# The contents of this file are subject to the BitTorrent Open Source License # Version 1.1 (the License). You may not copy or use this file, in either # source code or executable form, except in compliance with the License. You # may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.bittorrent.com/license/. # # Software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS basis, # WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License # for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the # License. try: from random import sample except ImportError: from random import choice def sample(l, n): if len(l) <= n: return l d = {} while len(d) < n: d[choice(l)] = 1 return d.keys() from BitTorrent.platform import bttime as time class KItem: def __init__(self, key, value): self.t = time() self.k = key self.v = value def __cmp__(self, a): # same value = same item, only used to keep dupes out of db if self.v == a.v: return 0 # compare by time if self.t < a.t: return -1 elif self.t > a.t: return 1 else: return 0 def __hash__(self): return self.v.__hash__() def __repr__(self): return `(self.k, self.v, time() - self.t)` ## in memory data store for distributed tracker ## keeps a list of values per key in dictionary ## keeps expiration for each key in a queue ## can efficiently expire all values older than a given time ## can insert one val at a time, or a list: ks['key'] = 'value' or ks['key'] = ['v1', 'v2', 'v3'] class KStore: def __init__(self): self.d = {} self.q = [] def __getitem__(self, key): return [x.v for x in self.d[key]] def __setitem__(self, key, value): if type(value) == type([]): [self.__setitem__(key, v) for v in value] return x = KItem(key, value) try: l = self.d[key] except KeyError: self.d[key] = [x] else: # this is slow try: i = l.index(x) del(l[i]) except ValueError: pass l.insert(0, x) self.q.append(x) def __delitem__(self, key): del(self.d[key]) def __len__(self): return len(self.d) def keys(self): return self.d.keys() def values(self): return [self[key] for key in self.keys()] def items(self): return [(key, self[key]) for key in self.keys()] def expire(self, t): #.expire values inserted prior to t try: while self.q[0].t <= t: x = self.q.pop(0) try: l = self.d[x.k] try: while l[-1].t <= t: l.pop() except IndexError: del(self.d[x.k]) except KeyError: pass except IndexError: pass def sample(self, key, n): # returns n random values of key, or all values if less than n try: l = [x.v for x in sample(self.d[key], n)] except ValueError: l = [x.v for x in self.d[key]] return l