diff options
31 files changed, 1012 insertions, 128 deletions
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
index 172891d..6711320 100644
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
+ bin/alogin and changes of beta quality for Alteon WebOS switch
+ from andrew fort.
+ Check for more types of cisco 12000s. Also check for 2600s.
+ jrancid's show chassis hardware needs detail arg in junos 4.4
+ make *login print \n before errors, so rancid can use an anchored
+ match to find login errors and avoid such matches in router o/p.
+ make *login automatically add host keys with openssh's prompting
+ All routers not listed as 'up' in router.db are considered down.
Change default umask to 027 (it was 007) mainly as an
attempt to stop people from changing stuff in rancid's CVS
diff --git a/README b/README
index 9a663e2..5d29c9a 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ Quick Installation Guide (an example):
LIST_OF_GROUPS="backbone aggregation switches"
4) Put .cloginrc in the home directory of the user who will run rancid.
+ .cloginrc must be not be readable/writable/executable by "others",
+ i.e.: .cloginrc must be mode 0600 or 0640.
5) Modify .cloginrc.
@@ -113,8 +115,8 @@ Quick Installation Guide (an example):
for more information on handling of '+'.
7) Run create_cvs.
- This creates all of the CVS necessary directories and all of the
- config directories.
+ This creates all of the necessary directories and config files for
+ each of the groups in LIST_OF_GROUPS and imports them into CVS.
8) For each "group", modify the router.db file in the group directory.
The file is of the form "router:mfg:state" where "router" is
@@ -131,7 +133,11 @@ Quick Installation Guide (an example):
-9) Put do-diffs in cron to be called however often you want it to
+9) For first-time users or new installations, run bin/do-diffs (with no
+ arguments) and check the resulting log file(s) (in logs/*) for errors.
+ Repeat until there are no errors.
+10) Put do-diffs in cron to be called however often you want it to
run for each group (do-diffs [<GROUP>]). If you run it less
often than once/hour, check the setting of OLDTIME in bin/env.
@@ -140,7 +146,7 @@ Quick Installation Guide (an example):
# clean out config differ logs
50 23 * * * /usr/bin/find <BASEDIR>/logs -mtime +2 -exec rm {} \;
-10) Note: If you are using any of these programs (other than
+11) Note: If you are using any of these programs (other than
do-diffs) out of cron, make sure that you set your $PATH
correctly so that they work. E.g.: if you are using clogin,
it can call id, telnet, ssh, and/or rsh.
@@ -150,7 +156,7 @@ Quick Installation Guide (an example):
50 23 * * * . /usr/local/rancid/bin/env; clogin -c 'sh vers' router
-11) Send any bugs, suggestions or updates to
+12) Send any bugs, suggestions or updates to
See the web page at We have
created the standard mailing lists for those interested; and
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..fe55787
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+## Copyright (C) 1997 by Henry Kilmer, Erik Sherk and Pete Whiting.
+## All rights reserved.
+## This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without
+## fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is
+## preserved intact on all copies and modified copies.
+## There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
+## It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
+## responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
+## or its effect upon hardware, computer systems, other software, or
+## anything else.
+# alogin - Alteon WebOS switch login
+# is responsible for this particular mess
+# (andrew fort)
+# Usage line
+set usage "Usage: $argv0 \[-c command\]\
+\[-f cloginrc-file\]\
+\[-s script-file\] \[-t timeout\] \[-u username\]\
+\[-v vty-password\] \[-x command-file\]\
+\[-y ssh_cypher_type\] router \[router...\]\n"
+# env(CLOGIN) may contain:
+# x == do not set xterm banner or name
+# Password file
+set password_file $env(HOME)/.cloginrc
+# Default is to login to the router
+set do_command 0
+set do_script 0
+# The default is to automatically enable
+set enable 1
+# The default is that you login non-enabled (tacacs can have you login already enabled)
+set autoenable 0
+# The default is to look in the password file to find the passwords. This
+# tracks if we receive them on the command line.
+set do_passwd 1
+# Find the user in the ENV, or use the unix userid.
+if {[ info exists env(CISCO_USER) ] } {
+ set default_user $env(CISCO_USER)
+} elseif {[ info exists env(USER) ]} {
+ set default_user $env(USER)
+} else {
+ # This uses "id" which I think is portable. At least it has existed
+ # (without options) on all machines/OSes I've been on recently -
+ # unlike whoami or id -nu.
+ if [ catch {exec id} reason ] {
+ send_error "Error: could not exec id: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ regexp {\(([^)]*)} "$reason" junk default_user
+# Sometimes routers take awhile to answer (the default is 10 sec)
+set timeout 45
+# Process the command line
+for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
+ set arg [lindex $argv $i]
+ switch -glob -- $arg {
+ # Username
+ -u* -
+ -U* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[uU\](.+) $arg ignore user]} {
+ incr i
+ set username [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ # VTY Password
+ } -v* -
+ -v* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[vV\](.+) $arg ignore passwd]} {
+ incr i
+ set passwd [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ set do_passwd 0
+ # Enable Username
+ } -w* -
+ -W* {
+ # ignore -w
+ # Enable Password
+ } -e* -
+ -E* {
+ # ignore -e
+ # Command to run.
+ } -c* -
+ -C* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[cC\](.+) $arg ignore command]} {
+ incr i
+ set command [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ set do_command 1
+ # Expect script to run.
+ } -s* -
+ -S* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[sS\](.+) $arg ignore sfile]} {
+ incr i
+ set sfile [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ if { ! [ file readable $sfile ] } {
+ send_user "Error: Can't read $sfile\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ set do_script 1
+ # 'ssh -c' cypher type
+ } -y* -
+ -Y* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[eE\](.+) $arg ignore cypher]} {
+ incr i
+ set cypher [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ # alternate cloginrc file
+ } -f* -
+ -F* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[fF\](.+) $arg ignore password_file]} {
+ incr i
+ set password_file [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ # Timeout
+ } -t* -
+ -T* {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[tT\](.+) $arg ignore timeout]} {
+ incr i
+ set timeout [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ # Command file
+ } -x* -
+ -X {
+ if {! [ regexp .\[xX\](.+) $arg ignore cmd_file]} {
+ incr i
+ set cmd_file [ lindex $argv $i ]
+ }
+ set cmd_fd [open $cmd_file r]
+ set cmd_text [read $cmd_fd]
+ close $cmd_fd
+ set command [join [split $cmd_text \n] \;]
+ set do_command 1
+ # Do we enable?
+ } -noenable {
+ # ignore -noenable
+ # Does tacacs automatically enable us?
+ } -autoenable {
+ # ignore -autoenable
+ } -* {
+ send_user "Error: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
+ send_user $usage
+ exit 1
+ } default {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+# Process routers listed is an error.
