/* Asterisk Manager Proxy Copyright (c) 2005-2006 David C. Troy This program is free software, distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. config_perms.c routines to read and parse the astmanproxy.users file */ #include "astmanproxy.h" extern pthread_mutex_t userslock; void *free_userperm(struct proxy_user *pu) { struct proxy_user *next_pu; while( pu ) { next_pu = pu->next; free( pu ); pu = next_pu; } return 0; } void *add_userperm(char* username, char *userspec, struct proxy_user **pu) { int ccount = 0; struct proxy_user *user; char *s; /* malloc ourselves a server credentials structure */ user = malloc(sizeof(struct proxy_user)); if ( !user ) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to allocate user credentials: %s\n", strerror(errno)); exit(1); } memset(user, 0, sizeof (struct proxy_user) ); s = userspec; strncpy(user->username, username, sizeof(user->username)-1 ); do { if ( *s == ',' ) { ccount++; continue; } switch(ccount) { case 0: strncat(user->secret, s, 1); break; case 1: strncat(user->channel, s, 1); break; case 2: strncat(user->ocontext, s, 1); break; case 3: strncat(user->icontext, s, 1); break; } } while (*(s++)); user->next = *pu; *pu = user; return 0; } void *processperm(char *s, struct proxy_user **pu) { char name[80],value[80]; int nvstate = 0; memset (name,0,sizeof name); memset (value,0,sizeof value); do { *s = tolower(*s); if ( *s == ' ' || *s == '\t') continue; if ( *s == ';' || *s == '#' || *s == '\r' || *s == '\n' ) break; if ( *s == '=' ) { nvstate = 1; continue; } if (!nvstate) strncat(name, s, 1); else strncat(value, s, 1); } while (*(s++)); if (debug) debugmsg("perm: %s, %s", name, value); add_userperm(name,value,pu); return 0; } int ReadPerms() { FILE *FP; char buf[1024]; char cfn[80]; struct proxy_user *pu; pu=0; sprintf(cfn, "%s/%s", PDIR, PFILE); FP = fopen( cfn, "r" ); if ( !FP ) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to open permissions file: %s/%s!\n", PDIR, PFILE); exit( 1 ); } if (debug) debugmsg("config: parsing configuration file: %s", cfn); while ( fgets( buf, sizeof buf, FP ) ) { if (*buf == ';' || *buf == '\r' || *buf == '\n' || *buf == '#') continue; processperm(buf,&pu); } fclose(FP); pthread_mutex_lock(&userslock); free_userperm(pc.userlist); pc.userlist=pu; pthread_mutex_unlock(&userslock); return 0; }