#!/usr/bin/python from k5test import * plugin = os.path.join(buildtop, "plugins", "hostrealm", "test", "hostrealm_test.so") # Disable the "dns" module (we can't easily test TXT lookups) and # arrange the remaining modules in an order which makes sense for most # tests. conf = {'plugins': {'hostrealm': {'module': ['test1:' + plugin, 'test2:' + plugin], 'enable_only': ['test2', 'profile', 'domain', 'test1']}}, 'domain_realm': {'.x': 'DOTMATCH', 'x': 'MATCH', '.1': 'NUMMATCH'}} realm = K5Realm(krb5_conf=conf, create_kdb=False) def test(realm, args, expected_realms, msg, env=None): out = realm.run(['./hrealm'] + args, env=env) if out.split('\n') != expected_realms + ['']: fail(msg) def test_error(realm, args, expected_error, msg, env=None): out = realm.run(['./hrealm'] + args, env=env, expected_code=1) if expected_error not in out: fail(msg) def testh(realm, host, expected_realms, msg, env=None): test(realm, ['-h', host], expected_realms, msg, env=env) def testf(realm, host, expected_realms, msg, env=None): test(realm, ['-f', host], expected_realms, msg, env=env) def testd(realm, expected_realm, msg, env=None): test(realm, ['-d'], [expected_realm], msg, env=env) def testh_error(realm, host, expected_error, msg, env=None): test_error(realm, ['-h', host], expected_error, msg, env=env) def testf_error(realm, host, expected_error, msg, env=None): test_error(realm, ['-f', host], expected_error, msg, env=env) def testd_error(realm, expected_error, msg, env=None): test_error(realm, ['-d'], expected_error, msg, env=env) ### ### krb5_get_host_realm tests ### # The test2 module returns a fatal error on hosts beginning with 'z', # and an answer on hosts begining with 'a'. testh_error(realm, 'zoo', 'service not available', 'host_realm test2 z') testh(realm, 'abacus', ['a'], 'host_realm test2 a') # The profile module gives answers for hostnames equal to or ending in # 'X', due to [domain_realms]. There is also an entry for hostnames # ending in '1', but hostnames which appear to be IP or IPv6 addresses # should instead fall through to test1. testh(realm, 'x', ['MATCH'], 'host_realm profile x') testh(realm, '.x', ['DOTMATCH'], 'host_realm profile .x') testh(realm, 'b.x', ['DOTMATCH'], 'host_realm profile b.x') testh(realm, '.b.c.x', ['DOTMATCH'], 'host_realm profile .b.c.x') testh(realm, 'b.1', ['NUMMATCH'], 'host_realm profile b.1') testh(realm, '', ['4', '3', '2', '1'], 'host_realm profile') testh(realm, 'b:c.x', ['b:c', 'x'], 'host_realm profile b:c.x') # hostname cleaning should convert "X." to "x" before matching. testh(realm, 'X.', ['MATCH'], 'host_realm profile X.') # The test1 module returns a list of the hostname components. testh(realm, 'b.c.d', ['b', 'c', 'd'], 'host_realm test1') # If no module returns a result, we should get the referral realm. testh(realm, '', [''], 'host_realm referral realm') ### ### krb5_get_fallback_host_realm tests ### # Return a special environment with realm_try_domains set to n. def try_env(realm, testname, n): conf = {'libdefaults': {'realm_try_domains': str(n)}} return realm.special_env(testname, False, krb5_conf=conf) # The domain module will answer with the uppercased parent domain, # with no special configuration. testf(realm, 'a.b.c', ['B.C'], 'fallback_realm domain a.b.c') # With realm_try_domains = 0, the hostname itself will be looked up as # a realm and returned if found. try0 = try_env(realm, 'try0', 0) testf(realm, 'krbtest.com', ['KRBTEST.COM'], 'fallback_realm try0', env=try0) testf(realm, 'a.b.krbtest.com', ['B.KRBTEST.COM'], 'fallback_realm try0 grandparent', env=try0) testf(realm, 'a.b.c', ['B.C'], 'fallback_realm try0 nomatch', env=try0) # With realm_try_domains = 2, the parent and grandparent will be # checked as well, but it stops there. try2 = try_env(realm, 'try2', 2) testf(realm, 'krbtest.com', ['KRBTEST.COM'], 'fallback_realm try2', env=try2) testf(realm, 'a.b.krbtest.com', ['KRBTEST.COM'], 'fallback_realm try2 grandparent', env=try2) testf(realm, 'a.b.c.krbtest.com', ['B.C.KRBTEST.COM'], 'fallback_realm try2 great-grandparent', env=try2) # The test1 module answers with a list of components. Use an IPv4 # address to bypass the domain module. testf(realm, '', ['1', '2', '3', '4'], 'fallback_realm test1') # If no module answers, the default realm is returned. The test2 # module returns an error when we try to look that up. testf_error(realm, '', 'service not available', 'fallback_realm default') ### ### krb5_get_default_realm tests ### # The test2 module returns an error. testd_error(realm, 'service not available', 'default_realm test2') # The profile module returns the default realm from the profile. # Disable test2 to expose this behavior. disable_conf = {'plugins': {'hostrealm': {'disable': 'test2'}}} notest2 = realm.special_env('notest2', False, krb5_conf=disable_conf) testd(realm, 'KRBTEST.COM', 'default_realm profile', env=notest2) # The test1 module returns a list of two realms, of which we can only # see the first. Remove the profile default_realm setting to expose # this behavior. remove_default = {'libdefaults': {'default_realm': None}} nodefault_conf = dict(disable_conf.items() + remove_default.items()) nodefault = realm.special_env('nodefault', False, krb5_conf=nodefault_conf) testd(realm, 'one', 'default_realm test1', env=nodefault) success('hostrealm interface tests')