path: root/bin/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'bin/')
1 files changed, 524 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..685c759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,524 @@
+#! @EXPECT_PATH@ --
+## $Id:,v 1.14 2004/01/11 05:39:15 heas Exp $
+## Copyright (C) 1997-2004 by Terrapin Communications, Inc.
+## All rights reserved.
+## This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed
+## without fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this license
+## remains intact and unmodified with any RANCID distribution.
+## There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
+## It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
+## responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
+## or its effect upon hardware, computer systems, other software, or
+## anything else.
+## Except where noted otherwise, rancid was written by and is maintained by
+## Henry Kilmer, John Heasley, Andrew Partan, Pete Whiting, and Austin Schutz.
+# The login expect scripts were based on Erik Sherk's gwtn, by permission.
+# nlogin - netscreen login
+# Most options are intuitive for logging into a netscreen firewall.
+# Usage line
+set usage "Usage: $argv0 \[-c command\] \[-Evar=x\] \[-f cloginrc-file\]
+\[-s script-file\] \[-t timeout\] \[-u user\] \
+\[-p user-password\] \[-y ssh_cypher_type\] firewall \[firewall...\]\n"
+# env(CLOGIN) may contain:
+# x == do not set xterm banner or name
+# Password file
+set password_file $env(HOME)/.cloginrc
+# Default is to login to the firewall
+set do_command 0
+set do_script 0
+# The default is to automatically enable
+set enable 0
+# The default is that you login non-enabled (tacacs can have you login already
+# enabled)
+set avautoenable 1
+# The default is to look in the password file to find the passwords. This
+# tracks if we receive them on the command line.
+set do_passwd 1
+set do_enapasswd 1
+# Find the user in the ENV, or use the unix userid.
+if {[ info exists env(CISCO_USER) ] } {
+ set default_user $env(CISCO_USER)
+} elseif {[ info exists env(USER) ]} {
+ set default_user $env(USER)
+} elseif {[ info exists env(LOGNAME) ]} {
+ set default_user $env(LOGNAME)
+} else {
+ # This uses "id" which I think is portable. At least it has existed
+ # (without options) on all machines/OSes I've been on recently -
+ # unlike whoami or id -nu.
+ if [ catch {exec id} reason ] {
+ send_error "\nError: could not exec id: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ regexp {\(([^)]*)} "$reason" junk default_user
+# Sometimes firewall take awhile to answer (the default is 10 sec)
+set timeout 45
+# Process the command line
+for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $argv $i]
+ switch -glob -- $arg {
+ # Username
+ -u* -
+ -U* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[uU\](.+) $arg ignore user]} {
+ incr i
+ set username [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ # VTY Password
+ } -p* -
+ -P* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[pP\](.+) $arg ignore userpasswd]} {
+ incr i
+ set userpasswd [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ set do_passwd 0
+ # Environment variable to pass to -s scripts
+ } -E*
+ {
+ if {[ regexp .\[E\](.+)=(.+) $arg ignore varname varvalue]} {
+ set E$varname $varvalue
+ } else {
+ send_user "\nError: invalid format for -E in $arg\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ # Command to run.
+ } -c* -
+ -C* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[cC\](.+) $arg ignore command]} {
+ incr i
+ set command [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ set do_command 1
+ # Expect script to run.
+ } -s* -
+ -S* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[sS\](.+) $arg ignore sfile]} {
+ incr i
+ set sfile [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ if { ! [ file readable $sfile ] } {
+ send_user "\nError: Can't read $sfile\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set do_script 1
+ # cypher type
+ } -y* -
+ -Y* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[eE\](.+) $arg ignore cypher]} {
+ incr i
+ set cypher [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ # alternate cloginrc file
+ } -f* -
+ -F* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[fF\](.+) $arg ignore password_file]} {
+ incr i
+ set password_file [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ } -t* -
+ -T* {
+ incr i
+ set timeout [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ } -x* -
+ -X {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[xX\](.+) $arg ignore cmd_file]} {
+ incr i
+ set cmd_file [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ if [ catch {set cmd_fd [open $cmd_file r]} reason ] {
+ send_user "\nError: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set cmd_text [read $cmd_fd]
+ close $cmd_fd
+ set command [join [split $cmd_text \n] \;]
+ set do_command 1
+ # Does tacacs automatically enable us?
+ } -autoenable {
+ # ignore autoenable
+ #set avautoenable 1
+ } -* {
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
+ send_user $usage
+ exit 1
+ } default {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+# Process firewalls listed is an error.
+if { $i == $argc } {
+ send_user "\nError: $usage"
+# Only be quiet if we are running a script (it can log its output
+# on its own)
+if { $do_script } {
+ log_user 0
+} else {
+ log_user 1
+# Done configuration/variable setting. Now run with it...
