- extreme collections lose when the config on the switch is in an unsaved state, probably due to the prompt changing or rather how clogin formulates the prompt used by expect{ -re }'s. - extreme collection fails for tacacs-enabled boxen due to diffs in UI - blech! - should par's -c override an input files' : cmd? - *login should emmit "clogin error:" or "*login error:" to make matches for login failures definitive? - would like hpfilter to be more friendly to interactive logins - rancid with zebra? via vtysh? - rancid for unix? - would be nice if it were possible to add additional commands to be run per-platform as a user desires. how could the user also provide a filtering routine? - a format such as {} as the pwd in .cloginrc to indicate *login should prompt the user for the password - implement the bits marked unimplemented in lg.conf - detect 'same' vty configs - ignoring length/width/passwd is a start, but need more - merge clogin and jlogin (or *login !!) into one. possible? - flogin (for foundry) needs more testing and should be integrated with clogin when foundry fixes their UI. - flogin needs to be fixed for the userpasswd bug seen in jlogin 1.17, but this is clouded by the UI mess. - rancid needs to treat the 3600s like the 7Ks and 12Ks... Also, need to allow 12012s, and force 700s to not be treated like 7Ks. - clogin/jlogin rsh is munged - LG {requested} additions - show controllers T3 (data) - handle redback in the looking glass