+if { $i == $argc } {
+ send_user "Error: $usage"
+# Only be quiet if we are running a script (it can log its output
+# on its own)
+if { $do_script } {
+ log_user 0
+} else {
+ log_user 1
+# Done configuration/variable setting. Now run with it...
+# Sets Xterm title if interactive...if its an xterm and the user cares
+proc label { host } {
+ global env
+ # if CLOGIN has an 'x' in it, don't set the xterm name/banner
+ if [info exists env(CLOGIN)] {
+ if {[string first "x" $env(CLOGIN)] != -1} { return }
+ }
+ # take host from ENV(TERM)
+ if [info exists env(TERM)] {
+ if [regexp \^(xterm|vs) $env(TERM) ignore ] {
+ send_user "\033]1;[lindex [split $host "."] 0]\a"
+ send_user "\033]2;$host\a"
+ }
+ }
+# This is a helper function to make the password file easier to
+# maintain. Using this the password file has the form:
+# add password sl* pete cow
+# add password at* steve
+# add password * hanky-pie
+proc add {var args} { global int_$var ; lappend int_$var $args}
+proc include {args} {
+ global env
+ regsub -all "(^{|}$)" $args {} args
+ if { [ regexp "^/" $args ignore ] == 0 } {
+ set args $env(HOME)/$args
+ }
+ source_password_file $args
+proc find {var router} {
+ upvar int_$var list
+ if { [info exists list] } {
+ foreach line $list {
+ if { [string match [lindex $line 0] $router ] } {
+ return [lrange $line 1 end]
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return {}
+# Loads the password file. Note that as this file is tcl, and that
+# it is sourced, the user better know what to put in there, as it
+# could install more than just password info... I will assume however,
+# that a "bad guy" could just as easy put such code in the clogin
+# script, so I will leave .cloginrc as just an extention of that script
+proc source_password_file { password_file } {
+ global env
+ if { ! [file exists $password_file] } {
+ send_user "Error: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ file stat $password_file fileinfo
+ if { [expr ($fileinfo(mode) & 007)] != 0000 } {
+ send_user "Error: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ if [ catch {source $password_file} reason ] {
+ send_user "Error: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+# Log into the router.
+proc login { router user userpswd passwd prompt cmethod cyphertype } {
+ global spawn_id in_proc do_command do_script
+ global u_prompt p_prompt
+ set in_proc 1
+ set tryssh 1
+ # try each of the connection methods in $cmethod until one is successful
+ set progs [llength $cmethod]
+ foreach prog [lrange $cmethod 0 end] {
+ if ![string compare $prog "telnet"] {
+ if [ catch {spawn telnet $router} reason ] {
+ send_user "Error: telnet failed: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ } elseif ![string compare $prog "ssh"] {
+ if [ catch {spawn ssh -c $cyphertype -x -l $user $router} reason ] {
+ send_user "Error: ssh failed: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ } elseif ![string compare $prog "rsh"] {
+ if [ catch {spawn rsh -l $user $router} reason ] {
+ send_user "Error: rsh failed: $reason\n"
+ exit 1
+ }
+ } else {
+ puts "ERROR: unknown connection method: $prog"
+ return 1
+ }
+ incr progs -1
+ sleep 0.3
+ # This helps cleanup each expect clause.
+ expect_after {
+ timeout {
+ send_user "\nError: TIMEOUT reached\n"
+ catch {close}; wait
+ if { $in_proc} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ continue
+ }
+ } eof {
+ send_user "\nError: EOF received\n"
+ catch {close}; wait
+ if { $in_proc} {
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ continue
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ expect {
+ "Connection refused" {
+ close; wait
+ sleep 0.3
+ expect eof
+ send_user "Error: Connection Refused\n"; wait; return 1
+ } eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
+ } "Unknown host\r\n" {
+ expect eof
+ send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ } "Host is unreachable" {
+ expect eof
+ send_user "Error: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
+ } "No address associated with name" {
+ expect eof
+ send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ }
+ -re "$u_prompt" { send "$user\r"
+ expect {
+ "Login incorrect" { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n";
+ catch {close}; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ -re "$p_prompt" { send "$userpswd\r" }
+ "$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
+ }
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "$p_prompt" { send "$passwd\r"
+ expect {
+ "Password incorrect" { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n";
+ catch {close}; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ "$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
+ "Confirm seeing above note" { send "y\r" }
+ }
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ -re "^Confirm seeing above note" { send "y\r" }
+ "Password incorrect" { send_user "Error: Check your password for $router\n";
+ catch {close}; wait; return 1 }
+ "$prompt" { }
+ denied { send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"
+ if { $do_command || $do_script } {
+ send "exit\r"
+ wait
+ return 1
+ } else {
+ return 1
+ }
+ }
+ "\r\n" { exp_continue; }
+ }
+ set in_proc 0
+ return 0
+# Run commands given on the command line.
+proc run_commands { prompt command } {
+ global in_proc
+ set in_proc 1
+ send "lines 0\r"
+ expect $prompt {}
+ regsub -all "\[)(]" $prompt {\\&} reprompt
+ # Is this a multi-command?
+ if [ string match "*\;*" "$command" ] {
+ set commands [split $command \;]
+ set num_commands [llength $commands]
+ for {set i 0} {$i < $num_commands} { incr i} {
+ send "[subst -nocommands [lindex $commands $i]]\r"
+ expect {
+ -re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprompt." {}
+ -re "^\[^\n\r ]*>>.*$reprompt" { exp_continue }
+ -re "\[\n\r]" { exp_continue }
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ send "[subst -nocommands $command]\r"
+ expect {
+ -re "^\[^\n\r]*$reprompt." {}
+ -re "^\[^\n\r ]*>>.*$reprompt" { exp_continue }
+ -re "\[\n\r]" { exp_continue }
+ }
+ }
+ send "exit\r"
+ expect {
+ -re "^WARNING: There are unsaved configuration changes."
+ {
+ send "y\r"
+ exp_continue
+ }
+ "\n" { exp_continue }
+ "\[^\n\r *]*Session terminated" { return 0 }
+ timeout { return 0 }
+ eof { return 0 }
+ }
+ set in_proc 0
+# For each router... (this is main loop)
+source_password_file $password_file
+set in_proc 0
+foreach router [lrange $argv $i end] {
+ set router [string tolower $router]
+ send_user "$router\n"
+ # Figure out prompt.
