// ************************************************************************************** // File: KrbConfigOptions.cpp // By: Arthur David Leather // Created: 12/02/98 // Copyright @1998 Massachusetts Institute of Technology - All rights reserved. // Description: CPP file for KrbProperties.h. Contains variables and functions // for Kerberos Four and Five Properties // // History: // // MM/DD/YY Inits Description of Change // 2/01/98 ADL Original // ************************************************************************************** #include "stdafx.h" #include "Leash.h" #include "KrbProperties.h" #include "KrbConfigOptions.h" #include "LeashFileDialog.h" #include "LeashMessageBox.h" #include "wshelper.h" #include "lglobals.h" #include #include #include "reminder.h" #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CKrbConfigOptions property page CString CKrbConfigOptions::m_newDefaultRealm; CString CKrbConfigOptions::m_hostServer; CComboBox CKrbConfigOptions::m_krbRealmEditbox; BOOL CKrbConfigOptions::m_profileError; BOOL CKrbConfigOptions::m_dupEntriesError; IMPLEMENT_DYNCREATE(CKrbConfigOptions, CPropertyPage) CKrbConfigOptions::CKrbConfigOptions() : CPropertyPage(CKrbConfigOptions::IDD) { m_initDefaultRealm = _T(""); m_newDefaultRealm = _T(""); m_startupPage2 = TRUE; m_noKrbFileError = FALSE; m_noKrbhostWarning = FALSE; m_dupEntriesError = FALSE; m_profileError = FALSE; m_noRealm = FALSE; //{{AFX_DATA_INIT(CKrbConfigOptions) //}}AFX_DATA_INIT } CKrbConfigOptions::~CKrbConfigOptions() { } VOID CKrbConfigOptions::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { TRACE("Entering CKrbConfigOptions::DoDataExchange -- %d\n", pDX->m_bSaveAndValidate); CPropertyPage::DoDataExchange(pDX); //{{AFX_DATA_MAP(CKrbConfigOptions) DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, m_krbRealmEditbox); //}}AFX_DATA_MAP } static char far * near parse_str(char far*buffer,char far*result) { while (isspace(*buffer)) buffer++; while (!isspace(*buffer)) *result++=*buffer++; *result='\0'; return buffer; } #ifndef NO_KRB4 int krb_get_krbhst(char* h, char* r, int n) { char lbstorage[BUFSIZ]; char tr[REALM_SZ]; static FILE *cnffile; /*XXX pbh added static because of MS bug in fgets() */ static char FAR *linebuf; /*XXX pbh added static because of MS bug in fgets() */ int i; char *p; //static char buffer[80]; //krb_get_krbconf(buffer); memset(lbstorage, '\0', BUFSIZ ); /* 4-22-94 */ linebuf = &lbstorage[0]; if ((cnffile = fopen(CKrbProperties::m_krbPath,"r")) == NULL) { if (n==1) { (void) strcpy(h,KRB_HOST); return(KSUCCESS); } else { return(KFAILURE); } } /* linebuf=(char FAR *)malloc(BUFSIZ); */ /*4-22-94*/ if (fgets(linebuf,BUFSIZ,cnffile)==NULL) { /* free(linebuf); */ /* 4-22-94 */ return(KFAILURE); } /* bzero( tr, sizeof(tr) ); */ /* pbh 2-24-93 */ memset(tr, '\0', sizeof(tr) ); parse_str(linebuf,tr); if (*tr=='\0') { return (KFAILURE); } /* run through the file, looking for the nth server for this realm */ for (i = 1; i <= n;) { if (fgets(linebuf, BUFSIZ, cnffile) == NULL) { /* free(linebuf); */ /*4-22-94*/ (void) fclose(cnffile); return(KFAILURE); } /* bzero( tr, sizeof(tr) ); */ /* pbh 2-24-93 */ memset(tr, '\0', sizeof(tr) ); p=parse_str(linebuf,tr); if (*tr=='\0') continue; memset(h, '\0', lstrlen(h) ); parse_str(p,h); if (*tr=='\0') continue; if (!lstrcmp(tr,r)) i++; } /* free(linebuf); */ /*4-22-94*/ (void) fclose(cnffile); return(KSUCCESS); } #endif BOOL CKrbConfigOptions::OnInitDialog() { m_initDefaultRealm = _T(""); m_newDefaultRealm = _T(""); m_noKrbFileError = FALSE; m_noKrbhostWarning = FALSE; m_dupEntriesError = FALSE; m_profileError = FALSE; m_noRealm = FALSE; CPropertyPage::OnInitDialog(); #ifndef NO_KRB4 if (CLeashApp::m_hKrb4DLL && !CLeashApp::m_hKrb5DLL) { // Krb4 NOT krb5 // Fill in all edit boxes char krbRealm[REALM_SZ + 1]; char krbhst[MAX_HSTNM + 1]; CStdioFile krbCon; if (!krbCon.Open(CKrbProperties::m_krbPath, CFile::modeRead)) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, KRB_REALM); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, KRB_MASTER); //CheckRadioButton(IDC_RADIO_ADMIN_SERVER, IDC_RADIO_NO_ADMIN_SERVER, IDC_RADIO_NO_ADMIN_SERVER); m_initDefaultRealm = m_newDefaultRealm = KRB_REALM; } else { // place krbRealm in Edit box memset(krbRealm, '\0', sizeof(krbRealm)); if (!krbCon.ReadString(krbRealm, sizeof(krbRealm)) || '\r' == *krbRealm || '\n' == *krbRealm || '\0' == *krbRealm) { SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, KRB_REALM); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, KRB_MASTER); m_initDefaultRealm = m_newDefaultRealm = KRB_REALM; } else { *(krbRealm + strlen(krbRealm) - 1) = 0; LPSTR pSpace = strchr(krbRealm, ' '); if (pSpace) *pSpace = 0; m_initDefaultRealm = m_newDefaultRealm = krbRealm; memset(krbhst, '\0', sizeof(krbhst)); krbCon.Close(); // Check for Host // don't use KRB4 - krb_get_krbhst - would have to re-logon, on file location // change, to use this function if (KFAILURE == pkrb_get_krbhst(krbhst, krbRealm, 1)) { m_noKrbhostWarning = TRUE; } else { // place hostname in Edit Box //SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, krbhst); m_hostServer = krbhst; // New stuff to put realms in Combo Box CStdioFile krbCon; if (!krbCon.Open(CKrbProperties::m_krbPath, CFile::modeRead)) { m_noKrbFileError = TRUE; m_noRealm = TRUE; } else { LPSTR space = NULL; CHAR lineBuf[REALM_SZ + MAX_HSTNM + 20]; CHAR localRealm[REALM_SZ + MAX_HSTNM + 20]; memset(lineBuf, '\0', sizeof(lineBuf)); memset(localRealm, '\0', sizeof(localRealm)); if (krbCon.ReadString(localRealm, sizeof(localRealm))) *(localRealm + strlen(localRealm) - 1) = 0; else return FALSE; space = strchr(localRealm, ' '); if (space) *space = 0; while (TRUE) { if (!krbCon.ReadString(lineBuf, sizeof(lineBuf))) break; *(lineBuf + sizeof(lineBuf) - 1) = 0; if (strlen(lineBuf) == 0) continue; space = strchr(lineBuf, ' '); if (!space) space = strchr(lineBuf, '\t'); if (space) *space = 0; else ASSERT(0); // skip Kerberos Options if ( !strncmp(".KERBEROS.OPTION.",lineBuf,17) ) continue; if (CB_ERR == m_krbRealmEditbox.FindStringExact(-1, lineBuf)) { // no dups if (LB_ERR == m_krbRealmEditbox.AddString(lineBuf)) { MessageBox("OnInitDialog::Can't add to Kerberos Realm Combobox", "Leash", MB_OK); return FALSE; } } } m_krbRealmEditbox.SelectString(-1, krbRealm); } // end of 'else' } // end of 'place hostname in Edit Box' else statement } // end of 'Check for Host' else statement } // end of 'place krbRealm in Edit box' else } else #endif if (CLeashApp::m_hKrb5DLL) { // Krb5 OR krb5 AND krb4 char *realm = NULL; pkrb5_get_default_realm(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_context, &realm); if (!realm) m_noRealm = TRUE; m_initDefaultRealm = m_newDefaultRealm = realm; if ( !CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile ) { CHAR confname[MAX_PATH]; if (!CLeashApp::GetProfileFile(confname, sizeof(confname))) { const char *filenames[2]; filenames[0] = confname; filenames[1] = NULL; pprofile_init(filenames, &CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile); } } CHAR selRealm[REALM_SZ]; strcpy(selRealm, m_newDefaultRealm); const char* Section[] = {"realms", selRealm, "kdc", NULL}; const char** section = Section; char **values = NULL; char * value = NULL; long retval = pprofile_get_values(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, section, &values); if (!retval && values) m_hostServer = *values; else { int dns_in_use = 0; // Determine if we are using DNS for KDC lookups retval = pprofile_get_string(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, "libdefaults", "dns_lookup_kdc", 0, 0, &value); if (value == 0 && retval == 0) retval = pprofile_get_string(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, "libdefaults", "dns_fallback", 0, 0, &value); if (value == 0) { #if KRB5_DNS_LOOKUP_KDC dns_in_use = 1; #else dns_in_use = 0; #endif } else { dns_in_use = config_boolean_to_int(value); pprofile_release_string(value); } if (dns_in_use) m_hostServer = "DNS SRV record lookups will be used to find KDC"; else { m_hostServer = "No KDC information available"; } } SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, m_hostServer); if ( realm ) pkrb5_free_default_realm(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_context, realm); } // Set host and domain names in their Edit Boxes, respectively. char hostName[80]=""; char domainName[80]=""; int ckHost = wsh_gethostname(hostName, sizeof(hostName)); int ckdomain = wsh_getdomainname(domainName, sizeof(domainName)); CString dot_DomainName = "."; dot_DomainName += domainName; SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_HOSTNAME, ckHost == 0 ? hostName : ""); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DOMAINNAME, ckdomain == 0 ? dot_DomainName : ""); return m_noRealm; } BOOL CKrbConfigOptions::OnApply() { // If no changes were made, quit this function if (0 == m_initDefaultRealm.CompareNoCase(m_newDefaultRealm)) return TRUE; m_newDefaultRealm.TrimLeft(); m_newDefaultRealm.TrimRight(); if (m_newDefaultRealm.IsEmpty()) { MessageBox("OnApply::Your Kerberos Realm field must be filled in!", "Leash", MB_OK); m_newDefaultRealm = m_initDefaultRealm; SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, m_newDefaultRealm); return TRUE; } CStdioFile krbCon; if (!krbCon.Open(CKrbProperties::m_krbPath, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeNoTruncate | CFile::modeRead)) { LeashErrorBox("OnApply::Can't open configuration file", CKrbProperties::m_krbPath); return TRUE; } CStdioFile krbCon2; CString krbCon2File = CKrbProperties::m_krbPath; krbCon2File += "___"; if (!krbCon2.Open(krbCon2File, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite)) { LeashErrorBox("OnApply:: Can't open configuration file", CKrbProperties::m_krbPath); return TRUE; } CString readWrite; krbCon.ReadString(readWrite); krbCon2.WriteString(m_newDefaultRealm); krbCon2.WriteString("\n"); while (krbCon.ReadString(readWrite)) { krbCon2.WriteString(readWrite); krbCon2.WriteString("\n"); } krbCon.Close(); krbCon2.Close(); krbCon2.Remove(CKrbProperties::m_krbPath); krbCon2.Rename(krbCon2File, CKrbProperties::m_krbPath); if (CLeashApp::m_hKrb5DLL) { // Krb5 OR krb5 AND krb4 if ( !CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile ) { CHAR confname[MAX_PATH]; if (!CLeashApp::GetProfileFile(confname, sizeof(confname))) { const char *filenames[2]; filenames[0] = confname; filenames[1] = NULL; pprofile_init(filenames, &CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile); } } const char* Names[] = {"libdefaults", "default_realm", NULL}; const char** names = Names; long retval = pprofile_update_relation(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, names, m_initDefaultRealm, m_newDefaultRealm); if (retval) { MessageBox("OnApply::The previous value cannot be found, the profile will not be saved!!!