+# Sets Xterm title if interactive...if its an xterm and the user cares
+proc label { host } {
+ global env
+ # if CLOGIN has an 'x' in it, don't set the xterm name/banner
+ if [info exists env(CLOGIN)] {
+ if {[string first "x" $env(CLOGIN)] != -1} { return }
+ }
+ # take host from ENV(TERM)
+ if [info exists env(TERM)] {
+ if [regexp \^(xterm|vs) $env(TERM) ignore ] {
+ send_user "\033]1;[lindex [split $host "."] 0]\a"
+ send_user "\033]2;$host\a"
+ }
+ }
+# This is a helper function to make the password file easier to
+# maintain. Using this the password file has the form:
+# add password sl* pete cow
+# add password at* steve
+# add password * hanky-pie
+proc add {var args} { global int_$var ; lappend int_$var $args}
+proc include {args} {
+ global env
+ regsub -all "(^{|}$)" $args {} args
+ if { [ regexp "^/" $args ignore ] == 0 } {
+ set args $env(HOME)/$args
+ }
+ source_password_file $args
+proc find {var firewall} {
+ upvar int_$var list
+ if { [info exists list] } {
+ foreach line $list {
+ if { [string match [lindex $line 0] $firewall ] } {
+ return [lrange $line 1 end]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+# Loads the password file. Note that as this file is tcl, and that
+# it is sourced, the user better know what to put in there, as it
+# could install more than just password info... I will assume however,
+# that a "bad guy" could just as easy put such code in the clogin
+# script, so I will leave .cloginrc as just an extention of that script
+proc source_password_file { password_file } {
+ global env
+ if { ! [file exists $password_file] } {
+ send_user "\nError: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ file stat $password_file fileinfo
+ if { [expr ($fileinfo(mode) & 007)] != 0000 } {
+ send_user "\nError: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if [ catch {source $password_file} reason ] {
+ send_user "\nError: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# Log into the firewall.
+proc login { firewall user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cmethod
+cyphertype } {
+ global spawn_id in_proc do_command do_script sshcmd
+ set in_proc 1
+ set uprompt_seen 0
+ # Telnet to the firewall & try to login.
+ set progs [llength $cmethod]
+ foreach prog [lrange $cmethod 0 end] {
+ if [string match "telnet*" $prog] {
+ regexp {telnet(:([^[:space:]]+))*} $prog command suffix port
+ if {"$port" == ""} {
+ set retval [ catch {spawn telnet $firewall} reason ]
+ } else {
+ set retval [ catch {spawn telnet $firewall $port} reason ]
+ }
+ if { $retval } {
+ send_user "\nError: telnet failed: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ } elseif ![string compare $prog "ssh"] {
+ if [ catch {spawn $sshcmd -c $cyphertype -x -l $user $firewall} reason ] {
+ send_user "\nError: $sshcmd failed: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ } elseif ![string compare $prog "rsh"] {
+ if [ catch {spawn rsh -l $user $firewall} reason ] {
+ send_user "\nError: rsh failed: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts "\nError: unknown connection method: $prog"
+ return 1
+ }
+ incr progs -1
+ sleep 0.3
+ # This helps cleanup each expect clause.
+ expect_after {
+ timeout {
+ send_user "\nError: TIMEOUT reached\n"
+ catch {close}; wait
+ if { $in_proc} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ continue
+ }
+ } eof {
+ send_user "\nError: EOF received\n"
+ catch {close}; wait
+ if { $in_proc} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # Here we get a little tricky. There are several possibilities:
+ # the firewall can ask for a username and passwd and then
+ # talk to the TACACS server to authenticate you, or if the
+ # TACACS server is not working, then it will use the enable
+ # passwd. Or, the firewall might not have TACACS turned on,
+ # then it will just send the passwd.
+ # if telnet fails with connection refused, try ssh
+ expect {
+ "Connection refused" {
+ send_user "\nError: Connection Refused\n"; wait; return 1
+ } eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
+ } "Unknown host\r\n" {
+ expect eof
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ } "Host is unreachable" {
+ expect eof
+ send_user "\nError: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
+ } "No address associated with name" {
+ expect eof
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ }
+ -re "Are you sure you want to continue connecting .*" {
+ send "yes\r"
+ send_user "Host $firewall added to the list of known hosts.\n"
+ exp_continue }
+ -re "Host key not found .* \(yes\/no\)\?" {
+ send "yes\r"
+ send_user "Host $firewall added to the list of known hosts.\n"
+ exp_continue }
+ -re "HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED.* \(yes\/no\)\?" {
+ send "no\r"
+ send_user "\nError: The host key for $firewall has changed. Update the SSH known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
+ return 1 }
+ -re "Offending key for .* \(yes\/no\)\?" {
+ send "no\r"
+ send_user "\nError: host key mismatch for $firewall. Update the SSH known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
+ return 1 }
+ denied { send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $firewall\n"
+ catch {close}; wait; return 1
+ }
+ " ### Login failed" {send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $firewall\n"; return 1 }
+ -re "(login:)" {
+ sleep 1;
+ send "$user\r"
+ set uprompt_seen 1
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "@\[^\r\n]+\[Pp]assword:" {
+ # ssh pwd prompt
+ sleep 1
+ send "$userpswd\r"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "\[Pp]assword:" {
+ sleep 1;
+ if {$uprompt_seen == 1} {
+ send "$userpswd\r"
+ } else {
+ send "$passwd\r"
+ }
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "$prompt" { break; }
+ }
+ }
+ set in_proc 0
+ return 0
+# Run commands given on the command line.
