for operator '#', not equal. (Alexei) - support for functions date() and time() (Alexei) - fix of /proc/stat interpretation in diskdevice.c (Alexei) - support of system[uptime] for Solaris. Thanks to Franky Van Liedekerke. (Alexei) - fix for disk space calculation. Use statvfs' f_frsize instead of f_bsize. Thanks to Franky Van Liedekerke. (Alexei) - restrict host status change from Unreachable (Alexei) - fix for Solaris swap sizes (Alexei) - fix for counting of triggers in map.php. (Alexei) - added translation of special HTML characters in history of alerts and alarms (Alexei) - fixed calculation of graph width under MS Explorer (Alexei) - fixed interpretation of parameter 'from' for graphs (Alexei) - removed references to screens_graphs (Alexei) - fix for proc_cnt[*] under Solaris (Alexei) - fix of automatic image scaling under Explorer for charts.php (Alexei) - fixed division by zero and infinite loop in graphs (Alexei) - fixes for agent. Error checking for opendir() (Alexei) - fix for syslog logging of zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - added table users_groups, usrgrp (Alexei) - monitoring of CPU and mainboard temperature under Linux (Alexei) - support for sensor[temp1],sensor[temp2],sensor[temp3] (Alexei) - report1.php to use 'ps -ef' (Alexei) - support for prefixes in trigger expressions (K,M,G) (Alexei) - new item status: 'deleted' (Alexei) - fixed autoconf problems under SUSE 8.2 (Alexei) - housekeeping to delete hosts having status 'deleted' (Alexei) - AC_FUNC_GETLOADAVG changes to AC_REPLACE_FUNCS(getloadavg) in (Alexei) - eliminated compiler's warnings under SUSE 8.2 (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_sucker/housekeeper.* (Alexei) - new host status: 'deleted' (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta10: - removed script misc/pinger/ (Alexei) - support if simple check 'icmpping' (Alexei) - new zabbix_suckerd's parameter: PingerFrequency (Alexei) - new zabbix_suckerd's parameter: FpingLocation (Alexei) - improvements for action form (Alexei) - support of system maps for screens (Alexei) - removed column graphid from table screens_items (Alexei) - added columns resource and resourceid to table screens_items (Alexei) - non breakable space in PHP forms (Alexei) - new draw type for graphs: Dot (Alexei) - improved media maintenance form (Alexei) - added sort order for custom graphs (Alexei) - added column graphs_items.sortorder (Alexei) - fixed problem when adding host from template and function 'str' is used. Thanks to Jean-Baptiste Mariotte. (Alexei) - support of proc_cnt[*] under Solaris. Thanks to Marc Ledent (Alexei) - fixed sysinfo() result. Multiplication to mem_unit required (Alexei) - better reporting in case of different startup errors (Alexei) - added include/pid.c and include/pid.h (Alexei) - PostreSQL related fixes (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_snmptrap (Alexei) - fixed support of user-defined height of graphs (Alexei) - added frontends/ (Alexei) - show selected host in Host Add form (Alexei) - fixed (Alexei) - improved performance of simple graphs (Alexei) - minor fixes to eliminate compiler's warnings (Alexei) - fix to show HTML characters of string items in Latest Values and History (Alexei) - added disk statistics to data.sql (Alexei) - popup confirmation screen for deletes and updates (Alexei) - buttons "Activate selected" and "Disable selected" in item maintenance form (Alexei) - do not wrap Latest Values (Alexei) - support for changing of graph items (Alexei) - menu will not require more than three lines (Alexei) - fixed dividion by zero in chart2.php (Alexei) - period and start of interval are preserved in full-screen mode (Alexei) - added units in graph legends (Alexei) - table-like legend for user graphs (Alexei) - small fix for executing user scripts (Alexei) - fix to enable use of abschange() (Alexei) - cosmetic change of "LATEST VALUES" screen (Alexei) - support for simple checks :smtp_perf, ftp_perf, ssh_perf, etc. (Alexei) - fixed nasty bug in getting SNMP parameters. Thanks to Igor Micko. (Alexei) - added support for diskused[*] (Alexei) - Alert History renamed to Alerts (Alexei) - Status of Triggers renamed to Triggers (Alexei) - added check for kstat library for ./configure (Alexei) - added support for zabbix[queue] (Alexei) - added basic support for simple graphs in screens (Alexei) - dynamic form hosts.php (Alexei) - fixed 'make clean' under Solaris (rm -fv -> rm -f) (Alexei) - link map's connector to a trigger - added parameter ListenIP to zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - added pinger.c and pinger.h (Alexei) - fixed search of SNMP header files and libs (Alexei) - improved performance of Alarm and Alert History (Alexei) - added support for units (Mb, Kb, Gb, etc) (Alexei) - added column items.multiplier (Alexei) - added column items.units (Alexei) - added table 'stats' (Alexei) - support for spaces in trigger expression. Thanks to Sébastien "Slix" Liénard. (Alexei) - dynamic form items.php (Alexei) - added zabbix.spec. 