# Fedora Developer Shell # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. # # Authors: Yaakov M. Nemoy # from __future__ import with_statement import tarfile from contextlib import contextmanager from os import makedirs, getcwd, listdir from os.path import abspath, split, basename, join from shutil import copytree from subprocess import Popen, PIPE from tempfile import mkdtemp from base.base import log from base.dirfactory import DirFactory from base.exceptions import ExecutionException from base.util import pwd, copy, move, base_dir, log_file, rm from base.vars import DIFF_EXCLUDES_FILE from modules.packagesource import PackageSource # 4's what git uses # if we go over 4 digits, then weird stuff will happen # but if we go over 4 digits, we're probably doing packaging wrong # TODO: decide if this should be a hardcode constant or what patch_num_len = 4 class SourceBall(PackageSource): '''a type of package that is a single sourceball, a spec file, and some patches''' def __init__(self, name=None, tarball=''): if tarball: tmp_dir = mkdtemp() with pwd(tmp_dir): sourceball_name = copy(tarball, split(tarball)[1]) log.debug('sourceball_name ' + sourceball_name) sourceball = tarfile.open(sourceball_name) extract_dir = base_dir(sourceball) if name and not name == extract_dir: log.debug('hahahahhaah') raise ExecutionException("tarball is not target directory") if not name: name = extract_dir super(SourceBall, self).__init__(name) if tarball: self.cfg['tarball_source'] = tarball with pwd(self.parent): sourceball.extractall() with pwd(self.branches_dir): sourceball.extractall() move(self.name, self.orig_dir(self.name)) with pwd(self.pkg_src_dir): move(join(tmp_dir, sourceball_name), sourceball_name) self.cfg['sourceball'] = sourceball_name self.set_cur_to('head') def orig_dir(self, dir): '''where is the original source kept use for making patches against modified source''' return dir + '_orig' def branch(self, *args): if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'orig': return join(self.branches, self.orig_dir(self.name)) def set_cur_to(self, *args): '''gives source directory first parameter, if 'orig' gives the original source, otherwise you get the modified source ''' if len(args) == 1 and args[0] == 'head': self.cfg['source'] = '.' else: self.cfg['source'] = self.branch(arg[0]) @property def cur_patch_num(self): if len(self.patches): return max(int(basename(pfname)[:patch_num_len]) for pfname in self.patches) else: return 0 @property def next_patch_num(self): next = str(self.cur_patch_num + 1) while len(next) < patch_num_len: next = '0' + next return next @contextmanager def do_diff(self, src, tgt): cmd = ['diff', '-r', '-u', '-X', DIFF_EXCLUDES_FILE, src, tgt] with pwd(self.pkg_src_dir): with log_file('diff.log') as diff_out: def command(fd): p = Popen(cmd, stdout=fd, stderr=diff_out) log.info('generating patch %s, please wait...' % fd.name) p.communicate() yield command def generate_patch(self, patch_name): prefix = self.next_patch_num + '.' patch_name = patch_name + '.patch' if not patch_name.endswith('.patch') else patch_name patch_name = prefix + patch_name log.debug('patch_name ' + patch_name) with self.patches_applied('orig'): with self.do_diff(self.branch('orig'), '.') as diff: with pwd(self.dir): with file(join(self.pkg_src_dir, patch_name), 'w') as patch_file: diff(patch_file) # We have to do this last step because of the context manager # it assumes that this last patch has also been applied patch_name = join(self.pkg_src_dir, patch_name) with pwd(self.branch_dir('orig')): self.apply_patch(patch_name) @contextmanager def patches_applied(self, *args): self.apply_patches(*args) yield self.remove_patches(*args) def setup_sourceball(self, ver=''): return def setup_sourceball_w_patches(self, ver=''): raise NotImplementedError def clean_orig(self): with pwd(self.pkg_src_dir): sourceball = tarfile.open(self.sourceball) with pwd(self.branches_dir): rm(self.orig_dir(self.name)) sourceball.extractall() move(self.name, self.orig_dir(self.name)) @property def patches(self): with pwd(self.pkg_src_dir): files = [abspath(f) for f in listdir('.') if f.endswith('.patch')] return files def do_patch(self, patch, cmd): with log_file(join(self.pkg_src_dir, 'patch.log')) as patch_log: patch_log.write('using patch %s...\n' % basename(patch)) with file(patch, 'r') as pfile: p = Popen(cmd, stdin=pfile, stdout=patch_log, stderr=patch_log) log.info('patching %s, please wait....' % basename(patch)) p.communicate() def apply_patch(self, patch): self.do_patch(patch, ['patch', '-p0']) def remove_patch(self, patch): self.do_patch(patch, ['patch', '-p0', '-R']) def apply_patches(self, *args): with pwd(self.branch(*args)): for patch in sorted(self.patches): self.apply_patch(patch) def remove_patches(self, *args): with pwd(self.branch(*args)): for patch in list(reversed(self.patches)): self.remove_patch(patch) def import_other_patch(self, patch_file, patch_level): if type(patch_level) is int: patch_level = str(patch_level) cmd = ['patch', '-p' + patch_level] with pwd(self.dir): self.do_patch(patch_file, cmd) patch_name = basename(patch_file) self.generate_patch(patch_name) def verify_patches(self, *args): test_file = join(self.pkg_src_dir, 'test.patch.') with self.patches_applied(*args): with self.do_diff(self.branch('orig'), '.') as diff: with pwd(self.dir): with file(test_file, 'w') as patch_file: diff(patch_file) clean = False if len(file(test_file).read()) else True log.info('Verified clean patches: ' + str(clean)) return clean __all__ = ['SourceBall']