/* * This file is a (rather silly) demonstration of the use of the * C Dynamic Object library. It is a also reasonably thorough test * of the library (except that it only tests it with one data size). * * There are no restrictions on this code; however, if you make any * changes, I request that you document them so that I do not get * credit or blame for your modifications. * * Written by Barr3y Jaspan, Student Information Processing Board (SIPB) * and MIT-Project Athena, 1989. * * 2002-07-17 Moved here from util/dyn/test.c. Older changes described * at end of file; for newer changes see ChangeLog. */ #include #include #ifdef USE_DBMALLOC #include #include #endif #include #include "dyn.h" static char random_string[] = "This is a random string."; static char insert1[] = "This will be put at the beginning."; static char insert2[] = "(parenthetical remark!) "; static char insert3[] = " This follows the random string."; int main(argc, argv) /*@unused@*/int argc; /*@unused@*/char **argv; { /*@-exitarg@*/ DynObject obj; int i, s; char d, *data; #ifdef _DEBUG_MALLOC_INC union dbmalloptarg arg; unsigned long hist1, hist2, o_size, c_size; #endif #ifdef _DEBUG_MALLOC_INC arg.i = 0; dbmallopt(MALLOC_ZERO, &arg); dbmallopt(MALLOC_REUSE, &arg); o_size = malloc_inuse(&hist1); #endif /*@+matchanyintegral@*/ obj = DynCreate(sizeof(char), -8); if (! obj) { fprintf(stderr, "test: create failed.\n"); exit(1); } if(DynDebug(obj, 1) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: setting paranoid failed.\n"); exit(1); } if(DynParanoid(obj, 1) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: setting paranoid failed.\n"); exit(1); } if ((DynGet(obj, -5) != NULL) || (DynGet(obj, 0) != NULL) || (DynGet(obj, 1000) != NULL)) { fprintf(stderr, "test: Get did not fail when it should have.\n"); exit(1); } if (DynDelete(obj, -1) != DYN_BADINDEX || DynDelete(obj, 0) != DYN_BADINDEX || DynDelete(obj, 100) != DYN_BADINDEX) { fprintf(stderr, "test: Delete did not fail when it should have.\n"); exit(1); } printf("Size of empty object: %d\n", DynSize(obj)); for (i=0; i<14; i++) { d = (char) i; if (DynAdd(obj, &d) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: Adding %d failed.\n", i); exit(1); } } if (DynAppend(obj, random_string, strlen(random_string)+1) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: appending array failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (DynDelete(obj, DynHigh(obj) / 2) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: deleting element failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (DynDelete(obj, DynHigh(obj) * 2) == DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: delete should have failed here.\n"); exit(1); } d = '\200'; if (DynAdd(obj, &d) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: Adding %d failed.\n", i); exit(1); } data = (char *) DynGet(obj, 0); if(data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "test: getting object 0 failed.\n"); exit(1); } s = DynSize(obj); for (i=0; i < s; i++) printf("Element %d is %d.\n", i, (int) data[i]); data = (char *) DynGet(obj, 13); if(data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "test: getting element 13 failed.\n"); exit(1); } printf("Element 13 is %d.\n", (int) *data); data = (char *) DynGet(obj, DynSize(obj)); if (data) { fprintf(stderr, "DynGet did not return NULL when it should have.\n"); exit(1); } data = DynGet(obj, 14); if(data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "test: getting element 13 failed.\n"); exit(1); } printf("This should be the random string: \"%s\"\n", data); if (DynInsert(obj, -1, "foo", 4) != DYN_BADINDEX || DynInsert(obj, DynSize(obj) + 1, "foo", 4) != DYN_BADINDEX || DynInsert(obj, 0, "foo", -1) != DYN_BADVALUE) { fprintf(stderr, "DynInsert did not fail when it should have.\n"); exit(1); } if (DynInsert(obj, DynSize(obj) - 2, insert3, strlen(insert3) + 1) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "DynInsert to end failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (DynInsert(obj, 19, insert2, strlen(insert2)) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "DynInsert to middle failed.\n"); exit(1); } if (DynInsert(obj, 0, insert1, strlen(insert1)+1) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "DynInsert to start failed.\n"); exit(1); } data = DynGet(obj, 14 + strlen(insert1) + 1); if (data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DynGet of 14+strelen(insert1) failed.\n"); exit(1); } printf("A new random string: \"%s\"\n", data); data = DynGet(obj, 0); if (data == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "DynGet of 0 failed.\n"); exit(1); } printf("This was put at the beginning: \"%s\"\n", data); if(DynDestroy(obj) != DYN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "test: destroy failed.\n"); exit(1); } #ifdef _DEBUG_MALLOC_INC c_size = malloc_inuse(&hist2); if (o_size != c_size) { printf("\n\nIgnore a single unfreed malloc segment " "(stdout buffer).\n\n"); malloc_list(2, hist1, hist2); } #endif printf("All tests pass\n"); return 0; } /* Old change log, as it relates to source code; build system stuff discarded. 2001-04-25 Ezra Peisach * test.c: Always include stdlib.h * test.c: Check the return values of all library calls. 2000-11-09 Ezra Peisach * test.c: Include string,h, stdlib.h. */