#!/usr/bin/python from k5test import * import re realm = K5Realm(create_user=False) # Check that a non-default salt type applies only to the key it is matched # with and not to subsequent keys. e1 is a enctype:salt string with # non-default salt, and e2 is an enctype:salt string with default salt. # The string argument corresponds to the salt type of e1, and must appear # exactly once in the getprinc output, corresponding to just the first key. def test_salt(realm, e1, string, e2): query = 'ank -e ' + e1 + ',' + e2 + ' -pw password user' realm.run_kadminl(query) out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc user') if len(re.findall(string, out)) != 1: fail(string + ' present in second enctype or not present') realm.run_kadminl('delprinc -force user') # Enctype/salt pairs chosen with non-default salt types. # The enctypes are mostly arbitrary, though afs3 must only be used with des. # We do not enforce that v4 salts must only be used with des, but it seems # like a good idea. salts = [('des-cbc-crc:afs3', 'AFS version 3'), ('des3-cbc-sha1:norealm', 'Version 5 - No Realm'), ('arcfour-hmac:onlyrealm', 'Version 5 - Realm Only'), ('des-cbc-crc:v4', 'Version 4'), ('aes128-cts-hmac-sha1-96:special', 'Special')] # These enctypes are chosen to cover the different string-to-key routines. second_kstypes = ['aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96:normal', 'arcfour-hmac:normal', 'des3-cbc-sha1:normal', 'des-cbc-crc:normal'] # Test using different salt types in a principal's key list. # Parameters from one key in the list must not leak over to later ones. for e1, string in salts: for e2 in second_kstypes: test_salt(realm, e1, string, e2) # Attempt to create a principal with a non-des enctype and the afs3 salt, # verifying that the expected error is received and the principal creation # fails. def test_reject_afs3(realm, etype): query = 'ank -e ' + etype + ':afs3 -pw password princ1' out = realm.run_kadminl(query) if 'Invalid key generation parameters from KDC' not in out: fail('Allowed afs3 salt for ' + etype) out = realm.run_kadminl('getprinc princ1') if 'Principal does not exist' not in out: fail('Created principal with afs3 salt and enctype ' + etype) # Verify that the afs3 salt is rejected for arcfour and pbkdf2 enctypes. # We do not currently do any verification on the key-generation parameters # for the triple-DES enctypes, so that test is commented out. test_reject_afs3(realm, 'arcfour-hmac') test_reject_afs3(realm, 'aes256-cts-hmac-sha1-96') #test_reject_afs3(realm, 'des3-cbc-sha1') success("Salt types")