+proc run_commands { prompt command } {
+ global in_proc
+ set in_proc 1
+ send "set console page 0\r"
+ expect $prompt {}
+ # Is this a multi-command?
+ if [ string match "*\;*" "$command" ] {
+ set commands [split $command \;]
+ set num_commands [llength $commands]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $num_commands} { incr i} {
+ send "[subst [lindex $commands $i]]\r"
+ expect {
+ -re "$prompt" {}
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ send "[subst $command]\r"
+ expect {
+ -re "$prompt" {}
+ }
+ }
+ send "exit\r"
+ expect {
+ "\n" { exp_continue }
+ -re "$prompt" {
+ send "exit\r"
+ exp_continue }
+ -re "Configuration modified, save?" {
+ send "n\r"
+ exp_continue }
+ timeout { return 0 }
+ eof { return 0 }
+ }
+ set in_proc 0
+# For each firewall... (this is main loop)
+source_password_file $password_file
+set in_proc 0
+foreach firewall [lrange $argv $i end] {
+ set firewall [string tolower $firewall]
+ send_user "$firewall\n"
+ set prompt ">"
+ # Figure out passwords
+ if { $do_passwd || $do_enapasswd } {
+ set pswd [find password $firewall]
+ if { [llength $pswd] == 0 } {
+ send_user "\nError: no password for $firewall in $password_file.\n"
+ continue
+ }
+ set passwd [join [lindex $pswd 0]""]
+ set enapasswd [join [lindex $pswd 1] ""]
+ }
+ # Figure out username
+ if {[info exists username]} {
+ # command line username
+ set ruser $username
+ } else {
+ set ruser [join [find user $firewall] ""]
+ if { "$ruser" == "" } { set ruser $default_user }
+ }
+ # Figure out username's password (if different from the vty password)
+ if {[info exists userpasswd]} {
+ # command line username
+ set userpswd $userpasswd
+ } else {
+ set userpswd [join [find userpassword $firewall] ""]
+ if { "$userpswd" == "" } { set userpswd $passwd }
+ }
+ # Figure out enable username
+ if {[info exists enausername]} {
+ # command line enausername
+ set enauser $enausername
+ } else {
+ set enauser [join [find enauser $firewall] ""]
+ if { "$enauser" == "" } { set enauser $ruser }
+ }
+ # Figure out cypher type
+ if {[info exists cypher]} {
+ # command line cypher type
+ set cyphertype $cypher
+ } else {
+ set cyphertype [find cyphertype $firewall]
+ if { "$cyphertype" == "" } { set cyphertype "3des" }
+ }
+ # Figure out connection method
+ set cmethod [find method $firewall]
+ if { "$cmethod" == "" } { set cmethod {{telnet} {ssh}} }
+ # Figure out the SSH executable name
+ set sshcmd [find sshcmd $router]
+ if { "$sshcmd" == "" } { set sshcmd {ssh} }
+ # Login to the firewall
+ if {[login $firewall $ruser $userpswd $passwd $enapasswd $prompt $cmethod $cyphertype]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if { $enable } {
+ if {[do_enable $enauser $enapasswd]} {
+ if { $do_command || $do_script } {
+ close; wait
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ # we are logged in, now figure out the full prompt
+ send "\r"
+ expect {
+ -re "\[\r\n]+" { exp_continue; }
+ -re "^.+$prompt" { set junk $expect_out(0,string);
+ regsub -all "\[\]\(\)\[]" $junk {\\&} prompt;
+ }
+ }
+ if { $do_command } {
+ if {[run_commands $prompt $command]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ } elseif { $do_script } {
+ send "set console page 0\r"
+ expect $prompt {}
+ source $sfile
+ close
+ } else {
+ label $firewall
+ log_user 1
+ interact
+ }
+ # End of for each firewall
+ wait
+ sleep 0.3
+exit 0