+ set prompt "#"
+ set autoenable 1
+ set enable 0
+ # Figure out passwords
+ if { $do_passwd } {
+ set pswd [find password $router]
+ if { [llength $pswd] == 0 } {
+ send_user "Error - no password for $router in $password_file.\n"
+ continue
+ }
+ set passwd [lindex $pswd 0]
+ }
+ # Figure out username
+ if {[info exists username]} {
+ # command line username
+ set ruser $username
+ } else {
+ set ruser [find user $router]
+ if { "$ruser" == "" } { set ruser $default_user }
+ }
+ # Figure out username's password (if different from the vty password)
+ if {[info exists userpasswd]} {
+ # command line username
+ set userpswd $userpasswd
+ } else {
+ set userpswd [find userpassword $router]
+ if { "$userpswd" == "" } { set userpswd $passwd }
+ }
+ # Figure out prompts
+ set u_prompt [find userprompt $router]
+ if { "$u_prompt" == "" } { set u_prompt "(Username|login| Login):" }
+ set p_prompt [find passprompt $router]
+ if { "$p_prompt" == "" } { set p_prompt "\[Pp]assword:" }
+ # Figure out cypher type
+ if {[info exists cypher]} {
+ # command line cypher type
+ set cyphertype $cypher
+ } else {
+ set cyphertype [find cyphertype $router]
+ if { "$cyphertype" == "" } { set cyphertype "3des" }
+ }
+ # Figure out connection method
+ set cmethod [find method $router]
+ if { "$cmethod" == "" } { set cmethod {{telnet} {ssh}} }
+ # Login to the router
+ if {[login $router $ruser $userpswd $passwd $prompt $cmethod $cyphertype]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ if { $do_command } {
+ if {[run_commands $prompt $command]} {
+ continue
+ }
+ } elseif { $do_script } {
+ send "lines 0\r"
+ expect $prompt {}
+ source $sfile
+ close
+ } else {
+ label $router
+ log_user 1
+ interact
+ }
+ # End of for each router
+ wait
+ sleep 0.3
+exit 0
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..5003ddd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/bin/
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+## Hacked version of rancid for Alteon WebOS switches
+## tested with: ad3 v8.1.18
+## (andrew fort)
+## Copyright (C) 1997 by Henry Kilmer.
+## All rights reserved.
+## This software may be freely copied, modified and redistributed without
+## fee for non-commerical purposes provided that this copyright notice is
+## preserved intact on all copies and modified copies.
+## There is no warranty or other guarantee of fitness of this software.
+## It is provided solely "as is". The author(s) disclaim(s) all
+## responsibility and liability with respect to this software's usage
+## or its effect upon hardware, computer systems, other software, or
+## anything else.
+# RANCID - Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
+# arancid - Alteon WebOS plugin for rancid
+# usage: arancid [-d] [-l] [-f filename | $host]
+use Getopt::Std;
+$log = $opt_l;
+$debug = $opt_d;
+$file = $opt_f;
+$host = $ARGV[0];
+$clean_run = 0;
+$found_end = 0;
+$prompt = "#";
+$timeo = 90; # clogin timeout in seconds
+# This routine is used to print out the router configuration
+sub ProcessHistory {
+ my($new_hist_tag,$new_command,$command_string,@string)=(@_);
+ if((($new_hist_tag ne $hist_tag) || ($new_command ne $command))
+ && defined %history) {
+ print eval "$command \%history";
+ undef %history;
+ }
+ if (($new_hist_tag) && ($new_command) && ($command_string)) {
+ if ($history{$command_string}) {
+ $history{$command_string} = "$history{$command_string}@string";
+ } else {
+ $history{$command_string} = "@string";
+ }
+ } elsif (($new_hist_tag) && ($new_command)) {
+ $history{++$#history} = "@string";
+ } else {
+ print "@string";
+ }
+ $hist_tag = $new_hist_tag;
+ $command = $new_command;
+ 1;
+sub numerically { $a <=> $b; }
+# This is a sort routing that will sort numerically on the
+# keys of a hash as if it were a normal array.
+sub keynsort {
+ local(%lines)=@_;
+ local($i) = 0;
+ local(@sorted_lines);
+ foreach $key (sort numerically keys(%lines)) {
+ $sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$key};
+ $i++;
+ }
+ @sorted_lines;
+# This is a sort routing that will sort on the
+# keys of a hash as if it were a normal array.
+sub keysort {
+ local(%lines)=@_;
+ local($i) = 0;
+ local(@sorted_lines);
+ foreach $key (sort keys(%lines)) {
+ $sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$key};
+ $i++;
+ }
+ @sorted_lines;
+# This is a sort routing that will sort on the
+# values of a hash as if it were a normal array.
+sub valsort{
+ local(%lines)=@_;
+ local($i) = 0;
+ local(@sorted_lines);
+ foreach $key (sort values %lines) {
+ $sorted_lines[$i] = $key;
+ $i++;
+ }
+ @sorted_lines;
+# This is a numerical sort routing (ascending).
+sub numsort {
+ local(%lines)=@_;
+ local($i) = 0;
+ local(@sorted_lines);
+ foreach $num (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %lines) {
+ $sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$num};
+ $i++;
+ }
+ @sorted_lines;
+# This is a sort routine that will sort on the
+# ip address when the ip address is anywhere in
+# the strings.
+sub ipsort {
+ local(%lines)=@_;
+ local($i) = 0;
+ local(@sorted_lines);
+ foreach $addr (sort sortbyipaddr keys %lines) {
+ $sorted_lines[$i] = $lines{$addr};
+ $i++;
+ }
+ @sorted_lines;
