ERROR_TABLE lsh ERROR_CODE LSH_ONLYONEME, "Only one instance of Leash can be run at a time." ERROR_CODE LSH_INVPRINCIPAL, "Principal invalid." ERROR_CODE LSH_FAILEDREALM, "Realm failed." ERROR_CODE LSH_INVINSTANCE, "Instance invalid." ERROR_CODE LSH_INVREALM, "Realm invalid." ERROR_CODE LSH_EOF, "Unexpected end of Kerberos memory storage." ERROR_CODE LSH_EXPIRESOON, "Warning! Your Kerberos tickets expire soon." ERROR_CODE LSH_NOMATCH, "You did not type the same new password." ERROR_CODE LSH_BADCHARS, "You can only use printable characters in a password." ERROR_CODE LSH_FATAL_ERROR, "Fatal error; cannot run this program." ERROR_CODE LSH_BADWINSOCK, "Couldn't initialize WinSock." ERROR_CODE LSH_BADTIMESERV, "Couldn't find the timeserver host entry." ERROR_CODE LSH_NOSOCKET, "Couldn't open a socket." ERROR_CODE LSH_NOCONNECT, "Couldn't connect to timeserver." ERROR_CODE LSH_TIMEFAILED, "Couldn't get time from server." ERROR_CODE LSH_GETTIMEOFDAY, "Couldn't get local time of day." ERROR_CODE LSH_SETTIMEOFDAY, "Couldn't set local time of day." ERROR_CODE LSH_RECVTIME, "Error while receiving time from server." ERROR_CODE LSH_RECVBYTES, "Protocol problem with timeserver." ERROR_CODE LSH_ALREADY_SETTIME, "The time was already reset. Try using a different program to synchronize the time." end