'rpm -ta zabbix.tar.gz'. Thanks to Harald Holzer. (Alexei) - dynamic form config.php (Alexei) - fixes in services.php (Alexei) - fixes in screenedit.php (Alexei) - UserParameter does not become UNSUPPORTED anymore (Alexei) - added support for zabbix[triggers_count] (Alexei) - added support for zabbix[items_unsupported_count] (Alexei) - support for memory[free] and memory[total] under Solaris (Alexei) - fixed compilation of the agent under FreeBSD (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta9: - added severity to media definition (Alexei) - add media.severity (Alexei) - added support for check_service_perf[*]. Thanks to Jürgen Schmitz (Alexei) - added parameter AlertScriptsPath to zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - added support for alternative medias (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_sucker/alerter.h (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_sucker/alerter.c (Alexei) - removed column alerts.type, added column alerts.mediatypeid (Alexei) - added table media_type (Alexei) - removed column media.type, added column media.mediatypeid (Alexei) - removed columns config.(smtp_server,smtp_helo,smtp_email) (Alexei) - added columns actions.scope and actions.severity (Alexei) - added support of global alerts limited by triggers severity (Alexei) - added group selection in Item and Trigger definition forms (Alexei) - added support for functions abschange(),change(),delta(),sum(), count() and avg() in trigger expressions (Alexei) - fixed plaintext values for string data type. Thanks to Sébastien "Slix" Liénard. (Alexei) - misc fixes for services.php. Thanks to Sébastien "Slix" Liénard. (Alexei) - different styles for user-defined graphs (Alexei) - cached memory in bytes (not in Kb as before) (Alexei) - show current and planned SLA in IT Services screen (Alexei) - added sort order by sortorder for IT Services (Alexei) - added column service.sortorder (Alexei) - show last 20% (80%-100%) in SLA bar (Alexei) - fixed statistics of bounced interfaces (Alexei) - added support for zabbix[items], zabbix[history] (Alexei) - new item type: internal (Alexei) - play disaster-on.wav if disaster trigger appers (Alexei) - added support for disk_read_opsX[*],disk_write_opsX[*],disk_read_blksX[*], disk_write_blksX[*] (Alexei) - added basice support of monitoring of disk stats (Alexei) - session cookie will expire wneh session is closed (Alexei) - fixed situation when large SNMP values become nagative (Alexei) - added EOL character to make HTML source more readable (Alexei) - added new column "severity" to history of alarms (Alexei) - status of triggers. If Select is used, no refresh (Alexei) - support for MIN algorithm for IT Services (Alexei) - support for timeticks for SNMP values. Thanks to Daniel Ester. (Alexei) - fixed (Alexei) - user-defined parameters will overwrite already existing (Alexei) - fixed field order for PostgreSQL, table items (Alexei) - removed doc/manual.lyx (Alexei) - fixed resizing of simple graphs (Alexei) - suppor for "--with-net-snmp" and "--with-ucd-snmp" (Alexei) - fixed type of services.goodsla. It's float now. (Alexei) - fixed addition of host triggers into IT Service tree (Alexei) - support of '(' and ')' in item keys (Alexei) - fixed dark blue color for user-defined chart (Alexei) - removed DOS style EOL from RedHat startup scripts (Alexei) - IT service to be hard-linked when added (Alexei) - fixed calculate_service_availability() (Alexei) - added report3.php (Alexei) - color statuses in media.php (Alexei) - fixed data.sql (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta8: - very basic support for SNMP trapping (Alexei) - added misc/snmptrap/ (Alexei) - group selection for Item configuration form (Alexei) - added support for SLA level in IT Services (Alexei) - added fields services.showsla and services.goodsla (Alexei) - added field items.snmp_port (Alexei) - user-defined port number for SNMP requests (Alexei) - fixed SQL errors when adding host to IT Services (Alexei) - added chart_sla.php (Alexei) - fixed incorrect handling of timeouts when sendign emails (Alexei) - fixed selection of recipient in trigger actions (Alexei) - fixed Plain Text values (Alexei) - fixed improper handling of special characters i.e. '\/" (Alexei) - fixed Last100 and Prev100 for both Alarms and Alerts (Alexei) - fixed "STATUS OF ZABBIX". Command was changed to 'ps aux' (Alexei) - personalisation (remember default port number for hosts) (Alexei) - added table 'profiles' (Alexei) - assured uniqueness of host names (Alexei) - added upgrades/dbpatches/1.0beta7_to_1.0beta8/ with patches (Alexei) - mass update for triggers (activate, deactivate, delete) (Alexei) - all sendto() and recvfrom() were changed to write() and read() in function send_mail() (Alexei) - fixed bug in host addition procedure when template host is used (Alexei) - different colors for different status of items, triggers, users (Alexei) - WIN32 agent. Added support for multiple servers (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Changes in communication protocol: on errors now returned special (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Support for new client-server protocol (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Added proc_info[] parameter (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Added memory[cached] parameter (supported only on Windows XP) (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Added logging to system Event Log (Victor) - WIN32 agent. PDH-related error messages are now more specific (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Listener