+# These two routines will sort based upon IP addresses
+sub ipaddrval {
+ my(@a) = ($_[0] =~ m#^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$#);
+ $a[3]+256*($a[2]+256*($a[1]+256*$a[0]));
+sub sortbyipaddr {
+ &ipaddrval($a) <=> &ipaddrval($b);
+# This routine parses "/info/sys" (cf. show version)
+sub ShowVersion {
+ print STDERR " In ShowVersion: $_" if ($debug);
+ while (<INPUT>) {
+ tr/\015//d;
+ last if (/^>>.*$prompt/);
+ next if(/^(\s*|\s*$cmd\s*)$/);
+ /^(ACEdirector.*|ACEswitch.*|Alteon.*)/i &&
+ ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","A1", "\/\*Model: $1\n") && next;
+ /^Software Version\s+(.*?)\s\((.*)\)/i &&
+ ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","B1", "\/\*Image: Software: $1 ($2)\n") && next;
+ /^Hardware Part No:\s+(.*?)\s+/i &&
+ ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","A2", "\/\*Hardware part no: $1\n") && next;
+ /^MAC address:\s+([0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2}:[0-9a-f]{2})/i &&
+ ProcessHistory("COMMENTS","keysort","C1", "\/\*Base MAC address: $1\n") && next;
+ }
+ return(0);
+# This routine processes a "/cfg/dump"
+sub WriteTerm {
+ print STDERR " In WriteTerm: $_" if ($debug);
+ # eat the header line
+ #$junk = <INPUT>;
+ # now just copy it verbatim to the history file
+ while (<INPUT>) {
+ tr/\015//d;
+ last if(/^>>.*$prompt/);
+ chop;
+ print $ENV{'NOCOMMSTR'};
+ /(rcomm|wcomm|t1com|t2com)(\s+)(.*)/ &&
+ ProcessHistory("","","","\/\*\t$1$2\"<removed>\"\n") && next;
+ #if (/^\s*snmp/ && defined($ENV{'NOCOMMSTR'})) {
+ # /snmp (getcomm|setcomm|trapcomm)(\s+)(\S*)/ &&
+ # ProcessHistory("","","","- snmp $1$2\"<removed>\"\n") && next;
+ #}
+ next if (/^\/\* Configuration dump taken/i);
+ next if (/^\/\* Version.*Base MAC.*/i);
+ if (/^\/script end/) {
+ $found_end = 1;
+ ProcessHistory("","","","$_\n");
+ return(1);
+ }
+ ProcessHistory("","","","$_\n");
+ }
+ return(0);
+# dummy function
+sub DoNothing {print STDOUT;}
+# Main
+ '/info/sys' => "ShowVersion",
+ '/cfg/dump' => "WriteTerm",
+# keys() doesnt return things in the order entered and the order of the
+# cmds is important (show version first and write term last). pita
+ "/info/sys",
+ "/cfg/dump",
+open(OUTPUT,">$") || die "Can't open $ for writing: $!\n";
+# make OUTPUT unbuffered if debugging
+if ($debug) { $| = 1; }
+if ($file) {
+ print STDERR "opening file $host\n" if ($debug);
+ print STDOUT "opening file $host\n" if ($log);
+ open(INPUT,"<$host") || die "open failed for $host: $!\n";
+} else {
+ print STDERR "executing alogin -t $timeo -c\"$cisco_cmds\" $host\n" if ($debug);
+ print STDOUT "executing alogin -t $timeo -c\"$cisco_cmds\" $host\n" if ($log);
+ if (defined($ENV{NOPIPE})) {
+ system "alogin -t $timeo -c \"$cisco_cmds\" $host </dev/null > $host.raw 2>&1" || die "alogin failed for $host: $!\n";
+ open(INPUT, "< $host.raw") || die "alogin failed for $host: $!\n";
+ } else {
+ open(INPUT,"alogin -t $timeo -c \"$cisco_cmds\" $host </dev/null |") || die "alogin failed for $host: $!\n";
+ }
+ProcessHistory("","","","\/\*RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: alteon\n\/\*\n");
+TOP: while(<INPUT>) {
+ tr/\015//d;
+ if (/^>>.*$prompt exit/) {
+ $clean_run=1;
+ last;
+ }
+ while (/>>.*$prompt\s*($cmds_regexp)\s*$/) {
+ $cmd = $1;
+ if (!defined($prompt)) {$prompt = ($_ =~ /^([^#]+#)/)[0]; }
+ print STDERR ("HIT COMMAND:$_") if ($debug);
+ if (!defined($commands{$cmd})) {
+ print STDERR "found unexpected command - \"$cmd\"\n";
+ $clean_run = 0;
+ last TOP;
+ }
+ $rval = &{$commands{$cmd}};
+ delete($commands{$cmd});
+ if ($rval == -1) {
+ $clean_run = 0;
+ last TOP;
+ }
+ }
+print STDOUT "Done $logincmd: $_\n" if ($log);
+# Flush History
+# Cleanup
+if (defined($ENV{NOPIPE})) {
+ unlink("$host.raw") if (! $debug);
+# check for completeness
+if (scalar(%commands) || !$clean_run || !$found_end) {
+ if (scalar(%commands)) {
+ printf(STDOUT "missed cmd(s): %s\n", join(',', keys(%commands)));
+ printf(STDERR "missed cmd(s): %s\n", join(',', keys(%commands))) if ($debug);
+ }
+ if (!$clean_run || !$found_end) {
+ print STDOUT "End of run not found\n";
+ print STDERR "End of run not found\n" if ($debug);
+ system("/usr/bin/tail -1 $");
+ }
+ unlink "$" if (! $debug);
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index cf0583d..c5406b0 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -1047,8 +1047,7 @@ TOP: while(<INPUT>) {
- if (/Error:/) {
- s/^.*Error:/Error:/;
+ if (/^Error:/) {
print STDOUT ("$host clogin error: $_");
print STDERR ("$host clogin error: $_") if ($debug);
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 40d0d57..d1894b6 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ if {[ info exists env(CISCO_USER) ] } {
# (without options) on all machines/OSes I've been on recently -
# unlike whoami or id -nu.
if [ catch {exec id} reason ] {
- send_error "Error: could not exec id: $reason\n"
+ send_error "\nError: could not exec id: $reason\n"
exit 1
regexp {\(([^)]*)} "$reason" junk default_user
@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set sfile [ lindex $argv $i ]
if { ! [ file readable $sfile ] } {
- send_user "Error: Can't read $sfile\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Can't read $sfile\n"
