# makefile: Constructs the Kerberos for Windows ticket manager # Works for both k4 and k5 releases. # NAME = gss OBJS = gss.obj gss-client.obj gss-misc.obj ##### Options DEBUG = 1 BUILDTOP =..\.. LIBDIR = $(BUILDTOP)\lib GLIB = $(LIBDIR)\gssapi.lib WLIB = $(LIBDIR)\winsock.lib INCLUDES = /I$(BUILDTOP)\include /I$(BUILDTOP)\include\krb5 ##### C Compiler CC = cl CFLAGS_RELEASE = /nologo /W3 /AL /GAs /Gy /G2 /Zp /O2 /DNDEBUG=1 CFLAGS_DEBUG = /nologo /W3 /AL /GAs /Gy /G2 /Zp /O2 /Od /Zi !if $(DEBUG) CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_DEBUG) $(INCLUDES) !else CFLAGS = $(CFLAGS_RELEASE) $(INCLUDES) !endif ##### RC Compiler RC = rc RFLAGS = /nologo $(INCLUDES) ##### Linker LINK = link LIBS = $(GLIB) $(WLIB) SYSLIBS = libw llibcew !if $(DEBUG) LFLAGS = /co /nologo /nod /nopackcode /map:full !else LFLAGS = /nologo /nod /nopackcode !endif all:: makefile $(NAME).exe $(NAME).exe: $*.def $*.res $(OBJS) $(LIBS) $(LINK) $(LFLAGS) $(OBJS), $@, $*.map, $(LIBS) $(SYSLIBS), $*.def $(RC) $(RFLAGS) /k $*.res $@ $(OBJS) $(NAME).res: gss.h install: copy gss.exe ..\floppy clean:: if exist *.exe del *.exe if exist ..\floppy\gss.exe del ..\floppy\gss.exe if exist *.obj del *.obj if exist *.res del *.res if exist *.map del *.map if exist *.pdb del *.pdb if exist *.err del *.err