thread now will not exit on any accept() error (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Added some parameters for agent statistics monitoring: number of accepted and rejected connections, processing errors, etc. (Victor) - WIN32 agent. Fixed bug in calculation of md5_hash[] and cksum[] parameters for zero-length files (Victor) - WIN32 agent. md5_hash[] and cksum[] now ruturns UNSUPPORTED for files larger than 64MB (due to high performance impact caused by checksum computing for large files). (Victor) Changes for 1.0beta7: - startup scripts for RedHat 8.0. Thanks to John Crunk. (Alexei) - refresh rate is doubled for user 'guest' (Alexei) - mass insert and delete for items. (Alexei) - support for SNMPv2. New item type introduced. (Alexei) - improvements in housekeeping procedure (Alexei) - improvements for chart.php (Alexei) - added severity to pre-defined triggers (Alexei) - SO_LINGER is not default socket() option for zabbix_sender. (Alexei) - recvfrom() and sendto() were changed to read() and write() (Alexei) - fixed housekeeping procedure. Upgrade carefully! (Alexei) - support of template hosts. Remove tables hosts_templates and triggers_template. (Alexei) - Show-Show-Show renamed to Graph-Trend-Compare in latest.html (Alexei) - fixed buffer overflow in zabbix_log(). (Alexei) - availability reports for trapper-based triggers (Alexei) - fixed possible zabbix_suckerd crash. It may happen if socket() returns 0. (Alexei) - added new Host status - Template(3). (Alexei) - fixed group "all" in latest.php (Alexei) - do not dump "Expression cannot be evaluated" in case if function.lastvalue is NULL. Logic was changed a bit, but the message is still there. (Alexei) - show who is online in User config form. (Alexei) - when ran first time, some triggers becomes TRUE (like files was changed). This is already fixed. This bug does not exist. (Alexei) - fixed bug in queue.php select statement. Trapper type will not be selected. (Alexei) - when W2000 with SNMP agent restarted, items will becomes Not Supported. There is no such bug in CVS code anymore. (Alexei) - map will show host status in case of trigger based on trapper (Alexei) - fixed bug in zabbix_suckerd's select statements. Trapper type will not be selected. (Alexei) - new protocol for Zabbix agents, Support for ZBX_ERROR and ZBX_NOTSUPPORTED. (Alexei) - about.php: version of Zabbix was changed to 1.0beta7 (Alexei) - items.php: "Delay" renamed to "Update interval". (Alexei) - fixed precision issues in zabbix_agent(d) and zabbix_suckerd. All floats converted to double. (Alexei) - fixed selection of icon and host in sysmap.php. Thanks to Sébastien "slix" Liénard. (Alexei) - monitoring of servers without Zabbix agent installed. New item type: Simple Check. (Alexei) - improved performance of (Alexei) - added support of ':','\' for flexible parameters (example, cksum[c:\a.bat]) (Alexei) - added copyright notice to source files (Alexei) - will use mass-send of collected data. No unnecessary forks anymore. (Alexei) - all were changed to . No changes in php.ini required anymore. (Alexei) - added Zabbix agent for WIN32 platforms. Thanks to Victor Kirhenstein. (Alexei) - fixed coredump in get_lastvalue(). Thanks to Rickard Plars. (Alexei) - delay renamed to "Update interval (in sec)" in item definition form (Alexei) - create/mysql/schema.sql will create tables with type=InnoDB by default (Alexei) - added upgrades/dbpatches/1.0beta6_to_1.0beta7/ with patches (Alexei) - added item type TRAPPER (Alexei) - fixes for PostgreSQL (Alexei) - added validation of host name (Alexei) - default value of StartSuckers is set to 4 (Alexei) - fixed Select in Status of Triggers (Alexei) - precision of Change is set to 2 in Latest Values (Alexei) - --enable-static to work on all platforms (Alexei) - zabbix_sender to be able to get information from stdin (Alexei) - support fo JavaScript required now (Alexei) - automatic resize of all graphs depending on screen size (Alexei) - got rid of message "Bad protocol identification '0'" when doing check_service[ssh] (Alexei) - performance improvements for zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - added support of CSS (Alexei) - support of processor load on Solaris 2.6. Thanks to Mariusz. (Alexei) - improvements for user-defined graphs. Thanks to Mariusz. (Alexei) - improvements for System Maps. Thanks to Mariusz. (Alexei) - support for host groups (Alexei) - added table hosts_groups (Alexei) - added table groups (Alexei) - ./configure to find PostgreSQL's includes in /usr/local/include (Alexei) - basic support for log rotating (Alexei) - added additional error checks in get_value_snmp() (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta6: - parameter StatFile removed (Alexei) - added support for check_service(service,ip,port) (Alexei) - added support for check_port(ip,port) (Alexei) - fixed check_right(). Thanks to Daniel Higgins. (Alexei) - more changes to send_email(). Thanks to Daniel Higgins. (Alexei) - added file TODO (Alexei) - status will be changed to UNCREACHABLE only in case of three network errors (Alexei) - added column hosts.network_errors (Alexei) - support for parameters netloadin[*] and netloadout[*] (Alexei) - added src/zabbix_agent/stats.c and stats.h (Alexei) - added parameter StatFile to zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - availability graph for IT Services (Alexei) - improvement in user rights handling routines (Alexei) - if trigger status is UNKNOWN, set function.lastvalue to NULL (Alexei) - fixed permission check for all *.php (Alexei) - Priority was renamed to Severity (Alexei) - added graph to availability report (Alexei) - added frontends/php/chart4.php (Alexei) - availability report will not show trigger expressions (Alexei) - added creation of table 'sessions' to migration scripts for 1.0beta4 (Alexei) - no dependency on register_globals in php.ini (Alexei) - zabbix_suckerd to write "Connection reset by peer" to LogFile (Alexei) - \n change to \r\n in send_email() (Alexei) - added table service_alarms (Alexei) - fixed problem with parsing of trigger expressions. [.-.] changed to - (Alexei) - support for function nodata() added (Alexei) - minimum number of zabbix_suckerd that can be started is 4 (Alexei) - simplified function update_triggers(). (Alexei) - fixed situation when Service is linked to a trigger. Service name is correct now. (Alexei) - support for new trigger function: str() (Alexei) - changed type of functions.parameter to varchar(255) (Alexei) - additional colors for graphs (Alexei) - in chart3.php: group by changed to group by 1 (Alexei) - added housekeeping procedure for table sessions (Alexei) - changed width=\"X%\" to width=X% in *.php (Alexei) - Status of a trigger will blink if it was changes during last 300 seconds (Alexei) - Zabbix daemons to update triggers.lastchange when triggers.values is changed (Alexei) - added misc/init.d/debian/zabbix-[suckerd|trapperd] (Alexei) - removed misc/init.d/debian/zabbix-server (Alexei) - send_email() will timeout after 10 seconds (Alexei) - DBadd_alarm() renamed to add_alarm() (Alexei) - support for SCO OpenServer (Alexei). Thanks to Alexender Kirhenstein. - ./configure will correctly define socklen_t (Alexei) -
changed to
(Alexei) - reason of problem in screen IT Services (Alexei) - added frontends.php/helpdesk.php (Alexei) - added "...#form" to button Change in form Configuration of Users (Alexei) - "Just for information" changed to "Information" (Alexei) - fixed ./configure to correctly find zlib (Alexei) - housekeeping to delete no more than HousekeepingFrequency*3600 records from table history and history_str at once (MySQL only) (Alexei) - changed definition of functions.lastvalue to allow NULL (Alexei) - added upgrades/dbpatches/1.0beta5_to_1.0beta6/ with patches (Alexei) - added misc/init.d/debian/zabbix_agent (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta5: - added parameter DBHost (Alexei) - added upgrades/dbpatches/1.0beta4_to_1.0beta5/ with patches (Alexei) - added support for disktotal[*] (Alexei) - added support for inodetotal[*] (Alexei) - added support for *,/,+, and - in trigger expressions (Alexei) - removed frontends/php/chart4.php (Alexei) - update item status to UNSUPPORTED in case if SNMP support was not included into zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - added mysql_init() to DBconnect() (Alexei) - fixed Next100 and Prev100 for case if some hosts are hidden (Alexei) - added select for latest values (Alexei) - delete related services if trigger is deleted (Alexei) - fixed problem with substitution of macros for messages (Alexei) - eliminated DBis_empty() by replacing to DBnum_rows() (Alexei) - MAX_STRING_LEN increased to 4096 (Alexei) - fixed zabbix_log(). Possible coredump if data contains %s, etc (Alexei) - changed grid size for all graphs (Alexei) - added frontends/php/chart4.php (Alexei) - added frontends/php/compare.php (Alexei) - redesigned all graphs (changed colors, etc) (Alexei) - host selection for availability report (Alexei) - more fixes to send_email() (Alexei) - fixed crash in case if MySQL server gone (support for signal PIPE) (Alexei) Thanks to Arturs. - fixed duplicate triggers in Availability Report (Alexei) - fixed division by zero in Availability Report (Alexei) - added frontends/php/chart3.php (Alexei) - small fix for form "Configuration of network map" (Alexei) - for host templates, %s can be used in trigger description to be substituted with new host name (Alexei) - empty result for DBselect is always checked (Alexei) - fixed send_email(). According to RFC, DATA should be sent with followed EOL (Alexei) - fixed memory leak in main_alerter_loop(). Added DBfree_result(). (Alexei) - fixed missing close of socket in case if connection to SMTP server is rejected (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta4: - ./configure will find libz to solve problem with MySQL (Alexei) - support for service tree (Alexei) - vacuuming as part of housekeeping process for PostgreSQL (Alexei) - many improvements for PostgreSQL support (Alexei) - added item which reflects host status (0-normal, 2-unreachable) (Alexei) - fixed function apply_actions() (Alexei) - added Next100 and Prev100 for alerts and alarms (Alexei) - check permissions for Availability report (Alexei) - added parameter SenderFrequency to zabbix_suckerd configuration file (Alexei) - added frontends/include/ (Alexei) - added column services.algorithm (Alexei) - list of test cases added to the Manual (Alexei) - emails to be sent in case of TRUE-UNKNOWN-FALSE and v.s. (Alexei) - one zabbix_suckerd to send alerts (Alexei) - minimum number of zabbix_suckers StartSuckers is set to 3 (Alexei) - added alerts.retries (Alexei) - added alerts.status (Alexei) - status of triggers changes if host/item status has been changed (Alexei) - status of triggers is set correctly even if zabbix is restarted (Alexei) - php/include/*inc renamed to php/include/*inc.php (Alexei) - check of source IP address for trapped values (Alexei) - added include/security.h and include/security.c (Alexei) - added items.trapper_hosts (Alexei) - housekeeping period for items to be set in days (Alexei) - authorisation without user name/password (Alexei) - default user "guest" (Alexei) - added table 'sessions' (Alexei) - added index triggers.value and trigger.status (Alexei) - added column alarms.value (Alexei) - removed column alarms.istrue (Alexei) - added columns triggers.status (Alexei) - added columns triggers.value (Alexei) - removed column triggers.istrue (Alexei) - support for --enable-static for ./configure (Alexei) - housekeeping period for alarms and alerts to be set in days (Alexei) - created directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0beta3_to_1.0beta4 (Alexei) - more anvanced algorithm for updating disable_until field (Alexei) - problem with "Lost connection to DB" solved (Alexei) - function DBis_empty(), code cleanup (Alexei) - unreachable parameters will not be shown in Queue (Alexei) - support for check_service[service,port] - advanced change of host status in zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - added support of UserParameter(s) returning non-numeric values (Alexei) - doc/manual.lyx will not be included in Zabbix release (Alexei) - changes to make Zabbix compile in non-GCC environments (Alexei) - unreachable hosts will be clickable in system maps (Alexei) - fixed double posting of the same trigger status into alarms (Alexei) - fixed macros substitution in email alerts (Alexei) - removed option -Wall from all Makefiles (Alexei) - removed "//" comments from Zabbix code (Alexei) - disabled experimental code by commenting #define PERF (Alexei) - improvements in SNMP handling for zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - fixed check for SNMP library in (Alexei) - template host set to empty in Host definition form (Alexei) - support for DisableHousekeeping for zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - protection from items.delay set to 0 (Alexei) - values provided by an agent can be less than zero (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta3: - support for chart showing diff instead of real values (Alexei) - support for new trigger status - UNKNOWN (Alexei) - zabbix_suckerd housekeeping process to disconnect from DB when unactive (Alexei) - support for check_service[http] (Alexei) - drop column config.password_required (Alexei) - drop column users.groupid (Alexei) - drop table groups (Alexei) - added parameter DBConnectOnEach for zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - added default user "guest" (Alexei) - more support for flexible permissions (Alexei) - added support for Inverse Select in status of triggers (Alexei) - added support for flexible permissions (Alexei) - fixed items.php (Alexei) - added table 'rights' (Alexei) - added time legend for simple graph (Alexei) - already existing hosts can be used as template from new host (Alexei) - new algorithm for audible notification in screen "Status of Triggers" (Alexei) - changed definition of DebugLevel (Alexei) - improved update_triggers() (Alexei) - fixed get_lastvalue() (Alexei) - minor changes in include/cfg.c (Alexei) - column functions.lastvalue changed to varchar(255) (Alexei) - column items.lastvalue changed to varchar(255) (Alexei) - column items.prevvalue changed to varchar(255) (Alexei) - support for version[zabbix_agent] (Alexei) - better validation of trigger expressions in validate_expression (Alexei) - common parser of config files in include/cfg.c (Alexei) - added column value_type to table items_template (Alexei) - support for system[uname] (Alexei) - support for system[hostname] (Alexei) - parameter Server can consist of list of Zabbix servers (Alexei) - SO_LINGER is default socket option for zabbix_sender (Alexei) - added support of NoTimeWait for zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - fixed schema for PostgreSQL, column disable_until (Alexei) - added directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0beta2_to_1.0beta3 (Alexei) - correct handling of timeout situations for zabbix_agentd (Alexei) - added support for non-syslog logging (Alexei) - added parameter LogFile for zabbix_trapper (Alexei) - added parameter LogFile for zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - added parameter LogFile for zabbix_agentd (Alexei) - added parameter LogFile for zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - added files include/log.h and include/log.c (Alexei) - solved problem with getpeername() (Alexei) - support for parameter Timeout for zabbix_trapper (Alexei) - support for parameter Timeout for zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - support for parameter Timeout for zabbix_agent (Alexei) - fixed wrong data in alarms.php (Alexei) - swapped warning_on.wav and warning_off.wav (Alexei) - support for parameter Timeout for zabbix_agentd (Alexei) - support for