exit 1
set do_script 1
@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set autoenable 1
set enable 0
} -* {
- send_user "Error: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
send_user $usage
exit 1
} default {
@@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
# Process routers listed is an error.
if { $i == $argc } {
- send_user "Error: $usage"
+ send_user "\nError: $usage"
# Only be quiet if we are running a script (it can log its output
@@ -249,16 +249,16 @@ proc find {var router} {
proc source_password_file { password_file } {
global env
if { ! [file exists $password_file] } {
- send_user "Error: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
+ send_user "\nError: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
exit 1
file stat $password_file fileinfo
if { [expr ($fileinfo(mode) & 007)] != 0000 } {
- send_user "Error: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
exit 1
if [ catch {source $password_file} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $reason\n"
exit 1
@@ -274,21 +274,21 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cmethod cyphertype } {
foreach prog [lrange $cmethod 0 end] {
if ![string compare $prog "telnet"] {
if [ catch {spawn telnet $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: telnet failed: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: telnet failed: $reason\n"
exit 1
} elseif ![string compare $prog "ssh"] {
if [ catch {spawn ssh -c $cyphertype -x -l $user $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: ssh failed: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: ssh failed: $reason\n"
exit 1
} elseif ![string compare $prog "rsh"] {
if [ catch {spawn rsh -l $user $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: rsh failed: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: rsh failed: $reason\n"
exit 1
} else {
- puts "ERROR: unknown connection method: $prog"
+ puts "\nError: unknown connection method: $prog"
return 1
incr progs -1
@@ -328,29 +328,29 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cmethod cyphertype } {
if !$progs {
send_user "\nError: Connection Refused ($prog)\n"; return 1
- } eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
+ } eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
} -nocase "unknown host\r" {
catch {close};
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
} "Host is unreachable" {
catch {close};
- send_user "Error: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
} "No address associated with name" {
catch {close};
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
- -re "Host key not found .* \(yes\/no\)\?" {
+ -re "(Host key not found |The authenticity of host .* be established).*\(yes\/no\)\?" {
send "yes\r"
- send_user "Host $router added to the list of known hosts.\n"
+ send_user "\nHost $router added to the list of known hosts.\n"
exp_continue }
send "no\r"
- send_user "Error: The host key for $router has changed. update the known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
+ send_user "\nError: The host key for $router has changed. update the known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
return 1 }
-re "$u_prompt" { send "$user\r"
expect {
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
- "Login invalid" { send_user "Error: Invalid login\n"; vatch {close}; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ "Login invalid" { send_user "\nError: Invalid login\n"; vatch {close}; wait; return 1 }
-re "$p_prompt" { send "$userpswd\r" }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
@@ -363,14 +363,14 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cmethod cyphertype } {
send "$passwd\r"
expect {
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
-re "$e_prompt" { send "$enapasswd\r" }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
"$prompt" { break; }
- denied { send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"
+ denied { send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $router\n"
if { $do_command || $do_script } {
send "exit\r"
@@ -379,7 +379,7 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cmethod cyphertype } {
return 1
- "% Bad passwords" {send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"; return 1 }
+ "% Bad passwords" {send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $router\n"; return 1 }
set in_proc 0
@@ -398,8 +398,8 @@ proc do_enable { enauser enapasswd } {
-re "$e_prompt" { send "$enapasswd\r"; exp_continue}
"#" { set prompt "#" }
"(enable)" { set prompt "> (enable) " }
- denied { send_user "Error: Check your Enable passwd\n"; return 1}
- "% Bad passwords" { send_user "Error: Check your Enable passwd\n"
+ denied { send_user "\nError: Check your Enable passwd\n"; return 1}
+ "% Bad passwords" { send_user "\nError: Check your Enable passwd\n"
return 1
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 58f6211..c61a0a4 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@ grep -v '^#' router.db > routers.db
cut -d: -f1,2 routers.db | sort -u >
if [ ! -f routers.all ] ; then touch routers.all; fi
diff routers.all > /dev/null 2>&1; RALL=$?
-@PERLV@ -F: -ane '{($F[0] =~ tr@A-Z@a-z@,print "$F[0]:$F[1]\n")
- if ($F[2] =~ /^down$/i);}' routers.db | sort -u >
+@PERLV@ -F: -ane '{($F[0] =~ tr@A-Z@a-z@,print join(":", @F)."\n")
+ if ($F[2] !~ /^up$/i);}' routers.db | sort -u >
if [ ! -f routers.down ] ; then touch routers.down; fi
diff routers.down > /dev/null 2>&1; RDOWN=$?
@PERLV@ -F: -ane '{($F[0] =~ tr@A-Z@a-z@,print "$F[0]:$F[1]\n")
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 89f7a99..46f459d 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if {[ info exists env(CISCO_USER) ] } {
# (without options) on all machines/OSes I've been on recently -
# unlike whoami or id -nu.
if [ catch {exec id} reason ] {
- send_error "Error: could not exec id: $reason\n"
+ send_error "\nError: could not exec id: $reason\n"
exit 1
regexp {\(([^)]*)} "$reason" junk default_user
@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set sfile [ lindex $argv $i ]
if { ! [ file readable $sfile ] } {
- send_user "Error: Can't read $sfile\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Can't read $sfile\n"
exit 1
set do_script 1
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
} -autoenable {
# ignore -autoenable
} -* {
- send_user "Error: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
send_user $usage
exit 1
} default {
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
# Process routers listed is an error.
if { $i == $argc } {
- send_user "Error: $usage"
+ send_user "\nError: $usage"
# Only be quiet if we are running a script (it can log its output
@@ -236,16 +236,16 @@ proc find {var router} {
proc source_password_file { password_file } {
global env
if { ! [file exists $password_file] } {
- send_user "Error: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
+ send_user "\nError: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
exit 1
file stat $password_file fileinfo
if { [expr ($fileinfo(mode) & 007)] != 0000 } {
- send_user "Error: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
exit 1
if [ catch {source $password_file} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $reason\n"
exit 1
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd prompt cyphertype } {
# Telnet to the router & try to login.
if [ catch {spawn telnet $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: failed to telnet: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: failed to telnet: $reason\n"
exit 1
sleep 0.3
@@ -291,23 +291,23 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd prompt cyphertype } {
close; wait
sleep 0.3
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Connection Refused\n"; wait; return 1
- } eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Connection Refused\n"; wait; return 1
+ } eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
} "Unknown host\r\n" {
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
} "Host is unreachable" {
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
} "No address associated with name" {
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
-re "$u_prompt" { send "$user\r"
expect {
- "Login incorrect" { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n";
+ "Login incorrect" { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n";
catch {close}; wait; return 1 }
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
-re "$p_prompt" { send "$userpswd\r" }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
@@ -315,17 +315,17 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd prompt cyphertype } {
-re "$p_prompt" { send "$passwd\r"
expect {
- "Password incorrect" { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n";
+ "Password incorrect" { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n";
catch {close}; wait; return 1 }
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
- "Password incorrect" { send_user "Error: Check your password for $router\n";
+ "Password incorrect" { send_user "\nError: Check your password for $router\n";
catch {close}; wait; return 1 }
"$prompt" { }
- denied { send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"
+ denied { send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $router\n"
if { $do_command || $do_script } {
send "exit\r"
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 1106018..0377612 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -247,8 +247,7 @@ while(<INPUT>) {
- if (/Error:/) {
- s/^.*Error:/Error:/;
+ if (/^Error:/) {
print STDOUT ("$host elogin error: $_");
print STDERR ("$host elogin error: $_") if ($debug);
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 6c82594..ac60bf3 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ if {[ info exists env(CISCO_USER) ] } {
# (without options) on all machines/OSes I've been on recently -
# unlike whoami or id -nu.
if [ catch {exec id} reason ] {
- send_error "Error: could not exec id: $reason\n"
+ send_error "\nError: could not exec id: $reason\n"
exit 1
regexp {\(([^)]*)} "$reason" junk default_user
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set sfile [ lindex $argv $i ]
if { ! [ file readable $sfile ] } {
- send_user "Error: Can't read $sfile\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Can't read $sfile\n"
exit 1
set do_script 1
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set autoenable 1
set enable 0
} -* {
- send_user "Error: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
send_user $usage
exit 1
} default {
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
# Process routers listed is an error.
if { $i == $argc } {
- send_user "Error: $usage"
+ send_user "\nError: $usage"
# Only be quiet if we are running a script (it can log its output
@@ -247,16 +247,16 @@ proc find {var router} {
proc source_password_file { password_file } {
global env
if { ! [file exists $password_file] } {
- send_user "Error: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
+ send_user "\nError: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
exit 1
file stat $password_file fileinfo
if { [expr ($fileinfo(mode) & 007)] != 0000 } {
- send_user "Error: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
exit 1
if [ catch {source $password_file} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $reason\n"
exit 1
@@ -269,7 +269,7 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cyphertype } {
