import os import sys import time from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT import signal import socket import errno import shutil class LaunchError(Exception): """ Exception class to signal startup error""" pass class AdminError(Exception): """ Exception class to handle admin errors""" pass class Launcher: def __init__(self, path): self._buildDir = path self._confDir = '%s/tests/kdc_realm/input_conf' % self._buildDir confFile ='%s/test_setup.conf' % self._confDir confParams = self._testSetup(confFile) self._sandboxDir = '%s/%s' % (self._buildDir,confParams['sandboxDir']) self._sandboxTier1 = '%s/%s' % (self._sandboxDir, 'tier1') self._sandboxTier2 = '%s/%s' % (self._sandboxDir, 'tier2') self._configurations = self._readServerConfiguration('%s/%s' % (self._confDir,confParams['testKDCconf'])) self._configurations_1 = self._readServerConfiguration('%s/%s' % (self._confDir,confParams['testKDCconf_1'])) self._principals = self._readTestInputs('%s/%s' % (self._confDir,confParams['principals'])) os.environ["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = '%s/lib' % self._buildDir self._pidRefKDC = 0 self._pidMap = dict() self._initialized = False self._tier1Init = False self._tier2Init = False self._vars = {'srcdir': self._buildDir, 'tier1':self._sandboxTier1, 'tier2':self._sandboxTier2, 'localFQDN':socket.getfqdn()} def _launchKDC(self, tierId, args, env): """ Launching KDC server """ cmd = '%s/kdc/krb5kdc' % self._buildDir handle = Popen([cmd, args], env=env) time.sleep(1) # make sure that process is running rc = handle.poll() if rc is None: print 'KDC server has been launched: pid=%s, tier=%s' % (, tierId) self._pidMap[] = 1 return else: raise LaunchError, 'Failed to launch kdc server' def _prepSandbox(self): for tierId in range(1,3): tierdir = '%s/tier%i' % (self._sandboxDir, tierId) if os.path.exists(tierdir): shutil.rmtree(tierdir) os.makedirs(tierdir, 0777) def _kill(self, pid = None): """ Kill specific process or group saved in pidMap """ if pid is None: target = self._pidMap.keys() else: target = [pid] for p in target: if p in self._pidMap: del self._pidMap[p] try: os.kill(p, signal.SIGKILL) except OSError: pass def _createDB(self, env): """ Creating DB """ cmd = '%s/kadmin/dbutil/kdb5_util' % self._buildDir p = Popen([cmd, 'create', '-s'], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate('a\na\n') if p.returncode != 0: err_msg = 'Failed to create DB: %s' % err raise LaunchError, err_msg def _launchClient(self, args, env, princType): """ kinit & kvno """ self._addPrinc(args, env) p = Popen(['kinit', args], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate('a\n') if int(p.wait()) == 0: self._initialized = True else: err_msg = 'Failed to kinit client: %s' % err raise AdminError, err_msg # testHost', ' is a srv defined in referral KDC. Get its kvno cmd = '%s/clients/kvno/kvno' % self._buildDir if princType == 0: handle = Popen([cmd, '-C', '-S', 'testHost', ''], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) if princType == 1: handle = Popen([cmd, '-C', '-u', 'testHost/'], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = handle.communicate() handle.wait() print 'kvno return code: %s' % handle.returncode # Cleanup cached info p = Popen(['kdestroy'], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate() if int(p.wait()) != 0: err_msg = 'Failed to kdestroy cashed tickets: %s' % err raise AdminError, err_msg return handle.returncode def _addPrinc(self, args, env): """ Add Principal """ msg = 'addprinc -pw a %s' % args p = Popen(['kadmin.local' ], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate(msg) if int(p.wait()) != 0: err_msg = 'Failed to add principal %s' % err_msg raise AdminError, err_msg def _crossRealm(self, r_local, r_remote, env): """ Croos-realm setup """ msg = 'addprinc -pw a krbtgt/%s@%s' % (r_remote, r_local) p = Popen(['kadmin.local' ], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate(msg) if int(p.wait()) != 0: err_msg = 'Failed to set cross-realm: %s' % err raise AdminError, err_msg msg = 'addprinc -pw a krbtgt/%s@%s' % (r_local, r_remote) p = Popen(['kadmin.local' ], env = env, stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) (out, err) = p.communicate(msg) if int(p.wait()) != 0: err_msg = 'Failed to set cross-realm: %s' % err raise AdminError, err_msg def _launchRefKDC(self,test_env): """ Launch referral KDC """ test_env["KRB5_CONFIG"] = '%s/krb5.conf' % self._sandboxTier1 