Changes for 1.5.5 - [ZBX-406] added error messages if fping is not installed (Sasha) Changes for 1.5.4 - [DEV-203] fixed probem with permissions of server's shared memory (Sasha) - [DEV-202] fixed compilation problem under Solaris (Sasha) - [DEV-201] improved performance on disabling/enabling, deleting hosts (Artem) - [DEV-200] Queue for proxies (Sasha) - [DEV-144] Queue now displays numbers differently (Alexei) - [DEV-198] added disabled images in the elements of maps (sasha) - [DEV-194] dependent triggers are not count in SoT (Artem) - [DEV-187] increased Url field in web scenario (Sasha) - [DEV-195] added support of source ip address (Sasha) - [DEV-191] added inline update of "Latest Data" screen (Artem) - [DEV-193] improved viewing integer items on graphs (Artem) - [DEV-196] improved performance of server module (Sasha) - [DEV-197] added support of trends_uint (Sasha) - [ZBX-391] added charset info to the email header. Thanks to Vadim Pilipenko. (Sasha) - [DEV-189] added full clone to hosts (Artem) - [DEV-182] added massupdate for triggers (Artem) - [DEV-188] implemented sound on/off button in status of triggers screens (Artem) - [DEV-184] added trigger dependencies in export/import (Artem) - [DEV-150] added error reporting for zabbix_get (Sasha) - [DEV-177] added checkbox range selection (Artem) - [DEV-183] added support of applications in action conditions (Sasha) - [DEV-174] added ability to edit user medias (Artem) - [DEV-185] added support of zabbix[uptime] and zabbix[boottime] (Alexei) - [DEV-176] implemented "color only non-zero values" in "Status of triggers" (Artem) - [DEV-175] added last login time to users tab (Artem) - [DEV-178] improved the permissions scheme in frontend (Artem) Changes for 1.5.3 - [ZBX-380] added support of directories for Include in configuration file (Sasha) - [DEV-171] added support of notification escalations on frontend side (Artem) - [DEV-173] added support of macros {EVENT.DATE},{EVENT.TIME},{EVENT.AGE} and {ESC.HISTORY} (Sasha) - [DEV-173] added support of notification escalations on server side (Sasha) - [DEV-172] added support of Apache authentication (Artem) - [DEV-170] improved charts period & start time selection (Artem) - [DEV-163] added support of perf_counter[path<,period>] (Sasha) - [DEV-169] improved msg functionality in GUI (Artem) - [DEV-149] added hosts masss update functionality (Artem) - [DEV-167] added support of Host Template=