# StreamEdit script to find a GSSLibrary fragment in a derez output and # create an alias to it # If a line matches "/* [number] */", it's the first line of a cfrg array element. # copy the next 11 lines, and if the last one matches "GSSLibrary", print them out with # a different fragment name ¥ Print "#include ¶"CodeFragments.r¶"" /¶/¶* ¶[[0-9]*¶] ¶*¶// Set FragEntry "" /¶"MIT_¥GSSLib¶"/ Print "¶t¶t¶"GSSLibrary¶",¶t¶t" Print FragEntry /¶"MIT_¥Kerberos5Lib¶"/ Print "¶t¶t¶"K5Library¶",¶t¶t" Print FragEntry /Å/ Set -a FragEntry . Set -a FragEntry "¶n"