test_env["KRB5_KDC_PROFILE"] = '%s/kdc.conf' % self._sandboxTier1 server_args = '-n' if self._tier1Init == False: # Create adequate to the environment config files self._createFileFromTemplate('%s' % test_env["KRB5_CONFIG"], '%s/%s' % (self._confDir,'krb5_ref_template.conf'), self._vars) self._createFileFromTemplate('%s' % test_env["KRB5_KDC_PROFILE"], '%s/%s' % (self._confDir, 'kdc_ref_template.conf'), self._vars) # create DB for KDC to be referred to pid = self._createDB(test_env) # launch KDC to be referred to self._pidRefKDC = self._launchKDC(1, server_args, test_env) # The tests run against 'testHost/' srv. args = 'testHost/' self._addPrinc(args, test_env) self._crossRealm('Z.COM', 'Y.COM', test_env) self._tier1Init = True def _launchTestingPair(self, srvParam,clntParam, princType): # launch KDC server_env = os.environ.copy() server_env["KRB5_KDC_PROFILE"] = '%s/kdc.conf' % self._sandboxTier2 server_env["KRB5_CONFIG"] = '%s/krb5_KDC.conf' % self._sandboxTier2 server_args = '-n' self._createFileFromTemplate('%s' % server_env["KRB5_CONFIG"], '%s/%s' % (self._confDir,srvParam), self._vars) self._createFileFromTemplate('%s' % server_env["KRB5_KDC_PROFILE"], '%s/%s' % (self._confDir,'kdc_pri_template.conf'), self._vars) if self._tier2Init == False: pid = self._createDB(server_env) self._crossRealm('Y.COM', 'Z.COM', server_env) self._tier2Init = True server = self._launchKDC( 2, server_args, server_env) # launch client client_env = os.environ.copy() client_env["KRB5_CONFIG"] = '%s/krb5_CL.conf' % self._sandboxTier2 self._createFileFromTemplate('%s' % client_env["KRB5_CONFIG"], '%s/%s' % (self._confDir, 'krb5_priCL_template.conf'), self._vars) client_env["KRB5_KDC_PROFILE"] = server_env["KRB5_KDC_PROFILE"] rc = self._launchClient(clntParam, client_env, princType) self._kill(server) return rc def run(self, args): """ run the test """ test_env = os.environ.copy() test_env["SRCDIR"] = '%s' % self._buildDir # create sandbox file directory if it does not exist self._prepSandbox() if self._tier1Init == False: self._launchRefKDC(test_env) result = dict() for princs in self._principals: for conf in self._configurations: rc = self._launchTestingPair( conf['confName'], princs % self._vars, 0) result[conf['confName']] = {'expected':conf['expected'], 'actual':rc} print 'Test code for configuration %s principal %s type KRB5_NT_SRV_HST: %s' % (conf, princs, rc) self.printTestResults(result) for conf in self._configurations_1: rc = self._launchTestingPair( conf['confName'], princs % self._vars, 1) result[conf['confName']] = {'expected':conf['expected'], 'actual':rc} print 'Test code for configuration %s principal %si type KRB5_NT_UNKNOWN: %s' % (conf, princs, rc) self.printTestResults(result) return result def _readTestInputs(self, path): f = open(path, 'r') result = [] for line in f: result.append(line.rstrip()) f.close() return result def _readServerConfiguration(self, path): f = open(path, 'r') result = [] for line in f: fields = (line.rstrip()).split(',') result.append({'confName':fields[0],'expected':fields[1]}) f.close() return result def _testSetup(self, path): print path f = open(path, 'r') result = dict() for line in f: try: (a,v) = line.rstrip().split('=') result[a]=v except: print 'bad format for config file, line: %s' % line return None f.close() return result def _createFileFromTemplate(self, outpath, template, vars): fin = open(template, 'r') result = % vars fin.close() fout = open(outpath, 'w') fout.write(result) fout.close() def _getDNS(self): print socket.getfqdn() def printTestResults(self, testResults): success_count = 0 fail_count = 0 print '\n' print '------------------- Test Results ------------------------' for (conf_name, result) in testResults.iteritems(): if int(result['expected']) == int(result['actual']): print 'Test for configuration %s has succeeded' % conf_name success_count += 1 else: print 'Test for configuration %s has failed' % conf_name fail_count += 1 print '------------------- Summary -----------------------------' print 'Of %i tests %i failed, %i succeeded' % (len(testResults), fail_count, success_count) print '---------------------------------------------------------' def clean(self): self._kill() if __name__ == '__main__': src_path = os.environ["PWD"] print "SOURCE PATH ==>" , src_path test = None try: test = Launcher(src_path) result ='main') test.clean() except: if test is not None: test.clean() raise