Changes for 1.0alpha12: - minor fixes in doc/manual.txt (Alexei) - minor fixes in INSTALL (Alexei) - added support for check_port[*], which tries to connect to the port (Aelxei) - new type of parameters: parameter[*], actual value of "*" can be passed from Zabbix server (Alexei) - zabbix_agentd will lower scheduling priority to 5 (Alexei) - fixed broken customized graphs, file chart2.html (Alexei) Changes for 1.0alpha11: - minor changes in manual.txt (Alexei) - added support for swap[free] and swap[total] for Solaris (Alexei) - added define HAVE_PROC_LOADAVG (Alexei) - parameter tcp_count is not supported anymore (Alexei) - no warnings for bcopy anymore under Solaris (Alexei) - changes in AUTHORS (Alexei) - fixes in function PROCCNT (Alexei) - changes in documentation (Mike) - simplified tcp_listen procedure in zabbix_trapperd.c (Alexei) - simplified tcp_listen procedure in zabbix_agentd.c (Alexei) - no full list of triggers and items will be shown (Alexei) - deleted column triggers.lastcheck (Alexei) - fixed PostgreSQL upgrade patch to 1.0alpha10 (Alexei) - if item.history==0, not values will be added to table history for this item (Alexei) - added directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha10_to_1.0alpha11/ (Alexei) - added set of keys proc_cnt[*] (Alexei) - when pressing Acive in list of items, [all] selected unstead of [Server]. Fixed. (Alexei) - some triggers have incorrect status. Fixed. (Alexei) - global variable $ERROR_MSG will show details of operation failure (Alexei) - fixed both zabbix_trapper and zabbix_trapper to correctly change status of triggers (Alexei) Changes for 1.0alpha10: - added support for trigger dependencies - added column dep_level to table TRIGGERS - added new host type: Workstation + frontends/php/images/sysmaps/Workstation.png - added table triger_depends - calls to perror() were changed to syslog() where possible - added status line to full screen version of form "Status of Triggers" - added directory upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha9_to_1.0alpha10/ - removed parameters net[listen_21],net[listen_22],net[listen_25],net[listen_110], net[listen_143] - added parameters check_service[ftp],check_service[smtp],check_service[ssh],check_service[pop], check_service[nntp],check_service[imap] - added constant TRAPPERD_FORKS (default is 10) - added constant AGENTD_FORKS (default is 10) - minor fixes in PHP code - added some basic information on zabbix_trapperd to manual.txt - added zabbix_trapperd - minor fixes in manual.txt - check for filesystem /proc in - table "Supported parameters by platform" added to manual.txt - removed recommendation of PostgreSQL from manual.txt - use of /proc was changed to native calls to sysinfo where possible - fixed double appearing of complex triggers in list of triggers - added form for changing host details - All calculations are made in C code instead of SQL statements - Housekeping now runs as separate process, however it's part of zabix_suckerd - "Not monitored" will not be displayed - Calls to mhash() changed to md5(), thus eliminating use of php4-mhash module. - Added missing line in zabbix_suckerd. Now it reads items.snmp_oid from DB. Changes for 1.0alpha9: - zabbix_suckerd fixed to listen on interfaces other than - Fixed nasty bug in DB structure. One of indexes of table functions was incorrectly defined as unique. - added patches to upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha8_to_1.0alpha9 - Added status line to all PHP forms (like, "[Host added]") Changes for 1.0alpha8: - changed type of actions.message and alerts.message to blob(text) - added new parameters: io[disk_*] - zabbix_sucker renamed to zabbix_suckerd - new high performance zabbix_agentd - connect using IP address became possible - new columns - useip,ip were added to table hosts - added bin/ - removed src/.../acconfig.h - removed src/.../ - added,acconfig.h, - added src/zabbix_sucker/acconfig.h and src/zabbix_trapper/acconfig.h - parameters net[listen_??] will use /proc filesystem - parameter system[proccount] uses call to sysinfo() function - removed calls to command strip from all - passwords are not stored in plain text. MD5 is used. - zabbix_agent can be tested by defining macro TEST - added index (triggerid,clock) for table alarms - status of triggers will not be