/* WINERR.C Jason Hunter 8/2/94 DCNS/IS MIT Contains the error functions for leash and kerberos. Prints out keen windows error messages in english. */ #include #include "conf.h" // Private Include files #include "leashdll.h" #include // Global Variables. static long lsh_errno; static char *err_context; /* error context */ extern int (*Lcom_err)(LPSTR,long,LPSTR,...); extern LPSTR (*Lerror_message)(long); extern LPSTR (*Lerror_table_name)(long); #ifdef WIN16 #define UNDERSCORE "_" #else #define UNDERSCORE #endif HWND GetRootParent (HWND Child) { HWND Last; while (Child) { Last = Child; Child = GetParent (Child); } return Last; } LPSTR err_describe(LPSTR buf, long code) { LPSTR cp, com_err_msg; int offset; long table_num; char *etype; offset = (int) (code & 255); table_num = code - offset; com_err_msg = Lerror_message(code); lstrcpy(buf, com_err_msg); return buf; ////Is this needed at all after the return above? cp = buf; if(com_err_msg != buf) lstrcpy(buf, com_err_msg); cp = buf + lstrlen(buf); *cp++ = '\n'; etype = Lerror_table_name(table_num); wsprintf((LPSTR) cp, (LPSTR) "(%s error %d" #ifdef DEBUG_COM_ERR " (absolute error %ld)" #endif ")", etype, offset //")\nPress F1 for help on this error.", etype, offset #ifdef DEBUG_COM_ERR , code #endif ); return (LPSTR)buf; } int _export lsh_com_err_proc (LPSTR whoami, long code, LPSTR fmt, va_list args) { int retval; HWND hOldFocus; char buf[1024], *cp; /* changed to 512 by jms 8/23/93 */ WORD mbformat = MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION; cp = buf; memset(buf, '\0', sizeof(buf)); cp[0] = '\0'; if (code) { err_describe(buf, code); while (*cp) cp++; } if (fmt) { if (fmt[0] == '%' && fmt[1] == 'b') { fmt += 2; mbformat = va_arg(args, WORD); /* if the first arg is a %b, we use it for the message box MB_??? flags. */ } if (code) { *cp++ = '\n'; *cp++ = '\n'; } wvsprintf((LPSTR)cp, fmt, args); } hOldFocus = GetFocus(); retval = MessageBox(/*GetRootParent(hOldFocus)*/NULL, buf, whoami, mbformat | MB_ICONHAND | MB_TASKMODAL); SetFocus(hOldFocus); return retval; }