#!/bin/bash # Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Red Hat, Inc. All rights reserved. # # This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use, # modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions # of the GNU General Public License v.2. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, # Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA # sanitize the environment LANG=C LC_ALL=C TZ=UTC # Put script name into variable, so it can used in external scripts TESTNAME=${0##*/} # Nice debug message PS4='#${BASH_SOURCE[0]##*/}:${LINENO}+ ' export TESTNAME PS4 unset CDPATH # grab some common utilities . lib/utils TESTOLDPWD=$(pwd) COMMON_PREFIX="LVMTEST" PREFIX="${COMMON_PREFIX}$$" TESTDIR=$(mkdtemp "${LVM_TEST_DIR:-$TESTOLDPWD}" "$PREFIX.XXXXXXXXXX") || \ die "failed to create temporary directory in ${LVM_TEST_DIR:-$TESTOLDPWD}" RUNNING_DMEVENTD=$(pgrep dmeventd) || true export TESTOLDPWD TESTDIR COMMON_PREFIX PREFIX RUNNING_DMEVENTD test -n "$BASH" && trap 'set +vx; STACKTRACE; set -vx' ERR trap 'aux teardown' EXIT # don't forget to clean up DM_DEV_DIR="$TESTDIR/dev" LVM_SYSTEM_DIR="$TESTDIR/etc" mkdir "$LVM_SYSTEM_DIR" "$TESTDIR/lib" "$DM_DEV_DIR" if test -n "$LVM_TEST_DEVDIR" ; then DM_DEV_DIR=$LVM_TEST_DEVDIR else mknod "$DM_DEV_DIR/testnull" c 1 3 || die "mknod failed"; echo >"$DM_DEV_DIR/testnull" || \ die "Filesystem does support devices in $DM_DEV_DIR (mounted with nodev?)" mkdir "$DM_DEV_DIR/mapper" fi export DM_DEV_DIR LVM_SYSTEM_DIR cd "$TESTDIR" echo "$TESTNAME" >TESTNAME # Setting up symlink from $i to $TESTDIR/lib find "$abs_top_builddir/daemons/dmeventd/plugins/" -name '*.so' \ -exec ln -s -t lib "{}" + find "$abs_top_builddir/test/lib" ! \( -name '*.sh' -o -name '*.[cdo]' \ -o -name '*~' \) -exec ln -s -t lib "{}" + # Set vars from utils now that we have TESTDIR/PREFIX/... prepare_test_vars test -n "$BASH" && set -eE -o pipefail aux lvmconf aux prepare_clvmd test -n "$LVM_TEST_LVMETAD" && { aux prepare_lvmetad export LVM_LVMETAD_SOCKET="$TESTDIR/lvmetad.socket" } echo "@TESTDIR=$TESTDIR" echo "@PREFIX=$PREFIX" set -vx