# Telnet to the router & try to login.
if [ catch {spawn telnet $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: failed to telnet: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: failed to telnet: $reason\n"
exit 1
sleep 0.3
@@ -307,7 +307,7 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cyphertype } {
close; wait
if { $tryssh } {
if [ catch {spawn ssh -c $cyphertype -x -l $user $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: failed to ssh: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: failed to ssh: $reason\n"
exit 1
set tryssh 0
@@ -315,18 +315,18 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cyphertype } {
} else {
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Connection Refused\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Connection Refused\n"; wait; return 1
- } eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
+ } eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
} "Unknown host\r\n" {
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
} "Host is unreachable" {
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
} "No address associated with name" {
expect eof
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
-re "Host key not found .* \(yes\/no\)\?" {
send "yes\r"
@@ -334,13 +334,13 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cyphertype } {
exp_continue }
send "no\r"
- send_user "Error: The host key for $router has changed. update the known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
+ send_user "\nError: The host key for $router has changed. update the known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
return 1 }
-re "(Username:|login:|Name :)" {
sleep 1;
send "$user\r"
expect {
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
-re "\[Pp]assword:" { send "$userpswd\r" }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
@@ -348,14 +348,14 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cyphertype } {
"\[Pp]assword:" { send "$passwd\r"
expect {
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
"Password:" { send "$enapasswd\r" }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
"$prompt" { }
- denied { send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"
+ denied { send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $router\n"
if { $do_command || $do_script } {
send "quit"
@@ -364,7 +364,7 @@ proc login { router user userpswd passwd enapasswd prompt cyphertype } {
return 1
- "% Bad passwords" {send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"; return 1 }
+ "% Bad passwords" {send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $router\n"; return 1 }
set in_proc 0
return 0
@@ -381,8 +381,8 @@ proc do_enable { enauser enapasswd } {
-re "(Username|User Name):" { send "$enauser\r"; exp_continue}
"Password:" { send "$enapasswd\r"; exp_continue}
"#" { }
- denied { send_user "Error: Check your Enable passwd\n"; return 1}
- "% Bad passwords" { send_user "Error: Check your Enable passwd\n"
+ denied { send_user "\nError: Check your Enable passwd\n"; return 1}
+ "% Bad passwords" { send_user "\nError: Check your Enable passwd\n"
return 1
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 560d959..66c4b75 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -341,8 +341,7 @@ TOP: while(<INPUT>) {
- if (/Error:/) {
- s/^.*Error:/Error:/;
+ if (/^Error:/) {
print STDOUT ("$host flogin error: $_");
print STDERR ("$host flogin error: $_") if ($debug);
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index e0ac844..a74cff4 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ if {[ info exists env(CISCO_USER) ] } {
# (without options) on all machines/OSes I've been on recently -
# unlike whoami or id -nu.
if [ catch {exec id} reason ] {
- send_error "Error: could not exec id: $reason\n"
+ send_error "\nError: could not exec id: $reason\n"
exit 1
regexp {\(([^)]*)} "$reason" junk default_user
@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set sfile [ lindex $argv $i ]
if { ! [ file readable $sfile ] } {
- send_user "Error: Can't read $sfile\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Can't read $sfile\n"
exit 1
set do_script 1
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set cypher [ lindex $argv $i ]
} -* {
- send_user "Error: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown argument! $arg\n"
send_user $usage
exit 1
} default {
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
# Process routers listed is an error.
if { $i == $argc } {
- send_user "Error: $usage"
+ send_user "\nError: $usage"
# Only be quiet if we are running a script (it can log its output
@@ -220,16 +220,16 @@ proc find {var router} {
proc source_password_file { password_file } {
global env
if { ! [file exists $password_file] } {
- send_user "Error: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
+ send_user "\nError: password file ($password_file) does not exist\n"
exit 1
file stat $password_file fileinfo
if { [expr ($fileinfo(mode) & 007)] != 0000 } {
- send_user "Error: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $password_file must not be world readable/writable\n"
exit 1
if [ catch {source $password_file} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: $reason\n"
exit 1
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ proc login { router user passwd prompt cmethod cyphertype identfile} {
foreach prog [lrange $cmethod 0 end] {
if ![string compare $prog "telnet"] {
if [ catch {spawn telnet $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: telnet failed: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: telnet failed: $reason\n"
exit 1
} elseif ![string compare $prog "ssh"] {
@@ -253,22 +253,22 @@ proc login { router user passwd prompt cmethod cyphertype identfile} {
# spaces correctly.
if {$identfile != ""} {
if [ catch {spawn ssh -c $cyphertype -x -l $user -i $identfile $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: failed to ssh: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: failed to ssh: $reason\n"
exit 1
} else {
if [ catch {spawn ssh -c $cyphertype -x -l $user $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: failed to ssh: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: failed to ssh: $reason\n"
exit 1
} elseif ![string compare $prog "rsh"] {
if [ catch {spawn rsh -l $user $router} reason ] {
- send_user "Error: rsh failed: $reason\n"
+ send_user "\nError: rsh failed: $reason\n"
exit 1
} else {
- puts "ERROR: unknown connection method: $prog"
+ puts "\nError: unknown connection method: $prog"
return 1
incr progs -1
@@ -308,32 +308,32 @@ proc login { router user passwd prompt cmethod cyphertype identfile} {
send_user "\nError: Connection Refused ($prog)\n"; return 1
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1