\ \nIf this error persists after restarting Leash, contact your administrator.", "Leash", MB_OK); return TRUE; } // Save to Kerberos Five config. file "Krb5.ini" retval = pprofile_flush(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile); } m_initDefaultRealm = m_newDefaultRealm; return TRUE; } void CKrbConfigOptions::OnSelchangeEditDefaultRealm() { if (!m_startupPage2) { GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, m_newDefaultRealm); SetModified(TRUE); if (CLeashApp::m_hKrb5DLL) { CHAR selRealm[REALM_SZ]; strcpy(selRealm, m_newDefaultRealm); const char* Section[] = {"realms", selRealm, "kdc", NULL}; const char** section = Section; char **values = NULL; char * value = NULL; long retval = pprofile_get_values(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, section, &values); if (!retval && values) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, *values); else { int dns_in_use = 0; // Determine if we are using DNS for KDC lookups retval = pprofile_get_string(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, "libdefaults", "dns_lookup_kdc", 0, 0, &value); if (value == 0 && retval == 0) retval = pprofile_get_string(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, "libdefaults", "dns_fallback", 0, 0, &value); if (value == 0) { #if KRB5_DNS_LOOKUP_KDC dns_in_use = 1; #else dns_in_use = 0; #endif } else { dns_in_use = config_boolean_to_int(value); pprofile_release_string(value); } if (dns_in_use) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, "DNS SRV record lookups will be used to find KDC"); else SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, "No KDC information available"); } } #ifndef NO_KRB4 else { CHAR krbhst[MAX_HSTNM + 1]; CHAR krbrlm[REALM_SZ + 1]; strcpy(krbrlm, CKrbConfigOptions::m_newDefaultRealm); memset(krbhst, '\0', sizeof(krbhst)); // Check for Host // don't use KRB4 - krb_get_krbhst - would have to re-logon, on file location // change, to use this function if (KFAILURE == pkrb_get_krbhst(krbhst, krbrlm, 1)) { MessageBox("OnSelchangeEditDefaultRealm::Unable to find the Host Server for your Default Realm!!!\ \n 'Apply' your changes and try again.", "Leash", MB_OK); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, ""); return; } m_hostServer = krbhst; if (strlen(krbhst)) SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, m_hostServer); } #endif } } void CKrbConfigOptions::OnEditchangeEditDefaultRealm() { if (!m_startupPage2) { GetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, m_newDefaultRealm); SetModified(TRUE); } } void CKrbConfigOptions::OnShowWindow(BOOL bShow, UINT nStatus) { CPropertyPage::OnShowWindow(bShow, nStatus); if (CLeashApp::m_hKrb5DLL) ResetDefaultRealmComboBox(); SetDlgItemText(IDC_EDIT_REALM_HOSTNAME, m_hostServer); } void CKrbConfigOptions::ResetDefaultRealmComboBox() { // Krb5 is loaded // Reset Config Tab's Default Realm Combo Editbox const char* rootSection[] = {"realms", NULL}; const char** rootsec = rootSection; char **sections = NULL, **cpp = NULL, *value = 0; int dns; long retval = pprofile_get_string(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, "libdefaults", "dns_lookup_kdc", 0, 0, &value); if (value == 0 && retval == 0) retval = pprofile_get_string(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, "libdefaults", "dns_fallback", 0, 0, &value); if (value == 0) { #if KRB5_DNS_LOOKUP_KDC dns = 1; #else dns = 0; #endif } else { dns = config_boolean_to_int(value); pprofile_release_string(value); } retval = pprofile_get_subsection_names(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, rootsec , §ions); if (retval) { m_hostServer = _T(""); // This is not a fatal error if DNS KDC Lookup is being used. // Determine the starting value for DNS KDC Lookup Checkbox if ( dns ) return; m_profileError = TRUE; } m_krbRealmEditbox.ResetContent(); if ( !m_profileError ) { for (cpp = sections; *cpp; cpp++) { if (CB_ERR == m_krbRealmEditbox.FindStringExact(-1, *cpp)) { // no dups if (CB_ERR == m_krbRealmEditbox.AddString(*cpp)) { ::MessageBox(NULL, "ResetDefaultRealmComboBox::Can't add to Kerberos Realm Combobox", "Leash", MB_OK); return; } } else m_dupEntriesError = TRUE; } } if (!m_newDefaultRealm.IsEmpty()) { if (CB_ERR == m_krbRealmEditbox.FindStringExact(-1, m_newDefaultRealm)) { // no dups m_krbRealmEditbox.AddString(m_newDefaultRealm); } m_krbRealmEditbox.SelectString(-1, m_newDefaultRealm); const char* Section[] = {"realms", m_newDefaultRealm, "kdc", NULL}; //theSection const char** section = Section; char **values = NULL; retval = pprofile_get_values(CLeashApp::m_krbv5_profile, section, &values); if (!retval && values) m_hostServer = *values; else { if (dns) m_hostServer = "DNS SRV record lookups will be used to find KDC"; else { m_hostServer = "No KDC information available"; } } } } BOOL CKrbConfigOptions::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { if (!m_startupPage2) { if (m_noKrbFileError) { LeashErrorBox("PreTranslateMessage::Unable to open configuration file", !strlen(CKrbProperties::m_krbPath) ? KRB_FILE : CKrbProperties::m_krbPath); m_noKrbFileError = FALSE; } if (m_noKrbhostWarning) { MessageBox("PreTranslateMessage::Unable to locate the Kerberos Host for your Kerberos Realm!", "Leash", MB_OK); m_noKrbhostWarning = FALSE; } if (m_dupEntriesError) { MessageBox("PreTranslateMessage::Found duplicate entries in the Kerberos 5 Config. File!!!\ \nPlease contact your Administrator.", "Leash", MB_OK); m_dupEntriesError = FALSE; } if (m_profileError) { MessageBox("PreTranslateMessage::Unable to open Kerberos 5 Config. File!!!\ \nIf this error persists, contact your administrator.", "Leash", MB_OK); m_profileError = FALSE; } if (m_noRealm) { MessageBox("PreTranslateMessage::Unable to determine the Default Realm.\ \n Contact your Administrator!", "Leash", MB_OK); m_noRealm = FALSE; } } m_startupPage2 = FALSE; return CPropertyPage::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CKrbConfigOptions, CPropertyPage) //{{AFX_MSG_MAP(CKrbConfigOptions) ON_WM_SHOWWINDOW() ON_CBN_EDITCHANGE(IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, OnEditchangeEditDefaultRealm) ON_CBN_SELCHANGE(IDC_EDIT_DEFAULT_REALM, OnSelchangeEditDefaultRealm) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_KRB_HELP, OnButtonKrbHelp) ON_BN_CLICKED(IDC_BUTTON_KRBREALM_HELP, OnButtonKrbrealmHelp) //}}AFX_MSG_MAP END_MESSAGE_MAP() void CKrbConfigOptions::OnButtonKrbHelp() { MessageBox("No Help Available!", "Leash", MB_OK); } void CKrbConfigOptions::OnButtonKrbrealmHelp() { MessageBox("No Help Available!", "Leash", MB_OK); }