.\" $Source$ .\" $Author$ .\" $Id$ .\" Copyright 1990 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. .\" .\" Export of this software from the United States of America may .\" require a specific license from the United States Government. .\" It is the responsibility of any person or organization contemplating .\" export to obtain such a license before exporting. .\" .\" WITHIN THAT CONSTRAINT, permission to use, copy, modify, and .\" distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and .\" without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyright .\" notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and .\" this permission notice appear in supporting documentation, and that .\" the name of M.I.T. not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining .\" to distribution of the software without specific, written prior .\" permission. M.I.T. makes no representations about the suitability of .\" this software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express .\" or implied warranty. .\" .\" .TH KDB5_MKDUMS 8 "Kerberos Version 5.0" "MIT Project Athena" .SH NAME kdb5_mkdums \- create a new Kerberos V5 principal database .SH SYNOPSIS .B kdb5_mkdums .B \-n .I number .B \-p .I prefix [ .B \-D .I depth ] [ .B \-r .I realm ] [ .B \-d .I dbname ] [ .B \-k .I keytype ] [ .B \-M .I mkeyname ] [ .B \-e .I enctype ] [ .B \-m ] .br .SH DESCRIPTION .I kdb5_mkdums is used to create many test entries in a Kerberos version 5 principal database. Each entry is created with a known password, for later verification. .I kdb5_verify can be used to verify that the entries were stored correctly in the database and can be retrieved. .I kdc5_hammer can be used to make repeated ticket requests of the KDC for principals created via .I kdb5_mkdums in order to ``stress test'' the KDC. .PP The .B \-p .I prefix argument specifies the prefix name for each principal to be created. The current number and depth will be appended to the prefix. .PP The .B \-n .I num_to_create argument specifies the number of principals to create (at each depth). .PP The .B \-D .I depth option specifies the maximum number of components a principal should have; the default depth is 1. .PP The .B \-r .I realm option specifies the realm in which the entreis should be created; by default the realm returned by .IR krb5_default_local_realm (3) is used. .PP The .B \-d .I dbname option specifies the name under which the principal database is to be created; by default the database is in DEFAULT_DBM_FILE (normally /krb5/principal). .PP The .B \-k .I keytype option specifies the key type (as an ascii representation of a decimal number) of the master key in the database; the default is KEYTYPE_DES. .PP The .B \-M .I mkeyname option specifies the principal name for the master key in the database; the default is KRB5_KDB_M_NAME (usually "K/M" in the KDC's realm). .PP The .B \-e .I enctype option specifies the encryption type (as an ascii representation of a decimal number) to be used when placing entries in the database; the default is the default encryption type for the master keytype. .SH EXAMPLE .I kdb5_mkdums -p test -n 2 -D 3 .R will create the following principals, each with their printed names as passwords: .nf .in +1i test1-DEPTH-1@FOO.MIT.EDU test2-DEPTH-1@FOO.MIT.EDU test1-DEPTH-1/test1-DEPTH-2@FOO.MIT.EDU test2-DEPTH-1/test2-DEPTH-2@FOO.MIT.EDU test1-DEPTH-1/test1-DEPTH-2/test1-DEPTH-3@FOO.MIT.EDU test2-DEPTH-1/test2-DEPTH-2/test2-DEPTH-3@FOO.MIT.EDU .in -1i .fi .SH BUGS Should be do something intelligent about testing fields other than the password. .SH AUTHOR Jon Rochlis, MIT Network Services