parameter Timeout for zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - do not refresh screen if displayed all triggers (Alexei) - fixed "Send message to" in actions.html (Alexei) - support for experimental parameter NoTimeWait (Alexei) - diskfree[*] to return free disk space in Kb (Alexei) - support for non-numeric parameters (Alexei) - common parser function for configuration files (Alexei) - added file include/cfg.h and include/cfg.c (Alexei) - support for system[uptime] on FreeBSD (Alexei) - support for kern[maxfiles] on FreeBSD (Alexei) - support for kern[maxproc] on FreeBSD (Alexei) - zabbix_trapperd cannot be ran as root (Alexei) - added table history_str (Alexei) - added column value_type to table items (Alexei) - removed(?) support for automake (Alexei) - partial support for automake (Alexei) - parent process will terminate childs if one of the childs died (Alexei) - support for PidFile for zabbix_agentd,zabbix_suckerd and zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - Zabbix processes will show statuses for ps (FreeBSD,...) (Alexei) - changes in AUTHORS (Alexei) - added support for IP addresses for SNMP-enabled hosts. Thanks to Denis Ustimenko. (Alexei) - commented #define TEST_PARAMETERS in zabbix_agent.c (Alexei) - proc_cnt[apache] was changed to proc_cnt[httpd] (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta2: - changes in manual.lyx (Alexei) - added parameter ListenPort to zabbix_agentd and zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - all *.html documents were renamed to *.php (Alexei) - clean compilation on HP-UX 11.xx (Alexei) - change host status to Unreachable if agent drops connection (Alexei) - added #include into db.h (Alexei) - added support for connection to MySQL via Unix socket. Thanks to Arturs Aboltins (Alexei) - configure to find PostgreSQL in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/include/pgsql (Alexei) - added set of user-defined parameters for monitoring MySQL servers. See misc/conf/zabbix_agent(d).conf (Alexei) - check_service[smtp] will send QUIT. (Charlie) - clean compilation on FreeBSD (Alexei) - clean compilation on Solaris (Alexei) - check_service[smtp] will send QUIT. Thanks to Charlie. (Alexei) - calls to malloc+strcpy changed to strdup() (Alexei) - fix of parameter Server in zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - fix of System Map image (Alexei) Changes for 1.0beta1: - added startup scripts for RedHat. (Charlie Collins) - disabled unfinished "IT SERVICES" functionality (Alexei) - support for parameter Server in zabbix_agent.conf (Alexei) - added sample zabbix_trapper(d).conf to misc/conf (Alexei) - support for configuration file for zabbix_trapper(d) (Alexei) - support for DB* parameters in zabbix_suckerd.conf (Alexei) - not supported items will not be shown in latest values (Alexei) - zabbix_agentd cannot be ran as root (Alexei) - added file misc/conf/zabbix_suckerd.conf (Alexei) - added misc/init.d/debian/zabbix-server (Alexei) - zabbix_suckerd cannot be ran as root (Alexei) - added column URL to table triggers (Alexei) - character '.' can be used in definition of monitored paramaters (Alexei) - added average-only mode for trends (Alexei) - fixed bug with unexpected change of item status to NOT SUPPORTED. This bug appeared because of incomplete processing of timeout situations (Alexei) - constant DELAY_ON_NETWORK_FAILURE is set to 60 (Alexei) - added column status to table services (Alexei) - added user-defined sorting to form "Latest Values" (Alexei) - extra debug information in case of network errors in zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - fixed uninterruptable calls to connect() in zabbix_suckerd (Alexei) - added column "soft" to services_links (Alexei) - added function DBfetch to frontends/php/include/ (Alexei) - srv_status.html accessible without password (Alexei) - added srv_status.html and services.html (Alexei) - added table services and services_links (Alexei) - support for parameter StartAgents in zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - number of forked zabbix_trapperd decreased to 5 (Alexei) - number of forked zabbix_agentd decreased to 5 (Alexei) - support for parameter UserParameter in zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - support for advanced zabbix_agentd.conf (Alexei) - added misc/conf/zabbix_agentd.conf - in case of network error, zabbix_suckerd will not try to request any parameters from the host during next 120 seconds (Alexei) - added directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha12_to_1.0beta1 (Alexei) - added column disabled_until to table hosts (Alexei) - modified SQL statements in both report2.html and graph2.html. Thanks to Oliver Siegmar. (Alexei) - added support of audible notification (Alexei) - select criteria in form "Status of Triggers". Thanks to Lauris Stiglics. (Alexei) - default values for config.alert_history and config.alarm_history are set to one year (Alexei) - file COPYING changed (Alexei) - file INSTALL truncated (Alexei) - added "-lcrypto" to SNMP library detection in (Alexei) - additional statistics in screen "Status of Zabbix" (Alexei) - changes in manual.lyx (Alexei) - added #define to some C sources to eliminate compiler warnings (Alexei) Changes for 1.0alpha12: - cksum[/etc/inetd.conf] will not be supporter for