shown for disabled and not-supported parameters - fixed availability report - optimization of chart.html - added trend.html - added trends.html - improved performance of network map - added column icon to table sysmaps_hosts - added images Hub.png, Notebook.png, Printer.png, Router.png, Server.png, host.png - new monitored parameters: cksum[/usr/sbin/sshd], cksum[/usr/bin/ssh] - a color for each parameter of graph can be defined - warning in functions evaluate_DIFF has been eliminated - removed columns "Lastdelete" and "Nextcheck" from configuration of items - added patches to upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha7_to_1.0alpha8 - label "Host" changed to "Parameter" in screen "Conf. of graph" - updated doc/dbstructure Changes for 1.0alpha7: - added section about configuration of Apache - name of server included to descriptions of template triggers - link from list of triggers to trigger change form - changed host form to ask about values from template - deleted link to comments.html in tr_status.html - fixed Enabled/Disabled checkbox in trigger form - added real links to page About - fullscreen mode for form Status of Triggers - minor changes in manual.txt - no password to see alarms needed - fullscreen mode for Network Maps and graphs - fixed bug with getting processor load on Linux - added /upgrades/dbpatches/1.0alpha6_to_1.0alpha7 - changes in manual.txt - fixed bug with lost status of trigger - added file frontends/php/about.html - link can be deleted now (network maps) - host icons in network maps became clickable - function NODATA is no longer supported - fixed get_minnextcheck - all these tables are added to PostgreSQL - added table graphs_items - lowered default values for triggers - added file frontends/php/chart2.html - added file frontends/php/charts.html - added file frontends/php/graph.html - added file frontends/php/graphs.html - added file frontends/php/images/sysmaps/host.png - added file frontends/php/map.html - added file frontends/php/maps.html - added file frontends/php/sysmap.html - added file frontends/php/sysmaps.html - added table sysmap - added table sysmaps Changes for 1.0alpha6: - error in PHP frontend in Host definition form Changes for 1.0alpha5: - changes in manual.txt - support for SNMP agents ! - zabbix_sucker forks N (default=10) copies to run in parallel mode. Monitoring of hundreds of servers is reality ! - "netstat -ln|grep tcp" was replaced by more efficient "netstat -lnt" - support for macros in email subject and body - fixed zabbix_trapper. Added update_functions (itemid). - finally (!) removed include/sysinfo.h - source code became more structured - call to perror was changed to syslog where necessary - zabbix_sucker will not print "Spent x seconds ..." to syslog Changes for 1.0alpha4: - fixed EXECUTE function in sysinfo.c It will return FAIL when command not found. - added report of Status of Zabbix - report1.html - added Availability Report - report2.html - added hints on choosing right DB (PostgreSQL vs MySQL) to manual.txt - added section on reports in manual.txt - fixed "undefined $register" and other warnings in media.html - "netstat -an|grep LISTEN" was replaced by more efficient "netstat -ln|grep tcp" in zabbix_agent.c - critical value for disk space and number of inodes decreased to 100000000 - table "platforms" is not used anymore - removed platformid and related indexes from table items_template - directory upgrades/ created - directory create/data/ created - Chapter 6 (Upgrading) added to manual.txt - added notes for PostgreSQL to manual.txt - added key (userid) to table media (MySQL) - added key (triggerid) to table actions (MySQL) - added key (istrue) to table triggers (MySQL,PostgreSQL) - added key (nextcheck) to table items (MySQL,PostgreSQL) - added key (status) to table items (MySQL,PostgreSQL) - removed include/sysinfo.h - trigger update does not delete actions anymore - functionality of zabbix_alarmer transferred to zabbix_sucker. No need for zabbix_alarmer anymore ! Changes for 1.0alpha3: - fixed NODATA function - fixed bug with trigger updating in PHP frontend - added check for SMTP, FTP, SSH, TELNET, WEB, POP3, and IMAP servers availability - fixed Trigger Status form - removed MySQL specific unix_timestamp() from SQL statements - added "Use of Zabbix" section to manual