} -nocase "unknown host\r\n" {
catch {close};
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
} "Host is unreachable" {
catch {close};
- send_user "Error: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Host Unreachable!\n"; wait; return 1
} "No address associated with name" {
catch {close};
- send_user "Error: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
+ send_user "\nError: Unknown host\n"; wait; return 1
-re "Enter passphrase for RSA key '\[^'\]*': " {
send_user "\nKey has passphrase!\n"
send "$passphrase\r"
exp_continue }
- -re "Host key not found .* \(yes\/no\)\?" {
+ -re "(Host key not found |The authenticity of host .* be established).*\(yes\/no\)\?" {
send "yes\r"
- send_user "Host $router added to the list of known hosts.\n"
+ send_user "\nHost $router added to the list of known hosts.\n"
exp_continue }
send "no\r"
- send_user "Error: The host key for $router has changed. update the known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
+ send_user "\nError: The host key for $router has changed. update the known_hosts file accordingly.\n"
return 1 }
-re "(Username|\[\r\n]login):" { send "$user\r"
expect {
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n";
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n";
wait; return 1 }
-re "\[Pp]assword:" { send "$passwd\r" }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
@@ -342,13 +342,13 @@ proc login { router user passwd prompt cmethod cyphertype identfile} {
"\[Pp]assword:" { send "$passwd\r"
expect {
- eof { send_user "Error: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
+ eof { send_user "\nError: Couldn't login\n"; wait; return 1 }
"$prompt" { set in_proc 0; return 0 }
"$prompt" { break; }
- denied { send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"
+ denied { send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $router\n"
if { $do_command || $do_script } {
send "quit"
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ proc login { router user passwd prompt cmethod cyphertype identfile} {
return 1
- "% Bad passwords" {send_user "Error: Check your passwd for $router\n"; return 1 }
+ "% Bad passwords" {send_user "\nError: Check your passwd for $router\n"; return 1 }
set in_proc 0
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 6e2311f..91bbf54 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -392,7 +392,7 @@ sub DoNothing {print STDOUT;}
"show chassis environment" => "ShowChassisEnvironment",
"show chassis firmware" => "ShowChassisFirmware",
"show chassis fpc detail" => "ShowChassisFpcDetail",
- "show chassis hardware" => "ShowChassisHardware",
+ "show chassis hardware detail" => "ShowChassisHardware",
"show chassis routing-engine" => "ShowChassisRoutingEngine",
"show chassis scb" => "ShowChassisSCB",
"show chassis sfm detail" => "ShowChassisSCB",
@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@ sub DoNothing {print STDOUT;}
"show chassis environment",
"show chassis firmware",
"show chassis fpc detail",
- "show chassis hardware",
+ "show chassis hardware detail",
"show chassis routing-engine",
"show chassis scb",
"show chassis sfm detail",
@@ -447,7 +447,6 @@ ProcessHistory("","","","# RANCID-CONTENT-TYPE: juniper\n#\n");
TOP: while(<INPUT>) {
if (/^Error:/) {
- s/^.*Error:/Error:/;
print STDOUT ("$host jlogin error: $_");
print STDERR ("$host jlogin error: $_") if ($debug);
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 8e5d333..7a6c7ff 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ if ($vendor =~ /^cisco$/i) {
exec('francid', $router);
} elsif ($vendor =~ /^redback$/i) {
exec('rrancid', $router);
+} elsif ($vendor =~ /^alteon$/i) {
+ exec('arancid', $router);
printf(STDERR "unknown router manufacturer for $router: $vendor\n");
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 065697a..d8b3694 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -194,6 +194,8 @@ sub ShowVersion {
$type = "AGS+";
} elsif ( $1 eq "2511" || $1 eq "2524" || $1 eq "AS2511-RJ") {
$type = "2500";
+ } elsif ( $1 =~ /261[01]/ || $1 =~ /262[01]/ ) {
+ $type = "2600";
} elsif ( $1 eq "3620" || $1 eq "3640") {
$type = "3600";
} elsif ( $1 eq "RSP7000") {
@@ -208,6 +210,8 @@ sub ShowVersion {
$type = "7200";
} elsif ( $1 =~ /1200[48]\/GRP/ || $1 =~ /1201[26]\/GRP/) {
$type = "12000";
+ } elsif ( $1 =~ /1201[26]-8R\/GRP/) {
+ $type = "12000";
} elsif ( $1 =~ /WS-C29/) {
$type = "2900XL";
$device = "switch";
@@ -429,7 +433,7 @@ sub DirSlotN {
return(1) if /\%Error: No such file or directory/;
return(1) if /No space information available/;
return(-1) if /\%Error calling/;
- return(-1) if /: device being squeezed/; # Flash is busy
+ return(-1) if /(: device being squeezed|ATA_Status time out)/i; # busy
return(-1) if (/command authorization failed/i);
return(1) if /(Open device \S+ failed|Error opening \S+:)/;
ProcessHistory("FLASH","","","!Flash: $dev: $_");
@@ -1112,8 +1116,7 @@ TOP: while(<INPUT>) {
- if (/Error:/) {
- s/^.*Error:/Error:/;
+ if (/^Error:/) {
print STDOUT ("$host clogin error: $_");
print STDERR ("$host clogin error: $_") if ($debug);
diff --git a/bin/ b/bin/
index 9d40591..9d2663b 100755
--- a/bin/
+++ b/bin/
@@ -266,9 +266,6 @@ sub FlailHelplessly {
"show slot table",
"show config"
-# dir /flash
-# dir /pcmcia0
-# dir /pcmcia1
diff --git a/configure b/configure
index 1662bc5..789b238 100755
--- a/configure
+++ b/configure
@@ -794,7 +794,7 @@ PACKAGE=rancid
# VERSION needs to be updated such that 'make dist' uses the correct
# filename for the directory name and tarball.
echo $ac_n "checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles""... $ac_c" 1>&6
echo "configure:801: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles" >&5
@@ -1508,14 +1508,14 @@ rd_cv_rd_bin_datas=$RD_BIN_DATAS
# RD_BIN_PROGS are bin/ .in's that need to be installed with execute perms.
RD_BIN_PROGS="cat5rancid control_rancid \
-clogin create_cvs do-diffs elogin erancid \
+alogin arancid clogin create_cvs do-diffs elogin erancid \
flogin francid jlogin jrancid par rancid-fe \
rancid rename rrancid"
# RD_UTIL_PROGS are util/ .in's that need to be installed with execute perms.
+RD_UTIL_PROGS="rtrfilter downreport"
diff --git a/ b/
index b69b5a1..cf3bd4f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ PACKAGE=rancid
# VERSION needs to be updated such that 'make dist' uses the correct
# filename for the directory name and tarball.
@@ -157,14 +157,14 @@ rd_cv_rd_bin_datas=$RD_BIN_DATAS
# RD_BIN_PROGS are bin/ .in's that need to be installed with execute perms.
RD_BIN_PROGS="cat5rancid control_rancid \
-clogin create_cvs do-diffs elogin erancid \
+alogin arancid clogin create_cvs do-diffs elogin erancid \
flogin francid jlogin jrancid par rancid-fe \
rancid rename rrancid"
