/* Asterisk Manager Proxy Copyright (c) 2005 David C. Troy This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. XML I/O Handler */ #include "astmanproxy.h" #define XML_UNPARSED "UnparsedText" #define XML_BEGIN_INPUT "" #define XML_END_INPUT "" #define XML_SERVERTAG "AsteriskManagerOutput" #define XML_PROXYTAG "AsteriskManagerProxyOutput" void xml_quote_string(char *s, char *o); int ParseXMLInput(char *xb, struct message *m); int _read(struct mansession *s, struct message *m) { /* Note: No single line may be longer than MAX_LEN/s->inbuf, as per get_input */ /* No XML Input may be longer than BUFSIZE */ char line[MAX_LEN], xmlbuf[BUFSIZE]; int res; /* first let's read the whole xml block into our buffer */ memset(xmlbuf, 0, sizeof xmlbuf); for (;;) { memset(line, 0, sizeof line); res = get_input(s, line); if (res > 0) { if (*line == '\0' ) { break; } else if (strlen(xmlbuf) < (BUFSIZE - strlen(line)) ) strcat(xmlbuf, line); } else if (res < 0) return res; } /* now, let's transform and copy into a standard message block */ debugmsg("Got xml: %s", xmlbuf); res = ParseXMLInput(xmlbuf, m); if (res < 0) proxyerror_do(s, "Invalid XML Input"); /* Return res>0 to process block, return res<0 to kill client, res=0, continue */ return res; } void *setdoctag(char *tag, struct mansession *s) { /* if message came from a server, say so; otherwise it must be from proxy */ /* right now there is no such thing as client<->client comms */ if (s && s->server) strcpy(tag, XML_SERVERTAG); else strcpy(tag, XML_PROXYTAG); return 0; } int _write(struct mansession *s, struct message *m) { int i; char buf[BUFSIZE], outstring[MAX_LEN*3], xmlescaped[MAX_LEN*3], xmldoctag[MAX_LEN]; char *dpos, *lpos; setdoctag(xmldoctag, m->session); sprintf(buf, "<%s>\r\n", xmldoctag); pthread_mutex_lock(&s->lock); ast_carefulwrite(s->fd, buf, strlen(buf), s->writetimeout); for (i=0; ihdrcount; i++) { memset(xmlescaped, 0, sizeof xmlescaped); xml_quote_string(m->headers[i], xmlescaped); lpos = xmlescaped; dpos = strstr(lpos, ": "); if (dpos && *(lpos)!= ' ' && strlen(xmlescaped)<30 ) { strcpy(outstring, " <"); strncat(outstring, lpos, dpos-lpos); strcat(outstring, " Value=\""); strncat(outstring, dpos+2, strlen(dpos)-2); strcat(outstring, "\"/>\r\n"); } else sprintf(outstring, " <%s Value=\"%s\"/>\r\n", XML_UNPARSED, lpos); ast_carefulwrite(s->fd, outstring, strlen(outstring), s->writetimeout); } sprintf(buf, "\r\n\r\n", xmldoctag); ast_carefulwrite(s->fd, buf, strlen(buf), s->writetimeout); pthread_mutex_unlock(&s->lock); return 0; } /* Takes a single manager header line and converts xml entities */ void xml_quote_string(char *s, char *o) { char *c; c = s; do { if (*c == '<') strcat(o, "<"); else if (*c == '>') strcat(o, ">"); else if (*c == '&') strcat(o, "&"); else if (*c == '"') strcat(o, """); else if (*c == '\n') strcat(o, " "); else strncat(o, c, 1); } while (*(c++)); return; } int ParseXMLInput(char *xb, struct message *m) { char *b, *e, *bt, *et, tag[MAX_LEN], *i; int res = 0; /* just an empty block; go home */ if ( !(*xb) ) return 0; /* initialize message block */ memset(m, 0, sizeof(struct message) ); b = strstr(xb, XML_BEGIN_INPUT); e = strstr(xb, XML_END_INPUT); if (b && e) { bt = strstr((char *)(b + strlen(XML_BEGIN_INPUT) + 1), "<"); while (bt < e) { et = strstr(bt+1, "<"); memset(tag, 0, sizeof tag); strncpy(tag, bt, (et-bt) ); bt = et; strncpy( m->headers[m->hdrcount], tag+1, strstr(tag+1," ")-(tag+1) ); strcat(m->headers[m->hdrcount], ": "); i = strstr(tag+1, "\"") + 1; strncat( m->headers[m->hdrcount], i, strstr(i, "\"") - i ); debugmsg("parsed: %s", m->headers[m->hdrcount]); m->hdrcount++; } res = 1; } else res = -1; return res; }