path: root/README.lg
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Diffstat (limited to 'README.lg')
1 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/README.lg b/README.lg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d66d1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README.lg
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+This is a looking glass based on Ed Kern's which used to be available on
+ This version supports cisco, juniper, and
+foundry, using rancid's [cfj]login to login (so rcmd is not necessary,
+it can use telnet, ssh, or rsh), and has some additional commands
+implemented. There are a few cisco commands where either no juniper or
+foundry equivalent exists or we have not had time to implement yet.
+packing list:
+README This file.
+index.html often the default document the server will load, contains
+ an html redirect to load lgform.cgi
+lg.conf looking glass configuration file
+lg.cgi work horse of the looking glass
+lgform.cgi front-end form for the looking glass engine
+lgnotes.html user info for the looking glass
+The looking glass requires the CGI and LockFile-Simple perl modules.
+these can be retrieved from CPAN, CGI's home is
+ It also requires
+the POSIX module (for strftime) and Sys::Syslog, which I believe comes
+with perl5 and/or are converted with h2ph(1).
+basic installation instructions:
+The configure and make install process will make variable substitutions
+and install the looking glass bits. Assuming configure was run without
+directory options, such as --prefix, the default install prefix is
+/usr/local/rancid. So, the bits will be installed in
+/usr/local/rancid/etc/lg.conf, /usr/local/rancid/bin, and
+/usr/local/rancid/share/rancid (i.e.: <prefix>/etc/lg.conf, etc.).
+1) Make the scripts and html files available to your server (httpd) by
+ creating a directory in your server's document root directory
+ (apache's httpd.conf "DocumentRoot" variable). For example:
+ mkdir /usr/local/htdocs/lg
+ Then either:
+ - copy the files <PREFIX>/share/rancid/{index.html,lgnotes.html} and
+ <PREFIX>/bin/{lg.cgi,lgform.cgi} to /usr/local/htdocs/lg
+ OR
+ - create symlinks from /usr/local/htdocs/lg to each of these files.
+ Note on links: if you use symlinks, you have to configure apache to
+ allow following symlinks. e.g.:
+ % cat /usr/local/htdocs/lg/.htaccess
+ Options FollowSymLinks ExecCGI
+ Note on index.html: index.html is typically the default file loaded
+ when a url ends with a '/'. index.html can be used to redirect this
+ to lgform.cgi using a netscape meta refresh. Though this is supported
+ by many browsers, it is supposedly netscape specific and non-standard.
+ In apache, the same thing can be acheived by altering the default
+ directory index like this:
+ % cat /usr/local/htdocs/lg/.htaccess
+ DirectoryIndex lgform.cgi
+2) The looking glass scripts need to be able to find and read lg.conf. By
+ default it is installed as <SYSCONFDIR>/lg.conf (<PREFIX>/etc/lg.conf)
+ and the scripts will first look in their CWD (Current Working Directory)
+ and then <SYSCONFDIR>/lg.conf, if it does not exist in the CWD. However,
+ the LG_CONF environment variable can be used to move it elsewhere.
+ To get LG_CONF into the CGI enviroment, you can use SetEnvIf in apache's
+ httpd.conf. For example:
+ SetEnvIf Request_URI "\/lg/.*.cgi" LG_CONF=/usr/local/htdocs/lg/lg.conf
+3) Edit <SYSCONFIGDIR>/lg.conf (usually <PREFIX>/etc/lg.conf). See lg.conf(5)
+ for additional information.
+4) Set-up cron jobs to rotate the log file and clean out old cache files.
+ See LG_CACHE_DIR & LG_LOG in lg.conf. Something like (YMMV):
+ # rotate lookingglass log
+ #0 0 * * * cd /usr/local/htdocs/lg/tmp; /usr/local/etc/savelog -m 666 -c14 lg.log
+ 0 0 * * * cd /usr/local/htdocs/lg/tmp; /bin/mv lg.log lg.log.0
+ # clean out the lookingglass cache
+ 0 0 * * * cd /usr/local/htdocs/lg/tmp; /usr/local/bin/find . -type f -maxdepth 1 \( \! -name lg.log\* \) -mtime +1 -exec rm -f {} \;