# RD_UTIL_PROGS are util/ .in's that need to be installed with execute perms.
+RD_UTIL_PROGS="rtrfilter downreport"
diff --git a/man/ b/man/
index 828fa06..c0af44c 100644
--- a/man/
+++ b/man/
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS=foreign no-dependencies
man_gen_MANS = env.5 lg.conf.5 lg_intro.1
-man_nogen_MANS = do-diffs.1 clogin.1 control_rancid.1 create_cvs.1 rancid.1 \
+man_nogen_MANS = do-diffs.1 alogin.1 clogin.1 control_rancid.1 create_cvs.1 \
+ rancid.1 \
rancid_intro.1 cloginrc.5 router.db.5 \
elogin.1 flogin.1 jlogin.1 \
jrancid.1 francid.1 cat5rancid.1 erancid.1
diff --git a/man/ b/man/
index 36aff3e..c74034e 100644
--- a/man/
+++ b/man/
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ VERSION = @VERSION@
AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = foreign no-dependencies
man_gen_MANS = env.5 lg.conf.5 lg_intro.1
-man_nogen_MANS = do-diffs.1 clogin.1 control_rancid.1 create_cvs.1 rancid.1 rancid_intro.1 cloginrc.5 router.db.5 elogin.1 flogin.1 jlogin.1 jrancid.1 francid.1 cat5rancid.1 erancid.1
+man_nogen_MANS = do-diffs.1 alogin.1 clogin.1 control_rancid.1 create_cvs.1 rancid.1 rancid_intro.1 cloginrc.5 router.db.5 elogin.1 flogin.1 jlogin.1 jrancid.1 francid.1 cat5rancid.1 erancid.1
man_MANS = $(man_gen_MANS) $(man_nogen_MANS)
diff --git a/man/alogin.1 b/man/alogin.1
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4c83247
--- /dev/null
+++ b/man/alogin.1
@@ -0,0 +1 @@ man1/clogin.1
diff --git a/man/clogin.1 b/man/clogin.1
index e40224b..909adc6 100644
--- a/man/clogin.1
+++ b/man/clogin.1
@@ -47,8 +47,9 @@ router
is an
.BR expect (1)
script to automate the process of logging into a Cisco router, catalyst
-switch, or Redback router. There are complementary scripts for Juniper,
-Foundry, and ADC-kentrox EZ-T3 mux named
+switch, or Redback router. There are complementary scripts for Alteon,
+Juniper, Foundry, and ADC-kentrox EZ-T3 mux named
+.B alogin,
.B jlogin,
.B flogin,
diff --git a/man/cloginrc.5 b/man/cloginrc.5
index 9933a50..d9ee4ed 100644
--- a/man/cloginrc.5
+++ b/man/cloginrc.5
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
.B .cloginrc
contains configuration information for
+.BR alogin (1),
.BR clogin (1),
.BR elogin (1),
.BR flogin (1),
diff --git a/man/rancid.1 b/man/rancid.1
index dd860df..fcb88bd 100644
--- a/man/rancid.1
+++ b/man/rancid.1
@@ -23,8 +23,9 @@ and so on.
product is a file with the name of it's last argument plus the suffix .new.
For example,
-There are complementary scripts for Cisco catalyst switch, Juniper, Foundry,
-and ADC-kentrox EZ-T3 mux named
+There are complementary scripts for Alteon WebOS switches, Cisco catalyst
+switch, Juniper, Foundry, and ADC-kentrox EZ-T3 mux named
+.B arancid,
.B cat5rancid,
.B jrancid,
.B francid,
diff --git a/man/rancid_intro.1 b/man/rancid_intro.1
index 3d866c1..0bdf1ba 100644
--- a/man/rancid_intro.1
+++ b/man/rancid_intro.1
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ rancid_intro \- introduction to the Really Awesome New Cisco confIg Differ
.B rancid
is really more than just a Cisco configuration differ. It handles several
-different device's configurations; currently including Cisco, Foundry,
+different device's configurations; currently including Alteon, Cisco, Foundry,
Juniper, Redback, and the ADC-Kentrox EZ-T3 mux.
.B rancid
diff --git a/man/router.db.5 b/man/router.db.5
index b51153b..873497b 100644
--- a/man/router.db.5
+++ b/man/router.db.5
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ One device is listed per-line, where the syntax is:
.in +1i
.in -1i
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@ Domain Name) works best, as in the example above.
The type of device from the set:
.RS 8n
+.B alteon
+A Alteon WebOS switches.
.B cat5
A cisco catalyst switch (ie: running the catalyst OS, not IOS).
@@ -71,9 +74,30 @@ A Redback router, NAS, etc.
.B <state>
-The state is either "up" or "down". If the device is marked "down", the
-configuration will not be collected.
+The state is either "up", or some other arbitrary value, e.g. "down".
+If the device is not marked "up" the device's configuration will not be
+It is highly recommended that comments are made for
+any router not listed as up, so as to indicate the
+reason a router is not to be polled, e.g.:
+.PP testing until 5/5/2001. 6054234, 5/3/2001
+Please see the script "downreport" in util/ for a
+daily report of routers in router.db that aren't
+marked "up".
+.B [comments]
+Freeform string to describe the current state of
+the router.
A ``#'' at the begining of a line is a comment; the entire line is
diff --git a/util/README b/util/README
index cecb9df..1a579d6 100644
--- a/util/README
+++ b/util/README
@@ -5,3 +5,4 @@ sources included for convenience.
README This file.
lg looking glass pkg
rtrfilter mail filter for diffs
+downreport Daily report of routers not listed as up in router.db
diff --git a/util/configure b/util/configure
index 8d59fa6..fb8e766 100755
--- a/util/configure
+++ b/util/configure
@@ -620,6 +620,9 @@ PERLV_PATH=$ac_cv_path_PERLV_PATH
trap '' 1 2 15
cat > confcache <<\EOF
# This file is a shell script that caches the results of configure
@@ -772,6 +775,7 @@ s%@INSTALL_DATA@%$INSTALL_DATA%g
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index 17f7b4e..c23c556 100644
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ AC_SUBST(PERLV_PATH)
# fix permissions on scripts.
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2926c5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/util/
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+# Reports the list of routers not listed as 'up'.
+# Put this in your crontab to run once a day:
+# 0 0 * * * /where/rancid/lives/util/downreport
+# It can optionally
+# take a space list of groups on the command line
+# It will use the list of groups defined in env otherwise.
+ENVFILE="`dirname $0`../bin/env"
+if [ $# -ge 1 ] ; then
+elif [ "$LIST_OF_GROUPS" = "" ] ; then
+ echo "LIST_OF_GROUPS is empty in $ENVFILE"
+ exit 1
+ (
+ if [ -s $DIR/routers.down ]; then
+ (
+ cat << EOM
+ The following $GROUP routers are listed as other than up.
+ Routers listed as "up" in rancid's router.db are polled several
+times daily. This list is of routers that are not listed as up and therefore
+not polled.
+ cat $DIR/routers.down;
+ )
+ else
+ (
+ cat << EOM
+ No routers are down/ticketed for router group $GROUP (yay).
+ )
+ fi
+ ) |\
+ Mail -s "Down router report - $GROUP" @MAILPLUS@admin-$GROUP
diff --git a/util/ b/util/
index d1fa45f..8826047 100755
--- a/util/
+++ b/util/
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ sub filter {
sub usage {
-usage: $me [-h] [-i <perl regex>] [-x <perl regex>] [-f <regex file>] [-u <From: address> [-s <subject>] <mail rcpt> [<rcpt> ...]
+usage: $me [-h] [-i <perl regex>] [-x <perl regex>] [-f <regex file>] [-u <From: address>] [-s <subject>] <mail rcpt> [<rcpt> ...]
-h prints this message
-f file containing perl regex matching router names (mind the cwd())
-i perl regex matching router names (inclusive)