a while (Alexei) - diff(0) will not be evaluated as '1' for a fresh item (Alexei) - not monitored hosts will not be referenced from System Map (Alexei) - not monitored hosts will not be shown in form Status of Triggers (Alexei) - in case of network error, zabbix_suckerd will not try to request same parameter during next 120 seconds (Alexei) - zabbix_trapperd will not exit after timeout (Alexei) - added comments to many functions of source code (Alexei) - added columns alert_history and alarm_history to table config (Alexei) - added link from graphs to trends and vs (Alexei) - housekeeping process in zabbix_suckerd will also delete old records from tables alerts and alarms (Alexei) - added directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha11_to_1.0alpha12 (Alexei) - added index on column "clock" for table alarms (Alexei) - cleanup of all *.html files (Alexei) - removed doc/dbstructure (Alexei) - removed doc/manual.txt (Alexei) - minor changes in manual.lyx (Alexei) - added version (draft 1.01) to manual.lyx (Alexei) - character '-' can be used to form server name (Alexei) - fixed dependencies in functions that delete information for zabbix tables (Alexei) - fixed function is_float (Alexei) - fixed select statement for Network Maps. Host status is correct. (Alexei) - availability report will not show not monitored hosts (Alexei) - "maxumum" changed to "maximum" in actions.html (Alexei) - "have been restarted" changed to "has been ..." (Alexei) - added support for opertor '=' (Alexei) - changes in timeout handling for zabbix_trapperd (Alexei) - changes in doc/manual.lyx (Alexei) - doc/manual.lyx created (Alexei) - no SA_RESTART flag for sigaction() (Alexei) - signal() was changed to sigaction() (Alexei) - changes in timeout handling (Alexei) - added support for cksum[*], "*" can be any filename (Alexei) - cksum[] does not call external program "cksum" anymore (Alexei) - added support for memory[free], memory[total] and memory[shared] for FreeBSD (Alexei) - minor fixes in doc/manual.txt (Alexei) - minor fixes in INSTALL (Alexei) - added support for check_port[*], which tries to connect to the port (Aelxei) - new type of parameters: parameter[*], actual value of "*" can be passed from Zabbix server (Alexei) - zabbix_agentd will lower scheduling priority to 5 (Alexei) - fixed broken customized graphs, file chart2.html (Alexei) Changes for 1.0alpha11: - minor changes in manual.txt (Alexei) - added support for swap[free] and swap[total] for Solaris (Alexei) - added define HAVE_PROC_LOADAVG (Alexei) - parameter tcp_count is not supported anymore (Alexei) - no warnings for bcopy anymore under Solaris (Alexei) - changes in AUTHORS (Alexei) - fixes in function PROCCNT (Alexei) - changes in documentation (Mike) - simplified tcp_listen procedure in zabbix_trapperd.c (Alexei) - simplified tcp_listen procedure in zabbix_agentd.c (Alexei) - no full list of triggers and items will be shown (Alexei) - deleted column triggers.lastcheck (Alexei) - fixed PostgreSQL upgrade patch to 1.0alpha10 (Alexei) - if item.history==0, not values will be added to table history for this item (Alexei) - added directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha10_to_1.0alpha11/ (Alexei) - added set of keys proc_cnt[*] (Alexei) - when pressing Acive in list of items, [all] selected unstead of [Server]. Fixed. (Alexei) - some triggers have incorrect status. Fixed. (Alexei) - global variable $ERROR_MSG will show details of operation failure (Alexei) - fixed both zabbix_trapper and zabbix_trapper to correctly change status of triggers (Alexei) Changes for 1.0alpha10: - added support for trigger dependencies - added column dep_level to table TRIGGERS - added new host type: Workstation + frontends/php/images/sysmaps/Workstation.png - added table triger_depends - calls to perror() were changed to syslog() where possible - added status line to full screen version of form "Status of Triggers" - added directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha9_to_1.0alpha10/ - removed parameters net[listen_21],net[listen_22],net[listen_25],net[listen_110], net[listen_143] - added parameters check_service[ftp],check_service[smtp],check_service[ssh],check_service[pop], check_service[nntp],check_service[imap] - added constant TRAPPERD_FORKS (default is 10) - added constant AGENTD_FORKS (default is 10) - minor fixes in PHP code - added some basic information on zabbix_trapperd to manual.txt - added zabbix_trapperd - minor fixes in manual.txt - check for filesystem /proc in - table "Supported parameters by platform" added to manual.txt - removed recommendation of PostgreSQL from manual.txt - use of /proc was changed to native calls to sysinfo where possible - fixed double appearing of complex triggers in list of triggers - added form for changing host details - All calculations are made in C code instead of SQL statements - Housekeping now runs as separate process, however it's part of zabix_suckerd - "Not monitored" will not be displayed - Calls to mhash() changed to md5(), thus eliminating use of php4-mhash module. - Added missing line in zabbix_suckerd. Now it reads items.snmp_oid from DB. Changes for 1.0alpha9: - zabbix_suckerd fixed to listen on interfaces other than - Fixed nasty bug in DB structure. One of indexes of table functions was incorrectly defined as unique. - added patches to upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha8_to_1.0alpha9 - Added status line to all PHP forms (like, "[Host added]") Changes for 1.0alpha8: - changed type of actions.message and alerts.message to blob(text) - added new parameters: io[disk_*] - zabbix_sucker renamed to zabbix_suckerd - new high performance zabbix_agentd - connect using IP address became possible - new columns - useip,ip were added to table hosts - added bin/ - removed src/.../acconfig.h - removed src/.../ - added,acconfig.h, - added src/zabbix_sucker/acconfig.h and src/zabbix_trapper/acconfig.h - parameters net[listen_??] will use /proc filesystem - parameter system[proccount] uses call to sysinfo() function - removed calls to command strip from all - passwords are not stored in plain text. MD5 is used. - zabbix_agent can be tested by defining macro TEST - added index (triggerid,clock) for table alarms - status of triggers will not be shown for disabled and not-supported parameters - fixed availability report - optimization of chart.html - added trend.html - added trends.html - improved performance of network map - added column icon to table sysmaps_hosts - added images Hub.png, Notebook.png, Printer.png, Router.png, Server.png, host.png - new monitored parameters: cksum[/usr/sbin/sshd], cksum[/usr/bin/ssh] - a color for each parameter of graph can be defined - warning in functions evaluate_DIFF has been eliminated - removed columns "Lastdelete" and "Nextcheck" from configuration of items - added patches to upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha7_to_1.0alpha8 - label "Host" changed to "Parameter" in screen "Conf. of graph" - updated doc/dbstructure Changes for 1.0alpha7: - added section about configuration of Apache - name of server included to descriptions of template triggers - link from list of triggers to trigger change form - changed host form to ask about values from template - deleted link to comments.html in tr_status.html - fixed Enabled/Disabled checkbox in trigger form - added real links to page About - fullscreen mode for form Status of Triggers - minor changes in manual.txt - no password to see alarms needed - fullscreen mode for Network Maps and graphs - fixed bug with getting processor load on Linux - added /upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha6_to_1.0alpha7 - changes in manual.txt - fixed bug with lost status of trigger - added file frontends/php/about.html - link can be deleted now (network maps) - host icons in network maps became clickable - function NODATA is no longer supported - fixed get_minnextcheck - all these tables are added to PostgreSQL - added table graphs_items - lowered default values for triggers - added file frontends/php/chart2.html - added file frontends/php/charts.html - added file frontends/php/graph.html - added file frontends/php/graphs.html - added file frontends/php/images/sysmaps/host.png - added file frontends/php/map.html - added file frontends/php/maps.html - added file frontends/php/sysmap.html - added file frontends/php/sysmaps.html - added table sysmap - added table sysmaps Changes for 1.0alpha6: - error in PHP frontend in Host definition form Changes for 1.0alpha5: - changes in manual.txt - support for SNMP agents ! - zabbix_sucker forks N (default=10) copies to run in parallel mode. Monitoring of hundreds of servers is reality ! - "netstat -ln|grep tcp" was replaced by more efficient "netstat -lnt" - support for macros in email subject and body - fixed zabbix_trapper. Added update_functions (itemid). - finally (!) removed include/sysinfo.h - source code became more structured - call to perror was changed to syslog where necessary - zabbix_sucker will not print "Spent x seconds ..." to syslog Changes for 1.0alpha4: - fixed EXECUTE function in sysinfo.c It will return FAIL when command not found. - added report of Status of Zabbix - report1.html - added Availability Report - report2.html - added hints on choosing right DB (PostgreSQL vs MySQL) to manual.txt - added section on reports in manual.txt - fixed "undefined $register" and other warnings in media.html - "netstat -an|grep LISTEN" was replaced by more efficient "netstat -ln|grep tcp" in zabbix_agent.c - critical value for disk space and number of inodes decreased to 100000000 - table "platforms" is not used anymore - removed platformid and related indexes from table items_template - directory upgrades/ created - directory create/data/ created - Chapter 6 (Upgrading) added to manual.txt - added notes for PostgreSQL to manual.txt - added key (userid) to table media (MySQL) - added key (triggerid) to table actions (MySQL) - added key (istrue) to table triggers (MySQL,PostgreSQL) - added key (nextcheck) to table items (MySQL,PostgreSQL) - added key (status) to table items (MySQL,PostgreSQL) - removed include/sysinfo.h - trigger update does not delete actions anymore - functionality of zabbix_alarmer transferred to zabbix_sucker. No need for zabbix_alarmer anymore ! Changes for 1.0alpha3: - fixed NODATA function - fixed bug with trigger updating in PHP frontend - added check for SMTP, FTP, SSH, TELNET, WEB, POP3, and IMAP servers availability - fixed Trigger Status form - removed MySQL specific unix_timestamp() from SQL statements - added "Use of Zabbix" section to manual